WWE Bragging rights


Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No it's Supermod!
In 2009, it was announced that an event called Bragging Rights will replace Cyber Sunday. The event will take place on October 25, 2009 at the Mellon Arena in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

It is unknown if Bragging Rights will be an entirely new event or if it will carry the same lineage and legacy of Cyber Sunday. So the debate is will the Taboo Tuesday/Cyber Sunday format still exist at this PPV or will something else take place?

I for one think this format will stay as it seems a very popular one, however what I would love to see is something unique. At bragging rights what I would love is for there to be zero titles/masks/careers on the line and every match to be literally for the right to brag over the opponent! That would be something totally different and would be able to get matches that wouldn't normally happen (something random like Cody v Goldust)

Cyber Sunday/taboo Tuesday as we knew it are dead and gone. have been for a few years now. haven't you noticed over the last 2 or even 3 C.S. PPVs the "FAN PICKED" stipulations were exactly what the WWE wanted? they put the C.S. PPV on each year and made it look like the fans were chosing the matchs yet the "vote" every time came out just what Vince wanted to happen. They were all fixed.

So onto the question....Cyber Sunday is gone for good and it will be a completely new format...most likey from the name it will conists of interbrand matches with the "Bragging Rights" to being the best brand in WWE
I think they should definetly keep the same format. It gave us something we don't normally get on PPVs, surprise matches. Going into the PPV you have at least 3 or 4 matches where you don't know who the participants will be, which is exciting.

As for WWE fixing the results, I don't think they actually do. If that was the case, it would have been HHH v. Koslov v. Hardy last year, not HHH v. Hardy in a one on one match. While they may not fix the results, they definetly try to steer the audience toward voting for a specific choice.

Overall, I really like the whole Cyber Sunday concept. I hope this is just a stupid name change and not a complete PPV overhaul.
personally i hope that maikeru is right and every match is an interbrand match where the winner gets complete bragging rights. i also agree with you that it could give us the opportunity for some matches we never really thought we would see such as cody vs goldust.

if thats not the theme, im guarenteeing you that the format of the ppv will change from that of cyber sunday/taboo tuesday. i read that the wwe is renaming all these ppvs because their ppv revenue has seriously dropped and they are trying to fix it by changing up the more stale and mundane ppvs, giving them new names and new themes. (the great american bash-the bash, vengence-night of champions, one night stand-extreme rules, no mercy-breaking point, and now cyber sunday-bragging rights)

i also really think that the wwe fixes most, if not all, of the match-ups for cyber sunday. and if they really dont, then for sure they try to influence us in every way they can of picking what they want.

no matter what they turn the ppv into, im really hoping it is great because i live in pittsburgh and if your looking at the announcers table, my friend and i will be sitting second row to the left of them. as long as christian, jericho, and hbk are there i will be fine.
It's funny though, when we had the championship matach for the Worldheavyweight Championship, we choose the referee, between JBL, Mick Foley, and 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin. The WWE didn't try and influence us at all on that one, apart from both JBL and Mick Foley treating it like a presidential election (LOL). Not once did anyone even mention SC until the night. Then he won with like 90% of the vote. Oh, how we laughed...
First and foremost, "Bragging Rights" is a terrible name for a ppv. What does that mean, that if you win a match on this show you get bragging rights? Don't you kinda get that after EVERY victory? I don't know how this name actually got the OK because it sounds like a 12-year old's attempt at naming a ppv.

On to the topic at hand, I imagine the format will be entirely different. After all, what does the name "Bragging Rights" have to do with the whole "fans make the matches" gimmick for Cyber Sunday. Unless they go with something lame like "The fans get to BRAG about having the RIGHT to pick the matches." This ppv seems like it'd be a regular one based on the name because I have no idea what gimmick a name like "Bragging Right's could carry.

Also, I don't understand why they even changed Cyber Sunday in the first place. It already had a gimmick, a good one too, so if they really are trying to add some spice to their ppv's, why would they change one that was already unique? Why not just add a gimmick to ppv's without gimmicks like Armageddon or Judgment Day?
i agree that cyber sunday is fixed. if you paid £15 to choose between a debate and arm wrestle or a wrestling match what would you choose.i hope the new gimmick is a smackdown vs raw vs ecw one with the main event being a match between the 3 main champions. and mabey a 15 man battle royal with the winner facing the champion of there show.
I think a Raw vs. Smackdown vs. ECW event would be a good idea to have matches that you wouldn't normally see. For example, The Miz attacked John Morrison at the draft but they never actually did anything with that. It could also be a chance to push talent with interpromotional matches.

The next PPV after Bragging Rights is Survivor Series. In the past there have been Raw vs. Smackdown feuds but Bragging rights could lead on to more of these matches alsoincluding ECW but still having separate Raw, Smackdown and ECW matches.
I am def. hoping they go with the interbrand concept. Could be good with having all these stip. ppv's (BP/HiAC/TLC) being added and gives the fans at least 1 PPV a year where you get matches you normally wouldn't get seeing as wrestlers are locked to their brands. Could have a great card...personally I wouldn't mind seeing :

Evan Bourne vs Rey Mysterio

John Morrison vs The Miz
(Would hope Miz would be US champ then so we could get the IC champ vs the US champ)

Chris Jericho vs The Big Show
(Let MVP/Mark Henry take the titles at HiAC and have Jericho blame Show for the loss setting up their split)

CM Punk vs Batista vs Ezekiel Jackson
(Hopefully Christian retains on Sunday setting up Christian vs Kozlov vs Zeke with Zeke going over and him leaving Regal's roundtable)

Mickie James vs Michelle McCool
(Diva's Champ vs Women's Champ)

DX vs Christian/Dreamer vs Hart Dynasty vs MVP & Mark Henry
(Tag team elimination, all 3 brands get a team in the match to go against the champs...possibly even being the only match where a title would be on the line)

Randy Orton vs The Undertaker
(Undertaker goes over Punk at HiAC setting up this Champion vs Champion match to close out the show)

I honestly think an Interbrand PPV would really offer something just a little different from the rest of the PPV's at the moment.
I think the best thing to do for Bragging Rights would be to do an interbrand PPV featuring Champion vs. Champion matches as well as some interbrand matches. It will freshen things up. Can use it to build to Survivor Series as well, with the traditional 5 vs 5 match ups.

Here would be my card:

Battle Royal Winner Receives ECW Championship Match Later In Evening
Allows for a bunch of superstars to receive PPV time.

Women’s Champion vs. Diva’s Champion (Non-Title)
Michelle McCool vs. Mickie James
Champion vs. Champion for Bragging Rights, makes sense

Raw vs. Smackdown
Evan Bourne vs. Rey Mysterio
Battle of the High Flyers, showing Vince why he should bring back the Cruiserweight Division

ECW Championship
Winner of battle royal vs. Christian
I can’t stand to think of Regal being in a championship match or being champion. Would like to see Sheamus get a shot. Maybe have him come close, see what he’s got.

United States Champion vs. Intercontinental Champion (Non-Title)
The Miz vs. John Morrison
For tag partners now singles stars, seems fitting

Tag Team Championship (Fatal Four Way)
Chris Jericho and The Big Show vs. The Hart Dynasty vs. Cryme Tyme vs. MVP & Mark Henry
Time for the rise of the Hart Dynasty, a fatal four way allows Jericho and Show to not look bad, but make Hart Dynasty look good.

DX vs. Legacy
Keep this fued going, to help build Ted and Cody

Dream Match
John Cena vs. The Undertaker
Doubt they would waste this match at a non-big 4 ppv, but I would love to see it.

WWE Champion vs. World Heavyweight Champion
Randy Orton vs. CM Punk
Doubt both of these guys will be champions, but could make for a good back story with Punk wanting revenge for Orton costing him his first World Title reign.
I really like Champion of the Worlds matches. I would love to see Cena v. Taker but that would happen at WM if it were to happen
I'd like to see them keeping the same "gimmick" that Cyber Sunday/Taboo Tuesday had. If I remember correctly, it got them a ton of buys, and I'm sure I'm not the only one that enjoys a little interaction with the outcome, even if my vote truly counts for nothing. It leaves open the possibility of entirely new matches, and you get to see gimmicks that have become rare (eg. strap matches).
So I am attending Bragging Rights and I just looked at the Mellon Arena website for shits and giggles. Check it out yourself. The logo that is...


Judging by the logo, this appears that it will indeed be a interpromotional PPV (which I am pretty psyched about now that it's not just another boring normal half-assed PPV). We will get to see matches not normally seen between superstars from all brands. (Please give me Taker/Cena... it's wishful thinking right?) Since that does seem to be what the logo is getting at, I would assume it's more or less confirmed. What does everybody think about this?

I believe it's pretty damn awesome. As someone posted some situational matches above, it would be amazing to see Morrison/Miz, Bourne/Mysterio (if he's back), Ziggler/Kofi, TAKER/CENA, Punk/Cena, Punk/Orton, Punk/HHH,... I could go on and on. There's so many amazing scenarios that you can make when you're using every superstar that can be involved in every match. No Smackdown/Raw/ECW exclusive matches. For this... I'm damn excited. This also gives the titles a chance to change shows not via the Draft. Although oddly, if one changes, the other would also have to change so that would kill a little excitement. Although WWE could write something smooth as far as a story behind it goes. Again... probably wishful thinking..

I also just read the story on the main page about how the tagline for Bragging Rights says "Have your say online!" So basically, they are keeping the fans voting concept which I also love. Now it will just be all interpromotional matches (or just the main 3 as we've seen in these formatted PPVs), with the fans vote concept, and they changed the name of the PPV. I think Cyber Sunday just received a damn good makeover.
Don't care much for the name, but I really hope they go brand vs brand or something leading up to Survivor Series and the doing a big 5 on 5 match there. Hopefully will be better then Cyber Sunday has been the past few years.
I read this on my other site. Credit to DA.



Brand Dominance Theme For Bragging Rights?
- Thanks to Thomas for the following:

A friend of mine who works at a local pay TV station here in Thailand informed me that WWE faxed a description of their up coming show "Bragging Rights", apparently the ppv's theme is an all Triple Threat matches, featuring Raw vs Smackdown vs ECW and the fans - or WWE Universe as they would like to call us - get to vote on the match stipulations, the match performers, guest refeerees, etc (kind of like the old Cyber Sunday concept). In the fax they sent, it mentions that all your favorite superstars from Raw, Smackdown and ECW will be on the show including a Champion of Champions match between WWE Champion John Cena, World Heavyweight Champion Batista and ECW Champion Christian, for the Championship of YOUR choosing. Who will have the bragging Rights, find out live Monday 26 October 2009 at 7am only on pay per view. (Note: the time is of course local Thailand time, in the US the show is on Sunday 25 October 8Et, 5Pt)

I would love to see a $#!+ load of Raw vs. Smackdown vs. ECW matches on a PPV. This may be the second themed PPV concept so far that I really like on paper. The first of course is Night of Champions, but you all already knew that. I wonder if there will be Tag Team Triple Threat matches as well, or better yet a Fatal Four Way Elimination Tag Team match with a team from each show and the Dual Strapped Champions. Oh, and the Main Event is just beautiful. I hope they don't do what they did the last time there was a Champion of Champions match where the Champ who has to defend ends up being successful anyway.
PPV buy rates are probably down for the simple fact that there are too many, mostly consisting of the same matches about 2 or 3 shows in a row with slight variations.

With that said Bragging Rights sounds interesting if our speculations are true, but if they don't give it a good marketing plan and have build up for the matches it will be all for naught. Couple that with the fact that its only 3 weeks after HIAC, with a big 4 PPV the next month, I don't think buy rates will be picking up here. Many people will be saving their $30-$40 bucks, me being one of them.
well From what iv heard World Wrestling Entertainment has plans to drop the Fans pick Format From the PPV as it is'nt ova with the fan's.

but then again on WWE Kidz.com there has been news that they could be keeping the Themed p.p.v but i hope that they decide to drop the event because WWE has all these Theme/Gimmick P.P.V but not alot of actual wrestling.
So...I'm going with a Brand vs. Brand atmosphere here. You won't have all Triple Threat matches because, quite frankly, Vince isn't going to give that much PPV time to that many ECW guys. Here's what I'd like to see, though...

Opening Match
Cody Rhodes vs. Goldust
Start off with a "Battle of the Brothers." Cody has been looking pretty damn good on RAW and on PPV's the past few months, and Goldust is still, to me, a top performer in the ring. He can hang with anyone and have a good match, a trademark of a quality veteran. This would be a solid opening bout and hopefully set the tone for the evening.
Winner: Cody Rhodes

Champion vs. Champion Match
Mickie James vs. Michelle McCool
The obligatory Diva's match is second. This time, though, we get a high quality Diva's PPV bout with two women who can work the butts off in the ring. A quality back and forth bout.
Winner: Michelle McCool

Tag Team #1 Contender's Match
MVP & Mark Henry vs. Batista & Rey Mysterio
Jerishow retains at Hell in a Cell, and Big Ben sets this match up at Bragging Rights to determine who deserves another shot at the Most Dominant Tag Team Ever. However, Jerishow try to screw both teams out of the #1 Contendership, setting up a Triple Threat Tag Match for Survivor Series.
Winner: None (Double Disqualification)

Champion vs. Champion Match
Jack Swagger vs. John Morrison
The United States Champion vs. the Intercontinental Champion comes in at match number 4. Originally I wanted Miz to win the US Title at this PPV, but knowing it's format now, that won't be happening. I don't think Miz is ready for the Miz/Morrison encounter yet (as Morrison has been pushed a lot harder than Miz, in my opinion). Being a former World Champ (ECW, at any rate), Swagger matches up on paper better with JoMo. Again, this should be a damn fine match.
Winner: John Morrison

RAW vs. SmackDown
Randy Orton & Triple H vs. Kane & Matt Hardy
Interesting teams, eh? With the last two matches I have planned, I thought matching up some of the "Best of the Rest" in some unstable tag teams would be interesting. Kane and Matt had a really good bout on Superstars last week; if they continue that program this match would be even more interesting. Lots of different styles here. The question is, which team can put aside personal differences for the sake of the brand?
Winner: Randy Orton & Triple H

Triple Threat #1 Contenders Match
Shawn Michaels vs. CM Punk vs. William Regal
OK, so follow me here. Whoever wins this match is the #1 Contender for his brand's main championship at Survivor Series. William Regal is often overlooked as a worker, or at least he was when he was on RAW. As a crafty veteran, this could be an interesting bout. CM Punk is losing the title to 'Taker at HIAC, if my guess is accurate, hence his inclusion. And HBK instead of HHH? Well, I really just wanted HHH to have to team with Orton.
Winner: William Regal (bet you didn't see that one coming!)

Just for those keeping track, ECW has 1 win, while RAW and SmackDown each have 2, with one double DQ finish. So the Bragging Rights go to the winner of the Main Event.

Triple Threat Champion vs. Champion vs. Champion Match
John Cena vs. Undertaker vs. Christian
This would be an epic match if booked properly. That means we limit Cena's Super Mushrooms. I like the guy as a performer, but he needs to look human once in a while. Who better to do that against that Captain Charisma and The Dead Man? Christian would use speed to his advantage here, and keep himself in the match. But we all know that he won't win. That why
Winner: The Undertaker

Giving SmackDown the 'Bragging Rights" derived from the PPV's title. If there are Cyber Sunday elements added, then you can use your imagination to figure out how to mess with this card :)
Bragging Rights. Yeah, we've heard that the PPV will be SmackDown vs Raw based. Only good can come out of it. I mean, look at the 2005 Survivor Series. Wow, that was amazing. Batista, Lashley, Orton, JBL and Rey Mysterio vs Shawn Michaels, Masters, Carlito, Big Show and Kane. That was fucking crazy branching from the Eric Bischoff/Teddy Long feud, then led to Cyber Sunday, Rey Mysterio and Matt Hardy vs Edge (later Snitsky) and Chris Masters and Teddy Long vs Eric Bishcoff which both matches were won by SmackDown. Later Masters and Carlito attacked Teddy with the Masterlock and ran off in a limo while team SmackDown chased them in JBL's limo. Next Raw, Team SmackDown arrived in a parking lot in JBL's limo and called out Raw. They came out and at the end we saw Big Show and Kane double chokeslam Batista onto a car windshield. At Surivor Series Randy Orton was the sole survivor but let's hope 1 brand wins and no other storylines intercept with the ending of the PPV like Taker did at the 2005 SS. And let's hope ECW stays out of this, unless it's Christian vs Cena vs UnderTaker for the title that the fans choose to be on the line.

The brand warfare stuff brings out a sense of unity within the WWE brands and brings about interest in watching both show intertwine with each other. Just watch the storyline that led to Survivor Series 2005, heels and faces both cooperated with each other. The WWE creative cannot mess this up, if they do, they're ******ed and need to get fired. ASAP.

Your thoughts?
I like the idea of the two brands going at it for a pay per view. It allows us to see heels and faces working together for the good of the brand. I would set it up with:
Team Raw:
Cena, HHH, Orton, Michaels, MVP

Team Smackdown:
Punk, Batista, Undertaker, Jericho, Morrison

They should also make the ECW champion the special guest referee, just to add a little flare to the match.
I also read the night's winners from the previous Matches will come back later for a Big Main Event Tag Match. That is just like Survivor Series in 1990 with the Grand Finale Match that year. So Bragging Rights should be interesting and I can't wait to see how all that plays out.
Interesting concept, too bad these days stars would cross brands but in 2004 or 2005 this would have been gold.

Some great match possibilities

WWE Champion vs. World Champion
John Cena vs. CM Punk

De-Generation X vs. The Brothers of Destruction

The Final Encounter
Randy Orton vs. Batista

US Champion vs. IC Champion
The Miz vs. John Morrison

The Big Show vs. Chris Jericho
I love this idea. But the execution i'm going to hate. Here's why: We keep hearing about Smackdown vs. Raw, Survivor Series whenever that was, the videogame, and now this, which is slated to be Smackdown vs. Raw.

Has the whole world gone crazy? Am i the only one who gives a shit about ECW?!


WWE is pushing this Tri-Branded crap, then when it comes to brand feuds, they need to be included. Yes, i understand that Smackdown vs. Raw is a tidy little affair, with two brands. But WWE is the one who put in the THIRD. For christ's sakes.

I would love to see some of these young guys break their teeth into the WWE in a PPV, names like Yoshi Tatsu, Sheamus, Zack Ryder, The Hurricane...and let's not forget old favorites like Christian, Regal, and Dreamer.

I'm just sick and tired of ECW being outclassed CONSTANTLY by Raw and Smackdown. It's just like Baseball. All of the big teams (with the money) can bolster their rosters, while the little guy just sits and spins.

ECW got shafted by the draft last year. Punk and Kofi. GONE. This Year: Miz and Morrisson, PEACE! No Worries, ECW developed new stars in the form of Jack Swagger, Evan Bourne, and revitalized Mark Henry. Well, they got traded, along with the Up and coming Hart Dynasty...only to receive Goldust and Ezekial Jackson in compensation.

Well thank god.

And now ECW is bringing more talent, in the form of the names i just mentioned. They'll no doubt be shucked away, along with Christian, this year at the draft. If not before.

ECW has alot of solid performers, and i feel they are being overlooked by the "Powerhouse" brands. Hell, even look at the Champions:

Punk: World Champion, started on ECW
Morrisson: IC champ, got repackaged/big on ECW.
Kofi: US Champ,Debuted on ECW.
Big Show: Tag champ, Re-tooled on ECW.

Are you kidding me? ANd had ECW been around for the Debut of Cena and Orton (who both started on Smackdown, the "inferior" show) I'm sure they would have come through it too.

And Yet ECW gets no love.

I love ECW. ALways have...except for that period when they had the zombie/mummy/alien. That was just weak.

But yes, despite the lack of appreciation, I love the concept of this PPV.
Beef, you're not alone. I too am a fan of ECW. Well, not much in its current state, but a fan from its beginning.

Let's see here. Bragging Rights will be RAW vs. Smackdown, right? So what about ECW? Where does it fit into this situation?

Granted, ECW is the No. 3 show and has become a training ground for young wrestlers. But here's an idea: How about someone from ECW pop up during a big main event match at Bragging Rights and cause some havoc? Maybe Christian or Regal coming in during a main event singles match? Perhaps Shelton Benjamin interrupting a U.S. or IC title match? How about Kozlov and Jackson interrupt the Unified Tag Team Title match? Maybe one of the up-and-comers like Sheamus or Zakk Ryder making a name for themselves?

I agree that Raw and Smackdown are the top two shows, but a PPV like this even further puts ECW in the rearview mirror. It's bad enough they only get one match (if any) per PPV. But, I know they're trying to separate the brands out and don't want to start any inter-brand feuds. But I think this would be a fresh idea. You wanna shake things up in WWE? Freshen up a stale product? Have someone from ECW come in and clean house.

And don't get me started again on the current sECW. I think I've explained in past posts how I feel about what VKM has done to this once-innovative and exciting company. Just change the name to WCW already!

Anywho, I don't want this tri-brand situation to become the awful "WWE vs. WCW vs. ECW" angle again, but perhaps spiking the Raw/Smackdown rivalry with some ECW would give ECW a needed push to increase viewership. Just a thought.
I love this idea. But the execution i'm going to hate. Here's why: We keep hearing about Smackdown vs. Raw, Survivor Series whenever that was, the videogame, and now this, which is slated to be Smackdown vs. Raw.

Has the whole world gone crazy? Am i the only one who gives a shit about ECW?!


WWE is pushing this Tri-Branded crap, then when it comes to brand feuds, they need to be included. Yes, i understand that Smackdown vs. Raw is a tidy little affair, with two brands. But WWE is the one who put in the THIRD. For christ's sakes.

I would love to see some of these young guys break their teeth into the WWE in a PPV, names like Yoshi Tatsu, Sheamus, Zack Ryder, The Hurricane...and let's not forget old favorites like Christian, Regal, and Dreamer.

I'm just sick and tired of ECW being outclassed CONSTANTLY by Raw and Smackdown. It's just like Baseball. All of the big teams (with the money) can bolster their rosters, while the little guy just sits and spins.

ECW got shafted by the draft last year. Punk and Kofi. GONE. This Year: Miz and Morrisson, PEACE! No Worries, ECW developed new stars in the form of Jack Swagger, Evan Bourne, and revitalized Mark Henry. Well, they got traded, along with the Up and coming Hart Dynasty...only to receive Goldust and Ezekial Jackson in compensation.

Well thank god.

And now ECW is bringing more talent, in the form of the names i just mentioned. They'll no doubt be shucked away, along with Christian, this year at the draft. If not before.

ECW has alot of solid performers, and i feel they are being overlooked by the "Powerhouse" brands. Hell, even look at the Champions:

Punk: World Champion, started on ECW
Morrisson: IC champ, got repackaged/big on ECW.
Kofi: US Champ,Debuted on ECW.
Big Show: Tag champ, Re-tooled on ECW.

Are you kidding me? ANd had ECW been around for the Debut of Cena and Orton (who both started on Smackdown, the "inferior" show) I'm sure they would have come through it too.

And Yet ECW gets no love.

I love ECW. ALways have...except for that period when they had the zombie/mummy/alien. That was just weak.

But yes, despite the lack of appreciation, I love the concept of this PPV.

I, too, once felt the same way you did. I always thought ECW should be treated equally with Raw and Smackdown. Then I got to thinking. If we took today’s Brands and compared them to yesterday’s promotions, it would go a little something like this. Raw = WWF, Smackdown = WCW, and ECW = ECW. ECW was always a one hour, third rate show. The only difference between now and then is ECW today has money. You can’t expect the WWE to treat the Black Show with the same respect as its own creations. That plus the fact that they have half the roster size and half the TV time, give them no room to make moves. ECW will always be the top of the bottom / bottom of the top. This is precisely why Christian’s PPV ECW Title matches were not Submission matches and is not inside Hell In A Cell, and it’s also why DX’s matches were Submission matches and is inside Hell In A Cell. Just let it go, or you’ll be mad for the rest of your life. I’m a Philly Fan and if I can let it go, you can too. ECW is only one letter better than FCW.

Back on topic. Bragging Rights.


Let’s see, there are already three threads about this, and I just can’t get enough of the idea…on paper. The WWE will somehow mess this up, but I’m still excited to see how. If in fact there is a 5 on 5 Winners match, my picks for the teams are (as of right now):

Team Raw : John Cena, Kofi Kingston (or Randy Orton), Big Show, Triple H, Shawn Michaels


Team Smackdown : CM Punk, John Morrison (or Undertaker), Chris Jericho, Batista, Rey Mysterio

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