WWE Extreme Rules: Randy Orton VS The Big Show


WWE has been building a match between these two since just after WrestleMania. Personally, I'm hoping this match will be the blow off to their program as I'd just rather see them move on to other things.

As to who walks out the winner, it's honestly a toss up. For the past couple of years, WWE hasn't booked Randy Orton as a human juggernaut they once did. He's lost a good number of matches, many of them clean at that, really beginning with Mark Henry in 2011 for the WHC. Given Orton's star power, however, it won't be at all surprising if he beats Show. Faces generally do win the blow off matches, if that's what this is. If it's not, then Big Show could very well pick up the win. In various matches during this same time period, some tag team & some singles, Show has picked up clean victories over Orton.

So, as I alluded to, it could really go either way.
This match, to me, is of no interest. Big Show has been pretty lackluster recently and well, Randy Orton isn't my cup of tea and probably never will be. I'm not expecting this to be a long match, nor am I expecting it to be great, like Sheamus/Big Show, which was absolutely brilliant.

When it comes down to the finish, this one probably ends up being won by Orton, what with him being the face that just doesn't seem to lose against the people you REALLY want him to lose to (Rhodes, Cesaro, EVERYONE). If Big Show wins, I'll probably enjoy it
a bit more, though I just can't see it.

Randy Orton to win.
Is there a stipulation yet?

Anyway, I really don't like this feud and the match doesn't excite me. I have strongly disliked the Big Show for a while now and I feel that Orton is being wasted. This match will be of a low quality unless the stipulation lets them move beyond a normal match. I think that Orton wins this match and the feud ends - hopefully.
Yawn. Do you think anyone out there actually gives a shit about this feud or this match? Randy Orton has been stale for years as a face and Big Slow seems to have fallen out of favor due to his lawsuit he's got pending.

This is just one of those matches on the card that may have a few big spots but ultimately will be graded poorly by all of us critics.

Turn heel Randy. Please. For the love of God!
Maybe it's just me but I've not seen Show on Raw in almost a month. How does this match even make sense? It would've made sense if ER was in April because it was still fresh on our minds, but because of exams and stuff, I've forgotten all about it. Then again Orton is just forgettable period to be honest.
Big Show has hit a real purple patch over the past 6 months. Feuding with Randy Orton (one of WWE's best workers) is his reward. They'll have a competative match which will easily be one of the best on the card.

The only problem is that Show will win and I personally can't see where WWE go with him next.
Im sure since it's in Orton's hometown theyll have him lose since thats what WWE always does to wrestlers(and Divas) when they're in their hometowns. Plus since the next PPV is called "' Payback" it'll probably be Orton getting his revenge on him there.Hopefully it should be a good brawl as both(especially Orton)are very good brawlers.

And the main thing is hopefully they'll turn Orton heel in his hometown but of course they wont.
I'm going with Big Show for the win, because WWE hasn't given me a reason to believe in anything worthwhile happening for Randy Orton. I don't know where Show could go after the win, because Del Rio or Swagger will go after Ziggler's WHC next. I guess Show will continue his rampages as the monster heel giant, knocking out everything in his path with some WMDs along the way.

I don't have high hopes for this match. I'm sure it'll be worth watching, but I don't expect anything good.
This is one that could really go either way. Orton could win and go on to feud for the title which I think a Ziggler Orton feud for the title would be a good one. I am not sure that is the direction they will go though because Orton has been so stagnent as of late. Big Show is in a spot where I think he needs the win more, and honestly it is a toss up for me. If I have to pick I am going to go with Orton.
There was a little part of me that was actually hoping this would be a Stretcher Match due to both men's (somewhat) history in Stretcher matches, but this is the first time they've ever faced off on PPV I believe, so I'm fine with an Extreme Rules match. Despite the way they've been booked in recent months, unlike most in this thread I think the two will make up for it with a good competitive match. And I agree that this could either go way, but I'm leaning towards Orton a bit more here as the victor of the match. He's gone without a win on PPV a lot longer than Show has and with recent reports that Orton may feud with Ziggler for the World Hvt. Title in the summer, I think the WWE will build Orton back up as a contender for the title, starting at Extreme Rules.
Things sure have changed in the past few years, no? It used to be we wondered what heights Randy Orton was ready to scale, and his opponent was just .....an opponent. Now, with this match-up, I wonder more what the company might have planned for Big Show. He seems to hang around the periphery, always a threat because of his size and personality, then occasionally gets elevated to a prime spot. His last world championship reign came as a surprise and lasted longer than I would have thought. Even more recently, that whole "Is Big Show turning good?" program he ran with Sheamus and Orton was interesting; Show played it so well.

So, the question in this match is whether Creative is about to do something with Show again, or is this just another match to fill up a PPV? I just don't know whether the company is banking on Orton in the near future......or at all. This past year, we've seen him pinned cleanly, which was unheard of in all the years since he achieved stardom. My feeling is that he's just too undependable outside the ring to build around, a marked departure from the way he was regarded his whole career. Wonder how he feels about it?

Or, maybe Randy has been on a short leash for quite awhile now, but the company still plans to feature him big in the future. Because we don't know what's in store for either of these guys, it's a hard match to call. Both guys are essentially going nowhere, but that it could change for one of them .....and that they are still marquee names....gives one hope it will be an interesting match, and either one can win without damaging the rep of the other.

I might be in the minority here, but I've got Randy Orton winning this. He's always a great choice to place in world title feuds so a victory here against Big Show will give him momentum that he needs in order to challenge either world title holder. I don't see Big Show going after either the WWE or World Heavyweight Championship again anytime soon, so what exactly does he gain from a win here? I see it going on toward the beginning of the evening, maybe second or third. Orton wins and moves on to probably a future World Heavyweight Championship feud while Big Show moves on to some other filler feud.

Randy Orton will defeat The Big Show.
We've seen new life in Orton with this feud. The heel turn is coming, but not yet and Big Show has been holding his own to my surprise with the feud. The finish won't be clean, since I don't think this feud is over yet, but Orton will win tonight!
I say Show beats Orton here. I've predicted an Orton win in the WZPC, but if I'm doing unbiased analysis, I have to say that a loss for Orton furthers his need to go back to his sadistic, heel tactics because losing on a major stage shows weakness and it also helps when one of the best at being a bad guy is a bad guy again.

Show catches Orton being somewhat cocky, knocks him out, and pins him. Orton stands in the ring, starts throwing the steps and yelling and we see the culmination of things on Raw when he beats the hell out of Sheamus.

Show wins.

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