[WWE Bracket] Round 1 Match 2: Hulk Hogan Vs Tito Santana

Who is the bigger Legend?

  • Hulk Hogan

  • Tito Santana

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Sit Upon The Frozen Heavens
Hulk Hogan

What to say about Hulk Hogan. He is the man that brought professional wrestling to Main Stream America. He has held numerous titles spanning almost 20 years. He's a member of the WWE HoF and has been granted many awards by both Pro Wrestling Illustrated and the Wrestling Observer Newsletter. They are way to many to name them all but they include Wrestler of the Year, match of the year , most popular wrestler, most hated wrestler and most insperational wrestler.

Tito Santana

His first taste of WWE gold came when he and Ivan Putski beat Johnny & Jerry Valiant for the World Tag Team Titles which they held for 6 months. He then engaged in a lengthy feud with the Intercontineltal Champion Maginficant Muraco whom he beat for the title becoming the first wrestler of Mexican decent to win the Intercontinental Championship. He then feuded with Geg The Hammer Valentine and Randy Savage over the title until 1987. A little known fact about Santana is that he is a Former ECW Champion. He woon the title by defeating Don Muraco. He was awarded the Tag Team of the year award along with Ivan Putski in 1979.​
I hate this matchup. Tito deserves a decent run here as I defy you to find a bad match with him in it. Honestly, I might vote for him. He was just great in the ring and I thought it was a shame he never truly got the recognition he deserved. I could have even seen him having a short World Title run in the early 80s. He won the first ever match at Wrestlemania and was just so smooth.

However, he is going to get launched back to Mexico by the beatdown that happens here. Hogan is the biggest name in the history of wrestling, end of any and all arguments. He is the reason these forums exist, he is the reason we can watch Raw, he is the reason Wrestlemania exists. No one can compare to him and as much of a Santana fan that I am, Tito is dead in the water here.
I'm so sad that this happened first round. Poor Tito.

Tito Santana has more skills here. He has what it takes to win. He gave us many memorable matchups, and held his fair share of gold. He can wrestle a matchup against almost anyone and make it look good. I'm sure he could carry a sack of dirt to a five star classic.

Unfortunately for Tito, he comes up against the guy that many consider the best.

Hulk Hogan defined wrestling for many years. He set the bar for the future of guys to define the product. He was a role model, an icon, a legend among legends, and he made the business mean something. He could work a good match with just about anyone, and could draw like no other.

So, as much as I want to vote for Tito Santana, I cannot.

Hulk Hogan gets my vote, but Tito Santana stays in my memory.
My vote goes to the man that made American Pro-Wrestling what it is today, Hulk Hogan. With out Hogan we wouldn't be watching the wrestling we watch every week. He had the charisma that made people want to watch him. That's probably why he headlined the first Wrestlemania. If Hogan doesn't go very far in this thing I will be surprised.
The sob stories for Tito in here, come on guys. I wanted to vote for Tito but can't?, what is that stuff. Tito Santana was a great, great low to mid card guy. He was a good IC champion, but not great. He was a great guy to open the card and set the pace, but there's a reason this guy never sniffed World Title gold, he simply wasn't that type of wrestler. He was good and memorable because of always being the first guy out every night.

Hogan was the guy that closed the shows that Tito opened, this isn't even close and whoever voted Tito should be ashamed of themselves.
Tito was a solid guy, but when you are going against the most popular wrestler and argubly the biggest draw in North America, your not going to beat him by being solid. Hogan was not the best "technical" wrestler but his charisma and overall persona is larger and loved more than anybody's wrestling ability. Hogan wins easily, when you think of a legend in wrestling, most likely Hogan comes to mind.
Hulk Hogan is the biggest wrestling star in history. Everybody knows who Hulk Hogan is and many of them was a Hulkamaniac. Hogan elevated both WWE and WCW when he was with their respective companies. He's held countless world titles and should realy be considered as one of the greatest wrestlers ever. You can take into account that Santana's wrestling skill is better than Hogan's but you cant argue with Hogans popularity.
WHO THE FUCK voted for Tito??? seriously??? the guy KNOWN for taking colossal ass whippings at WM, as compared to the man who MADE Wrestlemania??? This isnt even a close one, as sad as it is. true Tito was a fine worker in his day, but dude, cmon....its HULK MUTHAFUCKIN HOGAN :hogan:
Again, as much as I'd love to go on preference and vote anyone but Hogan, in a legends tournament, it's going to take something special to beat Hulk. Average in the ring, never going to win over the fans of the technical wrestling, the man simply was charismatic gold.

He had the look, he had the charisma and he laid the match out his way and people loved him for it. Hogan is a huge legend, he knows it but that's beside the point. In all honestly, you can't put an IC mainstay over the man who WAS WWF in his day
Hogan over Santana here, there is just no way that Tito Santana could even get close to to beating Hogan, it would be fingerpoke of doom all over again, before the bell finishes ringing. While Tito was a great Wrestler and I enjoy the matches, Hogan is the bigger legend and would win.
Damn I really hate for this to happen the first round, because Tito is great, but common it's fucking Hulk Hogan. This man epitomizes wrestling, and without him it would never be anywhere near what it is. No one can compete with Hogan. Not even the great Tito Santana.
Were talking about a good mexican wrestler taking on the bloody father of pro wrestling today? Tito is a great wrestler in his own right but if you think about it...... no Hulk Hogan could mean this forum could have NEVER been made. Hell I wouldn't be a wrestling fan and neither would you. Hogan made wrestling and Tito was simply a warm up act.

Hogan wins in 4 :59 with the LEGDROP OF DOOM~!
Results: 31-2 for Hogan. Hogan goes on the face Bruno Sammartino in Round 2.

my thoughts: Again I'm not surprised. Santana was a good wrestler and became the first Wrestler of Mexican decent to become IC Champion but Hulk Hogan is the reason that wrestling is what it is in North America. Hogan may not have the techincal moveset that a lot of other wrestlers have but he had the Physique and Charisma to make him a MegaStar. I'm glad Hogan won and Sammartino Vs Hoan is going to be an awesome 2nd Round match.
Who voted for Tito? I don't care if he had good matches. He isn't even half the legend as Hogan. Hogan is an icon. There is nothing more to it than that. Hogan was the guy in the WWF for years and years and years. He put on a show for the fan every single time he went out there. Not to mention, Hogan draws better than anyone, save for maybe SCSA. Hogan is leaps and bounds above Tito. Not even debatable.
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