WWE Divas, Suggestions for Improvement


Slapstick Heavyweight Champion
I don't know if this one has already been done before, but if it hasn't, then it's high time someone did it. Something I keep running into both from professional critics and posters is that the WWE Divas Division sucks, their matches are terrible, and they are irrelevant outside of allowing a break to go to the bathroom or make a snack. I read things like "sloppy mat work", "boring", "filler" and the like. I'd like to address this one as someone who enjoys the idea of female wrestlers actually making it and having some solid matches.

I watch the WWE Divas matches from time to time, but I have to agree that in the majority of the cases they are "fluff". No matter what, they are always of a lesser quality than those of the male wrestlers. You get maybe one per show, they're often tag matches, they have very few truly impressive spots, and they're only used as filler material. Nobody cares what the outcome is. All that those actually watching seem to care about is how well these Divas manage to wear their scant ring attire and "cat-fight".

I'd like to touch on the fact that nobody cares about the outcome as my most important point. There's a reason to that. Have you been paying attention to the feuds among the Divas? How much time is spent in dealing with them? Any at all outside the ring? How personal do they get here? When it comes right down to it, if any time is spent developing an actual feud among Divas, almost no time outside the ring is spent on it. The last one I can remember was on Smackdown between Eve and Layla, and what did they use against each other? Makeup! Oh, how scary, how hardcore, that's going to leave a mark, and straight into a hissy brawl that could have been done by two teenagers with absolutely no training in how to fight. In every "story" done involving the Divas, the following is enforced: that women are weak, that they need the men to protect and shelter them, and that despite ring performance they can't fight effectively even against each other. It is put forward that the Divas exist primarily to be threatened, "rescued", and sexually harassed by the male wrestlers.

It doesn't have to be this way! They actually came close to having something solid with one of the Divas when Michelle McCool was just embarking on her heel phase. She was starting to dish out some real brutality against the other Divas, but they stopped short of anything major. Hell, she didn't so much as lay her hands on a steel chair once. Compare that to the rampage of Randy Orton in the Orton/HHH feud preceding Wrestlemania. No comparison.

Unless the Divas get some decent storylines, the audience will continue to not give rhinoceros' fart about them excepting how they look in a bikini. That is the primary problem. Even a mediocre Diva's match could be made extremely special if creative actually spent some time and effort in putting the story forward. Also, it would help if the ladies were willing to go at least a little more hardcore from time to time.

Any other suggestions, folks?
What do you mean suggestions for improvement? What do you think the WWE is doing? The division is not going to magically repair itself from the damage of losing the two biggest draws they've ever had at the same time. Its going to take years for the division to get back to the way it was.

In the two year span since losing Trish and Lita the WWE is in the process of establishing new stars for the division (Maryse, Michelle, Mickie etc) but it just takes time. Be patient, only a fool would expect to see the same quality of matches from the division that they were displaying 3 to 4 years ago. Once these stars have firmly cemented their position with the audience can the WWE start improving the quality of the storyline and feuds.

It makes zero sense for the WWE to put time and effort into feuds for the division when none of their performers have the ability to make audiences care about it on an epic scale.
Like you said, it's storylines. Look at the Trish Stratus/Mickie James feud. They are both great performers, and are two of the best women's wrestlers in a long time. However, without the buildup and great storyline surrounding the feud, it's just another Woman's match. That's the problem I see with the division. Look at Melina and Michelle McCool. Why are they fighting? There are only two reasons; one is for the title, a given. But the only other reason is because one is bad and one is good. That's all they had.

It was the same on Raw. For some reason, Maryse and Mickie James hated eachother, but obly because of the title and one was heel and one was face. Now, if they were booked in a storyline and wre fighting for a reason, than it generates more interest in the matches, and the payoff is big. But just fighting because one is bad and one is good is horrible build up. The last woman's match I looked forward too was the Strarus/Lita match at Unforgiven 2006. It had history, build-up, and a back-round. Since then, the division has suffered because of bad booking, lack of storylines, and also lack of character.

A Diva's match, in most fans eyes will never be great to begin with. Pair that with a lack of storyline, there is zero interest. Storylines are needed in the Woman's Division, now, if the WWE ever wants to go anywhere with it.
Suggestions for improvement? Real simple. Turn on TNA and find out what the Knockouts are doing and then copy that. The Knockouts are damn exciting, their matches are very good, and they would destroy the Divas.
TNA has done exceptionally well with women. I've always praised TNA for that. WWE in my opinion needs to take notes on that. First off (I know this is unlikely happen but I feeel it needs to be done) they need to Unify or get rid of the Diva's Championship all together. I feel the butterfly logo is a bit sexist. Second, they have talent in Melina, Mickie James, Phoenix, etc. They usually give one diva a boost every year if you noticed. They should come up with a better storyline for the women because a "Make Up Match" is a little degrating to women. Wise up, WWE. We didn't want that before so what in the hell makes you think we want it now?
I'm not going to sit here and post the same fluff the posters above me just said, plain and simple TNA is doing an awesome job of promoting women wrestlers. They're actually spending the time building up characters and feuds so we understand what's going, rather than spending time in WWE going: "oh shit, that bitch is about to fight that other bitch! J-Yeah take her top off!" Suffice to say that's about as much as you're going to get out of the Divas.
With the introduction of the new Knockouts Tag belts, I think this is only going to escalate the division to new heights not reached by more mainstream organizations. Hopefully they won't hype it for a couple of months than have the Beautiful People hold it for ever until people forget about it or something.
The division has never been 'amazing', even when Trish and Lita where around, but it was more entertaining than it is now. Today though, there isn't just one flaw, there are many flaws, that need to be fixed.

This is a must. I know some people would like to see some good old wrestling, but like it or not, this is what gets people interested in the division in the first place. Two divas are feuding, who cares? There's no story behind it, so why should we, the fans waste our time with something that has no meaning, or purpose? When was the division last at it's peak? Trish/Mickie. That was a storyline which was given time and effort, where as these days, we rarely get any of that. On the other hand, last year we had Katie/Mickie and Melina/Beth, as well as Michelle/Maryse, Michelle/Natalya - for some reason, WWE dropped the ball on all of those, why? Injury, booking, backstage problems, so to speak. You also have failed angles, anybody remember Cena/Mickie? The only storyline we had was Beth and Santino, and what exactly is Beth doing now? Not much, and before that, she was getting chopped by Khali, and made out to be a joke. So what can WWE do to improve this? Make some storylines up. Be creative. A match, a promo, anything, isn't that bad, cut somebodys entrance short, stick a promo there with a female instead, we've seen entrances a million times, so why don't we see a good promo between two divas instead?

I disagree with the people saying we need to put the womens and divas title together. The womens title generally stayed on Raw, and people use to moan that one brand had something to do, whilst the other brand didn't. Two titles is actually good, it gives us something to watch on the two main brands. My only problem is that the build up to the titles - although, Mickie/Maryse was fairly well done, if I do say so myself. There really isn't much improvement needed here, they have the right amount of titles, but, they need to make them more important; which again, leads back to storylines.

The Divas themselves
It will not work putting Divas who have one years experience, against girls like Mickie who have ten years experience. It's not balanced. Honestly, bring up some girls from Shimmer, or FCW, who can wrestle. Put the divas who aren't so good in the ring, backstage as interviewers, or put them as Valets, I don't care. As well as that, mix up the divas a bit, shuffle them around; we can only see Mickie/Beth, Melina/Michelle so many times. The division itself has some of the finest female wrestlers in America, Katie Lea, Mickie James, but can they show it? Not against girls who are afraid of breaking their nails. Add some character to the division, why should we cheer for a face diva if she has nothing to offer? Sprinkle a bit of depth into the divas, and it will make the fans more interesting, proof? See psycho Mickie James. I agree they should focus on wrestling ability more, but can't they combine the two? Do what TNA is doing; they have women who can wrestle, and look good doing it. They need to sign more women with charisma, outside a few divas, none of them interact the crowd, or connect with them, blame that on booking but it's still a problem.

What it comes down to is booking, creative, WWE. You can't expect the women to get over by themselves, sticking them in random tag matches week-after-week will not work. It's boring, it's generic. It's like every face diva shares the same gimmick, and every heel diva shares the same gimmick. Putting photos of females, making videos of the females, on WWE.com will not get them over. No matter how many times you make the Bellas daily diva, nobody will give two shits about them if they don't offer anything that tickles the crowds fancy. Make a feud, make a storyline, make it work, throw in some time and effort, and gradually, the crowd will think 'Hey, that's pretty good, I like it' - go from there. Take a leap out of TNA's book, give the divas some character, give the divas promos, and give the crowd something to be interested in, because judging by the reactions nearly all the divas matches get, they don't give a toss right now, and needless to say, I can't blame them.
I only have one suggestion and that would improve the division greatly. Get rid of and stop hiring models. Get involved in a partnership with AAA out of Mexico or SHIMMER like TNA has. Hell TNA has agreements with both and they have gotten most of their talent from those two places. The Models they have will only bring the product down. If they want a pretty face and boobs on their show make them managers or interviewers but leave the wrestling to the wrestlers. If the models insist on wrestling then send them to FCW for a couple years to train but leave the wrestling to the wrestlers.
I think they need divas that can wrestle like Beth and Mickey and not just divas that have sex appeal
As well they need to actually develop some storyline and not just have diva tag team matches every week on raw and smackdown!!!
The last time they had a story line was Trish and Mickey at wm22 and they had a great match
Speaking of the Bellas, it's funny because they're responsible for Maryse's constant knee problems when they broke her shit here in a live event in Raleigh, NC. Wasn't all bad though, my mommy works at the hospital she got fixed up at, nice girl and I looked too good holding the belt, not that I should ever have said that...
As Rebecca said, the biggest thing is the storylines/feuds. How can you expect these diva's to get over with no storyline or build. You can't just throw a face and a heel together and hope for the best. They need to put much more time and effort into creating a decent feud for them. Use someone like Mickie to build it and show what the diva's can actually do because right now it's not really worth watching... Well the boobs are still good but you get my point ;)
I think its more than just storylines..teach the divas how to wrestle..the main problem with diva wrestling these days is the insane amount of botches..i bet you that in this year alone, every (I said every) divas match has at least one obvious botch..they really gotta reduce that..keep the women who want to learn how to wrestle and release the potential playboys..the attidude era has ended..and since Vince wants a complete PG era, focus less on the T&A and worry more about the core wrestling!

Storylines are #2 for me, cause if they cant wrestle, theres no point in a storyline. Take out all the stupid diva gimmicks (e.x. Jillian's Hall crappy singing) and bring back potential title chases! WWE created 2 (i repeat 2) women titles for a reason, use them properly, or dont use them at all!
First off, thanks for all the fun-to-read responses. It seems that several people have been thinking on this subject for a while. Now that I've read different responses, it's sparked off a few more possibilities.

I touched on this a little in my beginning, when is the last time there has been a Diva's match with any of the sort of stipulations you find in the male specialty matches? Ladder matches? Tables? Falls count anywhere or even an "I Quit" match? Frankly, I can't think of any. I've seen posts saying that the Diva's can't wrestle and in a few cases, I'll agree, but I'll disagree in a lot of others. Many of them can wrestle and wrestle extremely well, but they're not allowed to. There's only a certain amount of aggression that the networks, the WWE's sponsors and their corporate masters will allow. The male wrestlers are really allowed to go for the throat, put each other in all sorts of vicious submission maneuvers, smash the hell out of each other, throw each other into posts and stairs and announcers tables, but even some of the things not in the hardcore matches wouldn't be tolerated if done by female wrestlers. This means that most specialty matches are out for the Divas and that really limits them as to what they can do.

My suggestion would be to add an hour and a decent Diva division to ECW, seeing to it that their Divas are all true wrestlers and willing to do what it takes to really bring it. Start giving them some specialty matches and solid personal storylines. Make sure they're a wide variety of physical and social types, not just the usual magazine cover model types. ECW would be the perfect place for it. It's the experimental show, after all, trying out the new talent and new ideas. You might be able to get away with more on Syfy than on the other networks. We'll see.

And yes, for those who've mentioned TNA, I've got to agree that they've really raised the bar for female wrestlers and I say good on them for that.
Here's an idea, put the divas championship on Beth Phoenix. Divas wrestling was actually alot more entertaining when Beth was throwin those stick thin chicks around.

Awesome kong is in fact awesome because she's huge and she dominates like no other knockout. Beth Phoenix brought that same intensity to a wwe ring and the WWE should really put that title on her for a long long time. The crazy thing is that while awesome kong is hideous, beth is actually hot for a woman with muscle. And the fact that Vince or whoever the hell is doing the booking for the diva's division don't realize that and capitalize on that is beyond me.

As for the womens championship... I think that title should be defended very frequently and on few PPV's. That should be a tv watchers delight. That title could be special again if they give the tv audience a treat most weeks with it being defended. Honestly, I don't care if the Steph wins the belt again, just defend that belt on smackdown with pride. That's all i'm asking.
I touched on this a little in my beginning, when is the last time there has been a Diva's match with any of the sort of stipulations you find in the male specialty matches? Ladder matches? Tables? Falls count anywhere or even an "I Quit" match? Frankly, I can't think of any. I've seen posts saying that the Diva's can't wrestle and in a few cases, I'll agree, but I'll disagree in a lot of others. Many of them can wrestle and wrestle extremely well, but they're not allowed to. There's only a certain amount of aggression that the networks, the WWE's sponsors and their corporate masters will allow. The male wrestlers are really allowed to go for the throat, put each other in all sorts of vicious submission maneuvers, smash the hell out of each other, throw each other into posts and stairs and announcers tables, but even some of the things not in the hardcore matches wouldn't be tolerated if done by female wrestlers. This means that most specialty matches are out for the Divas and that really limits them as to what they can do.

I think a major problem with gimmick matches and divas, is that nobody will take them seriously. Gimmick matches for divas, are the typical Bra and Panties, Pillow Fight, ect. And when they do have gimmick matches, the crowd doesn't seem to be interested; see Beth/Melina (as good as it was). The last falls count anywhere was Mickie/Melina, and I love Mickie, but that match wasn't anything special. I think if they want to add stipulations, they need to make the feud alot more serious, which was actually a problem last year; when you had Mickie/Beth and Mickie/Katie, they had faced each other enough, why not spice it up? Add a stip. Back in development, or the indys, Mickie, Beth, Katie, and a couple of others, where in ladder matches, hardcore matches, you name it. I mean Mickie was in a clockwork orange match. The Divas are capable of more than the fans, and the WWE give them credit for. If you build a serious enough storyline/feud, then the fans will be interested, and wont take it as a joke. When was the last time we saw a diva get hit by a chair, be rammed into a set of steel steps, go through a table? It's not been seen ever, or for a long ass while - that is something new, and the crowd will be into it, and curious to see it. I'll even go out and say it would be a draw.

My suggestion would be to add an hour and a decent Diva division to ECW, seeing to it that their Divas are all true wrestlers and willing to do what it takes to really bring it. Start giving them some specialty matches and solid personal storylines. Make sure they're a wide variety of physical and social types, not just the usual magazine cover model types. ECW would be the perfect place for it. It's the experimental show, after all, trying out the new talent and new ideas. You might be able to get away with more on Syfy than on the other networks. We'll see.

I do agree with this to an extent, though I think the divas who need to establish themselves should be on this show. That means girls from FCW, as well as the greener divas, then put your stronger, more solid women, on Raw or Smackdown - but there aren't enough females to go around (hence my point earlier, go hire a few wrestlers from Shimmer or FCW). ECW is the place for the newer women to go on, it gets few figures, but, the fans can get familar, because introducing them on Raw, is like putting a big fish in a little pond - you'll be lucky to get noticed. Once the females are over with the fans on a show like ECW, then you can move them up to Smackdown or Raw - but again, this leads back to storylines and character; creative and the bookers need to add something that seperates all the divas from one another. As well as that, sticking a 'new' diva on the face side of a tag match wont get them other - see Gail Kim. What it all comes down to, is lack of character and lack of storylines, which by now, is obviously the biggest flaw.
Suggestions for improvement? Can they really improve at all, no matter what the suggestions are? You can come up with a bunch of ideas for it, but if they don't have the talent, it just won't work. I keep hearing people say that the WWE isn't letting the divas work to their "potential". Am I in the shadows here? Cause I don't see much potential.

The way I see it, the recipe for a good wrestling career involves several ingredients. First, you have to be skilled in the actual wrestling. How many divas do you know that can actually wrestle? I'll give you the names in the WWE that can: Mickie James, Beth Phoenix, Melina, Michelle, Gail Kim, Natalya, and to an extent Katie Lea. Are any of these women PHENOMENAL? No. And you can't build a major section of a company around the talent level of "meh", where the rest of the women are even lower than that on the scale.

Second, you need people that have charisma. We've heard just about every one of these women talk on the mic and only a few can even enunciate correctly. Hell, Maryse can't even speak proper English! The closest thing that most of the divas have to charisma is simply their sex appeal, and that's why that receives so much of a focus from fans - because its the only thing that they can actually pull off successfully. Maria has no clue how to do a clothesline, but she does know how to look hot. Rosa can't pull off a dropkick if her life depended on it, but she can pull off any outfit they give her. People like The Rock, John Cena, and so forth have personality and it shows through their promos, ring presence, and their character. Only a few divas actually have what seems like a personality, and they're the ones that succeed in getting a reaction from the crowd outside of strict "you're hot" cheers. But again...can you build a whole division around 3 or 4 people? In TNA, they do for the most part have actual characters (on top of generally better in-ring skills), and this leads to them being far more entertaining in comparison.

Third, you need good storylines. Now THIS is a situation where I can give the supporters the benefit of the doubt...a little. Its true that Creative never does anything with the women's division in the WWE. Essentially if it isn't a random tag match, its not on the card for the night. But why waste your storylines on something that is a sunken ship? If they can't deliver in the ring, they can't deliver on the mic, and they have virtually no marketability outside of lingerie photo shoots and public appearances to brighten up the image of the company, why would you want to use a good story on them? I don't know about you, but the last thing I would want to do in that position is to give my focal point to the spot of the show where the audience typically leaves to get food or take a piss.

Suggestions for improvement....I'm at a loss. I don't think the WWE divas CAN improve, because I think 90% of them don't have the raw talent in the first place. You can dig as much as you want but you're not going to find water if you're searching in a desert. If I had it my way, we'd have people on the roster that were talented in all realms of the genre, on top of looking beautiful, so that we'd have the skill to warrant some spotlight, but as it stands right now, we only have the latter part of the equation, and therefore, I don't think we'll see any improvement at all.
The WWE needs to call all the Ladies together & say " No more Ladies Wrestling on Raw, Smackdown or ECW " & give them their own show . They need to have just 1 Ladies Champion & Tag Champions as well . They need to give fans variety which they don't have since they have a certain number of Ladies on each show & some Ladies get more action than others - ala , Mickie James & Melina are in the ring alot while The Bella Twins now seem to have a match once a month , after all , theyv'e been in ECW now for about 6 weeks & have been in 1 singles match where they have resorted back to their debut with the old switcharoo , but at least FINALLY they won a match using a FINISHER , instead of the boring rollup which you can see at any student show , this is the WWE , not a student show anymore . Another suggestion is Creative ( Yeah Right ) use their talent right instead of wasting them . Great example is The Bella Twins . You can clearly see they still have some learning to do , but it doesn't matter who they face & how much more experience their opponents have , they just won't let the Bella's lose . Also to give you a great example of what I'm talking about & I really don't want this to be a Bella Twin bashing , but they have been in the WWE for about a year now & forgetting the Bella vs Bella matches & the 2 Smackdown loses , in which the end didn't see either Twin pinned or made to submit , they have the 1 loss on Superstars . Gail Kim is a very talented wrestler who can wrestle circles around both Twins combined , yet in her close to 3 months of being back in the WWE she has already lost what ? 4 ,5 , or 6 matches . 1 last wrestler , Jillian Hall , she has been in the WWE for 4 , 5 , or 6 years now herself & has less wins than the Bellas have in their 1 year with their limited ring time. Variety is King & Talent is Queen , a Divas show gives fans Variety & storylines where talent can shine through & the Ladies who need the work to improve can with more ring time .
Sorry I havent replied to this first as I would have done the end thread post for this subject. I have a two sided opinion about the Diva's division that is being balanced out in my head, someone who studies the division more closely than some.

At the moment, the womens division is doing okay. WWE has girls on the roster who are genuine wrestlers like Mickie James, Beth Phoenix & Natalya Neidhart mixing with eye candy models like Maryse. This usually leads to a winning combination where the ones with the look take on the girls with the ability in the ring. This in theory eventually led to those who aren't that good in terms of wrestling gain experience & the rub from the veterans of the wrestling biz whilst the wrestlers compete & grapple good looking women for our enjoyment. Sounds great, right? In reality, it is the models that are not going full throttle with their wrestling endeavours. It's not their fault, they were not meant to be wrestlers & are using the company as a platform for success. However, I have a few suggestions I would love to make:

1) Hire more female wrestlers over models. It is a good idea to give the extreme sort of models a chance to work with a high profile company to launch their careers. However, the amount of models that are being employed compared to the amount of wrestlers are getting a little ridicious for a company heading in the entertainment direction. Since with the costume cutbacks to wearing jeans & no skirts, wouldn't you start to employ women wrestlers? Models aren't all stick thin, but female wrestlers look a lot better in the leg area than models whilst wearing tights. For the looks department, there is a reason to hire the female wrestlers.

And whose to say that female wrestlers with talent dont have any looks to them that can make them appealing for their face/heel alignment roles? I mean, Mickie, Beth, Natalya & Katie-Lea look fantastic in appearance, pulling off their characters well & can kick your arse as well in the ring. There are a plethora of women who are genuine wrestlers with great appearances like TNA's Madison Rayne, Talyor Wilde & Sarita. Not as good as say Maryse, but I would rather watch one of these girls take on Mickie James anyday. Not knocking Maryse as she is one of the only models ever to step foot in the WWE that is actually giving the business a chance just like Trish Stratus did.

2) Give the women some personality/gimmick. This is the sole reason as to why the WWE Diva's aren't as good as TNA KnockOut's. Basically every KO from TNA has a specific angle with their characters & can garner a connection with the crowd. You have Velvet/Angelina as the BP, Raisha Saeed, ODB, Kong, etc. They are different in some way that is very distinguishable to the average fan to tell the difference. In the WWE Diva's besides Maryse's over over over cockiness, maybe Natalya with the Hart Dynasty & Jillian's singing gimmick, the persona's are either the bitch heel character or the crowd favourite diva.

3) Give the women storylines/feuds NOT centred around the title. Basically, a challenger is crowned which is basically easily predicted that goes for the title. 6 women tag matches, single matches with interference from the opponent & the title match. It is the same feud basically everytime round. They are switching it up with the Michelle/Melina & the possible uber-creamable James/Kim feud which is great, but they need to give the feud more than wanting a title shot. They must make it more personal & have more of a grudge match feeling. This always interests the crowd more than a singles title match for no reason whatsoever. IF they make these matches that are just about the title only, they need to add match stipulations to get the crowd excited like having a falls count anywhere or a submission match to get some sort of fan interest.

These are basically the three major points that the E needs to work on. As of now, they are slowly working on them... only time & the E will tell if this will be successful.
It warms my heart to see so many people in this thread who actually "get it" ... pertaining to the problems with the Divas getting over. It is all about Characters and it is all about Storylines.

And the same logic applies to the guys, as well, as far as getting over.

However, this rationale shows that you understand a fundamental concept about wrestling and what actually gets people over with this audience.
[115]FalKon;1331856 said:
Sorry I havent replied to this first as I would have done the end thread post for this subject. I have a two sided opinion about the Diva's division that is being balanced out in my head, someone who studies the division more closely than some.

At the moment, the womens division is doing okay. WWE has girls on the roster who are genuine wrestlers like Mickie James, Beth Phoenix & Natalya Neidhart mixing with eye candy models like Maryse. This usually leads to a winning combination where the ones with the look take on the girls with the ability in the ring. This in theory eventually led to those who aren't that good in terms of wrestling gain experience & the rub from the veterans of the wrestling biz whilst the wrestlers compete & grapple good looking women for our enjoyment. Sounds great, right? In reality, it is the models that are not going full throttle with their wrestling endeavours. It's not their fault, they were not meant to be wrestlers & are using the company as a platform for success. However, I have a few suggestions I would love to make:

1) Hire more female wrestlers over models. It is a good idea to give the extreme sort of models a chance to work with a high profile company to launch their careers. However, the amount of models that are being employed compared to the amount of wrestlers are getting a little ridicious for a company heading in the entertainment direction. Since with the costume cutbacks to wearing jeans & no skirts, wouldn't you start to employ women wrestlers? Models aren't all stick thin, but female wrestlers look a lot better in the leg area than models whilst wearing tights. For the looks department, there is a reason to hire the female wrestlers.

And whose to say that female wrestlers with talent dont have any looks to them that can make them appealing for their face/heel alignment roles? I mean, Mickie, Beth, Natalya & Katie-Lea look fantastic in appearance, pulling off their characters well & can kick your arse as well in the ring. There are a plethora of women who are genuine wrestlers with great appearances like TNA's Madison Rayne, Talyor Wilde & Sarita. Not as good as say Maryse, but I would rather watch one of these girls take on Mickie James anyday. Not knocking Maryse as she is one of the only models ever to step foot in the WWE that is actually giving the business a chance just like Trish Stratus did.

2) Give the women some personality/gimmick. This is the sole reason as to why the WWE Diva's aren't as good as TNA KnockOut's. Basically every KO from TNA has a specific angle with their characters & can garner a connection with the crowd. You have Velvet/Angelina as the BP, Raisha Saeed, ODB, Kong, etc. They are different in some way that is very distinguishable to the average fan to tell the difference. In the WWE Diva's besides Maryse's over over over cockiness, maybe Natalya with the Hart Dynasty & Jillian's singing gimmick, the persona's are either the bitch heel character or the crowd favourite diva.

3) Give the women storylines/feuds NOT centred around the title. Basically, a challenger is crowned which is basically easily predicted that goes for the title. 6 women tag matches, single matches with interference from the opponent & the title match. It is the same feud basically everytime round. They are switching it up with the Michelle/Melina & the possible uber-creamable James/Kim feud which is great, but they need to give the feud more than wanting a title shot. They must make it more personal & have more of a grudge match feeling. This always interests the crowd more than a singles title match for no reason whatsoever. IF they make these matches that are just about the title only, they need to add match stipulations to get the crowd excited like having a falls count anywhere or a submission match to get some sort of fan interest.

These are basically the three major points that the E needs to work on. As of now, they are slowly working on them... only time & the E will tell if this will be successful.
Complete word to all of this! Every single thing you posted was right on.

I use to the womans part of WWF, but its been lacking for so long and is just a joke now. Not because the talent is there, sure some are pretty bad, but most are good and they have quite a few good female wrestlers. However they have awful one note similar characters, weak storylines, and only feud over the title. Its just, boring. I end up FF by 90% of the womans stuff, sadly.
i tihink that they should get someone like Trish Stratus.she is hot(soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo hot)and she can fight.name me one diva that cyrrently wrestles and can do the frankeinstriner(mickie james doesn`t count

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