WWE: Calgary Region-Round 1 Match 1: #1 Bret The Hitman Hart vs. #64 Mikey Whipwreck

Bret Hart vs. Mikey Whipwreck

  • The Hitman

  • The Whippersnapper

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Kissin Babies and Huggin Fat Girlz
The following match takes place in the WWE Region under basic WWE Rules, from Calgary, Alberta Canada.

#1. Bret "The Hitman" Hart


#64. Mikey Whipwreck
If there has ever been a one sided match, this is it. Bret was at his best in the WWF and while Mikey wasn't actually terrible in the ring, he was still a product of ECW and therefore is more comfortable with weapons. Mikey may have been ok in the ring, but Bret was great in the ring and this is abuot as bad of a beating as you're going to find.
This here is an indisputable Hitman victory. The only arena this might have given Whipwreck even some chance is ECW, where he was more important and would have had some hardcore advantage. But the WWE is somewhere Whipwreck never stepped into, whereas it was home to Bret for years, and for a time, he was definitely the top dog of the WWE. Factor in the huge benefit Hitman has from the Canadian crowd, who are notorious for their insane support of anyone Canadian, and the sheer prowess of his wrestling ability...he walks away with an easy victory here.
I don't know much about Whipwreck, but form what I have read he failed in WCW, the closest he has come to a WWE environment. His ECW background gives him no helo against one of the true greats in all of wrestling. Hart will barely be troubled, he can use it as a squash match, or drag it out and humiliate Whipwreck. Either way, it ends with Hart having his arm raised.
No one will even attempt naming Hart as the loser here, and if they are they've never seen a wrestling match. Hart is arguably the best of all time, it's going to take a hell of a force to beat him, and he won't meet that person for a long time in this tournament. Hart all the way.
As much as I'm looking to get Bret eliminated in a round earlier than the semi-finals, I can't vote against him here. Mickey Whipwreck was nothing great. He flopped in WCW and wasn't ever anything special in ECW. Bret was top dog in the WWF and a five-time champion. Bret wins.
Remember the time the 123 Kid took it to Hart in the WWE Ring? Don't be so easy to give it to Bret yet. Just Kidding, this would be over in seconds. Mikey was good, but good because of his unique stylings that were emphasized in ECW. In WWE, in Calgary, in a straight up match, Bret Hart has this match won with ease.
Squash match here. Micky Whipwreck was a feel good story out of ECW but he is no where near in the class of a Bret Hart. Bret will have Mickey so confused with his technical ability that Mickey wont know where Bret is. Add in the fact that it is going to be a very pro Hitman crowd, Sharpshooter around the 3 minute mark.
I'm actually terribly tempted to vote Whipwreck in this match. When it comes to making the impossible possible, forget all the others. Mikey Whipwreck could beat anyone through just sheer dumb luck. Obviously, I'll still give it to the Hitman. Just raising an interesting point.
This is about as one sided as it's gonna get. Hitman is a natural in the ring, and is undoubtedly one of the biggest legends to ever grace the business. Mikey was decent. Nothing to special about the guy, and certainty cannot hold a torch to The Hitman.
Whipwreck was a testament to just how little depth the ECW roster had, and how the desire to get beaten down and massacred day in, day out was all it took to get over in ECW. He doesn't belong in this tournament, discussion, etc.

And Harthan. what's with this idea that he'd have a chance in an ECW ring? What's so special about it? When he was in an ECW ring, Mikey was famous for little more than hardcore pain spots. He was a ring hand whom Heyman gave a shot at being decimiated by kendo sticks and chairs. When the ECW crowd and its average IQ of 83 ate it up, the kid got it worse and worse.

I may not even infract people who spam "Whipwreck Sux" in this thread.
Just going to suggest a scenario. It's not that out there. Some of you will think I'm joking. I'm not. This is how Whipwreck made a career.

Hart, a legitimate ringmaster, is just playing with Whipwreck, who's barely conscious. The Hitman has predictably controlled the match, making the other man his bitch. What's this? Hart goes for the figure four? Now he's just show boating. But wait! Whipwreck's body just convulsed unexpectedly, reversing the hold into a new variation, rarely seen in the United States. Hart is trapped in the middle of the ring, unable to break free, unable to get to the ropes. Hart's tapping! Hart's tapping!

And that, my friends, is how you justify a vote for Whipwreck.
Hart, a legitimate ringmaster, is just playing with Whipwreck, who's barely conscious. The Hitman has predictably controlled the match, making the other man his bitch. What's this? Hart goes for the figure four? Now he's just show boating. But wait! Whipwreck's body just convulsed unexpectedly, reversing the hold into a new variation, rarely seen in the United States. Hart is trapped in the middle of the ring, unable to break free, unable to get to the ropes. Hart's tapping! Hart's tapping!

1. Hart didn't showboat during a match. Flair maybe. Not Hart.

2. Hart didn't tap. Backlund had him in the Crossface Chicken Wing for ages and Bret kept going, never looking back.

There is NO justification for Whipwreck having a career, let alone lasting more than 2 minutes with Bret.
Whipwreck was decent in ECW but he's in the region where there are 2 W's and Bret Hart will tear him up. I can see Whipwreck putting up a small fight but he will succumb to the Sharpshooter and Bret is the victor.
And Harthan. what's with this idea that he'd have a chance in an ECW ring? What's so special about it? When he was in an ECW ring, Mikey was famous for little more than hardcore pain spots. He was a ring hand whom Heyman gave a shot at being decimiated by kendo sticks and chairs. When the ECW crowd and its average IQ of 83 ate it up, the kid got it worse and worse.

I'm not saying he would have won. I'm saying he would have had some chance. The chance would have been minuscule, but it would have existed. Where in the WWE ring he has 0% chance, in ECW, he has about 1% chance. There's a very limited scenario in which it could have happened in ECW, much as Sam pointed out. There's no way it could have occurred in WWE.
1. Hart didn't showboat during a match. Flair maybe. Not Hart.

What's this? Hart's going in for the kill. No time-wasting from the Hitman! He'll finish this early with the figure four. There. Fixed.

2. Hart didn't tap. Backlund had him in the Crossface Chicken Wing for ages and Bret kept going, never looking back.

In this scenario, Whipwreck expires in the ring. Rigamortis sets in, leaving Hart in this excruciating hold for hours on end. Eventually, he just gets bored and taps so he can go home.
This is a one sided match. Easy victory for the HITMAN. Wrestling skill, technique, experience all favour Bret. There is no way that Mikey whipreck even builds any momentum or causes any trouble for Bret hart. A squash with Mikey Whipreck tapping out to the sharpshooter within 5 minutes.
Canadian fans rejoice.
Mikey Whipwreck is the biggest underdog in the history of professional wrestling, and did get big wins a few times in convoluted bizarre circumstances, as at Holiday Hell 1995. However, the ways he won often came from outside help, and this is also ecident at Holiday Hell, when Cactus Jack helped him win.

However, it really isn't going to happen here, and in a WWF ring, were Bret Hart was undoubtedly in his prime when in the WWF. This match would see Whipwreck tapping out within two minutes.
I don't even know who the fuck Mickey Wipereck is. After reading some of the posts and doing about 2 seconds of much needed research, it seems he was a part of that dog-shit company ECW. Bret Hart was better than the whole ECW roster put together. This is a walk in the park for the Hitman.
Bret Hart in a WWE ring, in Calgary vs Mikey Whipwreck, ARE YOU KIDDING ME???????

Bell rings, tie up, Atomic Drop by Bret, Bret asends the middle rope and drops down on Whipwreck, Sharpshooter in the middle of the ring. Bret wins in under two minutes.
In a way, Mickey Whipwreck was the ultimate underdog, achieving the impossible and overcoming insurmountable odds. However, I think this match has Mickey biting off more than he could chew. Bret has every conceivable advantage going into this match. He's not only has home promotion advantage, but also hometown advantage as well. Bret would more than likely receive the booking advantage in this match considering that he was a much bigger draw in the WWE than Mickey Whipwreck, so much so that I don't see Mickey's star from ECW being enough to enable him to pull off the upset.

winner, Bret Hart
Well. Not much to say here. not a question of if, but how long it will take. Bret generally likes to make his opponets look good, so he might allow this to go 10 minutes.

Acheivments, abilities, home feild advantage. a trouncing to the 10th degree. Bret Hart wins easily.
As much as I'm looking to get Bret eliminated in a round earlier than the semi-finals, I can't vote against him here. Mickey Whipwreck was nothing great. He flopped in WCW and wasn't ever anything special in ECW. Bret was top dog in the WWF and a five-time champion. Bret wins.

You mean besides being a multiple time champ? Hand-picked as Foley's partner for a while?

I'm actually terribly tempted to vote Whipwreck in this match. When it comes to making the impossible possible, forget all the others. Mikey Whipwreck could beat anyone through just sheer dumb luck. Obviously, I'll still give it to the Hitman. Just raising an interesting point.

I'm agreeing with Sam. My vote is what got Whipwreck in the tournament, so I'll have to show some support, but my vote will ultimately go to Hart.

To anyone calling this a short squash, you haven't seen any of Mikey's matches. As others have said, he made a career out of taking a beating, and making the impossible possible. For everyone that loves Austin, look to Whipwreck as the creator of the Stunner. And, the Whippersnapper was more over in ECW than the Stunner was in WWE. Hart will win, but only after Mikey kicks out at 2 about 20 times, and has his knee contorted in 3 or 4 Sharpshooters.
From what I've seen of Mikey Whipwreck he appears to be a random guy who happened to appear in a wrestling ring and got lucky on the odd occasion, and that was in a Bingo Hall where anything went. This isn't, I expect him to put on a resilient performance but ultimately he will be no match for Hart in his hometown in the WWE.
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