WWE Bragging Rights LD

Buffalo Dave

Yeeeeeeeah Buddy!!
Wow nearly 40 minutes till the start and nobody started a LD yet, shocked!


WWE Champion Randy Orton vs. Wade Barrett (with John Cena)

World Heavyweight Champion Kane vs. The Undertaker (Buried Alive Match)

Team Raw vs. Team SmackDown (WWE Bragging Rights Tag Team Elimination Match)

United States Champion Daniel Bryan vs. Intercontinental Champion Dolph Ziggler

Self-professed "Co-Divas Champion" Layla vs. Natalya

Goldust (with Aksana) vs.Ted DiBiase (with Maryse)
I might be here.

The UFC LD last night gave me the LD fever.
Well let's see.

There's a match with nothing but a trophy on the line.

Brock fought less than 24 hours ago.

Three weeks since the last PPV, five weeks since the one before that.

Big Sunday Night Football game tonight with Vikings vs. Packers.

Lowest buyrate since December to Dismember perhaps?
Hmmm whould I stay up for this. On the one hand I've got a 9 am start and the show winishes at 4, on the other Wade Barrett's main eventing the show for the WWE championship. Decisions, decisions.
I'll be here, im waiting to see if Mokey's Cena HEEL turn during Orton vs Barrett finish will be used.
I think it's pretty bad when people are hyped at the fact a Goldust match was added. Should say how much most people felt about this PPV before hand.

I don't know though. Ziggler/Bryan is the one match I'm most interested in. I've always loved Buried Alive matches, and for some reason, I can't remember last year's Bragging Rights match being an elimination match - so I'm interested to see this type of match, roughly 3 weeks before Survivor Series. :rolleyes:

Oh, and Natalya winning a title, only to (hopefully) slap a Canadian sticker on the front of it.
It wasn't an elimination match last year.

Then it makes perfect sense why I couldn't remember it being such. Now, if only I knew why they made this year's an elimination match.

I'm 99% that I simply can not see Smackdown winning 2 years in a row, especially after going practically perfect throughout the build-up to this. But with it being an elimination match, that 1% is because I simply don't believe Miz could beat Big Show if it came down to a 1-on-1, unless tricks and cheating came into play.
I wonder which match will close the show. On the one hand Nexus is hands down the biggest angle in the company right now, but on the other it's a gimmick match between the BoD.

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