WWE Calgary, Round 3, match 2: #8 Harley Race vs. #9 Owen Hart

Race vs. Hart

  • Harley

  • Owen

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Kissin Babies and Huggin Fat Girlz
The following match takes place int he WWE Region, under Basic WWE Rules, from Calgary, Al.

#8. Harley Race


#9. "The King of Hart's" Owen Hart
I have to say Harley Race because as a heel race was brutal and Race has accomplished much more than the late great Owen Hart. Race and Owen would probably put on a classic match with Race hitting the diving heabutt and getting the win.
Owen Hart... great, great wrestler (his match against the 123 Kid from King of the Ring 1994 will most likely always be the greatest match I've ever seen under five minutes long) and definitely as tough as they come since he came out of the Hart Dungeon, but he loses here. Owen would put up a great fight and the match itself would be fantastic, but I just don't see how Owen would ever be able to put away a wrestler like Harely Race. Race is just way too tough for Owen to finish off, and he's too diabolical for Owen to survive in the ring with him.

And as far as the other stuff goes... Race was the better worker, without a doubt. Owen had some great matches in his career, but working the crowd, promos, believability, charisma... Race takes it all. Plus, of course.. Race's legacy is ten times better then Owen’s, unfortunately.

Most of us all love Owen, but vote for Race, guys.
While I don't think Owen will win this, I think he's often underestimated because of the fact taht he's both Bret Hart's brother and, since he died so young, he didn't have nearly as long to establish himself and his place in the history of the business. In terms of athleticism, he blows Race out of the water. He was faster, more agile and tougher than people give him credit for. Owen's old man Stu was a serious and respected hooker that loved to stretch his students, push them to the brink so Owen I think had to have some legitimate toughness.

That being said, it's hard to not be impressed by what Race did over his career. Aside from his 8 NWA World Championship reigns, two of which started in All Japan Pro Wrestling, he was a big name and won championships in companies all over the world. While I don't always think comparing accomplishments is always fair or accurate, it's just too much to ignore in this case. Comparing Owen's career to Race's...it's just too one-sided. Owen would give Race a pretty good match, but this is as far as he goes.
I'm taking Race as well. Owen could fly around the ring all he wants to and could go move for move with some of the best ever, but eventually he's going to make a mistake. At that moment, Race owns him. Owen is going to make multiple mistakes out there while Race could conceivebly make zero. People look at HHH and call him a modern day Harley Race, but I disagree. HHH isn't good enough to hand someone else the laces to Harley's boots. Race is one of if not the greatest heel wrestler to ever step into the ring. Seven world titles compared to Owen's handful of IC and tag titles make this a decent outing for Owen, but a match that he is destined to lose.
Harley Race will finish off Owen Hart with the headbutt, now dont get me wrong i think that Owen will put up a pretty good battle, but the more experienced and the better man will win, which is Harley Race.

The only thing that I think Owen has on his side is his speed. In order to even have a chance he is going to have to work a faster style and he is going to have to be very careful with every move he does. Because if messes up one time, Race will catch him on it and just start the beating.

Owen is a pretty tough guy, but i think Race is tougher so that obviously wont help Owen too much.

Also, if Owen works as a heel i think it will help him even more than him playing a face, because it will allow him to be able to do some dirty tactics. Only problem is that if Race is also a heel, he will have him beat there because he was a better heel than Owen.
I'm pretty sure that Owen is going to win this, but he really really shouldn't. On the one hand you have a career midcarder that fluked a win against his brother, and did pretty much nothing else in his career. On the other hand, you have a multiple time world champion. I am a fan of Owen's early 90s Rocket era work, and when he was the original Blue Blazer, but he never won anything at all noteworthy then, he was just entertaining in defeat. Race should beat him quite comfortably here, and progress to face Inoki. However, that isn't what we'll see happen, I'm sure.
Race, hands down. I need to go kill myself, I actually had to think about this to start with. Race was amazing, he MADE Ric Flairs career what it was. He never botched a thing in his life, once he got the upper hand. Owen would be down for the count. Its impossible to come back up from something such as what race could do to a man. Unfortanately Owen has a little more name power being Brets younger brother. Owen never held a world title either. Race, he held 7. Do the right thing folks, vote for Harly Race.
Man. I have to take King Harley Race in a great matchup. Owen's biggest victory was against Bret Hart, his brother. Harley Race has has too many biggest victories to count. Not to mention big time matches are a way of life for Race whereas Owen's only had a couple.

Although this is in Calgary and it's Owen's turf, Race is known to go into home territories, beat their guy and walk out with the gold.

Vote: Harley Race
I'm a big Owen Hart fan, and I wish there was a way I could vote for him here, but I'm going with Harley Race. These two would go move-for-move, and make the fans pop for a solid 20 minutes, but, like KB said, Owen will make a mistake. Whether it's getting too full of himself, or botching a move, Race will capitalize.
ONE harley race accomplishment that will end this is that he's won the NWA world title. Owen never won a world title belt. unless you include the WORLD tag team title, but this is a singles match, so that doesn't count. owen loses.
Owen is awesome and will always be one of the greats in my mind. But Race ranks higher than him in my mind. Race is just a beast and would take Owen here. Owen will have the crowd behind him, but I can't think of many times where the crowd favored Race. Owen will give him a hell of a run and this will be a great match, but Race will win nonetheless.
And little Owen goes home in round 3 to a far superior Wrestler. Harley Race has Owen beat in almost every category./ Sure, the Calgary factor might factor in at some point ,but Harley Race was a product of the territory days. He was used to going into some new territory night in and night out, and defending his NWA Championship in that persons home Territory, and winning most of the time.

Owen Hart is good, Harley Race is great.
I've never been a big fan of Owen Hart, but he was a talented guy. However, there is no way this match should be remotely close. Hart comes up against a huge legend in the business in Harley Race. Race would wrestle such a brutal match that Hart just wouldn't have enough guts to tough it out.

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