[WWE Bracket Finals] Bret Hart Vs Randy Savage

Who is the biggest WWE Legend of all time?

  • Bret Hart

  • Randy Savage

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Sit Upon The Frozen Heavens

Bret Hart

Born into the famous Hart family of wrestling he more than lived up to the expectations. He is a 5x WWE Champion, a 2x WCW Champion, a 3x WWE World Tag Team Champion as a part of the Hart Foundation, a 1x WCW Tag Team Champion with Goldberg, a 4x WCW US Champion and a 2x WWE Intercontinental Champion. He also won the first King of The Ring PPV in '93 and is Co-winner of the '94 Royal Rumble Along with Lex Luger. IN addition to the 16 titles he held he also is a recipient of 16 different awards from both the PWI and WON.

Macho Man
Randy Savage


Savage is the winner of 6 World titles in his career, 2 in the WWE and 4 in WCW. A little known fact about him is hi pinned the NWA Champion Jeff Jarrett at TNAs Turning Point PPV in 2004 and was next in line to win the NWA World Title. He also had a succesful Tag Team with Hulk Hogan called The Mega Powers. And last but in no way least let us not forget the Lovely Miss Elizabeth who was always by his side.
Bret Hart easily wins this one. Bret Hart has has two possible challengers. One beat the other one, Stone Cold Steve Austin, and Bret beat Hulk Hogan. Randy Savage was lucky enough to slide into the tournament with a weak division, while Bret beat the best. But as it seems, no one is as good as the best there was, the best there is, the best they'll ever be, Bret "The Hitman" Hart. It is kind of ironic, Bret Hart winning the WWE division, after WWE screwed him in one of the moments that is still talked about to this day. Bret really came through, representing the world it seems against American icon after American icon. Randy Savage doesn't even have that to his credit. A man who was once at the top of the world, while remaining in the shadow of Hulk Hogan, however possible that is. He then had a great retirement moment, and became a chubby announcer. He then went to WCW, where he never stood out, even as the champion.

Bret however, owned WWF during his main event run. Even though the show itself was never that good, Bret was always the positive light. He then left the WWF when it seemed to be sinking, but created the Attitude Era, when he crumpled Stone Cold and made him pass out. He then went to WCW, and was treated like a star... unfortunately, Creative was blind when they received him. The rest of his history is dark it seems, but his legacy is undeniable.
I'm not going to go as far as TM and say that Bret Hart easily wins this one. Both men undeniably played huge roles for wrestling in their eras. First there's the Madness. Macho Man deserves to be in the final four, he is arguably in the top three of all time when it comes to the perfect all around wrestler. I'll use Bret Hart's own ranking system he described in his book to rate Macho Man. Bret said there are three categories that one can use to rate a wrestler, the Look, the mic skills/charisma, and in ring ability. Using a 1 out of 10 scale, one can argue that Macho Man would score a 10 on looks, a 10 on mic skills/charisma and anywhere from an 8-10 on in ring ability. The guy was unbelievable. Macho Man had great runs as both a heel and a face. I've always loved his heel run with the late great Sensational Sherri more, but none the less, both renditions of the Macho Man were extremely well done. But even besides all of this, Macho Man has taken part in many memorable angles, fueds, matches in WWE history. Steamboat at Mania III, winning the tournament at Mania IV, his feud with Hogan culminating at Mania V, Retirement Match with Warrior at Mania VII, his feud with Flair culminating at Wrestlemania VIII, Summerslam 92 again against the Warrior. Those are a hell of a lot of great matches and moments to have on your resume and I'm not even listing all of the great matches that are lesser known that he had during his career like the MSG match with Tito Santana back in the late 80s where he was busted open. In the end for me it all comes down to who one prefers to see in the ring.

Bret Hart also deserves to be in the final of the WWE bracket. The only thing that I can say about Bret Hart is that the man could seemingly have an unbelievable match with anyone. He thought differently than other wrestlers, looking at wrestling as an art form and for that I am eternally grateful. Because it was this viewpoint of his that brought us so many great matches. This is a very difficult vote not only because I love both wrestlers, but because both are so good in the ring. The in-ring ability trumps everything else if you ask me. But if I must vote for one I guess it will be for Bret Hart. Nobody in WWE history has had more 4 star, or however many stars you consider to be perfect, matches than the Hitman. I'm definitely not saying that all of his great matches were solely because of him alone, because he has had some great opponents, but none the less, more wrestlers have had their greatest matches ever with him than with any other wrestler.
Bret Hart has no reason to even be here. Hulk Hogan should have been a lock to at least make the finals, and close to a lock to win it all. This tournament lost any merit it had when Hart beat Hogan and the rest of the results are irrelevant.
Please tell me your joking. The last person who said that was joking and it still pissed me off. IF you're not joking then just leave if Hogan losing bothers you that much. If you are joking keep it to yourself.

To cap this off I would like to direct everyone's attention to a sentance someone said when I started this thing that people seem to have forgotten.
Ace has put a lot into this tourney, so vote for who you want, but DO NOT BITCH ABOUT THE OUTCOMES!
If I had to power to hand out warnings for bitching I would, but I don't so all I can say is don't do it!
I agree with you Ace, if you wanted Hulk Hogan to beat Bret Hart, you could have... got you ass going and make some posts, and campaign. This is a democracy here, and Bret had the majority of votes. If Hogan was better than Bret at being a legend, you think that more people would have voted for Hogan. The thing is, that round is over, this round is now. All you did in your post was bitch about Bret. If you do not like Bret, well then you are misguided. If you want Macho Man to win, vote, though I have the belief that I will debate you if you are wrong. Bret Hart is the bigger legend. Respond to that.
I like Savage more than Hart, but unfortunately, Hart is easily the bigger legend. I voted for Hart over Hogan, and although I'm not a Hogan fan, he is more of a legend than Macho Man. So for that reason, I have to vote for Hart, and I really don't know how anyone could vote for Savage in this match-up. Bret Hart is a huge legend worldwide, and while Save may be a legend here and in some places across the world, he can't touch Hart on a global scale, and even making a case for just in the States is hard enough.
I got to go with Bret on this one, I hate to bring up the semi's but if Hart beat Hogan he has to beat Savage. Both were great in the ring but I would give the edge to Bret nobody could tell a story in the ring like he could. To quote Vince McMahon(paraphrase)"Bret could wrestle a broomstick and make it look good". Id give the edge to Savage on the mic though. But one thing about Bret that seperates him from Savage in my eyes was that Bret was the top guy at one point. Granted it was at a low point for the WWE but he was still the top dog where as Savage never was at any point. Savage might be bigger in the U.S. its hard to say but I think almost everybody would agree that Bret is the bigger star worldwide which is another feather in his cap. The guy is a freaking legend in Canada. At one point he was voted most famous Albertan and according to CBC.ca he is the 39th greatest Canadian of all time. That's not just athlete's thats Canadians period. That shows how big of a legend he is when he can be voted that high up on a list like that. Could you ever imagine an American wrestler being voted in the top 40 for greatest Americans ever? I know I couldnt. And its not just Canada either, he's huge in Europe, India, Japan and basically the entire globe.
I tihkn bringing up the fact that Hart beat Hogan is irrelevant. He won for whatever reason, but every match is a clean slate.

I was one of the few people who voted for Savage, man. I'm aware he wasn't techniaclly as good as Hart, yeah, and he didn't acheive as much in the ring, yeah, but I think he has something far more important, yeah.

Savage was one of the people who was a part of wrestling's first crossover into the mainstream, yeah. If it wasn't for people like Savage, yeah, then wrestling would not have been as popular as it was in the late 80s and 90s, yeah. Savage was a fantastic heel and face, yeah, and his promos were always entertaining, yeah, even if every other word was yeah, yeah.

So that is why I voted for Savage, yeah. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Yeah.
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