WWE Dropping Storylines (Anonymous GM/New Nexus/etc.)


Dark Match Winner
Since the attitude era when I began watching wrestling (late nineties) there has been a few times that I can remember where the the F (now E) would drop a storyline with no explanation or conclusion, and pretend like it never happened. This did not happen often, but a recent drop of a storyline happened (and understandable why) I was just curious to see if other people caught it, what they thought could have been done to make an appropriate conclusion, or thoughts on why they should have dropped it with no explanation. The New Nexus, with the leader CM Punk. Going into MITB to face Cena, he was still the leader, wearing the nexus gear. Granted as it closer to the PPV, he was only seen by himself, but was still known as the leader. Fast forward to the PPV, punk comes out, new shirt (best in the world, no more nexus shirt) and wins. Leaves for 2 weeks, comes back, new entrance theme, no nexus mentions at all. In the meantime, the tag champs mgillicutty (prob didnt spell that right) and otunga got new music twice, first time still labeled as new nexus, but diff theme, second one ridding of nexus theme completely. Now the tag champs come out with no mention of nexus at all, no armbands or nothing (just like punk). the E dropped this storyline with no conclusion to focus on the punk v cena fued. I understand completely. However, i would of liked for them to have a conclusion, granted even a 5 min one. Maybe otunga and Mc come out when punk returns, call him a selfish leader who forgot about them and beat him down. Something like that. Might be hard to put it in there and not take away from the punk cena story, but I thought for how much work was put into the entire nexus story (going back to the original nexus) I thought it needed a proper sendoff. Thoughts? How should of a proper conclusion been booked? Why should have it been dropped with no explanation?

I have a feeling they will drop the RAW GM storyline too, but, since the podium is still around (which it is for a reason) maybe they wont... until the podium disappears, consider the storyline alive (unlike the nexus)

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Man are you right. If the WWE don't want to continue with a storyline at least they can write it off and give it a proper ending instead of just ignoring it.

One thing I remember from 2005 was the Heidenreich character. When John Heidenreich asked for his release the WWE did a good job writing him off in an "insane asylum" segment with Paul Heyman where he said he was happy there and didn't want to go back. That's the way the WWE should end storylines and characters. They should just give us the fans a proper ending with no questions having to be asked and no confusion. I guess the WWE did a fine job of writing off Kozlov, Masters, and Harry Smith by letting Punk publicly expose Triple H and announcing their release live on RAW.

The Nexus were great when they first started. But as much as I like Punk when he began to lead them the whole gimmick of the group just went away. The Nexus were supposed to be "wild and young" but when Punk. An established main eventer. Took leadership for the group the whole gimmick just got ruined. Wade Barrett was a guy who just came off fresh from winning NXT and he was the perfect example of a leader for a group like The Nexus. But the WWE just had to give to Punk. And now Nexus just ended without any proper ending. Pretty sad if you ask me considering they had a very memorable build up to a great main event at Summerslam. I just hope Sheffield returns and becomes successful on his own. Maybe even feud with Barrett over ignoring him and keeping him off Nexus due to his injury.
The Raw General Manager podium is gone now too if you notice. There's a number of storylines that get dropped, most people don't notice simply because they don't care.
The Raw General Manager podium is gone now too if you notice. There's a number of storylines that get dropped, most people don't notice simply because they don't care.

really? I wasnt paying attention to that last raw (couldnt help it, the promo at the end was fantastic) but i was wondering when they were going to end that storyline too. Theres another great example of them dropping storylines. Thanks for the addition. Now im going to youtube to look for the missing podium...

really? I wasnt paying attention to that last raw (couldnt help it, the promo at the end was fantastic) but i was wondering when they were going to end that storyline too. Theres another great example of them dropping storylines. Thanks for the addition. Now im going to youtube to look for the missing podium...

Quoting myself lol. i did check youtube for last nights raw, and the podium is still there. Hopefully they will have a proper end to that storyline (actually I thought HHH was going to announce the anonymous RAW GM when he was talking about this big figure that he could rely on to make sure there was going to be one undisputed WWE champ after summerslam. Turns out he was talking about himself. Boo-urns!
The Raw General Manager podium is gone now too if you notice. There's a number of storylines that get dropped, most people don't notice simply because they don't care.

I always say this about the RAW anonymous GM. I think John Lauranaitis should be exposed as the man who was behind the RAW GM's computer thus revealing him as the anonymous RAW GM. And I think there's a high possibility of that hey just think about it everytime Laurinaitis appears on RAW the anonymous GM is apparently a no show? Man that needs to be explained.. Laurinaitis needs this to put him over as a huge heel character. They shouldn't just drop it before they give it a proper ending just like The Nexus angle.
the 1 storyline they dropped that i was pissed about wasn't that big of 1 but back in the late 90s they kept showing promos called gtv which were like hidden camera videos, i heard it was supposed to be goldust behind them and they had to stop when he left the company but i wish they changed it to another person doing them
The thing with Nexus yes they were a great unit when they were on the same page, but as soon as cena joined them, things started going down hill ... he even said it himself he was taking nexus out 1 by 1 by 1.. and thats exactly what he did.
Since the attitude era when I began watching wrestling (late nineties) there has been a few times that I can remember where the the F (now E) would drop a storyline with no explanation or conclusion, and pretend like it never happened. This did not happen often, but a recent drop of a storyline happened (and understandable why) I was just curious to see if other people caught it, what they thought could have been done to make an appropriate conclusion, or thoughts on why they should have dropped it with no explanation. The New Nexus, with the leader CM Punk. Going into MITB to face Cena, he was still the leader, wearing the nexus gear. Granted as it closer to the PPV, he was only seen by himself, but was still known as the leader. Fast forward to the PPV, punk comes out, new shirt (best in the world, no more nexus shirt) and wins. Leaves for 2 weeks, comes back, new entrance theme, no nexus mentions at all. In the meantime, the tag champs mgillicutty (prob didnt spell that right) and otunga got new music twice, first time still labeled as new nexus, but diff theme, second one ridding of nexus theme completely. Now the tag champs come out with no mention of nexus at all, no armbands or nothing (just like punk). the E dropped this storyline with no conclusion to focus on the punk v cena fued. I understand completely. However, i would of liked for them to have a conclusion, granted even a 5 min one. Maybe otunga and Mc come out when punk returns, call him a selfish leader who forgot about them and beat him down. Something like that. Might be hard to put it in there and not take away from the punk cena story, but I thought for how much work was put into the entire nexus story (going back to the original nexus) I thought it needed a proper sendoff. Thoughts? How should of a proper conclusion been booked? Why should have it been dropped with no explanation?

I understand your point of view. I hate it when WWE and TNA drop storylines with no conclusion. The New Nexus could have in fact ended with a WWE Tag Team Title match. David Otunga and Michael McGillicutty vs. CM Punk and…John Cena. I could see Cena and Punk winning the Tag Titles, only to lose them a week later back to New Nexus. Anything would have been better than what we got…nothing.
i did check youtube for last nights raw, and the podium is still there. Hopefully they will have a proper end to that storyline (actually I thought HHH was going to announce the anonymous RAW GM when he was talking about this big figure that he could rely on to make sure there was going to be one undisputed WWE champ after summerslam. Turns out he was talking about himself. Boo-urns!

Oh was it? Crap my bad, sorry. I was watching for it off an on during the show and didn't notice it. We haven't heard anything from the Raw GM in a while though either. It'd be kinda funny to see the Raw GM interupt HHH and have Cole get on the mic while HHH is talking and say "May I have your attention please!?" (Will the real slim shady, please stand up?)
You people pretend like the WWE is the only company that has ever done this...

I know that other pro wrestling companies have done this, including the E which I mentioned in my original post. Usually if a storyline is dropped, it is a minor storyline out of the main picture, that had no logical conclusion so it was dropped (or people lost interest). Granted the nexus storyline dwindled down towards MITB when punk was in control, but it was in the main event picture from July of last year up until about a month after punk took over. Then, it was still relevant that they were around, just not the leading storyline. I feel it should of had a proper ending considering how much time the E invested into the story.
This is a good point, I hate what they have done with the tag champs, they are not marketing these guys right at all. They could at least close the whole nexus thing and say no one could handle them or something, rather than coming out to the piss weak music they have. It has hurt their credibility dropping the storyline as well, I would have much preferred they went on with nexus or closed it, rather than it just 'disappearing into thin air'.

The Raw GM thing was also a drop, but you could see that one coming, it was getting trashed by the rock, steve austin. There's no use for it, but it would've been cool for HHH to fire the guy who was previously the GM and for it to be someone like Johny Ace
Ok, lets break it down. WWE probably thought that no one would care too much anymore about the "New Nexus", so they just let it kind of fade away. Is Mason Ryan hurt? Cuz I haven't seen him in forever. It looks like the only good thing to come out of the "New Nexus" is a solid tag team in McGillicutty-Otunga. I only hope they keep them together to help build the tag division.

As for how the Nexus thing should have ended, it should have ended when John Cena buried Wade Barrett in a pile of chairs. That should have been the end of Nexus. No "New" Nexus, no Punk-Barrett power struggle, none of that. After being barraged by chairs Barrett should have missed a couple T.V. dates and then come back and blamed the entire Nexus group for his loss and declared the group disbanded. Some of them could have stayed together to form teams, but overall it was time for them to make it or break it on their own.

As for the Raw GM, the podium WAS there on Monday, but with the lack of use, I believe it will just fade away too. It is possible that after SummerSlam, when this 2 champions thing is resolved, they may actually address it and "write it off" in a definitive way. However, at this time I don't see it happening. I think with HHH as the C.O.O. they are trying to build him up and establish him as THE authority figure in WWE. We'll even see less of Teddy making decisions on SD. I've said before in other threads that they DON'T need to reveal who was or is the Raw GM. Simply put, as long as HHH is on Raw regularily, having the GM would be redundant. It would be different if the GM had more power than HHH, but "he" doesn't so no need for "him" to be around.
I agree. The WWE has been doing that a lot by just dropping storylines. Remember Swagger vs Bourne? Yeah, neither do I and I'm a Bourne fan. (haha, unpredicted pun there... :p)

No one is going to forget the GM that easily as they would other worthless storylines that never added up to anything and if they're smart they will just annonce who the GM is next week. Somehow I feel it'll be Triple H.
I have a feeling they will drop the RAW GM storyline too, but, since the podium is still around (which it is for a reason) maybe they wont... until the podium disappears, consider the storyline alive (unlike the nexus)

Like everyone here said, what do you mean will? Ever since HHH came back, nothing.

Wrestling has more plot holes than LOST, but I can't blame them. It's not easy keeping up an angle and trying to keep it going for months and months.

Once Foley is allowed to come back, I wouldn't be surprised if they end up doing the GM thing one more time just to introduce him since it seems most think he is who it will end up being.
I think...and hope...that the WWE is slowly pressing the reset button. This is a good idea I think. They are not pressing it too hard or fast like WCW did, which ultimately contributed to the downfall, but they are piece by piece resetting their company. Ratings have been down lately and with football getting off the ground again they know its time to panic.

While they are keeping the top guys the same, they are starting to write story lines for the fans more so than for Vince's pleasure. The reset button will have its full effect in a month or 2 so hopefully something good will come out of it.
Pretty sure they were both explained.

Punk abandoned the Nexus because he stopped giving a shit (remember the whole "I'm tired" part of one of his pre MITB promos?).

The Raw GM I'm pretty sure HHH said he was getting rid of it.

They do sometimes drop storylines completely, and if no one cares, who gives a shit? Why waste time explaining why you are dropping something that's not getting over? The other stuff, like Punk and the Nexus is sometimes not spelled out but done in a way that you can understand. I don't feel like they dropped the Punk/Nexus stuff. I'm pretty sure commentators have pointed it out and said Punk abandoned them.

I think...and hope...that the WWE is slowly pressing the reset button. This is a good idea I think. They are not pressing it too hard or fast like WCW did, which ultimately contributed to the downfall, but they are piece by piece resetting their company. Ratings have been down lately and with football getting off the ground again they know its time to panic.

While they are keeping the top guys the same, they are starting to write story lines for the fans more so than for Vince's pleasure. The reset button will have its full effect in a month or 2 so hopefully something good will come out of it.
lol time to panic? If you're tops in your timeslot, and tops in other media, and making 20M a quarter, it's not time to panic.

Why is everyone on here so insane about ratings and "PANIC" and stuff like that? I hear it a lot. WWE isn't in trouble at all. They're consistently near the top in their timeslot year-round, they draw something like 2-3 million people per year in live attendance, they are a huge successful company. They drew 6,000 to a house show in springfield, MO (population 150,000) when TNA drew 3,000 for Lockdown in St. Louis (Population like 1,500,000). They aren't about to panic.
Anyone remember the ''GTV'' storyline. With the video camera catching people doing extremely random things. Everyone assumed it was Goldust, yet it never fully came to fruition. Ever.

The GM thing is an obvious one.

The Batista Rape storyline

Who raised the suitcase in the Austin Vs Mcmahon ladder match

The favor that Booker T owed to Randy Orton (Remember this?)

Muhammed Hassan, I know he was released, but I wanted to know what the payoff of the storyline was going to be.

These things happen far too often in WWE.
Well, I don't know if any of you saw this one the broadcast, but I was at both SummerSlam an Raw this week, and the Raw GM podium was set up. It obviously wasn't used, but it leads me to think that they brought it back for a reason. What that reason is, I don't know.
I'm glad they dropped the Nexus theme thing it got really old and they both just went there separate ways I don't love it though it's really whatever in my mind

and the GM they need to name someone it won't be Edge and I hope it's not Mick Foley they just need to name somewhere or it will be a huge disappointment to me and Shane o Mac is also a valid choice as well though that wouldn't be too big of a shock
It probably likely that this tool (senior vice president of talet relations) or whatever his title is will end up being the fake gm.

Its clear that it's this guy that sent the text message, made up the story of Nash getting in a car wreck.

The 'E' is at an ineteresting crossroads right now. They had two of the best pay-per-views in many years back-to-back, i just hope they get this right and capitalise on the recent boost the've had.
Nexus died when Punk "left" the WWE. The Mystery GM was just a way to give Michael Cole heat. Its a new "Era" and its a good thing. Drop the dead story lines and give the fans what they want.
Another one is when Nexus buried Undertaker. Apparently Otunga was to unveil the reasoning behind it but Barrett stopped him. No revelations and no revenge for Taker. Taker forgot he was buried by them and came back to fued with Triple H.

At least Triple H destroyed Sheamus for putting him on the shelf.
really? I wasnt paying attention to that last raw (couldnt help it, the promo at the end was fantastic) but i was wondering when they were going to end that storyline too. Theres another great example of them dropping storylines. Thanks for the addition. Now im going to youtube to look for the missing podium...

Quoting myself lol. i did check youtube for last nights raw, and the podium is still there. Hopefully they will have a proper end to that storyline (actually I thought HHH was going to announce the anonymous RAW GM when he was talking about this big figure that he could rely on to make sure there was going to be one undisputed WWE champ after summerslam. Turns out he was talking about himself. Boo-urns!

Are you people booing me or saying Boo-urns ?

Seriously though I was hoping for some kind of power struggle between Triple H and the anonymous general manager. I think they could still do that story as the GM has given Triple H power and control for a few weeks to see what he's doing and then could start to challenge his authority. It all depends who they decide the GM is - dumping the whole GM idea seems like a total waste.
With Triple H as the new COO, the idea of having a GM on hand is redundant. Besides, part of the beauty of the Anonymous Raw GM was that it could be ended at anytime with no real consequences.

As far as the New Nexus goes, it's died a quiet death and sometimes that's just for the best. In TNA, they did the exact same thing with the Main Event Mafia. As with the MEM, the Nexus thing went on much longer than it needed to. Nexus should've been brought to a close during the WWE Draft altogether and just simply left alone rather than half assing it with CM Punk.

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