WWE Backlash - Randy Orton VS Bray Wyatt


I'm not really sure how I feel about this match.

On one hand, I'm pessimistic because the feeling of Bray Wyatt being jobbed out to a main eventer is there because it's ultimately what WWE has done with him. On the other, there's always that little spark of optimism that WWE will finally allow Wyatt to finally break through to that next level.

My head says that Orton comes out on top while my heart hopes that Wyatt gets a decisive win over a top tier star that he needs.
This feud is intriguing for me atleast. All I hope that Randy Orton doesn't go over clean.

This feud could/should go over just 1 PPV. Let Randy win this via DQ or something and then let Bray win clean at the next PPV. Then reignite Bray's face turn and I would love to see face Bray Vs. AJ at Wrestlemania for the World Title where Bray gets his first title win.

Orton winning this match via pin ruins the whole feud and continues representing Bray as a glorified jobber. Just wasting a talent like Bray is a big mistake. START BOOKING HIM STRONG AND MAKE HIM WIN FEUDS.
Sad to say but im 99 percent sure this match is happening because Orton needs a good win after being destroyed by Lesnar. And what better man to give him that than the guy who is basically known for losing big matches?

Bray Wyatt is one of the biggest head scratchers ever in regards to booking for me. It's like they see the guy as being a top superstar, putting him in things like WrestleMania matches against John Cena and the Undertaker...but he always loses that and doesn't just lose, but looks like he was swatted away like a fly while doing so and never mentions it again. It's just a random attack superstar, ramble about being the new face of fear or destroying his opponent, opponent wins match and repeat with a different guy. I've never understood what WWE is doing with Wyatt and at this point I am too afraid to ask.

Wyatt was damaged goods a long time ago, but matches like this where it's obvious Orton will pick up the win to ease his massacre at summerslam further drives home that point.
I feel like Orton is going to win this match. He's one of the biggest stars on the brand, returning from a long hiatus, and after the loss to Brock WWE is going to want to make him look strong going forward. I think this is going to be a pretty good program though and I hope it pays off for Wyatt in the end.
Orton wins this, but I'm not so sure if he wins the feud as well..

We will wait and see.

Also, for all of us that thought Bray was going to be a big star, it's clear that he's just a Jake Roberts of 2010's. Scary guy, with many wins over midcarders, but he's just a jobber for the stars.
I'd like a dirty finish so Bray Wyatt can be spared another clean loss. Have Lesnar interfere and create chaos, then get hit with Sister Abagail to continue their forgotten side story and set up a future triple threat match.
This feud is intriguing for me atleast. All I hope that Randy Orton doesn't go over clean.

This feud could/should go over just 1 PPV. Let Randy win this via DQ or something and then let Bray win clean at the next PPV. Then reignite Bray's face turn and I would love to see face Bray Vs. AJ at Wrestlemania for the World Title where Bray gets his first title win.

Orton winning this match via pin ruins the whole feud and continues representing Bray as a glorified jobber. Just wasting a talent like Bray is a big mistake. START BOOKING HIM STRONG AND MAKE HIM WIN FEUDS.

I'm a huge fan of Bray but I gave up on him. I think Harper returns and help Bray wins. This will be Reigns vs. Bray all over again. Feud probably will end at the Dec. PPV in time for Orton to get back in the title picture.
Assuming an Orton vs Styles feud will be happening sooner rather than later, I think, as others have already mentioned in this thread that Randy Orton will win here to regain some momentum after his SummerSlam debacle before going on to challenge the new WWE World Champion, AJ Styles heading into 2017.
Bray should win here, and decisively at that, but the cards don't appear to be setting that up. If Orton was just returning, or not coming of such a huge defeat at the hands of Lesnar, I'd say Wyatt would have it.

Orton has another match with Brock looming. Are they sending him into that with another ppv loss?

A lot of us may need to come to terms with the fact that Bray is a jobber to the stars. Wyatt is 100% defeated at WrestleMania, and he was just left off the card at SummerSlam. He may never become the top talent people see in him.

Then again, he's barely 30. I always take people back to Edge, who was in WWE for a whopping 9 years before capturing a world title. We're used to a world where your Sheamus, your Lesnars or your Balors are world champions within less than a year, less than 6 months, sometimes a month.

If Wyatt loses nothing happens. They have a rematch at No Mercy? Probably. Bray isn't going to be ruined by another loss here. It's just not going to bring him to the next level. He needs a few injury free years before they'll push him to the next level. The fact he's in this match says they haven't given up on him.

Bray should surprise everyone with a win here. If that's clean or dirty, who cares. Realistically though, Orton wins a hard fought match win many near falls.
Word going around on numerous sites is that Orton vs. Wyatt won't be happening as Orton isn't cleared to wrestle. Apparently, Orton hasn't been cleared to wrestle following his match with Brock Lesnar and officials were hoping he would be.

Now, I'm a little confused here because this is the first thing I've read about Orton having sustained some sort of injury, apart from the cut on his head, during his match with Lesnar. I've no idea what sort of injury they're talking about, my first guess would be a concussion based on the shots Orton took during the match, and that might explain the lack of physicality between the two during the build.

There's no word on how WWE will be handling the match, but it looks like Orton is out. I'm kind of relieved in a way because I simply didn't feel like watching Bray Wyatt lose yet another match to yet another top tier star in WWE.
i wouldn't be surprise if the announce that orton is out of the match during the pre show tonight and then on backlash, they might have bray wyatt cut a long promo in the ring during backlash and then challenge anybody on the roster and it probably going to be kane that replace orton at backlash.
In a way, I'm relieved for Bray. He shouldn't have to take constant losses to people who are billed higher than him at this stage of his career. This is where he should be going over more often than not to try and build some sort of momentum for his career. But tonight was looking like it was going to be another high profile loss for Wyatt. So, I guess, that's a positive.

However, that leaves 5 matches on a 3 hour card with no sign of any talent to speak of that can step in and take his place. They had replaced him with Kane at local shows but there is no way that gets the go ahead tonight. It gives Vince a huge nightmare as to scheduling and a replacement. If it had happened sooner, I would have put money on it being The Undertaker who steps in. But with such little notice, there's no way. I was always going to watch Backlash but I've been deliberating whether or not it'll be worth it tonight. Now I'm kinda thinking it will be just to see what happens with this situation.

I'll bet at this point Vince is ready to 86 the whole event and move on...
They already have Network subscribers money so they won't be sweating any balls on this one. Throw in Kane and you've still got a filler match, which this was already.
I'd have to believe Randy suffered a concussion when Brock laid that forearm on him but the WWE won't say it publicly.

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