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WWE 2013: What's The Grade?

Did WWE Make The Grade?

  • A+: Damn Near Perfect

  • A: Outstanding, A Year Of Epic Proportions

  • A-: Spectacular, A Truly Memorable Year

  • B+: Great All Around

  • B: Solid

  • B-: Very Good

  • C+: Pretty Decent

  • C: Okay, But Could Have Been Better

  • C-: Barely Passable

  • D+: It Had Its Moments Here & There, But Not Many

  • D: Pretty Lousy

  • D- Almost Unbearable

  • F: Epic Failure

Results are only viewable after voting.
You need to get off this blind hate of Cena. Orton wasn't losing pops. Punk was not the most hated heel. He was getting pops even as a heel. The other face spot was Alberto Del Rio and a soon to be turned face Ziggler. I give you that Bryan was not in the main event picture at the time but he sure as hell was mad over. If Cena really wanted to put Ryback in his place he would have forced WWE to keep Ryback face in the mid card and have a 2 PPV programme with Mark Henry or Big Show or Christ Jericho instead.

It has nothing to do with what Cena wants, it's what the company wants. Triple H and management hate when their guys badmouth the direction of the company's main events on interviews saying that they're sick of Cena and that they want the spot. It's completely understandable, but instead of giving them a warning and telling them not to say these things again, they bury them into submission.

Ryback was the hottest face on Raw. It wasn't Hell No, it wasn't Del Rio, and it wasn't Punk. Ryback had the crowd eating at the palm of his hands with those silly chants. He was the runner-up in the Rumble because o it. And WWE randomly took away his heat, had him lose at Mania, turned him heel, and jobbed him to Cena.

They did the same thing with Christian on Smackdown. Really over, getting HUGE chants from the crowd, feuding with Orton and getting much more cheers, and they decide to turn him heel and job him to Orton.

WWE chooses who the face of the brand is. If the crowd cheers for a guy they don't want, they will make sure he doesn't get cheered again.

Memorable feuds for the year: Cena/Rock. Punk/Heyman. HHH/Lesnar. Hell No/Shield. Bryan/Orton. Authority/Every face in the company?

If by memorable you mean "Had promise, but ended either in a completely shitty manner or didn't END at all" then yeah, you're right on the money with those examples.
I graded them a D; would have given them a D- but then I remembered that 2012 was a much worse year.
My main beef with WWE is that everything is just too silly. I understand that the target audience are the children, but many of the stuff they do would seem stupid even to our nephews and nieces. I have to say this before I forget, the fire extinguisher seems to have become a weapon with high utility in recent years. Instead of making them see stars with a chair shot, simply put the fire in them out.
From Tensai in lingerie, to good Santa and bad Santa, to the WWE app advertised at the drop of a hat, Khali's antics, Big Show in a diaper, McMahons cutting short Daniel Bryan, Cena sabotaging Sandow, The Shield losing momentum, Ziggler back in the mid card, Los Matadores and El Torito on my TV making me embarrassed to even watch etc. etc. many things this year that I didn't like, but still a notch over TNA, which is sad.
I graded them a D; would have given them a D- but then I remembered that 2012 was a much worse year.

That's pretty harsh. Sure, it wasn't their best year, but it was much better than some have given it credit for. If you had been able to give a solid reason for why you would rate the year so low, then it could have been understandable. Instead you whine about how it is too "silly". If it's not entertaining you, then why do you even watch it?

making me embarrassed to even watch etc. etc. many things this year that I didn't like

If I ever watched something that mad me embarrassed to watch it, I would not watch it again. If you hate WWE's product of today so much just stop watching it. Nobody is forcing you to watch Raw or Smackdown. Go find something else to do. We have too many complainers in here whining about the product, yet they all go sit down and watch Raw the following week. Either find a better excuse or find a better hobby. The year at the very worst was a C. I personally gave it a B- as I found many events/matches/feuds/shows/etc to be enjoyable. After analysis on both the good AND the bad that was how I came to my conclusion on how to review the year. You have only looked at the bad and seemingly ignored the good parts of the year entirely. You're not being fair, but then again you clearly hate the product anyway.
i will give it a B+ just because of the feuds that occured that sold. Lesnar vs. Punk was great with ring work and how it was sold. Undertaker vs. Punk stole the show. the Rock vs. Cena may not have been great, but it was a great story told. Orton vs. Bryan had some nice matches. the Shield continue to shine, Bray Wyatt's hype, debut and current run is great to watch. and there were plenty of memorable moments like Henry's fake retirement, the WWE title debut, Rock's concert on Vickie was great and of course Bryan's push. the YES chants are very loud. the reason it's not an A or higher is because WWE failed to keep it going with Bryan and needs to give the man a title run.
I voted B. I enjoyed many parts of this year but it wasn't spectacular. Often it was individuals that were the stand-outs rather than storylines which is a shame.

Three men, Seth Rollins, Dean Ambrose and Roman Reigns probably put this year up a level. All three had great matches every time that they got into the ring. It was surprising that these three superstars could effortlessly make the transition on to TV and perform at such a high quality. Moreover, they featured in programs with some of the absolute greats (Rock, Orton, Cena, Taker) and were not out of place.

I already mentioned how great some individuals were and four stood out: Cena, Punk, Heyman and Orton. Cena has now begun to win over some that doubt him ( I'm sane, I never did) with his superb promos and outstanding matches. I can't understate how good he is and in this year we got to see one of the best of all time work at his peak. There is also Punk. Like Cena, he is an absolute machine that delivers everytime he speaks. His matches might be a little inconstant but he is still great. Heyman is gold and firstly his work with Punk and then his feud with him were both awesome.

Randy Orton is someone who is now better than ever. In the ring he is as good as ever (which is a pretty high level) but he is now backing it up on the mic. Orton has cut some great promos and the reputation of being "boring" is very very outdated.

Bryan's rise was pretty incredible. While I don't love the guy; I can't help but to acknowledge the year he has had and how the fans have warmed to him. Another great thing about this year is that for the first time in about ten years I actually cared about the Divas. AJ and to a lesser extent Kaitlyn prevented me from fast-forwarding. AJ is clearly a star and while no-one doesn't watch for Divas wrestling she undoubtedly helped the product.

The tag-team division has also improved. Team Hell No started it and The Shield/Rhodes family continued that. Consistently great matches and some decent feuds. A few years ago no-one cared about tag-team wrestling; now that is where the best matches are coming from. Goldust can still wrestle and Cody Rhodes is now an over face, hopefully ready for a massive push.

It was great seeing The Rock, Jericho, RVD back as well. Furthermore, Mark Henry's promo might just be one of my favourite of all time. Zeb Coulter was another individual that I loved watching and I can't not mention him. Similarly, there is Bray Wyatt who wowed everyone. I've fallen in love with Big E which is nice. Del Rio/Ziggler's double turn, Ziggler cashing in, Fandangoing, 3MB. Plenty of awesome moments that made this year really enjoyable.

Clearly there were a lot of great things about 2013. There were some top superstars performing at their best. Great matches, mic-work, and moments as well as the emergence of some future stars. It could have been better, of course, but I still enjoyed 2013. The majority of PPV's were poor. Except from Summerslam and Money in the Bank I was left disappointed after every PPV. WM 29 epitomised that as well as a very predictable Royal Rumble.

I think if we look back at this year in a decade or so it will be so significant because it was the year that The Shield, Big E, Bray Wyatt, Bryan and Cody Rhodes established themselves and began to show that they could be main-event stars. A "B" but a very interesting year nonetheless.
I will say that 2013 was the year that made me lose interest in the WWE as a whole.

Not that the previous couple of years had been that much better, but there had always been something that kept me tuning in. They have finally run out of those things, it seems.

After over two decades of assuming I was hooked for life, it gradually turned from enjoyment to habit to chore for me. I stopped watching Smackdown altogether. I started fast-forwarding through Raws. I eventually stopped watching those, either. The PPVs of this year I would never have paid a dime for. Thank God for SKY in Europe. Then again, given the quality of most of those PPVs, this often turned out to be a curse rather than a blessing.

Every now and then I tune in again only to see a Funkasaurus or freakin Bullfighters and in the main event the same two guys that main evented in 2006. I want to like what I see. I really REALLY do. But I can't kid myself. It's that bad. The WWE product of today is a shadow of what it used to be. I honestly think the WWE is facing their biggest quality crisis since the early to mid nineties. The difference is this time they don't have that big competitor lighting a fire under their asses. This time there is no revolution coming.

I hate that I have become one of those negative Internet fans that only complain. I tried not to become that. Tried to point out the positives or to defend the current product when trolls glorified the Attitude era as if it had been so absolutely perfect. .... But I have thrown in the towel. The WWE in its current state is not worth defending.

In 2013 I saw the WWE half-ass Wrestlemania, derail Dolph Ziggler, book Ryback into worthlessness, drop Damien Sandow, fail with Curtis Axel, do nothing noteworthy with CM Punk (leading to a huge chunk of his fans turning on him) and, worst of all, sabotage Daniel Bryan. If I forgot something it's probably because I have been watching less and less.

Instead the WWE devotes their energy to push John Cena (of course), Alberto Del Rio (who no one cares about, but who carries the hispanic market) and, most notably, Randy Orton. Why the F*** was 2013 the year of Orton?? This is hell!

The best thing of 2013? The tag team of Cody Rhodes and Goldust. Good for them, but OUCH!!!

This has been the worst WWE year I can remember. And I remember Isaac Yankem DDS.
That's pretty harsh. Sure, it wasn't their best year, but it was much better than some have given it credit for. If you had been able to give a solid reason for why you would rate the year so low, then it could have been understandable. Instead you whine about how it is too "silly". If it's not entertaining you, then why do you even watch it?

You liked it more than I did; I liked it less than you did. I don't understand what's the issue with that. If calling stuff like Good Santa vs Bad Santa, Titus vomiting in JBL's hat, then that thing going on Cole's face "Silly" means that I'm whining and being too harsh, then I don't know how else to put it so that your majesty would find it appropriate.

If I ever watched something that mad me embarrassed to watch it, I would not watch it again. If you hate WWE's product of today so much just stop watching it. Nobody is forcing you to watch Raw or Smackdown. Go find something else to do. We have too many complainers in here whining about the product, yet they all go sit down and watch Raw the following week. Either find a better excuse or find a better hobby. The year at the very worst was a C. I personally gave it a B- as I found many events/matches/feuds/shows/etc to be enjoyable. After analysis on both the good AND the bad that was how I came to my conclusion on how to review the year. You have only looked at the bad and seemingly ignored the good parts of the year entirely. You're not being fair, but then again you clearly hate the product anyway.

The same old "If you don't like it, don't watch it. But don't criticise it." argument. I won't even go to that. Yes, there were some good moments , moments that convinced me not to give it a lower rating. Again, why should it matter to me if your highness gave it a B or a C? I feel it deserves a D for being incredibly silly (boom! I said it again), among other reasons I mentioned. And isn't the basis of judgement supposed to be on what one feels about the year? Or are we supposed to follow JJ Rousseau's General Will principle in this? Either way, I don't quite understand why you have to take so much offence to it as if I have insulted your family. Of course I hate the product. That is because it sucks! If I'm supposed to love Tensai wearing a lingerie or Big Show wearing a diaper, otherwise get called a whiner without a different hobby, then I'm faced with a difficult situation. Let me tell you something you might have heard already. It is because of people like you that keep defending the product and trying to point out the very few positives as justifiable reasons not to criticise it- this is what encourages the people behind the scenes that they are doing the right thing, and as a result, the product keeps lacking any improvement.
You liked it more than I did; I liked it less than you did. I don't understand what's the issue with that.

The issue isn't the fact that I liked it more than you did. The issue is that you failed to address anything positive about the year. If you have even been watching at all, and by that I mean truly watching, not sitting there full of negatively biased thoughts against a product you hate but for some reason continue to watch on a weekly basis; then you would have seen how harsh you were on the product.

If calling stuff like Good Santa vs Bad Santa, Titus vomiting in JBL's hat, then that thing going on Cole's face "Silly" means that I'm whining and being too harsh, then I don't know how else to put it so that your majesty would find it appropriate.

You apparently lack a sense of humor. Good Santa VS Bad Santa was never going to be on the level of CM Punk VS Undertaker or Daniel Bryan VS Randy Orton. It was quite silly, but it was a funny Christmas themed moment that they did for a Christmas edition of Raw. If you don't want to watch it then there is a little button on your remote control called FAST FORWARD. That button is your friend. Use it when there is anything on a recording that you dislike. Although given your thoughts on the product you'd end up fast forwarding through 90% of the show, so what's the point? Give it a chance with a positive attitude or stop wasting your time by watching it. You claim it's embarrassing. Then simply stop watching. Walk away. It's not rocket science. Most people in the world watch shows that they like and avoid the ones they don't like. Take a moment to think about that.

The same old "If you don't like it, don't watch it. But don't criticise it." argument. I won't even go to that.

Too bad, I will. There's criticism of a product, and then there's what you are doing. I don't blindly follow everything Vince wants. He has The Usos as a face team, that fans are intended to cheer for. I detest that team and refuse to cheer for them. He had The Rock end CM Punk's WWE Championship reign. I disagreed with that. He didn't save the world title unification for Wrestlemania 30. I voiced my difference of opinion on that matter, but the world did not come to an end. That's healthy mature criticism. You sitting there whining about how it's so silly that it embarrasses you to watch it and give the year a terrible review for WWE (and TNA for that matter, I saw your equally harsh post in that thread too), yet you continue to watch it anyway, does nothing but make you look incredibly foolish.

Yes, there were some good moments , moments that convinced me not to give it a lower rating. Again, why should it matter to me if your highness gave it a B or a C? I feel it deserves a D for being incredibly silly (boom! I said it again), among other reasons I mentioned.

I was simply giving an example. I ran an analysis on both the good and the bad. I have yet to read anything specific on the positives of the year from your posts in this thread. Then again, you're so negatively biased against the product that it is blinding you from being able to remember the good events that happened this year. You're entitled to your opinion, but that doesn't mean you are correct.

Either way, I don't quite understand why you have to take so much offence to it as if I have insulted your family.

First of all learn how to spell offense. Secondly, I never once said that. Go back and read my other post, then tell me where I said I took a great deal of insult from it. It's ok. I'll wait.

Did you find it? Of course not. Because it's not there. I was pointing out the falsehoods in your statement. You were far too harsh on the product. Plain and simple.

Of course I hate the product. That is because it sucks!

Then why in the hell do you still watch it? Seriously!?

If I'm supposed to love Tensai wearing a lingerie or Big Show wearing a diaper, otherwise get called a whiner without a different hobby, then I'm faced with a difficult situation.

Then go talk to your friends, if you even have any, and tell them you need help in finding a new hobby. Or you could fast forward past things like Tensai wearing lingerie. Nobody is forcing you to sit and watch the entire 3 hours of Raw each week. YOU made the decision to keep enduring the ordeal of watching a product you cannot stand. If you didn't like the way a type of food tasted, would you continue to eat more of it? No. The same theory works here. Those of us who CAN appreciate WWE's product will continue watching it out of enjoyment.

Let me tell you something you might have heard already. It is because of people like you that keep defending the product and trying to point out the very few positives as justifiable reasons not to criticise it- this is what encourages the people behind the scenes that they are doing the right thing, and as a result, the product keeps lacking any improvement.

The positives actually outweighed the negatives this year. If you had bothered to even consider analyzing the year overall with an open mind and a positive attitude, then maybe you might have come to a more reasonable conclusion. You wouldn't be able to see that though since you hate the show so much. The product doesn't lack improvement. It improved a significant amount from 2012 in 2013. I expect 2014 to be a good year for WWE. You know what though? If that ends up not happening, unlike you I'd still be able to find the positives.

But hey, if you want to keep forcing a product you hate upon yourself, then you would only have yourself to blame. Seriously dude, you're better off finding something else to do. It's painfully obvious that pro wrestling is not for you.
For me, the year was a solid B. Yes, it had its great moment and not so great moment. But the reason I've rated it so highly is all the moment which were supposed to feel epic did so. I could've done without a Rock WWE title reign or an extra match between HHH and Brock, but they were pretty entertaining nonetheless.

There is always good and the bad. This year continued the trend of midcard titles not meaning much and not being defended, or simply the midcard champion jobbing to the main event stars. I still think that Daniel Bryan may come back in the title picture, but a legit reign for him could've made it sweeter before the clock turns 2014. Ziggler's ascension and apparent demotion was also a bit of a concern (I honestly don't know what happened there). CM Punk vs Paul Heyman started with explosion but felt like it overstayed its welcome. CM Punk vs The Undertaker was gold.

The best part has to be The Shield though. After a long time, we've had a stable booked almost flawlessly. They've been booked strongly and should continue till their imminent split. Also, tag division showed signs of coming back to life. In a long time did we see a legit tag match for the titles as main event of RAW. In ring product was excellent throughout the years. Stories can always be better but it looked like this year, they put in more effort compared to last few.
Originally posted by CM Yes!

For me, the year was a solid B.

I could have probably just said I agreed with the entire post and not have to say much myself. This is also my opinion the year 2013 in WWE. Comfortably it has been a very solid year, and it has been a year which I feel will be extremely important in dictating the future. This has been the year which has seen the rise of Daniel Bryan; a push brought on by crowd momentum, conveying that although debatable, Vince will listen to his "WWE Universe" from time to time. A year in which CM Punk has established himself as potentially the best in the world once again, producing a complete body of work which rightfully backs up the moniker. However, I do feel the feud with Haymen unfortunately died after the departure of Lesnar, but that is neither the fault of either Punk or Paul. And, even in 2013, John Cena has shown us why he deserves to be at the top of the WWE food chain, producing various sublime professional wrestling matches and feuds.

In addition to the improvement of multiple established stars, 2013 has seen the rise of The Shield and The Wyatts as two potential mega forces of the future. It is in this regard that I feel 2013 will be regarded as a fantastic year of progress for the company. Like many others, I take great pleasure in watching every member of the Shield perform, and Bray Wyatt has enough eerie charisma to keep me invested in an otherwise corny story line. Although I feel it is a big ask to compare him to The Undertaker, I certainly see it. Taker, I feel, should be used as a template for how the company should handle Bray.

It could be said that 2013 brought back some much needed credibility to some "dead" divisions, most importantly in regards to the tag team and divas. The Rhodes Brothers have consistently been one of the most entertaining parts of the show, displaying their ability to put on a great match with just about anyone. Again, in this aspect I feel this could be the break that Cody Rhodes has been waiting for all these years and hell, it's nice to see Goldust perform at such a high level again. Dustin deserves his day in the sun. AJ Lee has been imperative to the development of the divas division, with her charisma and ever improving in ring ability towering high above all. Total Divas , although poorly received by many on the forums, has brought some much needed attention to the failing division and will hopefully produce some sort of star quality by the end of it.

These are just a few of the stand outs of 2013 thus far, as I do feel there are others that can be divulged into in more detail.

Moreover, 2013 saw the long awaited unification of both world championships. This is something which has been long overdue, and I just hope that this could be used in the future to put emphasis on the importance of being a champion. As I will mention momentarily, I feel this is something that Punk recently done.

However, there have been a few faults that are explicit. Was the Rock winning the WWE title "best for business"? Probably. Should it have happened? Certainly not. I feel that in the long run this could be looked at as a massive fault, with CM Punk losing the most important title reign in modern history to a glorified elbow drop. It isn't so much why he lost the title, but how. In addition to this, I feel both Rock and Punk share a certain chemistry(no where near to the degree they both share with Cena) and unfortunately this was not evident in their work. In this regard I think it could be said the ball was dropped.

The fall of Dolph Ziggler was something difficult to comprehend. A very good talent, it is a shame that he hasn't had the opportunity to stay at the top, however his time will most certainly come. This is evident in other superstars who just did not stand out in 2013, Antonio Cesaro being one. It is explicit just how highly the E views him however, so it is not to be discounted that he is still potentially a future world champion. Moreover, this year has seen a huge fall from grace for Alberto Del Rio, a talented performer who just can't click. Will this harm WWE in foreign markets such as Mexico? It is yet to be seen. Hopefully this is a void that Sin Cara (Hunico) can now occupy well.

I am also with fellow posters who have complained about the over saturation of pay per views. I will keep this one quick; Battleground was a disaster that should have been avoided at all costs.

In summation, I think it is fair to say that 2013 in the world of WWE has been a solid B.
I gave it a C-. Nothing really impressed me this year. Only one match was decent and that's just because the ending was unpredictable. Most of anything shown on WWE is trash which is why I fast forward through most of it. Randy Orton has been the only thing keeping me watching the product in 2013. Rock was boring, Cena was boring, Bryan was boring, Punk was boring. Other than Orton the only other thing I kind of enjoyed was Henrys fake retirement but that's about it. Let's hope for a better next year
The issue isn't the fact that I liked it more than you did. The issue is that you failed to address anything positive about the year.
The reason I did not talk about the (very few) positives was because I gave it a negative rating, and thus I have to talk about the things that I disliked; the things that made me cringe and compelled me into grading it lowly. Like I said before, that the fact that I did not give it a lower rating means that (a) there were positives that I came across (although very limited in number) , and (b) it could have been worse. Let's consider a film critic grading a movie 1/5. He talks about the negatives, the things that he didn't like, the things that brought him to that conclusion. That's how it works.

You apparently lack a sense of humor. Good Santa VS Bad Santa was never going to be on the level of CM Punk VS Undertaker or Daniel Bryan VS Randy Orton. It was quite silly, but it was a funny Christmas themed moment that they did for a Christmas edition of Raw.
Exactly. That's where subjective opinion comes along. I can also question your sense of humor and call it childish for finding that shit funny. Maybe you found "CM Sucks" and "Kung Pow Chicken" funny too, but that's your opinion, and I am mature enough to not call you out for that.
And comparing it to CM Punk vs Undertaker or Daniel Bryan vs Randy Orton is absurd. If I didn't like that Santa match, it automatically means that I am expecting it to be on the same level as a Wrestlemania main event match for the Streak? What kind of logic is this? Is this how you debate here?

...but for some reason continue to watch on a weekly basis; then you would have seen how harsh you were on the product. If you don't want to watch it then there is a little button on your remote control called FAST FORWARD. That button is your friend. Use it when there is anything on a recording that you dislike. Although given your thoughts on the product you'd end up fast forwarding through 90% of the show, so what's the point? Give it a chance with a positive attitude or stop wasting your time by watching it. You claim it's embarrassing. Then simply stop watching. Walk away. It's not rocket science. Most people in the world watch shows that they like and avoid the ones they don't like. Take a moment to think about that.
Why should it be of any concern to you whether I watch every episode of the year, or skip some of it? If I do, do I watch full 3 hours or change the channel after some time? Do I watch it on a system with recording enabled? If I do, do I use the fast-forward button to skip through content? If I skip through the content, how much of the program do I skip through? You are just making assumptions and stretching the argument, trying to find a flaw somewhere and point it out, which brings me to...

First of all learn how to spell offense.
Online Argument rule #101: If you cannot find any other point, start finding flaws in the opponent's grammar/spelling.
If your highness had access to proper schooling and education, (apart from proper debating skills) you would know that there is a difference in spelling patterns of British (original) English and American (butchered) English, AND, "Offence" is the British (actual) way of spelling it, but I'll excuse you by saying that neither term is more correct than the other. It is like "advice" and "advise", "practice" and "practise", and so on.
There is a saying that "If you get into an argument with a stupid person, then you are stupid too", and that's how I'm feeling right now after answering to you.

I was simply giving an example. I ran an analysis on both the good and the bad. I have yet to read anything specific on the positives of the year from your posts in this thread. Then again, you're so negatively biased against the product that it is blinding you from being able to remember the good events that happened this year.
Good for you. Your rating was a moderate one (which means you found many things you liked, and things you didn't like) so you mentioned them. I found very few things which I liked, and they were overshadowed by the things I didn't like, and so I did not consider it necessary to mention any. To quote you, "Plain and Simple".

You're entitled to your opinion, but that doesn't mean you are correct.
Yes, I'm entitled to my opinion, thank you very much. Opinions cannot be classified as "Correct" or "Incorrect" though. That is why they are called opinions; they are entirely subjective, and every person thinks differently.

Then go talk to your friends, if you even have any, and tell them you need help in finding a new hobby. Or you could fast forward past things like Tensai wearing lingerie. Nobody is forcing you to sit and watch the entire 3 hours of Raw each week. YOU made the decision to keep enduring the ordeal of watching a product you cannot stand.
Assumptions, on the other hand, can be classified as "Correct" and "Incorrect". Here you are, assuming that I don't have friends or another hobby, like you previously assumed that I fast-forward through most of the show, that I continue to watch the same channel even if I don't like something, and so on...
Basically your whole argument is filled with assumptions about my behaviour (British English for 'behavior'), TV-watching pattern, and insults at every opportunity (which you likely think makes you look 'cool').

If you didn't like the way a type of food tasted, would you continue to eat more of it? No.
Would I continue to eat a food that I didn't like? That's right, No. I would grade it a D in the feedback card and say that it sucked. And no, I would not bother mentioning the few positives in it that the salt was okay, the presentation was nice etc.

The same theory works here. Those of us who CAN appreciate WWE's product will continue watching it out of enjoyment.
I expect 2014 to be a good year for WWE. You know what though? If that ends up not happening, unlike you I'd still be able to find the positives.
Very well, I'm not stopping you. I've simply chosen not to be content with, or appreciative about what I consider mediocre. And unlike you, I will continue to grade a poor product poorly and criticize something that deserves criticism, "Dude".
The notion that if you dislike the current product, you should just stop watching it altogether is a ridiculous one. If you care enough to post on a wrestling forum, I'd say you are a wrestling FAN. And that's unlikely to change whether the WWE provides compelling television or just keeps serving up the same shit sandwiches they've been dishing out for years.

I'm a New York Jets fan. They suck and their on field product sure is hard to watch, but that doesn't mean I'm gonna go buy a Patriots jersey.
CM Punk vs The Rock
CM Punk vs The Rock II
CM Punk vs Undertaker
The Rock vs John Cena
The Shield
CM Punk vs Jericho
Team Hell No
Daniel Bryan vs John Cena
Randy Orton heel turn
Big Show made to be a bitch
Kane becoming human
Dolph Ziggler - World Heavyweight Champion!
Return of RVD
Brock Lesnar vs CM Punk
Curtis Axel
Big E Langston
AJ Lee aiding the Divas Division
Mark Henry's false retirement
Summer Rae
First ever NXT Women's Champion - Paige
Tyler Breeze
Sami Zayn
Sami Zayn vs. Antonio Cesaro

I don't know about anyone else, but this year for WWE was a solid A- for me. It had a lot of great surprises, even better matches, and really the storytelling this year was solid. It was easy for me to suspend my beliefs for this year and really I can't imagine WWE having much of a better year than this one.
(Voted C- by miss-click, meant to click C)

In-ring wise, this was one of the best years WWE has EVER had, and that's saying something. Offhand I could name so many Class A matches (Punk vs. Brock, Punk vs. Taker, Rhodes vs. Shield, Big E vs. Orton, RVD vs. Y2J, Bryan vs. Orton, etc.). WWE's talent pool, in terms of their ability to wrestle and nothing more, is freaking ridiculous right now. And considering most of these A+ performers are upper midcard or just breaking into the ME scene, the future could be very promising. 2013 was a great year in that regard.

However, this year was SERIOUSLY dragged down by booking and creative decisions. I'm not one to dwell on missteps, but damn there were so many things done flat-out wrong this year:

Ryback has been wasted. He was the hottest face in a long time turned heel for Cena's sake. He should have either won the Royal Rumble and defeated Big Show at WM for the WHC or beat Henry at WM before beating Cena for the title in the 3 Stages. And he should have NEVER been turned heel. It was absurd to even risk his popularity with Punk in the 1st place, but then to go heel with no payoff other than putting Cena further over was a mess.

A whole Chamber match and WHC main event was wasted on Jack Swagger, who has proven time and time again he is not main-event caliber talent. How they dared to take a chance on him again just for the Colter v. Immigration thing is brave, but stupid. Coolter ended up outshining him, which only sucks because Colter isn't the one in the WM title match.

Ziggler was wasted as well, and all for some little backstage crack? WWE needs to distribute their punishments in a way where it doesn't affect the quality of the show. Even earlier in the year, why would they take the title off him? They could have easily did the double turn with him keeping the title in a DQ finish. But no, we had to deal with ADR in the title scene much longer than he should have been. Speaking of which, I think making him a face could have worked if they didn't try so hard to make him Mexico's hero.

The Authority storyline had so much promise, and though it's not over, there were major problems:
1. Big Show's involvement should have never been that deep if they weren't going to do Show v. HHH. And the broke angle was completely unnecessary.
2. Bryan did not need to be beaten down so many times. It went from buildup to boring, and only avoided burial because they portrayed Orton as unable to beat him clean
3. The Rhodes were dropped from the story way too quick. A united front against the Authority was cool (that time everyone ran and helped Bryan), but dropped. The Rhodes could have been great support for DB and made things even.
4. Kane was wasted, period.
5. The Authority needed more cohesion. Get more heels and be a real faction if you're gonna go all the way. Orton was their only true ally and fell out with them constantly. The Shield were just hired help and made that perfectly clear.

It took WWE way too long to realize Curtis Axel wasn't working. We had to lose the IC title scene to Punk/Heyman, which was a great angle, but it didn't need Axel, who still couldn't get himself over.

And lastly, WM29 had no payoff. I get the whole "pass the torch moment", but HHH and HBK already did it for Cena. The crowd had no interest in seeing that ending, and booed what was supposed to be a feel good moment. Not saying Rock had to win clean again just like 28, but something should have been done with Cena post-match and onward as to not have that happen. (Heel turn was so possible then, just sayin...)

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