WWE Clash Of Champions: Match 7 - Cesaro VS Sheamus


Due to picking up the win last night on Raw to tie the series 3-3, the best of 7 series between Cesaro & Sheamus finishes this Sunday at COC. The winner is supposed to receive a "championship opportunity" at some point, though exactly which championship and when said opportunity is to take place hasn't been specified.

There's virtually no chance of Sheamus winning as all it would accomplish would be to royally piss a lot of people off. Cesaro and Sheamus have both worked hard in this program and while it would have been nice if WWE had upped the intensity, in my opinion, it's still been an overall fun mid-card feud that hasn't revolved around a championship.
I have a feeling that this is going to be for a shot at the United States Championship, rather than the Universal Championship. And if that's the case, then it has huge ramifications for the winner of the match. I have a feeling that we'll see Owens and Reigns emerge from the matches at Clash of Champions with Championships to their names. With Owens being a heel, it would make sense for Cesaro to be the winner, should the prize be a Universal Championship shot. Conversely, with Reigns being a face, it would make sense for Sheamus to win the match should the prize be a United States Championship match.

Personally, I really hope that they show a little faith in Cesaro and that the prize is a shot at the Universal Championship. I don't think that he'd go on to win the championship but it would be really nice to see Cesaro get a reward for everything he has been doing. Failing that, if Sheamus wins, I hope it's an angle to get Cesaro over to Smackdown to take on Styles. So much potential but I'm almost willing to bet that neither of those will happen.
I would laugh so hard if Sheamus ends up winning it.

Maybe Vince enjoys Cesaro as his punching bag.

But, realistically it makes complete sense for Cesaro to win and get his Championship opportunity.

Probably will be for the Universal title. As for who wins? That's anybody's guess.
Cesaro wins, moves to Smackdown and defeats The Miz next Tuesday, at a guess.

If RAW can get Bray Wyatt out of it, I'm all for it.

But, I think Cesaro will just be the one to dethrone Rusev.

Of course it's the WWE and we might also get Sheamus winning and challenging the new US Champ, Roman Reigns.
There's virtually no chance of Sheamus winning as all it would accomplish would be to royally piss a lot of people off.
And that is why he is going to win.

I dunno why but they always had lot of faith in him eventhough any of his run as Champion wasnt too memorable. He is good in ring but he is pretty bland otherwise. And yet somehow he always came out at top and wouldnt be suprised if he wins this.

On the other hand Cesaro needs it lot more. Would be nice suprise if they go with him as a winner.
My thoughts can be summed up in three words I don't care. I don't care about the match and I don't care who wins. This match will be my piss break if it even makes it to the main card.

a Best of 7 series isn't the worst idea in the world. I've loved the ones I've seen in the past but for the love of all that's holy Sheamus and Cesaro are 2 of the most boring superstars I've ever had the displeasure of watching when working with each other. Every match in this series has been the exact same outside of Cesaro cheating a bit to get a couple wins which will probably go nowhere

then there's the fact we've seen it all even before this craptastic best of 7 series started. They've fought at least 2 dozen times on RAW, PPV and even house shows over the past couple months.

Shame because I like the work both men put on but they just need to work with other people FFS.
I enjoyed their matches pre-series, but this whole thing has reeked of "Well, we don't have anything for Sheamus and Cesaro for seven weeks, so..." This lackadaisical Creative decision is underscored by the reward for the victor, a vague promise of a championship opportunity. Worse yet, I'm fairly sure there were no stakes presented whatsoever in the first two weeks of contests.

It's the best example of Raw's Creative weaknesses. I think Sheamus wins, becomes Roman's first challenger for the US title.
Cesaro wins, moves to Smackdown and defeats The Miz next Tuesday, at a guess.

But... Why? Nobody wants to see The Miz getting beat by Cesaro, specially not now that he's been entertaining. Cesaro just needs to have a better focus from the writing department and grasp an identity, since he's currently just awful as the swiss suit & shades wearing male stripper who just can't talk to a camera. He's the main reason why I miss managers so much.

I hope Cesaro does win this here. He gets to challenge either Rusev or Owens in a high-profile match and that's more than I could ever ask for. Maybe that helps him, I guess. I would want him to be the first challenger to Braun Strowman, and since I don't see Strowman as nothing special aside from a special attraction, he could win one match here.
So there still isn't going to be a gimmick match? 10 televised matches in the span of two and a bit months and you haven't changed it up at all? Hectic.

As for the series, it's a real shame that they wasted a best of 7 series on these two. Out all of the feuds from the past to all the potential ones in the future, WWE wasted it on the most boring combination. I actually hope Sheamus wins as the idea of going 3 up and then not winning one of the last 4 annoys me, especially from Sheamus who was WWE champion not even a year ago. Having Sheamus win the last match also means Cesaro can go to Smackdown.

So yeah, go Sheamus...?
Sheamus is heading into this match as the clear favourite at the bookmakers. Albeit surprisingly. I had an image of this series as a chance for Cesaro to play the underdog really well. And to be fair, he has managed that. He's come from 3-0 down to tie it up and 3-3. But the bookies rarely get these things wrong and it looks as though the Swiss Superman is going to find himself losing the first high profile feud that he has found himself in recently.

And all of this paints a sad picture of just how the WWE feel about Cesaro actually. He should go to the Clash and walk out as the winner of this series. He should then be given a push to see just how fat he can go as a fan favourite. But the reality of the situation is that Sheamus looks as though he's going to be successful and that can only be bad for business. The fans have had enough of seeing him near any Championships and are desperate to see people like Cesaro given a chance to see how well they can do. I'm hopeful that Cesaro gives us the upset that we crave and that the bookies have got it wrong. Otherwise there might be no going back to Monday Night Raw from my perspective.
Cesaro wins and the announcers hype up Cesaro's comeback referencing how it's a bigger deal than what the Cavs did against GS.

This feud would actually be appropriate in a HIAC match if they were smart, vs. throwing a Rollins/KO, Reigns/Rusev match in that match.
I still hope that WWE could inject a gimmick match as the final match between these two guys. Something like Last Man Standing match or 2-out of-3 falls match.

As The Gift Of Jericho said, the bookies are predicting a win for Sheamus. I hope that Cesaro wins it. If not, then send him to Smackdown where he could actually be utilized properly.

Also there's word that Reigns wins the US Title and we get Reigns Vs. Sheamus again after Sheamus defeats Cesaro in Best Of Seven Series. My hopes of Cesaro as World Champ don't seem to be fulfilled even after Brand Split. I guess it would remain a dream for life.
This match exceeded my low expectations easily.

The two powerhouses just fought hard for the win which made it like that there's something special and precious on the line.

The crowd getting into it was also a good sign. The ending was weird but if it leads to their last match which does consist of a gimmick like Last Man Standing match then I am all okay with this ending.

And please give the winner an Universal Title shot. And winner should be Cesaro as I hope. Because Sheamus has already had it all.
This match exceeded my low expectations easily.

The two powerhouses just fought hard for the win which made it like that there's something special and precious on the line.

The crowd getting into it was also a good sign. The ending was weird but if it leads to their last match which does consist of a gimmick like Last Man Standing match then I am all okay with this ending.

This sums up how I felt as well. I wish the "let them fight" chant had lead to a proper finish. Cesaro fighting off trainers and refs in the ring, and Sheamus fighting them off on his way back to the ring. In the chaos, have Foley come out, no mic, tell the ref to keep the match going. I suspect the pop would have been massive.

I expect the two to either shake hands, or be forced unwillingly to challenge for the tag team titles. Failing that, match XII had better take place in the Hell in a Cell, or some alternative spectacle

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