WWE Avoiding Heels


Getting Noticed By Management
So for awhile here I was looking at the last 3 PPV's as a great example, but then I thought maybe I should step backwards and see how many PPV's really have been catered to the faces. The answer is disturbing.

Starting in April there has been the following stats:
In 15 title matches (Tag, IC, US, World, Diva and WWE)
14 title wins or defenses by Faces
1 title wins or defenses by Heels

37 Total Matches who break down like this:

Face wins:32
Heel wins: 5

This leads me to believe the Heels in the WWE are so far beyond crap that maybe we should stop having Heels and just have everyone be loving little barney characters. We can have weekly hug fests.

Maybe there is a bigger picture that only the Drunkin' morons in the WWE writing room that other people can't see. Ziggler seems to be the only heel getting any type of Push and that is still on the lesser program. Granted with WWE opening other programs Smackdown gets to ride the mid card.

Heels make the story interesting.

So I have come up with and Idea. Turn everyone heel, make it the WWE heels Vs Cena,Punk,Santino, Orton, Sheamus and Boring Clay.
WWE have been so focused on ratings that the best Idea's they can come up with are to let the faces win to keep the family audience happy.
Ziggler is about to get his shot I hope because he is over now, and Miz too, so this stat I hope may begin to fluctuate a little. I also see Prime time playas getting the Tag belts in the near future so WWE can start to develop the division around these teams.

WWE needs some Heel champions, because Face Chasers is always more exciting than the same guy holding the title and winning all the time.
Sheamus needs to drop the strap, Kofi/Truth, Santino and Layla all need to Drop to a Heel and then sort some Feuds out.

I get the feeling...and I hope im right (probably wrong) that WWE is just letting everything simmer down a little bit before shaking things up a bit for a big Angle after the Raw1000. Fingers Crossed.
This leads me to believe the Heels in the WWE are so far beyond crap that maybe we should stop having Heels and just have everyone be loving little barney characters. We can have weekly hug fests.

So in other words, you don't like the heels that exist (Big Show, Bryan, Del Rio, Ziggler, etc.). Because there ARE heels. Maybe not one's WWE wants to put over or put the strap on, but they do exist.

Instead of them, you want heels you can cheer for- in other words, faces. Edgy, cool faces! Attitude era, bro!

It's not coming back. Ever. Move on, champ.

Unless I'm totally wrong and you WANTED to see Big Show win MITB...
So in other words, you don't like the heels that exist (Big Show, Bryan, Del Rio, Ziggler, etc.). Because there ARE heels. Maybe not one's WWE wants to put over or put the strap on, but they do exist.

Instead of them, you want heels you can cheer for- in other words, faces. Edgy, cool faces! Attitude era, bro!

It's not coming back. Ever. Move on, champ.

Unless I'm totally wrong and you WANTED to see Big Show win MITB...

He's looking at the statistics and what they say. The STATISTICS show that the WWE has no faith in their heels. It could also be because they are catering to children now and children want their heros to always win. How about we try reading before we bash somebody?
Did you see the main-event on the last edition of Smackdown? talk about making Chris Jericho look like a weakling. It was a great match between Sheamus and Jericho, but trying to make Sheamus into the the new John Cena is laughable. As i recall Jericho failed to beat him with 2 Walls of Jericho's, Boston Crab Submissions, His Lionsault, and 2 attempts at the codebreaker (1 from the top rope). To be fair to Sheamus he sold the pain really well, but all of sudden Sheamus bounced up after looking half dead in the corner and Brogue Kicked Jericho's brains out.

I like Sheamus a lot he is a great work horse and not a bad wrestler, but i don't think this superhero style he now has is suiting his look or his wrestling style. I felt Jericho was somewhat buried by Sheamus in that match. Obviously Jericho is super popular and has a ton of Charisma, but they just made a Top Heel contender for the WWE Championship look to weak going into Money in the Bank.

However if Sheamus continues this Super-Hero style it could make him look really strong as a heel if they decide to turn him in the future.
Personally, I don't believe that the current crop of heels the WWE has is very good. There are very few guys that the crowd loves to hate. If they are a heel, they're also getting a mixed reaction. Besides the Big Show, nobody is getting completely booed because of their character. Daniel Bryan could turn face at any second. Ziggler is a cool heel that is getting mixed reaction. Jericho gets mostly face pop. No one cares about guys like Cody Rhodes, and most of the rest of the heels on the roster. We're missing heels that are full fledged, in your face, "holy crap, this guy is an asshole" heel that are strong enough to carry titles. That's why we have all face champions right now.
So in other words, you don't like the heels that exist (Big Show, Bryan, Del Rio, Ziggler, etc.). Because there ARE heels. Maybe not one's WWE wants to put over or put the strap on, but they do exist.

Yes that is clearly true, I clearly don't like the heels. I am still confused why I have Del Rio as my Avatar...( dripping with sarcasm). Maybe it was because I selected it. but hey who knows maybe it is completely random.

Just so you know my fav five ( that is what the tards are calling it these days)
Miz,Del Rio,Sheamus,Cody Rhodes,Santino.

Instead of them, you want heels you can cheer for- in other words, faces. Edgy, cool faces! Attitude era, bro!

Absolutely not. I don't want in-betweeners like the lame punk (who actually gain favor with me with his MITB match) These are the most annoying type they are not sure if the want to spit in the face of the fans or shake their hands. Or in Punks case they say they stand for one thing and do the opposite. ( pimp bomb my ass). Yeah I know attidute erra is dead and gone I am okay with that I am not okay with Faces always getting the push. Since the WWE wants to cater to the kids who are fans now and they will lose 1/2 of them before they turn 15.

Unless I'm totally wrong and you WANTED to see Big Show win MITB...

I could handle the big show winning, or Kane, or Jericho, or my choice Miz. I am cool with any heel winning, even a inbetweener. I am sick of "The Ego" ( aka John Cena. Who can't allow the spotlight to be on anyone else, so to the fact he wants to stay a face NO OTHER FACE was in the MITB match.
I dont think it is the fact that they are avoiding heels. It that fans are alot differnt now. They are going to either boo you or cheer for you no matter what your character is suppose to be. Look at Cena top face but hated. D. Bryan is a heel and people like him. Fans are just differnt now.
It's interesting how in other threads the big complaint is that they don't care about the WWE Championship or any of the other belts anymore, yet in this thread statistics that hinge on those titles are being used to draw the conclusion that they have no confidence in their heels. Your conclusion may well be accurate, but I think basing it on championships doesn't make a whole lot of sense if the consensus is -- and it seems to be -- that belts are an afterthought at the moment.
Fans are clearly different these days. I think the WWE is seeing that and that is why their champions are so-called 'faces'.

Fans are cheering for wrestlers who entertain them not based on their supposed 'heel' or 'face' persona.

Fans pop big for Jericho and fans cheer Ziggler even though they are supposed to be faces. Fans boo or no-react to Del Rio because he is uninteresting and isn't entertaining.

And fans seem to love Daniel Bryan and fans pop for Kane. Again, both guys who are 'supposed' to be heels.

I think the WWE is being actually pretty smart. They are booking good wrestlers and not worrying so much if the fans are cheering a heel.

For example, I'd love to see Kane have one final reign as champion (this time, WWE Champ)... unlikely but if it did happen Kane has the perfect character/entrance to be everything that would lead to believe he is a heel. However, I'm sure he'd get cheers. He's been in WWE long enough that fans appreciate him as a wrestler so they'd cheer him for putting on a good show... even if he does a promo where he talks about evil and hate or beats up on Cena or CM Punk before or after a match.

That said, what stands out to me is Hunico & Camacho would be better suited for a Tag Team reign than the Prime Time Players, fans aren't interested by teh Prime Time Players but you can actually hear some real heat with Hunico & Camacho come out and they have a great gimmick. They also are great wrestlers and so they would be good candidates to win the Tag Titles and have a long heel run with them.
He's looking at the statistics and what they say. The STATISTICS show that the WWE has no faith in their heels. It could also be because they are catering to children now and children want their heros to always win. How about we try reading before we bash somebody?

I read whats there. But there's always an agenda, even when presenting facts.

But Kizzani's next post cleared things up, which is good.

EXCEPT for the part about "Cena's Ego". C'mon. If it wasn't Cena they it'd be someone else. I'm sure all of these guys have egos. All of them. That's the nature of having a locker room full of alpha males.

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