WWE and TNA Using The "Oldies" Too Much?


Pre-Show Stalwart
I always see people saying TNA should be using the younger guys and what not, flair shouldn't be wrestling, sting is old, hogan is old, they are using too many old men who should be retired etc.

But what about WWE? they keep using the oldies aswell, and it is quite frankly getting beyond a joke with both companies.

Last week and this Monday we had Jerry lawler team up with someone to beat Mr. Useless and Z List Otunga.

How pathetic is that?

Then also this Monday we had Bret The Old Fart Hart with Cena against ADR and Ricardo the sidekick Monkey.

The only point of having Bret in the match at all was so he could waddle into the ring and stumble into a sharpshooter.

This is getting seriously pathetic! I can see the point of using the old icons/hall of famers to get a draw or have them play infront of a home crowd to sell tickets etc but they really shouldn't be wrestling!

They are wasting a sizeable chunk of time on the shows they should using to create new stars and characters. And the matches are never worth watching!

Anyone have any other thoughts one this?
I can see the point of using the old icons/hall of famers to get a draw or have them play infront of a home crowd to sell tickets etc.

There is your answer right there.

WWE is doing a good but not perfect job of trying to get new talent into the limelight. WWE is also rewarding old loyal talent, doing a favour to the friend of a recently retired old and loyal talent and ofcourse using Bret Hart for a Canadian ratings boost and crowd pop.
The difference is, when WWE uses older guys they do it for a bit of nostalgia. TNA, on the other hand makes the entire company revolve around the older guys.

For the past year in TNA the major focus has been Hogan and his shitty immortal faction. What has WWE done with the old guys? The odd guest appearance, using King to put over Miz. You don't see a difference?
The point I'm trying to make is, it is just as bad.

If you are going to moan about the oldies of TNA, why are you not moaning about the WWE doing the same thing. Yes the reasons behind it are different.

Not much point hiring Bret Hart in TNA when they barely ever leave the Impact zone. But they still shouldn't be wrestling.

Lawler looks like a random fat guy down the bar or local fast food restraunt.

Bret Hart looks like a shadow of his former self, can barely move let alone fight someone.

These 2 people wasted probably a good hours worth of time the past 2 weeks.

I think to some extent it even hurts the memory of these guys.

I like seeing them on TV don't get me wrong but they should be used in a different way. As soon as you see a name like Piper, Hart etc in a match you know straight away it is going to be a farce and a waste of time.

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