WWE 2011: New Generation


*Ding ding. Bourne and Ziggler lock up. Ziggler pushes down, but Bourne gets up and delivers a combo of Martial Arts kicks. Ziggler backs up into the corner from the kicks. Bourne charges as Ziggler, but Ziggler moves out of the way. Bourne turns it into a climb to the top rope and hits a flying clothesline. The crowd is amazed. Ziggler is down in pain. Bourne goes for the pin. 1...2.Kickout! Bourne stands Ziggler up. Ziggler kicks Bourne in the gut and throws him out the ring. Bourne hits into the barricade in pain. Ziggler runs for a suicide dive. Bourne moves out of the way and Ziggler hits the barricad and the barricade breaks apart! The crowd is shocked and Ziggler is out. Bourne enters the ring. 1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9..At the last second, Ziggler sprints to get into the ring and gets inside in time. Bourne gives Ziggler a roundhouse kick that knocks Ziggler out and goes for the pin. 1...2...Kickout! Ziggler gets up, but Bourne charges...
at Ziggler and Ziggler counters it into a side effect like clothesline. The crowd gets excited as they don't know what will happen next. Bourne weakly gets up and Ziggler goes for the Zig Zag, but Bourne escapes the grapple and Ziggler lands on his back in pain. Bourne hits his signature moonsault on Ziggler and climbs the top tb for the Shooting Star Press aka Airbourne. Bourne jumps, but Ziggler has his knees up and Bourne hits Ziggler's knees. Ziggler goes for the pin 1...2....Bourne kicksout at the last second. The crowd is on fire. Ziggler stands Bourne up and applies the sleeper hold, but Bourne counters the sleeper hold into a stunner like Jawbreaker and goes for the pin. 1...2...3! The crowd goes wild! WINNER: Evan Bourne. Bourne celebrates, but Swagger attacks Bourne from behind and stomps on him. Ziggler gets up and stomps on Bourne as well. Kofi and Riley run down to the ring and enters and Ziggler and Swagger leaves the ring. Bourne weakly gets up. *Stephanie McMahon's music hits.*
Steph: I had it with this US Title chaos. Next week will be Kofi Kingston and Alex Riley vs Dolph Ziggler and Jack Swagger in a tag team match. The winning team will face against Bourne at NoC in a triple threat match!

*Crowd cheers*

King: Woah. That will be exciting!

JR: That will be a slobberknocker for sure

* Stephanie McMahon leaves and the 5 men out there stares at each other*


Otunga and McGillicutty are in the ring with mics in their hand.

Otunga: We had these titles for awhile, and we want a challenge

McGillicutty: As a son of Mr. Perfect, I see to be perfect, and to be the best you have to beat the best.

Otunga: No one came out yet. All the tag teams must be scared of us. Probably because their weak!

*Ain't No Make Believe plays as Morrison comes out with the returing Joey Mercury! The crowd gives them a huge pop as they are happy to see Mercury back from his injury.*

Morrison: We are back!

Mercury: MNM!
Morrison: We are without the second M, but...
Morrison: still kick your asses

*The crowd pops for that comment*

Otunga: Bring it!

*Morrison and Mercury comes down to the ring and enters*


*Ding ding. First up is Mercury and Otunga. Mercury and Otunga lock up. Mercury goes behind Otunga for a waistlock, Otunga tries to elbow, but Mercury ducks and hits a back suplex. Otunga holds his back in pain. Mercury stands up Otunga and irish whips him into a corner and tags Morrison. They do both do superkick to Otunga's jaw and Otunga is out cold. McGillcutty comes in, but Mercury kicks him in the gut and hits the Moonlight Drive. Morrison hits the Starship Pain on Otunga and goes for the pin! 1...2...3! WINNER: M&M! Morrison and Mercury celebrates as they are the new tag team champs!

Cole: I can't believe what I'm seeing. Mercury returns and M&M wins the Tag Team titles.

King: I think the tag team division is back!

JR: With them being tag champs what will happen?

*Holla plays as Kelly Kelly walks out to a normal pop and some whistles. Kelly Kelly walks to the ring with a smile on her face. Kelly Kelly enters the ring.*

Vickie comes out with a mic in her hand


* Huge heat comes from the crowd*


*The crowd doesn't quiet down*

Vickie: I have been appointed by Triple H as the Manager of the divas divison. And in the divas division, there is no brand extension, so you will face against Natalya!

*Beating Hart plays as Natalya enters the ring from behind and attacks Kelly Kelly. The bell rings and Natalya applies the sharpshooter to Kelly Kelly. K2 screams in pain and taps out! WINNER: NATALYA! Natalya does let go, but Beth Pheonix enters the ring and kicks Natayla in the face and the crowd gives her some tweener reactions. Beth picks up Natalya and hits the Glam Slam. Natalya is out and Beth Pheonix holds the Divas title in the air and the crowd gives her more of a face reaction. Beth looks at Vickie and Vickie gets...
*scared. Beth delivers a spinebuster to Vickie and Vickie is out cold. Beth walks away as Vickie recieves medical attention*

Cole: Beth has no respect for anyone.

King: Are you kidding me? She deserved that!

JR: Expect Beth to get a present from Vickie on Smackdown later this week.


ADR is in the ring with a mic in hand.

ADR: The reason why I lost the match is not what you think. I wanted to lose! It will only pit me in match at NoC for the title anyways!

*Triple H comes out and enters the ring*

HHH: Your'e right Del Rio, you will be in a rematch. But in a Triple Threat Steel Cage Match!
*Del Rio frowns*

*Cult of Personality plays as Punk comes out to a tweener reaction and enters the ring*

Punk: Paul, Paul, Paul. You fail to understand that I'm the best WRESTLER, not superstar in the world. A steel cage match will give me a better opportunity to inflict pain on Cena and Del Rio. After the match, I will reveal more secrets or "shoots" to this Reality Era and the WWE!
HHH: Phil, what you don't understand is that this is not the Reality Era. Nor this is the PG Era. This Era will get real, but it will get real Extreme!

*Cena comes in with a chair and hits ADR in the back of the head with it. Punk exits the ring and watches. Cena delivers the Attitude Ajustment to ADR on the chair and the crowd goes wild! Cena grabs a mic*

Cena: Punk, If you want some. Come get some!

Punk: *smiles* Super Cena, Your time will come, but it is not now.

*The Time is Now plays as Cena looks at Punk with a serious face while Punk smiles walks to the backstage area* 2011 ARCADE PRODUCTIONS

Know Your Enemy plays as pyro goes off.

*Written Over My Face plays as Sheamus walks out to a face like reaction*

Matthews: Welcome to Smackdown, I'm here with Booker T and Matt Striker and the first match of the night is almost underway

Booker: Awww Yeah! Sheamus vs Sin Cara! Falls Count Anywhere

Striker: I'm starting to like the new Sin Cara. Much more hardcore and ruthless.

*Sheamus enters the ring and waits for his opponent*

*Sin Cara's music hits as he walks out in wearing his all black ring gear. Sin Cara runs down the ring and leaps over the top rope and recieves a tweener reaction.*


*Ding ding! Sin Cara charges at Sheamus, but Sheamus hits a clothesline on Sin Cara. Sin Cara falls down onto the mat. Sheamus stomps on Sin Cara 5 times then follows it up with a knee drop. Sin Cara lays on the mat in pain. Sheamus picks up Cara for the Pale Justice, but Sin Cara escapes and gives a hurracranna to Sheamus
*Sheamus gets thrown out of the ring from the hurracranna. Sin Cara runs and dives out of the ring with a crossbody knocking Sheamus down. Both men are down*


*The match resumes with Sin Cara kicking Sheamus in the shin. Sheamus backs up grabbing his shin. Sin Cara irish whips Sheamus over the steel steps. Sheamus goes over them and lands on the floor in pain. Sin Cara stands up Sheamus, but Sheamust strikes a blow to Cara, Cara strikes back and they exchange blows as they fight up the ramp and go in the backstage area. Sheamus knees Sin Cara in the gut and throws him into a wall. Sin Cara into into the wall hard. Sheamus drags Sin Cara to a nearby TV monitor, Cara however kicks Sheamus in the gut and gets the TV monitor. Cara hits Sheamus in the head with the monitor and Sheamus falls out cold. Cara pins Sheamus. 1....2...Kickout! Cara sees a ladder nearby and sets it up. Cara climbs the ladder. Sin Cara jumps and goes for the moonsault. Sheamus moves out of the way. Cara hits the....
*concrete hard. Sheamus goes for the pin. 1....2...Kickout! Sheamus gets frustrated and picks up Sin Cara. Sheamus goes to a nearby table for the pale justice, but Cara escapes again. Cara runs to the front of the arena to take a break and Sheamus chases him. The fans at the front cheer along with the crowd. Sin Cara hits a back kick to Sheamus and Sheamus falls out. Cara grabs a trashcan as Sheamus gets up. Cara hits Sheamus in the head with the trashcan and goes for the pin. 1...2....Kickout! Cara gets frustrated. Sheamus weakly gets up. Sin Cara drags Sheamus to outside near the water. Sin Cara tries to kick Sheamus, but Sheamus ducks and hits a low blow to Cara. Despite being a dirty move, the crowd cheers. Sheamus backs up as Cara tries to recover. Sheamus runs and hits a Brouge Kick to Sin Cara, knocking him into the water and the ref signals that the match is over. WINNER: Sheamus. And the crowd cheers. Sheamus walks back to the arena, but Mark Henry attacks Sheamus from behind! Mark Henry drags...
*Sheamus near a car. Henry throws Sheamus onto the car and gets on top of the car. Henry sets up for the World's Strongest Slam. Henry slams Sheamus through the windshield shattering it compleletly and going through it. The crowd is shocked. Sheamus is out cold and medical attention quickly comes. Henry serious looks at Sheamus and the medical team.*


*Henry walks away as the staff helps Sheamus*


Josh: That went too far. Henry crossed the line!

Booker: That was just brutal. Hopefully Sheamus will be ok.

Striker: I like Henry, but that was too extreme. Sheamus didn't deserve that.

*Beth Pheonix music hits as she walks out with the Divas belt around her waist. She gets a nice pop as she walks down the ramp and enters the ring*

Vickie: EXCUSE ME!

*The crowd boos and Vickie appears on the stage in a wheelchair*

Vickie: On Raw, you assaulted me! Your punishment is that you will be in a divas 3 on 1 Handicap match! All divas are legal in the ring...
Vickie: and the special guest ref is Natalya!

*The crowd boos*

*Alicia Fox, Layla, and Bri Bella walks out along with Natalya, whose wearing a ref shirt*


*Ding ding! Beth wastes no time and knocks Layla and Bella down with a double clothesline, Fox charges at Beth, but Beth counters it into a big boot. Beth picks up Bella for a military press and throws her at Fox and Layla. All three go down. Beth then stares at Natalya. Natalya and Beth face off. Suddently, Fox, Layla, and Bella attack Beth from behind and stomps down on her. Layla stands up Beth and hits the Lay Out. Layla pins Beth. 1...2...3! WINNER: Layla, Alicia Fox, and Bri Bella. Layla, Fox, and Bella continues to stomp down on Beth and Natalya joins in on the assualt. Maryse is seen entering the ring with a chair and hits Layla it the back with it! Bella runs at Maryse, but Maryse hits her with the chair, then Maryse hits Fox with the chair....
*Natalya retreats and leaves the ring as the crowd cheers. Fox, Layla, and Bella are down and Beth gets up. Maryse, then hits Beth in the back with the chair and Beth goes down. The crowd is shocked yet again. Maryse grabs a mic.*

Maryse: Tryiple H is right. The Divase divisione needs a new look and a new attitude! Beth, the Divase title is mine!

*Maryse drops the mic and leaves the ring*

Josh: Wow, I can't believe what I've just seen. A diva using a chair?

Booker: Oooooh weee! The Divas divison is awesome again!

Striker: I think this is no longer the Divas divison. It's the Women's divison.


*Daniel Bryan's music hits as he walks out with the MiTB breifcase wearing a suit. Bryan enters the ring with a mic in hand.*

Bryan: It's time for the Smackdown MiTB winner to get a new personality. I've been losing lately and I've also been disrespected in the locker room. Especially by a certain person who goes by the name of Wade Barrett!

*End of Days plays as Wade walks out in his ring gear
*with a mic in his hand*

Wade: You've been disprespected because you are not worthy of holding the Money in the Bank briefcase. You got lucky at MiTB.

Bryan: If I remember correctly, I kicked you off the ladder to win!

Wade: You used dirty and unfair tactics to win. A couple of years ago, Edge beat Mr. Kenndey to get to MiTB, and I'm gonna do the same to you next week on Smackdown.

Bryan: Fine by me, I will prove to you that I deserve to be the Smackdown MiTB winner.

*Bryan leaves as Wade heads to the backstage area and smiles*


Josh: We are back and Dashing Cody Rhodes returns

Striker: If you remember correctly Cody Rhodes doesn't want to be called Dashing

Booker: That's right Striker, but here he comes now.

*WOOOOAAAHHOOOOH! Black Smoke and Broken Mirrors plays as Rhodes walks out with a mic in hand. Rhodes enters the ring*

Rhodes: Dashing is back!

*The crowd boos at Rhodes*

Rhodes: I have great looks, and I have great ring skill! What I have to say tonight is that I..
Rhodes: challenge Orton to a match.... Right now! I will prove to him and everyone, that the Intercontiental Championship is higher than any championship in the WWE!

*Voices play as Orton walks out*

Orton: You want a match, you've got it! But under one condition, it's for the Intercontinetal Title!

Rhodes: You've got it!


*Ding ding! Orton and Rhodes locks up. Orton irish whips Rhodes into the ropes. Cody rebounds and hits a flying knee to Orton's head. Orton falls out on the ground. 1..Kickout! Orton gets up and strikes 5 punches at Cody. Cody takes the punches, and backs up. Orton grabs Rhodes and hits a belly to belly suplex. Rhodes goes down. Orton pins. 1....2..Kickout! Rhodes gets up. Orton irish whips Rhodes into the corner. Orton charges, but Rhodes counters it into another flying knee. Orton falls out cold. Rhodes climbs the top tb and goes for moonsault. Orton moves out of the way and Rhodes hits the canvas. Orton gets up and does his signature stomps on..
Rhodes. Rhodes takes the stomps and weakly gets up. Orton goes for the RKO, but Rhodes counters it into a inverted DDT. Orton lands on the mat dazed. Rhodes pins. 1...2...Kickout. Rhodes stands Orton up. Orton however Irish whips Rhodes over the ropes. Rhodes goes over the ropes. Orton sets up for his rope DDT, but Rhodes fights out of it and reverses it into a suplex outside the ring and Orton lands into the announce tables going through it. The ref doesn't ring the bell. Rhodes throws Orton in the ring and goes for the pin, but Ted Dibiase comes and distracts the ref. Rhodes lets go of the pin argues with DiBiase. DiBiase backs away. Rhodes turns around and Orton goes for an RKO, but Rhodes reverses it into the Cross Rhodes! Rhodes goes for the pin. 1...2...3! WINNER: Cody Rhodes. Rhodes exits the ring and pushes DiBiase. DiBiase pushes back. Rhodes and DiBiase engages in a full fistfight and the crowd cheers. DiBiase and Rhodes fistfight to the backstage area as refs break them up. In the ring, Orton...
Orton gets up, but Christian comes in a spears Orton. Christian goes out to get 2 chairs and goes back in the ring. Christian puts one chair under Orton's head and grabs the other chair. Christian hits the conchairto to Orton! The crowd gives Christian massive heat and Christian leaves. Orton is in the ring out cold and Smackdown goes off air. 2011 ARCADE PRODUCTIONS.

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