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WWE Doctor Suing CM Punk & Colt Cabana


The title of the thread pretty much says it all. WWE doctor Chris Amann has filed a defamation lawsuit against CM Punk & Colt Cabana over comments and allegations made about him during CM Punk's infamous podcast late last year. Amann is seeking more than $1 million in compensatory damages as well as an undetermined amount of punitive damages. He claims the statements made by Punk and Cabana were false, defamatory and put him in a false light by insinuating a lack of "integrity … and/or inability or lack of competence to perform his professional duties as a medical doctor."

Amann's suit includes a detailed transcript from the podcast. The suit also points out that the podcast has been streamed more than 1 million times on YouTube and more than 10,000 times on SoundCloud, in addition to downloads on other platforms.

Punk claimed on the podcast that Amann misdiagnosed a growth on his back as a fatty deposit and disregarded requests to remove it, then said he later found out from another doctor that it was a full-blown MRSA staph infection. The lawsuit says "Amann was not requested by Brooks to treat and/or excise a lump, let a lone a purple, baseball-sized lump," also alleging that Punk never sought treatment for or showed Amann a lump and that Amann never prescribed Punk antibiotics for a lump or concussion.

Punk claimed that Amann once prescribed him antibiotics for a concussion and said he didn't know how to treat a concussion. Punk also claimed that during the Royal Rumble last year, he motioned to Amann that he had a concussion but Amann brushed it off. Amann says he followed proper protocol by advising Punk to leave the ring after a preliminary diagnosis of a possible concussion. Amann says he even requested that Punk undergo further evaluation and treatment in the training room backstage.

Amann is being represented by Phillip J. Zisook and Brian D. Saucier of Deutsch, Levy & Engel in Chicago. The lawsuit wasn't filed until today so it's likely that Punk and Cabana weren't served yet.

If Punk genuinely sticks with his claim and claims to have evidence supporting said claim, I wouldn't be surprised if he files a countersuit. Otherwise, Punk's mouth might've gotten him into some trouble this time. Also, this isn't a suit that's being filed by WWE from what I understand; WWE has absolutely nothing to do with the suit, Amann just happens to be a WWE employee.
Is that doctor a complete idiot or what? CM Punk was working with that thing, on his back. And it was visible during the Rumbe match last year. Punk also had another doctor remove that thing, which means he has official evidence against this guy.

And why did he exactly sued Colt Cobana? Cabana was just running his show, asking his questions. It's Punk who told that story, not Cabana.

Maybe that's a huge bluff by the doctor in order to show that he's innocent. But If what Punk said is true and he does files a countersuit, then that doctor is doomed. And why shouldn't Punk file one? If what he says is true, then he shouldn't have anything to be afraid of, right?
Well this is going to open a Pandora's Box that the WWE doesn't want. I'm wondering if they knew about it or sanctioned it before it was filed. It could lead to questions being raised about working conditions within the WWE, and if wrestlers are forced to work when injured. This might not be a road that McMahon wants to go down.

Anyway on topic. First of all I have no idea why the doctor is suing Cabana. Colt Cabana just gave Punk the vehicle in which to do the interview. He had no part in CM Punk's decision to talk, and no part in any of the medical treatment provided by the doctor. So I'm assuming that part of the lawsuit would be thrown out.

CM Punk on the other hand is another story. If what he is saying is true and the doctor is incompetent then why keep your mouth shut for so long. He is giving this doctor free reign to misdiagnose his former friends and co-workers. I mean shit if the guy is that bad, you would want to see him gone as soon as possible. Also if you have a baseball sized lump on your back and the doctor you go to does nothing about it, are you just going to sit there and do nothing? Most people would have gone and got another opinion immediately. I know I would have.

Now I'm not saying the doctor is a good or bad doctor, because we only have CM Punk's word on that fact. But if he is a quack as Punk says he is, and Punk has proof, then he is an idiot for filing this lawsuit. It will only show that if Punk isn't lying about this, then maybe everything else he said is true as well.

If I were Vince McMahon right now I'd be freaking out. This could cost the WWE more than just money if Punk is telling us the truth. It makes them look really bad, and I can't imagine the stockholders will be very happy about it.
Is that doctor a complete idiot or what? CM Punk was working with that thing, on his back. And it was visible during the Rumbe match last year. Punk also had another doctor remove that thing, which means he has official evidence against this guy.

And why did he exactly sued Colt Cobana? Cabana was just running his show, asking his questions. It's Punk who told that story, not Cabana.

Maybe that's a huge bluff by the doctor in order to show that he's innocent. But If what Punk said is true and he does files a countersuit, then that doctor is doomed. And why shouldn't Punk file one? If what he says is true, then he shouldn't have anything to be afraid of, right?

In the U.S people can be technically sued for shaming an individual. That's why Colt Cabana is being sued as well. There's a story about Mike Rowe's experience at a liquor store, with a lawyer and the store clerk. It'll explain more about how Cabana can be sued as well. Hopefully it make sense and explain what I'm trying to say. http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2014/06/24/after-mike-rowe-had-a-disagreement-with-a-lawyer-at-a-liquor-store-he-went-home-and-wrote-this-scathing-facebook-post/
Often charges will be brought against individuals in the early stages of lawsuits, but it's expected that they will be dropped eventually. I presume thats what's going to happen with Colt Cabana. Otherwise, with Punk it comes down to whether or not he's lying. I don't think he is- that wouldn't benefit him at all and would easily be detrimental- but who knows. Maybe it's just to save face and the lawsuit will die a quiet death.
The podcast wasn't live so any libelous statements made were willingly published. That's why Cabana is also named in the suit.

It all just comes down to who can prove what. If the doctor says that he was never asked to excise or examine a a lump and he can prove that Punk is a liar, he'll win. If Punk has proof of the doctor's negligence, he'll be able to countersue.
I'm glad to hear this doctor is suing CM Punk and hope he wins his case, Ive never been a CM Punk fan anyway after hearing his podcast he came across like a 3 year old spoilt brat all because he never got his wrestlemania main event instead of doing the classy thing and saying he was burned out but wished the company well he instead decided to bury everyone and everything about the company that made him millions of dollars and I would say Punk is the least deserving world champion in WWE history, Being so dull to watch in the ring and so overrated I hope his UFC career fails completely.
I've pretty much steamed clear of all things CM Punk in the past year, but my initial reaction to this was "good for him"

I haven't and probably never will listen to the podcast(s) but have read the "headlines" so to speak, and it always struck me that NOBODY has come forward and backed up all the claims made by CM Punk: about Dr Amman, Ryback, let's not forget that he also came up with the idea to create The Shield...

Now, for those opining free speech - if CM Punk had said "he wasn't a very good Doctor" and left it at that then yup, that's his opinion and you can't disprove opinion. But to make "factual" statements about someone, you have to be able to have evidence to back it up. Colt Cabana is also at fault in this case because this was not a live broadcast - he has wilfully distributed these claims on his show, much like Lord McAlpine sued the BBC for broadcasting someone making claims about him.

The one thing that has struck me through all this is - if this Doctor was so incompetent as to almost cost CM Punk his life, would CM Punk's wife continue to work for the company that employs that Doctor? Now, I'm assuming I'm not the only one here who is married (can't all be angry virgins here can it?) but if my wife was treated this way or vice-versa, there would be NO WAY you could continue working for the same company.
If Punk was lying about or even embellished the things he said on Colt Cabana's podcast, than the doctor has the right to sue Punk for slander and defamation. I have no clue as to why Punk would just make stuff up to the extent he did... the only logical explanation here is that he's telling the truth. But if that's the case than why would the doctor put himself in a position to be pretty much humiliated?

Do you think perhaps WWE "advised" Amman to take legal action against C.M. Punk for one reason or the other? I find it really hard to believe that this doctor decided to make this decision on his own, without telling his employers... There's pretty much no way that happened... so WWE would have at least had to give the green light right? I wonder if this ever sees a courtroom or a settlement.

This story interests me. I want to see where it goes.
CM Punk on the other hand is another story. If what he is saying is true and the doctor is incompetent then why keep your mouth shut for so long. He is giving this doctor free reign to misdiagnose his former friends and co-workers. I mean shit if the guy is that bad, you would want to see him gone as soon as possible. Also if you have a baseball sized lump on your back and the doctor you go to does nothing about it, are you just going to sit there and do nothing? Most people would have gone and got another opinion immediately. I know I would have.

I was thinking the same thing. If Punk knows this guy is a quack and has some type of evidence to add weight to his claim, why wait so long to say so? We've all heard that Punk has a reputation for being an asshole, someone always says that about someone else in pro wrestling, but this is something completely different. IF he knew all this for this long and has some shred of proof, is he THAT much of a selfish dick that he'd have no concern for others under this guy's care and let him keep practicing medicine?

As for the possible ramifications this might have for WWE, it's possible that this could open up some doors that WWE might want to keep closed. At the same time, however, wrestlers have to work hurt all the time, that's how it is in every wrestling promotion in the world and always has been. But, there's a world of difference between working with various aches & pains, having a baseball sized lump on your body and having a concussion. IF Punk was misdiagnosed by Amann and has some degree of evidence to back up what he's saying, then Punk might even file a countersuit not only against Amann, but WWE itself.
WWE has a continuous practice of rushing wrestlers back before they are fully recovered (even Bryan wasn't cleared when he made his announcement for the rumble). Punk was rushed back numerous times and was even "cleared" to the wrestle over the phone without a physical examination. Add to that the fact that they care about concisions so they can protect themselves from lawsuits.

Dr. Amman should have left this where it was. Now Punk will throw the kitchen sink at him because he got Colt involved.
If Punk was lying about or even embellished the things he said on Colt Cabana's podcast, than the doctor has the right to sue Punk for slander and defamation. I have no clue as to why Punk would just make stuff up to the extent he did... the only logical explanation here is that he's telling the truth. But if that's the case than why would the doctor put himself in a position to be pretty much humiliated?

True, it doesn't really make a lot of sense but, then again, it's not all that uncommon whatsoever for good, logical sense to fly out the window. I think that's something that's especially true if you're someone with a really big ego, which is something that CM Punk has. In a lot of these shoot interviews I've listened to over the years, most of the wrestlers come off as being pretty full of themselves. They have a platform with which they have the opportunity to say whatever they want about how they feel they were treated by this promoter, how they were used or misused by this company, who they hold responsible for helping or hindering their career, the injuries they've suffered for little to no pay and any number thing else they wanna talk about. When giving an interview that's ultimately designed to generate buzz, controversy and to also get some stuff off your chest, people can sometimes say things that they might later regret saying. For example, Punk said he was flat out done with WWE and wouldn't work with WWE again. Several weeks later during an interview in which Punk sorta went off on the guy doing the interview as he spent most of the time talking about Punk's wrestling career than signing with UFC. Punk was asked if he'd ever work with WWE again and instead of saying no as he did on Cabana's podcast, he said something to the effect of not being able to tell what the future holds. MAYBE Punk realized after he did the podcast that he didn't want to burn all his bridges with WWE and kinda sorta backpedaled a little.

I've seen a couple of people stick their foot in their mouth when they've had a microphone in their face. They got caught up in the moment, adrenaline might've been pumping, they were feeling on top of the world and untouchable but wound up saying some things that cost them a little bit further down the road. Punk MIGHT be an example of that, though it's also possible that he's telling it like it is so we'll just have to wait & see.
In my opinion, anybody has the right to say their doctor sucked if they didn't like him. I've seen many people that loved or hated their doctors, some have been sent to their deathbed over "bad" ones. I don't see this guy getting a penny and my assumption is CM Punk is probably laughing at this and he always brags about his lawyers - so I'm guessing he's counter suing. I don't expect anything to come of this, though it looks bad on WWE's part to still have their doctor trying to sue punk.
Finally a match up in WWE actually has me interested. They should replace the Mania card with this trial (even though it may never go to trial). If this is covered by the WWE Network I may actually have a reason to buy it.

I'm not sure what could be made of Punk's comments from the podcast. He came off like a blizzard mouth idiot who was just venting aimlessly. My guess is that Punk countersues and both sides settle on Punk providing a written apology of sorts. He basically pulls a Brian Williams and says that he misremembers all the details.
Well this is going to open a Pandora's Box that the WWE doesn't want. I'm wondering if they knew about it or sanctioned it before it was filed. It could lead to questions being raised about working conditions within the WWE, and if wrestlers are forced to work when injured. This might not be a road that McMahon wants to go down.

Yes, but WWE and Vince McMahon were surely aware of this legal action before it was filed and if Dr. Amman is able to document a lot of it, something might come of it....perhaps without the possibility of it coming back in WWE's face. I just can't believe the company didn't make sure Amman has all his ducks in a row before watching him launch this. Hell, they might even be responsible for the action, more than Dr. Amman himself.

As for Punk, well, the pipebomb he delivered in the Summer of Punk wasn't the only one he's hit us with, was it? Months after he left WWE, when he finally started talking, he's been shooting zingers whenever and at whomever he wanted. He's been accusing this & that while WWE has been denying and counterpunching.

Now, Punk might have to defend himself and it will be interesting to see how it turns out. It's fine to toss around accusations, yet sometimes it's better to keep your mouth shut. We'll see.
This has the potential to be very bad for WWE. Because once this starts, there's no telling where it could lead. If the court finds there was actual negligence on the doctors behalf, that could potentially lead to further investigations or even whistle blowers coming forward.
In that case the WWE could be dragged through the mud again like in the steroid trial, but without a Hulk Hogan immunity deal in place that could rescue the WWE.

But I kind of doubt a doctor would bring suit if he wasn't right. He has nothing to gain by bringing a suit that he can't win. He doesn't need publicity, especially negative publicity, to succeed in the medical field.
Eugh! Just when you think that this has all been put to bed and no one really cares about it anymore, someone just has to bring something new to the table and start the discussion again. Honestly, can someone answer me this - Why can people just let things be and let sleeping dogs lie?

For anyone who heard the podcast, neither side come off great, not least CM Punk. Why go through all of this when it is clear he was just saying things from a place of pain and anger? Take the high road and let him say whatever he likes. Quite honestly, the doctor is still employed by the WWE so it clearly hasn't affected his business. The WWE got a little rub from it and CM Punk is doing his own thing away from the nasty villains who refused to treat him apparently.

It would have been a lot simpler to have just left things as they are...
Do you think perhaps WWE "advised" Amman to take legal action against C.M. Punk for one reason or the other? I find it really hard to believe that this doctor decided to make this decision on his own, without telling his employers... There's pretty much no way that happened... so WWE would have at least had to give the green light right? I wonder if this ever sees a courtroom or a settlement.

This story interests me. I want to see where it goes.

BINGO! But, this did not come from VKM. It came from someone who does not get the old Mob saying, "Keep it business, not personal." That person is one Paul Levesque. The WWE "Power Couple" hates Punk with every fiber of their being, and they would love to see Punk destroyed at some point. However, Steph knows how to keep her emotions and thoughts in check. Remember when someone by the name of Brock Lesnar violated the terms of his contract, and he could not do MMA for 10 years, and he appeared at a New Japan show? The WWE cut off his monies. Lesnar sued for back monies from WWE, and when he offered to come back to WWE. When the media asked for his opinion of Lesnar's offer, Levesque stated, and I quote "We spent a lot of money to make him the star he was, and he left the Company. I am not certain that we would even want him back."

Well, guess what happened? Lesnar's lawyers had a field day. They claimed that the mean old WWE would not allow Lesnar to work to feed his family. The media ate it up, and VKM was publicly humiliated. SO, he buried Trips somewhere on the road, and settled with Lesnar, giving The Next Big Thing everything he wanted and more.

If Punk fires back, and I think, even at this late date he would be an idiot if he did not, things are going to get very ugly, very quickly. The press would probably side with Punk, and if it actually gets to jury selection, a huge PR shitstorm would hit Stamford with all the kinetic energy of an F5 tornado. VKM will order some type of settlement on Amann's behalf, and it will give VKM yet another reason not to hand over the reigns to Trips.
I am not (yet) a lawyer, but the good doctor would have to contort quite a few details in order to sway the case in his favor. Speaking ill of someone - especially their professional performance and code of ethics - does not necessarily equate to slander/libel/defamation (and how those terms are defined might vary by district). The prosecution will have to prove that Punk's statements had a direct effect on Amman's career and/or quality of life prospects (beyond the weak: "bad man words made me cry").

Has WWE fired him based on these stated allegations? Does he have a private practice that was effected by his "exposure"? Was his wife a die-hard CM Punk fan who left him after listening to the podcast out of disgust and hurt that her husband mistreated the guy? It will be tricky to connect those dots, especially if Punk's lawyers can provide proof that verifies the accuracy of the claims.

Add to that he is seeking money plus "unspecified" additional damages, a transparent cash grab. Acting under the knowledge of his current employer, it cannot be a large leap to suggest that Amman has pressed charges with some influence and approval from the higher office. Perhaps HHH himself handed Amman a slip of paper with a number very similar to what WWE paid Punk in their settlement before clapping him on the shoulder and saying: "Take him down, Doc, and get our money back."

From our seats, it would appear as if WWE is playing a long game to make CM Punk think thoroughly about how much he crossed the boss.
I love how it, again, comes back to Triple H. As is the norm, I suppose.

Could it be possible that the doctor was just insulted by what Punk said, or even had some undesired affect on his career? Or could it even be the unimaginable and the Doctor actually has a case, and that Punk was fabricating the truth all along?

Nope! Of course it is Triple H trying to recoup money, or maybe having a power play. Or is he just ordering someone to go to court because he didn't like Punk? Get a grip or yourselves.
Im going to add some more oil to the fire. This case comes less than a week before Thor Annual #1 - CM Punks first featured comic book - is released. Considering the podcast has been out there since November it does seem like WWE legal team strikes right on time again, INTENTIONALLY.

At this point I'm willing to bet money that Ryback will file a case against CM Punk the week of his first UFC fight.
The lawsuit clearly states "Amann was not requested by Brooks to treat and/or excise a lump, let a lone a purple, baseball-sized lump," also alleging that Punk never sought treatment for or showed Amann a lump and that Amann never prescribed Punk antibiotics for a lump or concussion "

If there is no record of antibiotics prescriptions, that alone could be an issue for Punk. And from what other statements were made in this, I'm siding with Dr. Amaann on this one. From day one, I knew for a fact that every single thing "invisible" said was an extravagant amount of bullshit. What goes around, comes around, you piece of shit.
To whoever said "let sleeping dogs lie" a Doctor has very publicly been accused of misdiagnosing and mistreating a person - the medical profession is probably the most litigious profession there is - of course there is going to be legal action!

And the reaction of the people saying "it's WWE/Vince/HHH getting back at CM Punk" - grow up and go get laid. These people are the reason I avoid forums.

As an aside, the only way WWE wins in this situation is if CM Punk does settle/loses this case, then by association it becomes "well if he lied about that, then he must be lying about..."
Im going to add some more oil to the fire. This case comes less than a week before Thor Annual #1 - CM Punks first featured comic book - is released. Considering the podcast has been out there since November it does seem like WWE legal team strikes right on time again, INTENTIONALLY.

At this point I'm willing to bet money that Ryback will file a case against CM Punk the week of his first UFC fight.

Well if you look at it that way then sure. But it took Punk almost a year to open his mouth didn't it? He left the company in January and didn't talk about it till November I believe. He could just have easily kept his mouth shut and said nothing and left us all wondering, but he didn't. Now he might have to pay for what came out of it.

Listen I'm not siding with anyone here, I don't know these people personally and don't work for the WWE, just looking at it from an unbiased point of view. If you are going to stand up and start throwing shit, then be prepared for it to come back and hit you square between the eyes. Punk did an interview where he basically said the doctor was a quack and didn't know what he was doing. He went on to detail what medical issues he had and what the doctor either misdiagnosed or didn't treat.

Now the doctor is in a bad place here, he can't come out publicly and say anything because that would break the doctor/patient trust, so he said nothing. It takes time for a lawsuit like this to be put together, and it hasn't really been that long since the podcast.

Either Punk has the proof or he doesn't, and now he'll be forced to show it. Sure he might have went to another doctor and had a lump treated after he left, but who's to say that the WWE doctor even knew about it. I could go to one doctor for a pulled muscle and another for an ear infection, doesn't mean they should automatically know about the other ailment I have.

Like I said this will be interesting too see the fallout if anything happens. Either Punk will look like a piece of shit, or the WWE might have more than one problem on their hands.
I've pretty much steamed clear of all things CM Punk in the past year, but my initial reaction to this was "good for him"

I haven't and probably never will listen to the podcast(s) but have read the "headlines" so to speak, and it always struck me that NOBODY has come forward and backed up all the claims made by CM Punk: about Dr Amman, Ryback, let's not forget that he also came up with the idea to create The Shield...

Now, for those opining free speech - if CM Punk had said "he wasn't a very good Doctor" and left it at that then yup, that's his opinion and you can't disprove opinion. But to make "factual" statements about someone, you have to be able to have evidence to back it up. Colt Cabana is also at fault in this case because this was not a live broadcast - he has wilfully distributed these claims on his show, much like Lord McAlpine sued the BBC for broadcasting someone making claims about him.

The one thing that has struck me through all this is - if this Doctor was so incompetent as to almost cost CM Punk his life, would CM Punk's wife continue to work for the company that employs that Doctor? Now, I'm assuming I'm not the only one here who is married (can't all be angry virgins here can it?) but if my wife was treated this way or vice-versa, there would be NO WAY you could continue working for the same company.

I would imagine this comes down to simple finances. She makes more money with WWE than she would if she left and there are other doctors she can go to for any treatments that she needs. If it were my wife that were working there I would think it would be foolish for her to leave the highest paying job that she could ever get in her profession just because they have an, alleged, terrible doctor on their staff.

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