What will be the Divas be doing this year?


Championship Contender
It is that time of the year again where WWE has to be politically correct and give the female wrestlers air time in a prominent spot of Wrestlemania. In recent years WWE has made gimmick matches to place a majority of the Divas in the match for the proper event. Here are a list of them:

2007 - Lumberjill match for the women's championship
2008 - Playboy Bunny Lumberjill match (Tag team match)
2009 - 25 Divas battle royal to crown Miss Wrestlemania
2010 - 10 women divas tag team match

As can been seen the trend is to include as many of the Divas on the show so that they can earn a paycheck. What will the gimmick for this year be? Another lumberjill match? An elimination match? Would a scramble match be worth watching? I think the main Divas attraction this year would involve Kelly Kelly and Vickie but how would the other Divas be tied into the event? Discuss this if anyone is interested in how the Divas will perform for the 5min they are given.
Hopefully they all get stuck at a fucking Airport or something. Honestly I haven't seen a Women's match on any Professional Wrestling card in at least 6 years that could hold my interest for more that 10 seconds, and even then it was just because Mickie James' thong came out.

But Lord knows we'll get stuck with some 12 woman tag team match with nothing coming out of it except hopefully Kong coming down to devour all of them.

Or maybe we'll get that Natalya vs Eve DREAM MATCH we've all been losing our shit about recently.........
With the disputable ending to the last Diva's Title match, I wouldn't be surprised if we saw another one at Wrestlemania. Eve and Natty have remained friends through their title drama, but it doesn't seem like all is okay between JGlass' two favorite divas. Michelle and Layla have also been experiencing their fair share of drama lately, and a LayCool break up seems imminent. While having the exact same 4 divas in the same type of match as last time will lack the sort of diversity the WWE likes to throw at us, there will almost definitely be lumberjills surrounding the ring to add a little different flavor to the match.
Well since Trish Stratus returned to the WWE last night, maybe she can have a match against Nattie at Wrestle Mania.
After last nights show I wouldn't be surprised to see a tag match pitting Trish/Kelly against Laycool. The Divas title might get a six pack challenge match on the pre-show as I don't see two Divas matches getting on the card.
Talent, The Hot One and Size Vs Talent, The Hot One and Size.

Michelle McCool, Layla and Vickie Guerrero Vs Trish Stratus, Kelly Kelly and Awesome Kong.


Seriously though, imagine Vickie Guerrero getting Awesome Bombed? That would be a Wrestlemania moment right there.

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