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WWE Divas Division: Do You Even WANT It Developed?


The Fantastic Captain
A recent thread on here really started to get to me. One, because we were all being trolled and the guy obviously just wanted to argue, but another reason was because the women in the WWE Divas division (And any other women's division for that matter) are viewed as absolute meat. Here's the reply I posted, which will generally set up how I feel

Originally Posted by RKOtheWORLD21
"I would also take 10 Cena matches over a divas match a night. Unless it was Bra and Panties then I would watch those."
My Reply
"That there is why the Divas division sucks; Because that's what Vince thinks we want to see, and since we're in PG he can't even do that, so the division stopped getting developed one way or another.
That's okay. Beth, Natty, and finally Kharma will change that soon, I think
I personally would love it if the Divas got their own show. Like an hour or something maybe online. Or when they ever launch this fabled WWE channel, maybe on there.
I'm not going to say that John Cena can't be entertaining, because he can be. And whether or not he actually has a limited move set is moot; His matches are predictable regardless. That's why people have a problem with Super Cena; Because when he is Super Cena, his matches are a waste of time when we all already know how they will end, he oversells his bumps (That wobbly leg dance gets on my nerves), and never puts his opponents over when he should.
So to answer the question, John Cena can be entertaining, but not in his Super Cena programs. I'll take Divas matches any day. Especially now that Melina is gone"

By the way, RKO wasn't being the troll I was talking about ^_^
Anyways, my main question is, regardless of how you feel about the women in the ring currently, or the status of their divisions, would you WANT to see their divisions improved? Would you rather they go back to Barbies in Bra And Pantie matches? Do you want a classic Women's Division with classic and legit matches like Wendi Richter VS The Fabulous Moolah? Or do you want a little of both?

Personally, like I stated before, I would love to see legitimate women wrestlers mixed in with a few models. They could both learn from each other; Wrestlers how to carry themselves as women (If they don't already), and models could actually pick up some legit moves. I'd also love it if the Divas were just not called Divas anymore, and they were the Women's Division again. Let's face it; Kharma is not a Diva. One last thing I'll reiterate is that I would love for the Divas to get their own show. They could take NXT off, and put a Women's showcase up. I would rather watch 40 minutes of Women's Wrestling than 40 minutes of... Whatever's on NXT these days. I think the Women having their own show would make everyone involved in the division develop it more, wrestlers and creative included.
I know the women don't really draw, and when they do, it's because of their bodies. I think that's a shame, because in the past there have been great female wrestlers and they were respected for more than just their boobs or ringside splits...
You want my honest opinion? I'd like to see the return of bra & panties matches, pudding, lingerie pillow fights, lesbian angles and all that kind of stuff.

Also, to clarify, I think that if women wanna do that stuff it can be fun and entertaining. Men are the majority audience (Or used to be o_O), so of course giving them some hot chicks to look at is fine and good business. I just don't think that the division should be reduced solely to events like that. I love Tag Team and Ladder matches, but honestly if they were the only matches on TV, it'd get stale pretty fast
Honestly, I would prefer that they just develop a cruiserweight and a tag team division over a women's division any day. I couldn't care less about any of the matches and I find that the matches just seem awkward and over the top, in the sense that they sell just like men but the moves do not look impactful. I would rather they just get rid of the women's division, use some divas as managers, or go back to the eyecandy thing we had in the attitude era. At the moment I just skip forward on my DVR or go to the bathroom when the divas are on.
To answer the question in your post in short: YES, I have wanted the Diva's division to be developed since Trish & Lita left, and I still want that. There is so much potential there. Instead of them being thrown together in match every week for all of about 3 minutes, they could entertain. Not just in a bra & panties match way either. They could really tell a story and get people interested, but like so many other lost opportunities within wrestling the effort is not made in getting people interested.

If Trish & Lita can get people interested in their stories and their matches, Divas in the division today could also. Instead of randomly passing the title and having matches featuring women that are eye candy with little to no talent, they need to let women with talent (Gail Kim, Layla, Beth, Natty) wrestle and give them an interesting storyline. The potential for growth and interest in the divison is there, it is just a lack of effort on the part of WWE to tap into that potential.
If I truly had my way, I think I'd just get rid of the Divas division altogether. WWE aren't likely to put any consistent effort into making it a legitimate division that people want to see specifically for the wrestling, and now it basically just fills time between segments people actually care about. If they did try to make it a competitive division, then that would be nice, but even then I'm not sure how much I'd care to watch them wrestle. I'll be honest, women's wrestling has no real appeal to me, so I doubt that WWE could ever make me care about their women in the ring. I'd like to see them prove me wrong.
everyone saying get rid of the divas division all together is just plain stupid.. you guys really like to stare at half naked, sweaty guys for 2 hours? I love it when the divas come on, their wrestling sucks in WWE, but that's not why i watch them.. when i DVR one of the shows, i fast forward through everything but the promos and divas matches.. because me, personally, I love to look at hot chicks bouncing around the ring :)
A recent thread on here really started to get to me. One, because we were all being trolled and the guy obviously just wanted to argue, but another reason was because the women in the WWE Divas division (And any other women's division for that matter) are viewed as absolute meat. Here's the reply I posted, which will generally set up how I feel

Originally Posted by RKOtheWORLD21
"I would also take 10 Cena matches over a divas match a night. Unless it was Bra and Panties then I would watch those."
My Reply
"That there is why the Divas division sucks; Because that's what Vince thinks we want to see, and since we're in PG he can't even do that, so the division stopped getting developed one way or another.
That's okay. Beth, Natty, and finally Kharma will change that soon, I think
I personally would love it if the Divas got their own show. Like an hour or something maybe online. Or when they ever launch this fabled WWE channel, maybe on there.
I'm not going to say that John Cena can't be entertaining, because he can be. And whether or not he actually has a limited move set is moot; His matches are predictable regardless. That's why people have a problem with Super Cena; Because when he is Super Cena, his matches are a waste of time when we all already know how they will end, he oversells his bumps (That wobbly leg dance gets on my nerves), and never puts his opponents over when he should.
So to answer the question, John Cena can be entertaining, but not in his Super Cena programs. I'll take Divas matches any day. Especially now that Melina is gone"

By the way, RKO wasn't being the troll I was talking about ^_^
Anyways, my main question is, regardless of how you feel about the women in the ring currently, or the status of their divisions, would you WANT to see their divisions improved? Would you rather they go back to Barbies in Bra And Pantie matches? Do you want a classic Women's Division with classic and legit matches like Wendi Richter VS The Fabulous Moolah? Or do you want a little of both?

Personally, like I stated before, I would love to see legitimate women wrestlers mixed in with a few models. They could both learn from each other; Wrestlers how to carry themselves as women (If they don't already), and models could actually pick up some legit moves. I'd also love it if the Divas were just not called Divas anymore, and they were the Women's Division again. Let's face it; Kharma is not a Diva. One last thing I'll reiterate is that I would love for the Divas to get their own show. They could take NXT off, and put a Women's showcase up. I would rather watch 40 minutes of Women's Wrestling than 40 minutes of... Whatever's on NXT these days. I think the Women having their own show would make everyone involved in the division develop it more, wrestlers and creative included.
I know the women don't really draw, and when they do, it's because of their bodies. I think that's a shame, because in the past there have been great female wrestlers and they were respected for more than just their boobs or ringside splits...

Honestly man I do want the divas to be good an givin their time to show what they have. There is talented women out their that can wrestle. The thing is wwe doesn't have that many of them and it makes me mad. An I said I'd take a bra an panties match over a divas match of now just ment that the divas suck. Natty is ok in my eyes, and beth is very good. Kim was the best the had until Kong. Now it seems Trips wants to make it seem more interesting as it should. TNA has the best women I have seen an these models who want to wrestle and can't are killing the Divas. Sure KK has improved but not all that much. Beth can run circles around her.

The E needs women who WANT to wrestle and show they have talent. An maybe will they be givin a chance again like they were with Trish, Lita, Jazz and so on. Yes I want to see this division improve as for this current roster can't do it. Fire them all besides Natty, Beth, and Kong and hire WOMEN WRESTLERS VINCE!!!
I don't think that there's really anything to develop. This is like trying to develop a men's division using only guys like Morrison, Swagger, Masters, Benjamin, MacIntyre, and Knox. It's like the bland leading the bland.

And the best the Divas can offer are McCool and Layla... and that's just sad.

The PG era combined with all of the good talent leaving = shit division. At least Sable vs Torrie mud wrestling was watchable... watching Kelly try is not.
everyone saying get rid of the divas division all together is just plain stupid.. you guys really like to stare at half naked, sweaty guys for 2 hours?
Well, this is a wrestling forum, so I think I can assume the people on here like to watch wrestling. The guys being half-naked and sweaty is a small part of that.

I love it when the divas come on, their wrestling sucks in WWE, but that's not why i watch them.. when i DVR one of the shows, i fast forward through everything but the promos and divas matches.. because me, personally, I love to look at hot chicks bouncing around the ring :)
Wait, do you only watch wrestling just to see the Divas, and even then it's only because they're hot? May I direct to the rest of the internet, where "hot chicks bouncing around" is pretty easy to find? You even say that the wrestling sucks, so this kinda makes me question if you even like wrestling at all. If you just like the Divas for their looks, that's fine, but there are better outlets for that than fifteen minutes or so in the ring each week.

On the topic, Kharma actually managed to keep me interested in the Divas for decent amount of time. I would even watch the Divas matches to see if she'd get involved instead of skim through them like I do now. When she returns, I'll pay attention, but I wonder how long I'll stay interested.
Hell yeah! The Divas Division can really mean something if it succeeds. It proves that wrestling isn't just a man's sport. It can be for women. But "division's" help prove anyone can do this sport. The Cruiserweight Division, the Divas Division, the Tag Team Divison and for TNA the X-Division. These are where the stars are found.

Anyway, the way I would do things is this. Look a few years back, you had gals like Trish Stratus, Victoria, Jazz, Lita, Ivory, Molly Holly, Jacqueline and many others that could actually do something good in the ring and entertain us with "wrestling." But, you also had what WWE is swimming in at the moment. The true "divas." Same time, you had Stacey Keibler, Torrie Wilson, Sunny, Sable and others that didn't wrestle often, and if they did, they would have a Pudding Match, or a Bra & Panties Match. The divas were good. Also, you had one "X-Factor" in Chyna. No need to explain, she was some sort of draw.

Look now, you have Beth Phoenix, Natalya, Layla, even AJ and Tamina who can and try to wrestle. These gals wrestle their ass off and most of the time, for me, it pays off. You also have true "divas" in The Bella Twins, Maryse, Kaitlyn and Rosa who don't wrestle with the intent of entertainment, but just something to do. HOWEVER, on some occasions, I am impressed with Maryse. In today's age, you also have the "Inbetweeners" in Eve Torres and Kelly Kelly who are beautiful, but, they actually do try to wrestle and can do something in the ring. And of course, when she returns, Kharma, is the "X-Factor" of the WWE Divas.

You have a shit load of potential and basically, bring back the Women's Championship and split the divas in half. Have the wrestling divas compete for the Women's Championship and have he true "divas" wrestle for the Divas Championship. You also need to decide what Kelly Kelly and Eve are. Personally, as they can do something, put them with the true "divas." This could give us a good side to the divas all the time, plus the ever-lasting improving.

Rumours of a Divas TV show on the WWE Network (TV chanel) could help this. Plus the fact you have Trish as a Tough Enough trainer, get her working with them. Since Goldust has come in as trainer, things have been improving, plus, get Michelle McCool training the divas with Trish and Rhodes, whilst Undertaker is talent scouting. See, things can work.
Women should without question be able to wrestle just like any other sport. Its sexist to exclude them and they bring theor own style.

that being said I want the division dropped.

Its not even women`s wrestling, they got rid of the last remnants of that with the women`s championship in favour of the diva`s.

someone needs to build their own company revolving completely around women`s wrestling, however hard that might be with WWE being a superpower and only a few other names being able to stand on their own as less powerful representatives of pro wrestling. Perhaps WWE can invest in creating a side buisness for it or something.

Women deserve to compete, but as it is they don`t really compete with the men of the company aside from from mixed tag competition which I personally hate bc its not really even a tag match since you can`t pull of tag moves.

If they have nothing to do with the other stars, why associate them at all. Another show, another format, one that can bring respect to them as athletes instead of just eye candy, where they are no longer overshadowed by everyone else.

soccer has a seperate division, basketball has a seperate divsion, why not wrestling. and yes they are technically considered a seperate division, but as long as they are on the same 2 hour show, not so much in terms of being realistic.
In all honesty I wish they would just can the division. Have an old wrestler such as Trish or Lita come back and win the belt, and retire with it. Have all the divas wondering whats gonna happen to the division, and then a guy like HHH as a heel or Johnny Ace come out and say the belt wont be brought back.

Honestly I believe in something that Dana White said. He said he wont allow women to fight in the UFC because there is no money in it. They don't draw. The same applies to the WWE. I don't know if my idea is good enough, but I think they should come up with a story to get rid of the division.

Maybe only get rid of it for a year or two, then when it comes back it will be fresh again. Then again, I don't think anyone will miss the division once it's gone.
In all honesty I wish they would just can the division. Have an old wrestler such as Trish or Lita come back and win the belt, and retire with it. Have all the divas wondering whats gonna happen to the division, and then a guy like HHH as a heel or Johnny Ace come out and say the belt wont be brought back.

Honestly I believe in something that Dana White said. He said he wont allow women to fight in the UFC because there is no money in it. They don't draw. The same applies to the WWE. I don't know if my idea is good enough, but I think they should come up with a story to get rid of the division.

Maybe only get rid of it for a year or two, then when it comes back it will be fresh again. Then again, I don't think anyone will miss the division once it's gone.

WWE can't get rid of the division, because if they did they'd be slammed by feminists and equal opprotunists. Pro wrestling isn't a legit sport, so it doesn't fall under the same category as MMA. Trish Stratus and Lita were both proven draws in the division, though probably the only one's.

However, I agree with you totally. WWE should have retired the division the moment they decided the retire the orginial title.
Personally I really could not care less if they ever attempt to develop the Divas Division in WWE (or the Knockout Division in TNA for that matter). All the women wrestlers of today are filler material, and it has been that way for a really long time. Even with the reduced sexuality of the PG WWE, the divas division is predominantly about T & A, and truth be told it has been for as long as I can remember. Sure, turn the clock back a few years and the quality of the matches may have been slightly better, but really, has the women's division ever been anything more than filler in the last twenty years or so?

The women's division in either company is there for a break in the action between the men's matches. This is why they often put a divas match in between the two championship matches on a WWE PPV. A championship match happens for one of the men's belts, and the excitement builds. Then they need to cool things off a little before the next title match, so they put a few scantily clad women in there to let the buzz die down, bathroom break, snack break, whatever, before getting back down to business.

Sure, the quality of women's matches in the days of Trish and Lita was a little better, but even then, it was still predominantly eye candy. Why put much effort or planning into a division if that's all it is going to be, when they can just send Kelly Kelly, the Bellas, Eve, and a few others like this to accomplish the exact same thing, likely at a lesser cost and certainly with a lesser effort?
I would wish they would get rid of it. I hate spending my money on ppv's and having to watch their clusterfuck of a match. But since I doubt they would ever get rid of it. WWE needs to use the girls that can actual wrestle.

Kelly-Kelly is awful, she cant even run the ropes properly. I get keeping her around because she is eye candy. But I dont want see her in the ring attempting to wrestle.
I have no interest in watching Divas wrestle. It simply doesn't appeal to me. Maybe part of that is that I've been given no reason to invest in the Divas in terms of storylines or in terms of characters but when their matches are on I'll just fast-forward them. And I've found now that I'm re-watching old PPVs that I'm doing it for Trish, Lita, Ivory, Kim, Victoria, Holly et al's matches too. The only women I've found interesting to watch have been Chyna and Kong, the two who could work a 'male style' match.

Women should be entitled to wrestle of course and I understand that there's some great female promotions out in Japan but in terms of the WWE the Divas division has pretty much always been about sexually appealing women. It may appeal to a certain portion of the audience but if I wanted to see scantily clad women I could always tune into a late night movie channel. As it stands at the moment the Divas are taking up TV time that could easily go to the cruiserweight or tag division.

I'd prefer Divas in the WWE to act as managers or valets. That's where their most interesting to me, probably because they're able to develop a character and personality that they aren't able to do in 3 minute matches.
I think WWE needs to balance out the amount of models to woman wrestlers. Right now we have Beth, Nattie, Kharma (currently inactive) and maybe Layla (also currently inactive?) who are actual wrestlers whereas the others are models and I think that's part of the reason why the division is not good. Don't get me wrong I, like many other men, enjoy watching pretty woman on tv but I would still like to watch good wrestling so a combination of the two would be good.

How many women are needed on the roster? I'd say 7 or 8. And there's already 4 woman wrestlers so if some models are released and 4 are kept then there's a balance of models to woman wrestlers and both would get tv time so there's real wrestling and pretty woman mixed. So with releases in the division this would be what my division would look like:

Beth Phoenix
Kelly Kelly

Maybe have The Bella's on-screen somehow as they're my personal favourites.
everyone saying get rid of the divas division all together is just plain stupid.. you guys really like to stare at half naked, sweaty guys for 2 hours? I love it when the divas come on, their wrestling sucks in WWE, but that's not why i watch them.. when i DVR one of the shows, i fast forward through everything but the promos and divas matches.. because me, personally, I love to look at hot chicks bouncing around the ring :)

You have to be like 14 years old. If you want to see women bouncing around, why not watch them do something more interesting than wrestle? There's all kinds of crazy shit on the internet, I'm sure you'd find something to tickle your fancy. However if you really are 14, do what you do. Just don't tell grown men that they're stupid for not wanting to watch women pretend to fight in slightly revealing attire when we have access to a world of better alternatives.

Now when I shit on the Divas it's not exclusive to their ring work. They suck at every other aspect of wrestling as well, the ring work just happens to be the most noticeable part. Natalya and Beth both know how to work a match just fine but neither one of them are worth a damn on the mic. It's just a chore to sit through any of their segments.

If I had to choose between revamping it or doing away with it, I'd get rid of it. Not just because I don't like it now, but because I just don't see any way to revamp it. Most of these women have been in the WWE for years and if they still don't get it by now, I don't have any reason to think they'll get it later.
You know what, i started to really get behind the divas division since they started the whole divas of doom vs the rest of the division. My only problem with the divas is that they can't cut a decent promo to save their lives. I listen to the Beth/natalya promo for the last 2 raw's and i couldn'T care less about them. That's were having a agent like Goldust come in to play. If their ever was a guy that was good at promos it's Dustin ''Goldust'' Rhodes. The guy could really teach them how to get the attention of the audience which right now they don'T. They have a really good roster of diva's right now, not as good as it use to be but BEth and Natalya are the best wrestlers on the roster right now. Ever seen they turn heel, The bella's have really gotten better both in the ring and on the mic. A.J. and Kaitlyn are probably futur stars are pretty good for rookies and will only get better with Goldust has their teacher. Alicia Fox as a lot of charisma, just need to work on her in ring skill. Same goes for current Divas champ kelly kelly. Tamina and rosa less involve in the ring and more as managers. Same goes for maryse. Layla was probably the most improve of all the divas and i really hope that she comes back as a heel because she way better as a heel. Finally Eve, while still a little bit sloppy, she still very athletic and while she really doesn'T have a lot of charisma, she'S still fun to watch in the ring.

I really would love to see the Divas division developped into something more then a 5 to 10 minute segment between 2 main events because these girls deserves more that what they are getting but they still need a lot of help, especially with the promos but right now they are on the right path as far as putting a little more focus on the divas division, i just hope they don't screw everything up by doing something stupid like putting Kelly Kelly with the divas of doom.
the problem is the divas no longer interact with the superstars (on camera). all the good divas in the past started or at one time worked with some of the top male wrestlers.
give a-ry or tyson kidd a diva at ringside. make an actual story line to set up matches instead of highlights from last week or superstar trailers.
WWE had a great women's division 10 years ago. Trish, Lita, Jazz, Victoria, Jacqueline, Ivory and Molly had great matches. Lita was in the main event of Raw a number of times. Trish just might have been the most-over woman in the company's history. They also had hotties in the form of Stacy Keibler and Torrie Wilson, who had enough common sense to stay out of the ring.

Then it happened. In 2004, they decided they didn't want "female superstars" (Lita's preferred term) - they wanted "Divas", meaning ring skills were unimportant as long as the girl oozed sex appeal. They had a Diva Search and had 10 bimbos take up TV time with stupid contests. Of the ones hired under Project Diva Search, only Team Lay-Cool (Michelle more than Layla) has been a success.

Even though WWE had Mickie James, Beth Phoenix, Melina and others, none of them captivated an audience the way Trish and Lita used to before they left in 2006.

Nowadays, they only seem to use the same four women - Kelly Kelly, Eve Torres and The Bella Twins. The four (arguably) most beautiful but least talented in-ring. Kelly Kelly is just an updated version of Torrie Wilson - can't wrestle, but fans forgive her because she's hot. Eve Torres has a judo background but relies more on her booty-pop. The Bellas are just a one-trick pony, the trick being "Twin Magic".

As long as whoever's in charge of the "Divas" thinks with his dick, they cannot be saved.
It seems pretty split. I can understand everyone's point of view and quite honestly within the last couple of decades, all of those point of views are all completely valid. Some us want bimbos jumping around in Thanksgiving Gravy Matches, some want valets and managers, and some of us want real pro wrestling with women. At the end of the day, I think all of these things can be in the Women's Division. I do think the word Divas (And Knockouts for TNA I guess) needs to be dropped. It would be a great step in legitimizing the Woman Professional Wrestler. I was really freakin' sad when they retired the Women's belt in favor for the Divas title. I think there can be great stories and personas made with women in pro wrestling.

If you look at Wendi Richter VS The Fabulous Moolah at The Brawl To End It All at MSG in 1984, I think that match is a great example of how women's wrestling can stand up against their male coounterparts. It has everything. Hype, a great story (Richter defeats a "28 year champion"), it has novelty (Capt Lou and Cyndi Lauper, not to mention Moolah herself), and actual legitimate wrestling (I think Wendi is one of the best ever), and I think Richter also delivers in the looks department, if that's why you're watchin'. And the crowd was hot for it. I think it's a classic match, and an example of what could be.

For those of you who think the division should be dropped to make room for other guys, to revamp the Tag Teams, or to revamp the Cruiserweights, I can't say I disagree, nor can I point out anything recently (Even with Phoenix, Layla, or Kharma) that defends against just snuffing the division. I want all of those things, too, because I do think having a random cruiserweight "enhancement match" at the beginning of a show does improve the overall product. However, I think that can happen without sacrificing the ladies.
They can draw, and have in the past; They just need the chance. Love him or hate him, Zack Ryder proved you can get a piece of the pie if you work for it. It's a start, ya know? But it is interesting to see how differently we all feel about it.
Most people's opinions on the Divas mean absolutely nothing and it's not because I think so, they make it that way.

If anyone actually believes there should be no division or wont get behind them having their own show for more exposure and TV time (the tag division too which also seems to be getting love again from WWE), if you just sit there, complain and dont even wish to see it better and have THE BEST Divas Division since Trish and Lita's generation of women then your opinion automatically doesnt matter.

The reason is instead of push to see something better than what you complain about, you'd rather just set it aside and get rid of it, typical IWC thought process on most things they dont like.

The Divas and Tag division need support through their respective transitional phases, they will get better, but the fans cant crap on something and expect it to.

Also, given what guys do and how they dress on the regular, no women dont have to be covered up to be taken seriously. I'd like the Diva gimmick matches back with good in-ring wrestling as well. Women will always be lusted after and sex symbols to a degree in anything, but that doesnt mean some legendary hip hop female rappers are degraded for calling themselves bitches in their music or shaking their asses or being associated with the industry in general. Everything follows the sex sells motto, even with guys.

You cant stop that, so keep all of it. Have them wrestle well and have fun in gimmick matches on and off, that's what made Trish and Lita's generation the best, it was serious performances when needed and still captalized off the sex appeal when needed.

We have power in this industry too, and I think today's fans are the dumbest for some of the most obvious reasons when you look at the time period we're living in.

The Divas Division doesnt suck, the Tag Team Division doesnt suck, the majority of fans who dont support it suck, you cant compliment your legs for helping you get around, then piss and moan about your arms because they forgot how to grab things... maybe they need time to learn and get better, maybe there's time needed for your arms to evolve and expand to new heights of ability and functionality.
WWE's diva division is the sorriest it has ever been. Nobody takes it seriously and I'd rather see midgets in mask's and capes flying around any day of the week! The PG area has killed what novelty there was in the Diva's but even before that, it started with that lame belt they use, you know the one I'm talking about. Jeff Hardy liked it though because he had his belt look just like it! At least the the Knockout division has some talent.
As patronising as this is, I think the Diva's division manages to break up the action and make the men's matches stand out better. I also think if they were to put proper effort into developing the Diva's division, they should rename it back to the Women's division. WWE is constantly trying to convey positive messages, anti-bullying etc, yet their female employees are called "divas"? There is almost no positive connotation to that word whatsoever, in fact I think it's downright sexist. I don't care about political correctness but still you can't take anything seriously that's called the "Divas" division.

I think part of the reason the Women's division used to work was because they'd have involvement with other superstars too, like the way the Hardyz had Lita and the Radicalz had Terri. When the women don't expand beyond the storylines of their own division I think they have less impact on the brand as a whole.

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