WWE Extreme Rules- Rey Mysterio VS CM Punk (Punk shaves his head if he loses)

Mitch Henessey

Deploy the cow-catcher......
Staff member

Rey Mysterio came to the aid of CM Punk's NXT rookie,Darren Young after he refused to accept Punk as his savior. Rey accepted Punk's challenge to a match, and now these two will square off at Extreme rules.I'm happy to see that this Wrestlemania feud will continue. Punk and Mysterio put on a pretty good match at Wrestlemania, and their feud heading into the big show was awesome.This feud has been very personal, and Punk VS Mysterio is turning into a nice mid-card feud.

If Rey Mysterio wins this match, then CM Punk must cut off his hair. I'm picking Punk to win this match because I don't see him cutting off his hair just yet. Punk's hair separates him from Serena and Gallows, and his look helps him stand out as the leader. If Punk goes bald, then that might be one of the first signs of a SES break up. Something I DON'T want to see happen.

Who's your pick to win?

Mysterio or Punk?
I'm gonna go with Punk, if only for the fact that it has been reported here on the WrestleZone that Rey needs time off for knee surgery...my pick is Punk wins, tries to make Rey join, Rey will refuse and then the SES will beat him down giving him the storyline reason for needing time off
I'm gonna have to agree HHH. There's not a chance punk cuts his hair off (even if he loses) and also if rey wins the feud is basicly over, so I see punk winning in a match that hopefully gets twice as much times as their wrestlemania match got
I was pissed that 1. thier wm match was so short. and 2. rey won
Was looking foward to Rey having to join the SES and be Punk's bitch. I'm sick and tired of Rey ALWAYS beating the odds. It's fucking old already. He's a little dude facing 3 people. He needs to get his ass beat.
I'd like to see Gallows throw Rey over the top rope to the floor only to have Punk hit the GTS as he hits the floor. Lights out sucka!
Anyone think that perhaps it could end in a tie? Like a double count out or something like that? I think they might go that way with it and THEN the SES gets pissed and beats down Rey giving him the time off he needs and furthering CM Punk as a top heel.

Rey Mysterio came to the aid of CM Punk's NXT rookie,Darren Young after he refused to accept Punk as his savior. Rey accepted Punk's challenge to a match, and now these two will square off at Extreme rules.I'm happy to see that this Wrestlemania feud will continue. Punk and Mysterio put on a pretty good match at Wrestlemania, and their feud heading into the big show was awesome.This feud has been very personal, and Punk VS Mysterio is turning into a nice mid-card feud.

If Rey Mysterio wins this match, then CM Punk must cut off his hair. I'm picking Punk to win this match because I don't see him cutting off his hair just yet. Punk's hair separates him from Serena and Gallows, and his look helps him stand out as the leader. If Punk goes bald, then that might be one of the first signs of a SES break up. Something I DON'T want to see happen.

Who's your pick to win?

Mysterio or Punk?

That depends...
What will Rey have to do OR give up....Will we see a good,old fashioned..
HAIR vs. MASK match??

IF so,I'm then pulling for Punk...the "embarassment" of having to unmask could drive Rey away for awhile....giving him the excuse for the needed/requested time off.
Or have SES interfere and beat rey so badly he can't walk out of the ring and have that as his send off for his surgery. That way Pukn can brag about getting rid of Hardy and Rey
Punk has to win this one or the feud dies. They could try in vain to extend the feud by having Rey win, but like Orton/Kingston, no one is going to benefit from it. I've been really liking the feud between Ray and Punk and I'd hate for the feud to end with Rey on top again when he had already won at WrestleMania. Punk needs this win more that Rey needs it. It will continue to add to the credibility of Punk and more importantly the Straight Edge Society, becaus eif their leader can't put people away, who else could the SES put their faith in?
I go with Punk (of course since everyone thinks he will win I expect a Vince Swerve lol) Rey wins goes for teh Shave and the SES takes him out. Then when Teddy Long tries to force it he gets taken out and they full on replace him

Although I woudl like that to happen I think what will happen is next week Rey teams with Young to beat the SES. Then is in his corner at extreme Rules and a story as old as time he turns on Rey

Rule number one of wrestling Dont trust the guy who was getting beat down till you made the save and now conveniently wants to help you for a big match
I think Punk will win this time. I can't imagine him having a bald head nor the SES to separate at this moment. I'm hoping that Punk will start using the anaconda vice with the upcoming match. Make Rey submit to him or something.
I have got to go with Punk on this one. It is an interesting storyline that good go for awhile still. If Punk loses then the SES is done and this group doesn't seem to be losing steam. I can see SES gaining another member somewhere and I hope it does because this group has the potential to be a very interesting heel faction if done right, unlike the screw up called Legacy. Either way I see Punk winning and I can definitely see them keeping this going through Summer Slam if done right.
Is there anything EXTREME about this one yet? I guess Punk will be the winner, as Rey won the last one and the SES don't need no breaking up. They'll have a rubber match at the next PPV, where Rey's mask will be on the line, and the little midget will win to everyone's delight. Sounds like a simply joyful feud, doesn't it?

This should be really good, as long as it's given the time, which is still up in the air judging by their WM match and the fact that a LMS match is on the card, which could last a few hours. Hopefully they don't fuck this one up
The two factors im taking into account here are the fact that I've heard Rey plans to take time off and the fact that him joinging up with SES is much more likely than Punk losing his hair at this point. Also Rey won at Mania so this is round two. Whether he takes time off or not the culmination of this feud will be a Mask vs Freedom match which Rey will win down the road after being forced to join SES.
Hopefully the match will have the thing that it didn't had at WM.Enough time.

Both are great wrestlers.We all expected at least a 3.5 star match but we didn't get it because the match was so quick.

I also think punk will emerge victorious.Last time Rey had something on the line , and he didn't lose so the logical booking will be Punk going over because he has something on the line this time.

Punk as winner helps in two senses:1-He is one of WWE biggest elements at the time and i think they want to make him look like an idiot right now.2-This feud can go longer which is a good fact because the can do some gimmick matches and raise the importance of matches by putting more and more on the line.

As a side note , Isn't it gonna be an extreme rules match?does the fact that someone's hair is on the line make it an extreme rules match?I don't think so.Maybe some stipulation will be decided at next SD.
Punk definitely has to win this match, losing Twice in a row on PPV to mysterio would be horrible for the feud and punk. Punk's hair is part of his "jesus" character, he wouldn't be able to play that gimmick. Punk better win, and also, I really enjoyed Mysterios threat
"You're one move away from the 6-1-9
I'm going to say Punk goes over in this one, because I don't see them cutting his hair off just yet. The only way I could see Rey winning this one is if he has to join the SES, or he loses his mask becomes a stipulation in this match. I just don't see them doing that stuff to Rey. We'll just have to wait and see the build up some more.
I'm going to say CM Punk for reasons people have already said. That he needs to win this or the fued dies etc etc.
But i cant help but notice that this match doesnt suit the PPV. i mean, it isnt extreme rules. itd be better if it was say a ladder match for the clippers and either punk gets his hair cut or rey gets his mask cut off. But then id have to say Rey wins and the SES beat him down and take him out and watnot. But if rey needs surgery, wouldnt a better way to "take him out" be in a variety match?
Does that count in this thread? like to stay?
I', hoping Rey wins. I'm so over Punk and the straight edge shit. As people said if punk loses it might mean the start of them breaking up. I would prefer to see Punk vs gallows then Yey against punk again after Extreme rules. Plus I would love to see Punk bald. make him look even the oppisite of his character.
I want punk to win and thats how i think it will go down. Pun will win keep his hair and continue with this rather intersting feud!

I don't see punks hair being shaved off, but I do see rey taking time off to heel.

So it could just be like the hhh vs sheamus match, having sheamus win and HHH taking time off, this could be the same for the rey vs punk match.
I'm see punk probably notching the win, one because it would probably the sign that the SES is coming to an end, which I would love nothing more, two because rey can't be an underdog if he never loses to punk, but I would love nothing more then for rey to win, but punk probably gets a win through some under-handed tactic :disappointed:
I'm just hoping they get a little more time on this one, but I'm very excited to see it. They had one of the best matches on the card at Mania, which for some reason took a lot of pages outta the Mysterio/Guerrero classic from Halloween Havoc. But Punk's obviously gonna take this one to set up the rubber match.
Punk better win otherwise this heel turn is going to become a joke.

'I'm better than all of you because i'm straight edge, yet i can't beat anybody 1-2-3, even with these two idiots helping me every week.'

Do you remember why RTC worked so well? Because they frequently won matches. Punk seems to win once every 3 weeks if that, and the other two don't even wrestle. Has Gallows even had a match since joining SES, or has he literally done nothing but interfere?

Why do WWE insist on doing things in reverse now? RTC was a stable where the leader never wrestled but the stable members regularly won due to the leader, and SES, which is more or less the same thing, only has the leader wrestle and he frequently loses despite the other's interfering all the time.

Anyway, i'd expect this match to be just as good as the WM match. Provided Rey doesn't do what he usually does when he's actually used in fueds.

'Hey, remember that one spot we did in our first match that got the big pop? Well let's do that every match!'

Examples include:- Jericho - Torture Rack Backbreaker
- Kane - Countering sidewalk slam into reverse DDT.

Awesome the first time around, predictable to the second near enough by the 3rd match.

I would also hope that this match gets twice the time that the WM match did, because we don't have to waste time wheeling out the HOF'ers or having 10 Diva clusterfucks for this PPV.

Should be one of the better matches on the card imo, and tbh, the only one i'm looking forward to as of right now.
Gallows has had two or three matches, I can recall one against Rey Mysterio (which he won) and one against Darren Young (which he lost).

I do think Rey is booked to lose this one, but I hope he doesn't. I'm not a big fan of the SES, but the matches with Rey are definitely entertaining.
I was never really a Punk fan when he was a face, I would ignore is mic time, and unless he was wrestling a heel that I liked I really wouldn't pay attention to his matches. He has great ring moves, I love his kicks and he has my 2nd favorite finisher. When he turned heel though, man I couldn't get enough. The only beef that I have with him is the whole Hardy thing, but thats a different topic. As a heel, Punk works, I mean how creep was the singing happy birthday to Rey's daughter? I actually got the chills watching it. WWE needs more promos like that!

Rey...have never really been a fan of his. You would think since I'm a small guy I would dig him. But I don't. His moves are ok, but there are hundreds of other masked Mexicans who can do his moves and waaaaaaaaaay more better then he can. Hell there are even people in the E right now that can do all his moves better then he can(Bourne is one).

All in all, I dont care who wins this match. I think Punk will just because I dont see him shaving his head.
I really hope Punk retains in this one, not because I want to see Rey Mysterio submitting to the SES, but because I feel if CM Punk is to loose another match against Rey Mysterio it's gonna kill off some of his credibility as a legitimate winner between those two.

Besides, I must admit I kinda prefer seeing Punk wielding hair on his head, I just think it'll look incredibly odd and wrong if Punk was to have his head shaved, besides as of late Rey Mysterio seems to be on the end of the whole "I'm superior, I've dominated you as of late" thing that Punk was on before Wrestlemania, by logic you'd say then "yeah, Punk is gonna win then" at least I hope logic plays it's role this time.

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