wwe - dawn of a new era

  • Thread starter Here_Comes_The_Pain
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ok hi all my first time please comments. and please dont be so rough.

rosters (alot has changed no real background reason just follow new storyline and feuds i mean its a btb doesn't have to be 100% real)


gm - eric bishoff

wwe champion
(he is nutral ^^ he just destroys who challenges him)
shawn michaels (heel)
john cena (face) (he is mid card like when he used to rap etc.. like mid 04 )
randy orton (heel)
rey mysterio (face)
dudly boyz - tag champs (face)
benoit (rip) - ic champ (face)
jericho (facel)
booker t (Heel)
finlay (face)
khali (heel)
duece domino (heel)
Chavo (face)
goldust (face)
kennedy (heel)
regal (heel)
heyman - manage dudlyz (face)
bobby lashly(face)
Santino Marrela (heel)


gm- mcmahon
whc -

(thats ment to be a whc championship he is face as well)
triple H (heel)
batista (face)
brock lesnar (heel)
edge (face)
kurt angle (face)
Eddie Guerrero (face) (rip) us champ
Hardy boyz (face)
kane (face)
flair (heel)
mark henry (heel)
MVP (heel)
John Morrison - tag (heel)
Gregory helms - tag (Heel)
rikishi (face)
umaga (heel)
calito (heel)
Gangrel - (heel)team with thorn called new brood
Thorn - above (heel)

shows to start in like a day.

thanks for reading.
i am going to start with smackdown it will be april after mania a few days after mania 24.

confirmed matches.

1.the human suplex machine tazz takes on Umaga
2.Mark Henry in a squah match
3.Rob van dam vs Edge
4.kurt angle vs carlito
and main event
i am going to start with smackdown it will be march after mania a few days after mania 24.

confirmed matches.

1.the human suplex machine tazz takes on Umaga
2.Mark Henry in a squah match
3.Rob van dam vs Edge
4.kurt angle vs carlito
and main event
5.kane vs batista

WM 24 takes place on March 30th so you'll start on April?

week 1 - april 5th 2008, madison square garden.

Mr. McMahon’s music hits and he makes his way towards the ring.
He takes the mike and begins to speak.

He says that smackdown has the best roster ever, we will dominate and raw does not stand a chance in ratings.

For example we will have unbelievable matches tonight to kick off the first smackdown ever.

Match 1 – Tazz vs. Umaga.

Cole: The human suplex machine Tazz is making his way to the ring; this will be an amazing match.
JBL: Yes but Umaga will win, he is the Samoan bulldozer.

The bell rings and the match begins, both men stare at each other.

Tazz runs at Umaga and tries to knock him down with a shoulder block but it does not work. Umaga calls for more. HE goes up against the ropes and runs to knock him down again but to no avail. The third time Umaga knocks him down and than goes up against the ropes himself and than belly flops him and squashes him.
He gets a two count. Umaga lifts him up but Tazz blocks whatever he was trying to do and grabs hold of him in a bear hug position and belly to belly suplexes him around the ring.
Umaga gets up afterwards almost straight away as if nothing happened.
He runs and takes down Tazz and than drags him to the rope corner. He runs at him from the other corner with a full head of steam and in the last second Tazz gets gets up and than as umaga turns around to hit him (ass to head thing) he grabs his head and gets him in the Tazzmision.

After a few moments he taps out and the winner is Tazz.

Tazz grabs the mike and says: I am the human suplex machine and I am going straight through this company and if you want to try and stop me, you will be like Umaga just another victim.

JBL: strong words from a man, but can he keep to his word.

Backstage – Flair’s locker room.

Flair: He walks into his room and notices everything is empty, no luggage, no wallet, no nothing.

He runs around the room taking everything apart.
Flair storms out and makes his way to the ring.
Flair with the mike in the ring: Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, this is no laughing matter, wooooooo, someone stole all my stuff, woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, I want it back I am the 16 time world heavyweight champion the dirtiest player in the game, woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.
So come out now with my stuff whoever it is.
Eddie’s music hits and crowd goes ecstatic. Everyone is on their feet.
Eddie: (wearing flair’s robe) oh man, that’s a tough break homes, who would do such a thing?

Flair: You! (Points) you did it give back my stuff now.
Eddie: NO homes, Finder’s keeper’s I mean this 1 thousand dollar robe is pretty nice.

McMahon’s on the tron: Why don’t you guys fight over it next week on Smack down, OH and if Eddie you loose you not only have to give back the stuff but it’s also for the United States Championship.

Match – 2 (squash match) Mark Henry vs. some home town kid.
Some guy as he is introduced in the ring waves to the crowd, gets a sort off reaction until Henry runs at him takes him all the way across the ring and against the ropes.

He throws him around the ring like a rag doll and than picks him up over his head and gets him in a submission move.
The Torture rack. He taps out straight away.
Backstage – In the locker room of Gm McMahon Kurt Angle walks in and begins to speak, he explains that he is a former 4 time wwe champion, he is an Olympic gold medalist and he deserves the title or at least a title shot in the near future.

McMahon tells him he is right but there are some other people in the roster that will disagree with that so if he can beat them he can get the title shot he wants.

Backstage – Funaki interviews The Rock.

Funaki: I am here; Smack down’s Number 1# Announcer Funaki here to talk with the world Heavyweight Champion the Rock.
The rock walks onto the camera scene.

The Rock: Finally The Rock has come back to Madison square garden. And tonight the rock is here to fight he is ready to roll in front of the Millions (pauses as fans say and the millions) and the millions of the rocks fans. To all the people on the roster JUST BRING IT!

Match 3 – Rob van dam vs. Edge

When both men are in the ring the match begins, Rvd gets edge with a heel roundhouse kick to the jaw as edge runs at him. He gets back up and gets punched all the way back to the ropes, corner.
In the corner, Edge is still pounding away at him but the reff has to break it up. In the mean time Rvd gets up behind him and trips him over from behind. He than goes up on the top rope and tries the 5 star frog splash.
Edge playing possum jumps up to the top rope and super plexus Rvd and hurts himself in the process.

Edge manages to get his arm over onto Rvd and gets the pin. Though he gets only a 2 count.
Rvd than gets up and tries to hit a rolling thunder but edge gets his knee’s up into the gut off Rvd he is rolling around the ring in pain.
Edge the ever resilient person goes onto his knees crouches down and is ready for the spear.
He runs at Rvd but rvd moves out of the way and edge hits his head on the second rope turnbuckle.

Rvd from behind does a school boy but only gets a two count.
Both men get up and stare at each other.
They shake hands. And continue the match.

They brawl/ Punch up to the outside they are fighting all around the outside of the ring. Edge is about to hit Rvd’s head on the Announce table but Rvd blocks it and kicks him in the head.
They both get into the ring and continue the fight.
Edge throws him at the turnbuckle really hard and it looks like he hurt his back.
Edge goes down again for the spear, he hits it he goes for the pin, he gets a 3 count but rvd’s leg was on the bottom rope the reff didn’t see it so he counted to three.
The match is declared to be restarted and Rvd rolls Edge up from behind and gets another 3 count.
And your winner Rob Van Dam.
Backstage –
Mark Henry: Any Challenge just bring it on, I am the world strongest man, I am the silver back of the wwe and I am the best.

Match 4 – Kurt Angle vs. Carlito

Tony Chimmel ring announcer: Mr. McMahon just informed me that if you don’t win this match in under one minute you will not get a title shot for the rest of the year so good luck.
Cole: That’s not fair.
JBL: don’t argue with the boss.
The clock begins and 59 seconds counts down Kurt ducks a right hand thrown at him, he does 3 German suplexes, 40 seconds left.
He pulls the strap down and lifts him up for the angle slam, and hits it. 20 seconds left.
Carlito is down and out Angle quickly goes for the Ankle lock and gets it in. He is refusing to tap with only 10 seconds left he goes down for the grapple Ankle Lock. Were he vine wraps around the knee…………


Mr. McMahon music hits: He says I may reconsider if you join a certain club next week, an elite club; Mr. McMahon’s kiss my ass club.

Kurt runs after him in the back.

(it is short i will get better it is my first time.)

thank you for reading comments please, remember this is my very first time i will get better and better. just tell me how i can improve and what you like etc...

thanks :)

opening Segment.
Highlight reel with chris jericho and Mr. Kennedy

The ring is set up for the Highlight reel with Chris Jericho.
The countdown begins for the Chris Jericho entrance, than the break the walls down as he makes his way to the ring.

Chris: My Guest tonight is a very fast rising star, He has beaten in the last year over 8 former champions He is Mr. Kennedy.

Kennedy storms to the ring.

Kennedy: It’s not Mr. Kennedy, Its! (Lights dim) MISTER KENNEDY (*Pause*).
Chris: Full of himself!

Jr: (Laughing).
King: It’s not Mister Kennedy Full of him self, get it right.

Kennedy: Why in Hell did you call me out for this so called good show of yours and why did you interrupt me I mean I am the fastest rising star ever and I will gladly add you to the names of people I have beaten.

Chris: Is that a challenge or a threat?
Kennedy: Just get in the ring with me and ill beat the crap out of you and you will show me some respect for I am Mister Kennedy.

Chris: Ill never…… EVVERR back down from a fight so why not we get this highlight reel stuff out of here and we get this under way.

Eric Bishoff’s Music hits.

Eric: You don’t run the show Chris I do I mean I have no problem firing you like I did nearly 3 years ago.

Chris: So… Old man with white hair what are we going to do now?
Bishoff: Why don’t you guys pick each other’s poison, pick who each other are going to vs. tonight on raw and maybe in the near future we will see you vs. each other so Kennedy who will you want Jericho to vs.

Kennedy: Why don’t you tonight take on the fighting Irishman Finlay, See how you stand up to him.

Chris: How about for you why don’t you take on since you think you are so big and tough, the intercontinental champion Chris Benoit.

Bishoff walks into the back as we get ready for the first of the pick your poison matches.

Match - 1 Y2J vs. the fighting Irishman Fit Finlay.

Finlay’s music hits as Jericho is still in the ring waiting for him.

Finlay is in the ring but the Referee order’s that he removes and disposes of the shillelagh. While the Reff does that Hornswaggle comes up from under the ring and hits him with his shillelagh and low blows him and goes back under the ring.

The reff starts the count. Thought he only gets a 2 count.
Finlay is getting really pissed off; He can’t believe that he kicked out.
He goes straight after Chris and gets him in a head lock and holds him down on the matt with it.

It is almost like a ground sleeper hold. After about a minute, the reff holds his hand and drops it. Chris got to his feet and elbowed him in the gut a few times and fell on his back hurting Finlay in a piggy back position. Chris Runs at the ropes and goes for the lion Tamer (second rope moonsult sort of thing that he does) and hits it.

He goes after Finlay’s legs and starts stomping away at him. He stands up and is ready for the code breaker, Finlay holds onto the ropes so he doesn’t go down with Jericho.

Finlay Goes for the pin and uses his feet on the second rope but the reff see’s it. Jericho is down for a second while Finlay complains to the reff.

Jericho gets up behind and gets him in a school boy pin, he stops the pin by grabbing the leg turning around and making it into a walls of Jericho finisher.
He is in the centre of the ring as this happens and after about a minute of agony hornswaggle comes up from the ring holding the shillelagh the reff makes him go back under and in the mean time Finlay is tapping out Jericho let’s go and goes to hit hornswaggle.

Finlay hits Jericho in the back of the head with the shillelagh of his and goes for the pin.
Jericho gets his foot on the bottom rope. Finlay Drags him to the centre of the ring and goes for the pin again but only gets a two count.
He goes to grab his shillelagh again and turns around with it to swing at him but Jericho hits the code breaker on the knee’s to the face. He drops the weapon and Jericho goes for the pin and wins.


Match 2 - The dudley Boys w/ Paul Heyman vs THe great Khali

The Dudley’s are just looking up at the giant mastodon of a man the seven and a half ft tall giant the great khali.
Khali throws a chop to the head and D-von goes down and than to Bubba Ray Dudley he goes down as well.

He lifts them both up and than does a double choke slam. He stands on them high above for the pin. He is about to get a 3 count when Paul Heyman gets up and into the ring and tries to hit on the great Khali. Khali throws hum away over the top rope like a fly in the mean time 3-D is up and they are going for their move the 3-D.

D-Von tries to lift Khali off his feet for it but he cant Khali throws him away, Bubba tries to help him by getting on the top rope and jumping at Khali but nothing happened he just stood their.
Soon after he threw D-Von out of the ring and got Bubba in the Vice Grip.
He taps out.

He gets the win in a quick match, can anyone stop this giant freak the great khali says King?



Todd Grishom interviews cena and tells him how he feels about next week he will be part of a big match and if he wins that could put him possibly in the
title hunt in the near future.

Cena: Well, Whoever i vs next week weather it be orton or jericho or even eric bishoff himself i will beat them all, I wont break a sweat, mysterio or even the ogre Khali bring em all on ill just fu them all home.
from Booker to shawn Todd we all know eric watches animal porn.
Even if i vs 4 5 or 6 people i dont care i mean bring em all on its still fair.
Those 2 from the 50's they ride to the ring in a car, they call them selves
doocue and domino
Or even if its the Fighting irishman finlay he doesn't stand a chance just like the little midget hornswaggle, you cant see me. (leaves)

Santino is in the ring and he says that next week he challenges anyone to a match he is the best wrestler there is today and he demands a title match next week.

Match - 3 Chris Benoit vs Mr. Kennedy (non title match)

when both men are in the ring the match begins, Kennedy runs at benoit and
benoit ducks and german suplexes him.
He goes straight on him with an arm bar but Kennedy rolls out of it. and Ddt's him.

They look at each other for a few seconds. and than benoit clostlines him.
Kennedy back up straight away he gets thrown adn the ropes and than beoit lifts his knee up and Kennedy goes down.

He gets thrown at the ropes, and than chopped a few times his chest is bright red.

Benoit gets chopped back and knocked down and Kennedy goes on him and starts choking him.
he has to let go otherwise he will be disqualified. He lifts Benoit up and is ready to do something but Benoit grabbs him arm and does a suplex pin,

like the (Mr. Perfect finisher pin) he gets a two count.
Mr.Kennedy goes to the outside to get a breather.

Benoit goes straight out after him and throws him back into the ring.
As Benoit goes int he ring himself he gets pocked in the eye and thrown and the ropes really hard and knocked down.
He goes for a pin but he only gets barely a two count.
Kennedy goes to the top rope for the Benoit High flying head-but.
He takes too long and he misses Benoit moves out of the way, Benoit goes up there himself and hits it. He goes for a Cripler crossface and gets it in. Kennedy gets to the ropes though and the hold is broken.

Benoit drags him around the ring and gets him in the middle, and gets him with the sharp shooter. Kennedy is forced to tap but he holds on long enough to get to the ropes, He gets up and gets suplexed a few times until the third one when in mid air Kennedy turned it into a craddle pin and steals one.
(when he hits the floor of the suplex he grabs the legs of benoit and pulls to him for the pin)


(a video package was shown of the Backlash p.p.v coming in 2 weeks)

Backstage- in jericho's room he looks at the moniter and
a video package is shown of ecw superstars just a few moments no one knows why it confuses everyone

Match 4 - Shawn Michaels vs King Booker w/ sir william regal.

Shawn is in the ring waiting for the match to start.
Booker's Music hits and Regal is standing their with booker moving to the ring slowly saying ALL HAIL KING BOOKER repeating himself, Michaels goes up to Regal and looks at him and than turns around and superkicks him.
Booker is grabed by shawn and thrown in the ring and the match begins.

(to be done soon)
I be back in a bit i go have lunch, feel free to comment i know i barely dont ten minutes of the show but lol have to eat.
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