Too Much Cena?

So let me make sure I've got this straight. The most over guy in the company in oh the last 8-9 years or so that is in his physical prime and still having solid matches and having the ratings go up when he's the main face on the show as well as probably their top merchandise seller is the feature of the main show and you're not sure why? Could it be because he's the

most over guy in the company in oh the last 8-9 years or so that is in his physical prime and still having solid matches and having the ratings go up when he's the main face on the show as well as probably their top merchandise seller is the feature of the main show?

Could that be why he's the focus of the show? Criticisms like these make me laugh. Why in the world would you expect Cena to lose on Raw? The idea is to build up two guys to their highest possible levels and then have them square off. Where do they square off you ask? How about on a show you have to PAY to see? Such as a PAY per view? Yeah I think that could work: giving Cena his toughest challenges on PPV. I'm sure that's not what they're doing though and their only intent is to put people out there that tick you off as much as possible. This Cena bashing is absolutely hilarious. It truly is.
That's right you guys. Cena is a HYOOOOOGE draw. That's why WWE's drawing better ratings now than they were in their Attitude era.

Face it, Cena isn't that much of a draw. Your argument fails. Is he the best current draw the company has? Probably, but that's because the company is failing at developing other wrestlers (excuse me "entertainers") that could be larger draws.

Luckily, there is Dragongate USA and ROH to satisfy my wrestling interests. Oh yeah and when Beer Money faces MCMG, TNA is something to watch.
KB I love that you quoted yourself haha.

Oh goody! another Anti-Cena thread, Surprised the Mod's aint made a sticky thread for this since we see at least 4 a day, then any made outside of that could be used as an infraction and ban some of the people who talk out of their asses about it (looking at you thegame95) But since this is a Cena hate thread, I better recite our Motto:

"I Pledge Allegiance To The Flag
Of The Attitude Era Of Wrestling,
And To The Time For Which It Stands,
One Nation Under Austin, Indivisible,
With Puppies And Beer For All."

Okay, now that I got that out of the way I guess I can begin. Now I've hated on Cena before too, but this is getting ******ed now.. Every day there is a new thread about "Cena is doing this" and "I hate seeing Cena" or "When's Cena going away" But REALLY now people, to quote Jericho of old "Will you SHUT the HELL UP!" It's done. Overplayed. Pointless. None of the bitching and complaining is going to change anything. Go ahead, stop watching, see if Vince cares if a few people don't tune in, and switch to TNA. He wont. Why? Because there are still millions, AND MILLIONS of other people that are watching. Cena=Cash. My step dad use to tell me that him and his friends use to bitch about Hogan doing all the same shit, did that change anything? NO! Nor will it now, because again, CENA=CASH. Ratings may be down, but merchandise sales are up. That's cash. Ratings are still great though, miles ahead of any of the "competition", so no big deal at all.

Chris Jericho
Daniel Bryan
David Hart Smith
Tyson Kidd
Evan Bourne
Randy Orton
The Miz
William Regal - really talented and underused

Sorry, but going to break this down before you Little Jerry.

Chris Jericho- Does not NEED the title, is way more entertaining when he don't have it.
Daniel Bryan- Too soon. Gunna have to wait quite a while for that.
David Hart Smith- Not a chance in hell. Will be just like his dad.
Tyson Kidd- Same as above, minus the dad part
Edge- Been there. On smackdown, maybe. But not RAW.
Evan Bourne- See: Tyson Kidd
R-Truth- US title at best. Character is not that great.
Randy Orton- Same as Jericho. Minus the great mic skill. Boring champ.
The Miz- He will get his shot. When the time is right.
William Regal- Been there, tried that, he blew it. Not going to get another chance.

You DO know Cena has not been the champ for a few months right? He's the face of the company yes, but without the title. Holy Shit! I guess that "Cena always has the belt" theory just went out the window. Wow he's not even involved in the Title scene right now either!?! WOW! Cena is right where he is needed, Against Nexus. No one else could have been put in that story, and it worked out the way it has.
Cena is a huge draw. There is a reason why he's being pushed and the ones who are mad cannot do a damn thing about it. Go watch something else, just don't come back because the WWE is not going to spend an ounce of energy to cater to your whims.

The haters are an example of a Vince Russo target audience. They want to be heard, they want to be the only people the WWE or any promotion listen to. But in the interest of business, you sell towards the largest segment of the wrestling population. Cena puts butts in the seats. His haters seem to say they stopped watching but love to hang out in WWE forum boards talking about it.

Because in the end, you are the Hornswoggle of the wrestling market. Little, annoying, bastards. Internet whining leprechauns who think they know what's best on the other side of the rainbow.
Cena is the biggest draw in WWE like it or not. He main events because he is such a huge draw, can I just say I am not a Cena mark. If you don't like Cena being the face of the company watch something else. It isn't cool to hate Cena it's just jumping on the bandwagon or it's because your jealous of him because he's the face of the face company. Don't say he isn't that much of a draw because that is obviously incorrect.
Its not that theres too much Cena, its more that he's been incredibly overexposed. How long has he been in the main even title picture as a babyface now? Hulk Hogan is a good comparison but the big difference between him and Cena is that Hulk wrestled sporadically wheras Cena wrestles absolutly every show.

And the fact that he WWE seem to book him as an invincible superman for so long is so so old. Theres only so many times we can see Cena 'overcome the odds' before it gets extremely repetitive and predictable.
I don't see how people think Cena is such a huge draw... Ratings are at the lowest they've been in a really long time and the PPV buyrate's aren't doing too great either... Plus, their stock is on a decline right now...

I understand that in the PG era they want a new age Hogan, but come on... Even Hogan got stale and they had to turn him heel in WCW...

Cena does sell a lot of merch, but surely there has to be someone else who can be elevated to the Main Event and do the same sells... I'm sure if they were to turn Cena heel and have him fued with people like Orton and maybe even a face Jericho, those guys would have a chance to sell as many shirts as Cena... When Jericho had his Y2J gimmick there were loads of his shirts in the crowd... I do enjoy Jericho as a heel, but I really think he could be an acceptable face of the company... He has all the skills...

Orton just needs to add a little something more Austin-like to his character and he could be a bigger draw than Cena is right now...

The problem really is, Cena has demolished all of the credible heels and the only thing left for him to do is turn heel and put over the next line of faces... And hell, if that doesn't work, they could turn him back face in a year or two...

Maybe he's scared that if he does turn heel then his movies won't draw as much money... I don't really know what they are waiting for, but a Cena heel turn is long overdue... His character is stale and they need to freshen him up...

And I wouldn't say that I'm a Cena hater, but come on... This Super Cena crap is exactly that, crap... I like the Word Life Cena and his Dr. of Thuganomics stuff... And I will say that his matches are boring and predictable, but a heel turn would force him to change his matches up...

Could you imagine Cena being a super cocky heel? It would be great? A new age Hollywood Hogan...
John Cena isn't great at all. He acts like he's the best in RAW. He isn't. The only reason why he's in RAW and main eventing all the time is WWE's revenue. WWE gets so much money. Thats all that Vince McMahon cares about, he's not even a booker as terrible as it sounds. John Cena doesn't have great mic skills, he makes lame jokes, and he brags how he makes people tap, or how he beat them. He is being overused. Honestly, his feud with Randy Orton went on for months, thats when I stopped watching RAW. Even in TNA's standards with the Bischoff and Hogan era, I rather watch that. SmackDown is probably the only show thats decent. I get it, John Cena needs to stay in the main event, thats why all the complainers should just stop watching RAW.

That's the point of professional wrestling. To make that cash. Cena tailors his promos to his audience and it works great. He is the best on RAW and has been for years. Now let's get to why the rest of your post is terrible.


I feel a terrible list coming on.

Chris Jericho

Great midcarder, terrible main eventer.

Daniel Bryan

You know all the people criticizing Rey Mysterio. Same thing will happen to him.
David Hart Smith

You can't be serious.

Tyson Kidd

Who let you on a computer?

Edge's act got old a long time ago. Even then he wasn't that good.

Evan Bourne

I thought you would have stopped by now.

Moving on.

Randy Orton

When's the last time Orton had a good match without facing John Cena? 2006?

Did you see that great Miz match that one night? You didn't because it's nonexistent. Maybe next year but not now.

William Regal - really talented and underused

He'll be like Chris Benoit and Eddie Guerrero. There will be initial shock and then nobody will care.

these wrestlers are either new, or just very talented stars who could be much more interesting talents. CAPT SPAULD1NG8 speaks the truth, john cena's matches are him getting owned through the whole match until the end where he wins. Even in SummerSlam if you watched it. John Cena's a terrible amateur wrestler.

If there was a meme which would describe how much fail this post was, I would put it up here.
the more i think about it the more i see maybe Cena isn't such a HUUUUUUUUGE draw. i mean i'd be dumb to say hes not the biggest draw but why exactly is he a HUUUUUUUUGE draw?

ratings? WWE's ratings are down from a decade ago.
PPV i really need to go into how much those are slipping?
merch...sure he sells a TON of it but when they release new shirts in different colors every 3 months thats no surprise.

since he came back at the end of 2008 hes had black, blue, orange, green and now purple shirts...and i'm sure i may be missing a color or 2.

if Orton, Taker and _________ (fill the blank with whoever else is really popular) had a new shirt every 24 hours like Cena does they'd sell a ton of merch too.
the more i think about it the more i see maybe Cena isn't such a HUUUUUUUUGE draw. i mean i'd be dumb to say hes not the biggest draw but why exactly is he a HUUUUUUUUGE draw?

ratings? WWE's ratings are down from a decade ago.
PPV i really need to go into how much those are slipping?
merch...sure he sells a TON of it but when they release new shirts in different colors every 3 months thats no surprise.

since he came back at the end of 2008 hes had black, blue, orange, green and now purple shirts...and i'm sure i may be missing a color or 2.

if Orton, Taker and _________ (fill the blank with whoever else is really popular) had a new shirt every 24 hours like Cena does they'd sell a ton of merch too.

Here is one explanation of Monday Night Raw ratings from Dave Meltzer:

One interesting thing to look at is that as much as people talk about the millions and millions of viewers who no longer watch wrestling, the reality is that the WWE audience, despite the ratings being in the low to mid-3s, isn't down significantly from the base audience during the boom period. The difference is that because more people have TVs and the audience for USA Network is so much bigger now than it was during the late ’90s/early ’00s, the ratings for the show would be down significantly even if all else remained equal. Ten years ago, on July 10, 2000, Raw did a 6.03 rating. You look at a 6.03 ten years ago and a 3.38 today and you think, wow, WWE is sinking fast. But in reality, that 6.03 is the percentage of people watching the show based on the number of homes that have the channel, the latter of which is much, much larger today. In terms of average number of actual viewers, the July 10, 2000 Raw did 5 million viewers and the July 19, 2010 Raw did 4.8 million viewers, statistically pretty much a dead heat. Now, granted, that's not to say there is as much interest in wrestling today as there was ten years ago because that's not the case at all. You had an extra three million viewers watching on Monday nights, they were just watching the other show (astounding when you consider the state of WCW in mid-2000, and really embarrassing for TNA today). Plus, a lot of those WCW viewers and viewers who didn't bother watching the shows normally were willing to switch to Raw during major segments in the 10:00 hour, often involving Rock and Austin, leading to some of them hitting eight and nine million viewers, numbers Raw today isn't approaching anytime soon. So yes, Raw was much, much hotter, but a boom period is about adding casual fans to whatever your base audience is, and at the end of the day, the base audience today is not significantly different for Raw than it was during the boom.

I wonder if TNN, which hosted Raw in 2000, are available in the same amount of homes as the USA Network in 2010.

Read the following from WWE corporate below:

The record setting WrestleMania X-Seven capped off an exciting several days for the company. On Friday, March 23, 2001, WWE announced the purchase of the World Championship Wrestling (WCW) brand from Turner Broadcasting Systems (TBS), a division of AOL Time Warner. On Monday, March 26, 2001, the first effort at developing a story line across the two sports entertainment brands garnered a combined rating of 7.7, attracting more than 6.2 million viewers, a further demonstration of the ratings power of WWE Entertainment programming. On Thursday, March 29, 2001, WWE SMACKDOWN! on UPN delivered a ratings boost of 14 percent from the previous week.

A rating of 7.7 = more than 6.2 million viewers. You would expect the viewer count to be more than 6.2. More like "more than 9 million viewers. But that's the official press release.

Now let's look at the draws (putting butts in seats; which WCW lacked in 2000 despite having Sting and Goldberg): Let's compare 2001 WrestleMania to WrestleMania 2009. Remember, WrestleMania 2001 had The Rock versus Stone Cold (bigger draws than anyone today right?) going against (Triple H vs. Orton, Cena in a triple threat, UnderTaker vs. HBK). Remember, the ratings in 2009 aren't as great in numbers than in 2001. And if you had a choice to order one of the PPVs, you would go for 2001, because that was the Attitude Era.

2001: WWE officials announced an attendance record for Reliant Park of 67,925, resulting in gross receipts of $3.5 million.

2009: World Wrestling Entertainment® set a new record tonight at Reliant Stadium in Houston for the 25th Anniversary of WrestleMania, grossing $6.9 million in revenue

$3.4 million increase accounted by the sale of 5,000 more tickets. Not bad considering the Rock wasn't at WM in 2009. And all Austin did was, get inducted to the HOF. How much did they charge for WrestleMania in 2001? I don't have exact number.

Oh yeah, buy rates. Factor in price increases and UFC popularity in 2010 to 2000 and you got yourself the answer for the decline. I bet if UFC popularity was strong in 2000 as it were now, they would have taken some of the income otherwise spent to see Rock-Austin for the 2nd time.
very nicely put EffinSaySo.

i'm not gonna be 1 of those guys that tries to say "yeah, but..." cause you had a damn good response about the tv ratings.

but with the PPVs idk i need more info on PPVs not named WrestleMania. Mania buys are gonna be high every year whether its headlined by a dream match (Hogan vs Austin) or a WTF match
ok first off all u dumbasses saying cena is funny on the mic you all r on crac.

To the kids he's funny. You know, the kids? The ones that the WWE is targeting right now? Although, I must admit, his promo last Monday garnered a chuckle out of me.

he says the lamest shit ever,ok its funny to kids but how old r u.


see these days its easy to tell who r real wrestling fans and the ones that started watching a couple years ago that think there experts.

I started watching in 1992. You're just a fucking idiot.

real wwe fans r getting tired of cena.

You mean the smarks who swear that "CZENA ONLY KNOWZ TEH 5 MOVEZZZ!!!!!11!!!" I'm not getting that tired of him. Yes, the character is stale, but he's doing his fucking job.

we miss face vs face in a title match.

Says you. Face vs. Heel makes a match so much better.

we miss the main event on raw being a suprise.

95% of the time, for all of RAW's history, it has been decided in the opening promo. Oh, and you spelled surprised wrong.

we miss watching a ppv main event were we cant see him.(john cena)

He's THE top face of the WWE. Why the hell wouldnt Vince put him on the card. I dont know if you realize this, but Vince loves money.

i no its not all his fault but if cena were a true wrestler he would go to the wwe and say sumethin about this is to eveyone who likes john cena FUCK YOU

Why? So he could be demoted to jobber status, lose his position as top face, and in turn, lose Vince a lot of money?

Youre a fucking idiot. I really hope someone punches you in the face so hard, that you go in and out of consciousness. FUCK YOU!
The thing that cracks me up the most is that you have about 10 or so smarks posting in this thread who dislike Cena. Therefore, because they've spoken out loud and a few other agree with them they think they are the ambassadors who speak on behalf of every WWE fan. Guys, wake the fuck up... the IWC makes up not even 4% of the entire pro-wrestling audience. Therefore, your opinions don't mean jack shit.

Face of the matter is that the overwhelming majority of pro-wrestling fans LOVE John Cena, whether you all like it or not. The WWE is just giving the fans what they want... more John Cena. He's the draw of the program and the leader of this generation.

In the words of the mighty Ric Flair when he was in the Four Horseman, "Like it or hate it, learn to love it."
To the kids he's funny. You know, the kids? The ones that the WWE is targeting right now? Although, I must admit, his promo last Monday garnered a chuckle out of me.


I started watching in 1992. You're just a fucking idiot.

You mean the smarks who swear that "CZENA ONLY KNOWZ TEH 5 MOVEZZZ!!!!!11!!!" I'm not getting that tired of him. Yes, the character is stale, but he's doing his fucking job.

Says you. Face vs. Heel makes a match so much better.

95% of the time, for all of RAW's history, it has been decided in the opening promo. Oh, and you spelled surprised wrong.

He's THE top face of the WWE. Why the hell wouldnt Vince put him on the card. I dont know if you realize this, but Vince loves money.

Why? So he could be demoted to jobber status, lose his position as top face, and in turn, lose Vince a lot of money?

Youre a fucking idiot. I really hope someone punches you in the face so hard, that you go in and out of consciousness. FUCK YOU!

That would never happen. When your the top guy you have almost as much say as what you do as Vince telling you what to do. If Cena wanted to step up his in ring game & had the wrestling ability to do it, he could without any worries of losing his spot. Plus it would garner alot more fans if he did so which it turn would make Vince more $$$.
LOLOLOLOLL!!!!! Oh look, it's another hater who thinks 'TEHH ATTITUD33 3RAA SHOULD BEE BACCKKK!!!!11!!". Buddy, be intelligent. I ask you to please just change the channel rather than making another hate thread. Please. Cause the PG era does not suck. I'm not a Cena fan, hell I haven't liked Cena since his Thuganomics days. But you don't see me making a hate thread about him. I respect the guy, he puts his heart and soul into the company.

Go watch TNA and shut you fucking mouth.
LOLOLOLOLL!!!!! Oh look, it's another hater who thinks 'TEHH ATTITUD33 3RAA SHOULD BEE BACCKKK!!!!11!!". Buddy, be intelligent. I ask you to please just change the channel rather than making another hate thread. Please. Cause the PG era does not suck. I'm not a Cena fan, hell I haven't liked Cena since his Thuganomics days. But you don't see me making a hate thread about him. I respect the guy, he puts his heart and soul into the company.

Go watch TNA and shut you fucking mouth.

Agreed on all fronts here. Look the majority of WWE's fans are 10 yr olds who buy into Cena because they are 10yrs old (give or take a few yrs). To most of us long time fans Cena sucks because of what we are accustomed to from the past in WWE but if we were new to the WWE block, we'd love his schtick too. I'm a 22 plus yr WWE fan veteran who loved watching Hulk Hogan & the Ultimate Warrior & their no different than Cena is now. You always put the face of your wrestling company as the focal point of your programming. WWE did it with Bruno, Backlund, Hogan, warrior, savage, Bret, Diesel, HBK, Austin, Rock, HHH, Lesnar & now it's Cena. It's how the business has always run & will continue that way. Do I think John Cena sucks balls as a wrestler? Yes. Do I think he's boring on the mic despite having probably the best mic skills in the company? Yes. Is he boring on the mic because of the pg era? Maybe. I found the Rock pretty boring on the mic during the Attitude era so I'd say the WWE being pg is totally irrelavant. Until someone is able to take Cena's spot in terms of making McMahon the most $, expect to see plenty of Cena on WWE tv.
First offf Im not a hater

Sure seems like it.

I didnt watch during the attitude era

Alright, then forgive me, I'll correct myself: 'TEHH PG 3RAA SHUCKSS!!!11!

I put this thread up asking if ppl thought there was too much cena

Okay. I'll answer you then. I think Cena is not over-used. He's the face of the company, so he's gonna be shown the most. Sorry.

even to much of a good thing is a bad thing meaning its not that I dont like him I think we see too much cena

Excuse me? That doesn't make sense. ENGLISH. But, I think I figured it out. So you said that you do like Cena, but we see to much of him. Well get used to it, he's gonna be on Monday Night Raw a lot. You know, since he's the face of the company and all. Get a clue.

and like the moron you are you come to the conclusion I hate cena you said yourself you dont like him thats you opinion of him and heres my opinion of you your an asshole.

Ouuu, I'm an asshole and a moron. You sure got me.

EDIT: I wasn't talking to you. I was talking to all the Cena haters, btw.

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