WWE.com apologizes to Laurinatis


SORRY! About you damn luck!
Apology to WWE Executive Vice President John Laurinaitis
By: Craig Tello July 18, 2011
Tags: Money in the Bank 2011
As a senior WWE.com writer, I would like to publically apologize to Executive Vice President John Laurinaitis and WWE for my use of disparaging terminology in WWE.com’s article covering the events of last night’s Money in the Bank WWE Championship Match. (FULL STORY)

The term I used was inappropriate for an executive at WWE, Inc. I greatly respect Mr. Laurinaitis and his efforts within the WWE organization.

I don't get the big deal out of this. You can read the full story here:


The only reference I found ouf Laurinatis was this one:

Then, as Cena cinched in the STF, The Chairman of the Board made his way to the ring with WWE Executive Vice President John Laurinaitis for a potential screwing not seen since Survivor Series 1997. Ever the dignified combatant, Cena released the hold and foiled the ruse by knocking out Laurinaitis. An opportunist in his own right, CM Punk sprang upon the moment, dropping Cena with a GTS for a pin that caused seemingly all of Chicago to erupt.

I don't get this apology. I don't know if it's kayfabe or not. Discuss...
The fact that Johnny Ace was on TV suggests to me he may be used on-screen for something.

Raw GM maybe? Probably not.

The fact that they put that on the website instead of dealing with it privately suggests work, but I'm still unsure as to whether this is a work or just another oversensitive ex-wrestler.
Well the reason it doesn't sound bad is by now whatever Mr. Tello wrote has been edited out of the article on wwe.com.

Whatever was there before the edit obviously was something the E wanted to distance itself from so it removes the offense, and posts a correction/apology for it. So unless someone got a screen grab of the original article, we'll probably never know what it sounded like originally.
Didn't Johnny Ace fuck Giant Baba's wife when he was sick in the hospital? I don't care about Laurinitis' feelings. This is likely a work otherwise it wouldn't be publicized.
Actually, I can speak to this. I re-read the article and it was edited.

The line "Chairman of the Board made his way to the ring with WWE Executive Vice President John Laurinaitis for a potential screwing not seen since Survivor Series 1997. Ever the dignified combatant, Cena released the hold and foiled the ruse by knocking out Laurinaitis." originally called Laurinaitis "McMahon's 2011 'stooge'".

Not really a huge deal if you ask me.
I just saw that in a news post on the main site....

I know my people struggled for years to eradicate the slur stooge from everyday use. This is horribly insulting and this writer should be dragged to the middle of town and tarred and feathered for this horrific slur against....against....oh screw it I can't even joke about it anymore.

Someone needs to grow a pair over there at WWE headquarters....or maybe three pairs if being called a "2011 stooge" is cause for a written apology and a whitewash of the phrase. Maybe wear some chain-link armor around the office to deflect the horribly insulting "Stooge" term.
Uh...people...haven't you considered that this could be a work and they are trying to build Johnny Ace as an on-screen heel character? Having a lowly write apologize for calling Johnny Ace a stooge is just like when JR would call a heel a "coward" and the wrestler would take offense.
I honestly thought stooge worked great. Last nite I was actually asking myself if he's gonna be like a new version of patterson and brisco for Mcmahon. Guess they aren't going that route
Patterson, Brisco and Slaughter were collectively referred to as McMahon's "stooges" when the whole Mr. McMahon thing was in its heyday. Laurinaitis is essentially doing the exact same thing. Why not evoke the old term? It applies in this instance. It seems a strange thing to turn into a work, but then again, I didn't expect him to be featured last night at all. Strange.

Edit: WWE's Twitter is reporting the story now. This has to be a work. Why make such a big deal out of it?
If Johnny gets an apology for being called a Stooge, which is what he is maybe we can get him to apologize for destroying the roster JR built for 10 years? Johnny Ace signed who?

I know JR signed Cena, Orton, Batista, Lesnar, Angle, Benjamin, Jericho, Benoit, Guerrero, The Rock, Stone Cold, Triple H, Kane, Big Show, Mysterio, Edge, Christian, Trish Stratus, Lita, Mark Henry, William Regal.....need I go on?

Triple H signed Sin Cara.
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The theory that something has to be a work to be publicized is silly. What about Sin Cara's suspension, is that a work? :suspic:

But if they didn't publicize the apology, would you think that the write calling him a "stooge" was shocking and something that needed to be apologized for?? Absolutely not. And of course, Johnny Ace is on screen again. It's clear it's a work. That same writer has called many heels in the WWE bad names, why not apologize to them too?
I would bet money that Johnny Ace is a new character they will have regularly. Why even bother putting him on TV if they aren't going to do something with him? And I like Paragon's idea. Maybe he is the Raw GM. Does the guy even speak?
I dont know if some of you remember Brisco and Patterson being referenced to as Vince's stooges in the 90's due to the fact they were always with him. Maybe WWE was going for this angle with Laurinitis and the writer using this word exposed the storyline and therefore appologized.

....or it could always be a work :suspic:

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