WWE 2012 Royal Rumble - Bryan (c) vs Show vs Henry - Triple Threat Cage Match - WHC

Martin Gabriel

Pre-Show Stalwart

Originally Posted by WWE.com
A months-long score will finally be settled when World Heavyweight Champion Daniel Bryan takes on Big Show and Mark Henry in a Triple Threat Steel Cage Match at the 25th Anniversary of the Royal Rumble. It’s a classic tale of David vs. Goliath … vs. Goliath. Only, in this telling, David has already survived face-offs with both giants, which begs the question: Can Bryan do it again inside the confines of the unforgiving steel?

This explosive three-way rivalry ignited at last year’s WWE TLC pay-per-view after Bryan cashed in his Money in the Bank title opportunity, dethroning the newly crowned Big Show moments after the giant defeated Mark Henry in a brutal World Title Chairs Match.

However, the seeds were planted long before that. Big Show and Mark Henry battled in several pay-per-views, beginning at Money in the Bank, where Henry came out on top – injuring Show and sending him to the Hall of Pain. Then, in one of the most talked-about matches of 2011, The World’s Largest Athlete and The World’s Strongest Man “tore it down” at Vengeance when Henry’s superplex of The World’s Largest Athlete literally destroyed the ring.

One month later, when the two giants met at the 2011 Survivor Series, Henry was disqualified after delivering a low blow. After the match, Henry continued his assault on Big Show but The World’s Largest Athlete turned the tables on the champion and injured Henry’s knee in the process.

As the destructive rivalry progressed between the two behemoths, Big Show went out of his way to encourage the determined Daniel Bryan, even nudging him to cash in his Money in the Bank briefcase on Henry. However, once Bryan actually won the title from Show, the gigantic Superstar and the rest of the WWE Universe immediately noticed a change in the new champion’s demeanor.

On the Jan. 6 episode of SmackDown, Henry had the perfect vantage point for the World Heavyweight Title Rematch between Bryan and Big Show, joining the SmackDown announce team. Before the match could be decided, an altercation with Henry ended the match in a controversial disqualification, leaving a frustrated Big Show once again without the title.

What occurred on the Jan. 13 episode of SmackDown did nothing to quell the growing animosity between Bryan and Big Show. During their No Disqualification/No Count-out rematch, Big Show inadvertently ran into Bryan’s girlfriend, AJ, at ringside. Even though Show seemed genuinely distraught after the disturbing collision, Bryan has torn apart The World’s Largest Athlete for what he claims to be a malicious — and very deliberate — act of aggression.

Tensions were sky-high at “Sin City SmackDown” just one week after the accident when extenuating circumstances once again saved Bryan in his Lumberjack World Title Match against Mark Henry. After the action descended into chaos, SmackDown General Manager Teddy Long decided to make the epic Triple Threat Steel Cage World Title Match at Royal Rumble official.

Will Daniel Bryan somehow manage to best two giants in one match, or will his luck finally run out in the confines of the Steel Cage?

I think they have been doing surprisingly well with his run since turning him heel. I think he'll keep it after this match. I think if they remember that majority of Wrestle Mania fans are marks (people who like wrestling in general I.e. in...dies as well as WWE), they'll get stronger fan reaction to Danielson. Same as heels generally get stronger pops from fans at Mania. I can almost gaurantee that they'll see that he has a strong following. Especially if it happens at Mania. But if he drops it, they would get an awesome match if they had he and Punk face each other.
As I said in another thread Bryan's slow heel turn has been working to perfection, he's been given time to develop as a personality and is really shining with this time he's given. He's saying all of BS while still trying to tell the audience that he is the good guy in all of this, the honorable champion even though he's been squealing out of basically every title match and talking down to the audience. Simply put great stuff.

This match should be interesting I'm personally looking forward to it. I knew they were probably going with a Triple Threat for the title but I was surprised when they announced that it would be within the confines of a steel cage. That should surely make the match more interesting, And if Bryan is to retain what clever form of escape could possibly be up his sleeve. This event looks to be a great show all in all.
Bryan's heel turn has worked better than it ever could have been expected (given how weakly they booked him for the previous year), and as far as i know, rating for SD have been good, so I would imagine they'd be eager to continue Bryan's title reign. Whether he makes it past Elimination Chamber with the title, I don't know, but he'll be winning this Rumble match, and definitively, if they have any sense.

It would make sense to finish his rivalry with Show/Henry for good here, and after the Rumble start the build to whatever his WM match is planned to be.
I'm probably one of the only ones who sees the obvious booking here, but the main reason it was booked triple threat steel cage, was so Big Show and Henry can beat the hell out of each other while Daniel Bryan sneaks out of the cage for the win, Big Show and Henry are the top two contenders right now, and Bryan can't be put in a 1v1 with either for a clean legit win, so this is the only logical answer, have Bryan win and then say he's done with show and Henry
.... but the main reason it was booked triple threat steel cage, was so Big Show and Henry can beat the hell out of each other while Daniel Bryan sneaks out of the cage for the win....

For sure, and it's also logical for the company to accommodate Mark Henry, whose mobility is severely limited from his leg injury. You'll notice last night on Smackdown that he barely moved in the ring; Daniel did all the traveling while Mark kept throwing Daniel around. In a 3-way, Mark can practically stand in one spot and let the other two come to him.

But, you're right, this type of match will be even easier for Daniel Bryan to look as if he can compete with the two monsters than one at a time......and he'll most likely walk out with the title. I can't see the company putting the belt on Mark Henry, not with him being injured, which was why they took it from him in the first place.

As for Big Show, the time doesn't seem right for him to win the belt; he's supposedly too broken up by the A.J. thing to be celebrating a new championship reign.

This just might be an interesting match, and if it is, it will be Daniel Bryan that makes it so, as he continues his heel turn.
I think this is going to be a good match...I would love to see Henry win the title again...he really looked at his best 2-3months ago...I say he should win the title...and then go on to wrestlemania and face Sheamus...
Sheamus vs Henry would be a wonderful wrestlemania match...
Bryan should find a way to escape with the title here, so I'm picking him to win this match. Daniel Bryan's slow build to a full blown heel turn has been enjoyable so far, and he seems to be coming into his own, as the obnoxious and cowardly heel. There's a good chance he could go into Wrestlemania as the World Heavyweight Champion, because I just can't see Show or Henry winning the title right now. Big Show will probably move in a different direction in the near future, because he will have to be a heel for the rumored Wrestlemania match with Shaq. Henry should have a place in the WHC for quite some time, because he has risen to the level of a legit main eventer, but he's still recovering from injuries, so he won't regain the title anytime soon.

This should be an entertaining steel cage match, and I'm really looking forward to this one. Bryan will do everything and anything he can do to retain his title here, and this could be a unique triple threat match. There's no love lost between Mark Henry and Big Show, and both of these giants can't stand Daniel Bryan, so it'll be interesting to see if any alliances are formed here. Temporary alliances between two wrestlers is a common trend in triple threat matches, but there's a bitter and personal history between Henry and Show, and Daniel Bryan's character is slowly shedding all of the characteristics of a face champion.
This should be a fun match with all three of the guys getting their shots in. Bryan will be smacked and tossed around all over the place, but he'll give Show & Henry a good fight. As a few others have mentioned, the primary purpose of this match is for Bryan to use his resources to get past these two giants and retain the title.

Henry & Show will most likely beat the snot out of each other to such a degree that Bryan will be able to escape or Bryan will be able to sneak out while their attention is focused on one another. From what I've read, they've been doing triple threat matches with these guys for a while now at house shows, a few have been held inside of a cage if I remember correctly, with Bryan ultimately managing to escape the cage. In others I've read about, Bryan has scored the win after one of the big guys takes out the other one, with Bryan capitalizing & knocking the remaining guy outside of the ring while he scores the pinfall.

Bryan's heel turn is working perfectly in my view. His promo last night was very good in my view, due in part to Bryan came across as logical. Depending upon how you look at things, there's some truth to everything that Bryan said but it still makes him a heel. He's continuously getting great crowd reactions since turning heel and he hasn't come across as looking weak. He hasn't tried to dodge Show or Henry and the fact that his matches with these big guys keep ending in no contests due to the actions of outside parties can't be laid on him, so it's good all around.

It's been a fun feud as well, partially because of the simple logic involved. Logic & wrestling storylines don't necessarily go hand in hand sometimes, but it's nice to see it here. Bryan is a realistic underdog against these two massively strong 400 pound men, so he's going to have to use his skill, his quickness, athleticism and cunning to ultimately get past them while staying in one piece and retaining his title. Show & Henry, on the other hand, have, again realistically, taken Bryan lightly because of their far superior size and strength. As a result, they've underestimated him and he's given them a good fight in each of their matches.
Going into this match, everyone knows that Daniel Bryan will be leaving with the Championship but it still will be an awesome match. Henry & Show will probably end up beating up each other while Bryan sneaks out of the cage - thus continuing his heel push.

DB's heel push has been done great so far but the only problem is that he's one of the best technical wrestlers in the WWE yet he hasn't showed any skill at all. After this match at the Royal Rumble, Bryan needs to get in a good 1vs1 to show that he can wrestle rather than being the guy who is pretty damn good at sneaking away (which has worked fine so far to make him heel but he's at least a little credibility).
I've enjoyed DB's heel turn. there have been moments where i've found myself thinking just beat his ass! Which is good for a heel turn. In every match against show the announcers have sold that theres no way bryan can win but he still finds a way out very heel like. While this match's outcome is very predictable itll still be a very good match and will further DB's heel turn. I cant wait to see who he faces at WM.
I have a feeling this will be a good match and like everybody else said, I can see DB stealing the win by either letting Mark Henry or Big Show take each other out with their finisher then DB pins one of em or DB escapes the cage behind Show & Henry's backs. Another thing that makes this match so special is that it's the first time a Steel Cage match will take place at the Royal Rumble. Just imagine if the steel cage comes down and surrounds the ring during the Royal Rumble match while 15 or something guys are battling in the ring :lmao: Would be like when the HIAC cage down during Kane - Austin's match at KOTR 98 but this would be funnier as the cage would prevent anyone from getting eliminated.
Daniel Bryan will retain, there is no other reason the book this match in a cage. Bryan is the only guy whose going to climb the cage and this way it gets him over further as champion. I expect him to drop the title in the Eli9mination Chamber to Wade Barrett, as neither Henry or Big Show will have a run with the belt leading to Wrestlemania.
I really think Bryan will go over as everybody expects. I do however he faces Sheamus at WM, seeing as their match was left off the card last yr, this would be fitting and could see it being quite a fantastic match. Unsure how it will get there with Sheamus involved with Barrett.
I expect Barrett to win the Elimination Chamber, so we may get Barrett vs Sheamus for the WHC at Wrestlemania. Not sure where that would leave Randy Orton, Im thinking a inter promotion match between Raw's The Miz vs Smackdowns Prton would make for a solid Mania match, especially if Miz went over,. Beating Cena and Orton two years in a row at Mania would give him that extra push he desperately needs at this time.
I'm actually really excited about this match. Big Show and Mark Henry put on one of the most unexpectedly good feuds in recent history. They managed to kick up their game and put on some pretty intense big-man feuds. Mark Henry and Daniel Bryan also had a surprisingly good cage match, and have unresolved issues. Speaking of which, all three of these guys have unresolved issues with each other, and this might be the best way to deal with it. Throw them in a cage match and let them work it out. No doubt Bryan will sneak out the victory, as taking the belt off him in the middle of a slow heel turn makes absolutely no sense.

The biggest thing (no pun intended) is that we have three guys who are legitimate main event contenders, fighting over a title. But just one year ago, if you revealed this triple-threat cage match, how many of us would have laughed out loud and ranted about how terrible it was likely to be? It's crazy what a few months and decent push can do for a main event scene. It's a bit sad that guys like Barrett and Sheamus are still kept away from the title, but you can only do so much at any given time.

For now I'm just excited for the Rumble! Cena and Kane is new and uncharted territory, Punk and Ziggler is going to steal the show, this cage match is probably gonna be intense (I mean, it's David vs. Goliath vs. Goliath locked inside a cage!) and of course the Rumble match itself! I haven't looked forward to a PPV this much since Money in the Bank last year.
One outcome here for me, Bryan will retain the gold. Heading to EC and drop the strap to Sheamus. Henry and Show could possibly have a program ending at WM (dependant on the Show/Shaq rumours again) WM could be one hell of a card with the predictions im making (which usually are always wrong)
Hey Everyone,

First thing that popped into my mind when this match was announced was who would walk out champion, Daniel Bryan. This is an easy way as most would agree for Bryan to "Escape" with the gold. He's smaller, quicker and more agile so it is not completely unbelievable that he can win. The match itself should be interesting, Bryan retains here.

Anyone else have this same thought?
I see Daniel Bryan finding a way to escape the cage. But this has been an excellent feud. A cage match is the perfect way to end the program.

IMO this feud has been 100 times better than WWE title feud with Punk/Ziggler/Laurinites.

For mania the way its going I think it will end up a fatal fourway with DB, Orton, Barrett and Sheamus.
What is to become of this match now that Henry is injured once again? The way Smackdown ending last week was somewhat of a let down, and that's what I'm expecting here. Before Henry was injured, I pictured him and Big Show handling most of the match at the Rumble while Daniel Bryan gets in the occasional hit. Then with Henry and Show down, Daniel climbs out and retain the World Championship. But Henry being injured sure is going to hurt this match’s storytelling if the injury is serious enough. We'll likely see Henry and Bryan switch roles meaning Bryan will have to do most of the work against The Big Show while Henry takes a back seat of sorts.

The outcome will likely remain the same, but this match would probably be slightly different if Henry wasn't injured. Bryan retains here definitely. Daniel Bryan is smaller, quicker, and smarter than any of his opponents in this cage match. He doesn't have to pin, just climb out. This match is perfect to build on to the squirmy heel character that has become Daniel Bryan.

Hamler's Prediction - Daniel Bryan will retain The World Heavyweight Championship.
Here we go this match is gunna kick off the royal rumble. I just found this forum earlier today and im pumped.

My Prediction: Daniel Bryan wins by either submission or escaping the cage
D.Bryan really deserves to be champion because no body wants to see the big show or Mark Henry at WM28 they will get boos from the crowd just like they received at S.Series. I find it quite funny how Big Show is face of a bullying campaign but WWE make him bully D.Bryan and other wrestlers around the ring, also he was to violent you can see this from the cut on D. Bryan's arm from selling the big show's moves he may need stitches.
]D.Bryan really deserves to be champion because no body wants to see the big show or Mark Henry at WM28 [/B]they will get boos from the crowd just like they received at S.Series. I find it quite funny how Big Show is face of a bullying campaign but WWE make him bully D.Bryan and other wrestlers around the ring, also he was to violent you can see this from the cut on D. Bryan's arm from selling the big show's moves he may need stitches.

are you on fucking crack? D. Bryan "DESERVES" to be at WM28. You have lost your mind completely and the IWC would rip you apart. Well, except for the fact that the IWC is on crack 98% of the time anyway.

Either way, Mark Henry as champion worked really well. The boos were a good thing. I mean I'm sure that you are 12 and haven't watched wrestling more than 90 days so you have no idea that boos are actually a good thing. It's the "silent" treatment that you don't want. Of course as a 12-year-old you would have no idea on things like that.

The match tonight was fucked up completely and why we had all the filler garbage. There is no denying that. I would almost be willing to bet that Bryan might have won regardless. but not after making us think Show was going to win. They screwed up and there's no doubt that that is the truth.
I thought this was a solid match and some of the Bryan/Show exchanges were good. Henry did the best he could given his injuries and the finish fit well with the way Bryan's character has been booked.

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