WWE : 2009 Storyline Repeat


Championship Contender
2009 :

Big Show as a heel interfered in the John Cena / Edge Last Man Standing match at Backlash 2009.

Then Cena had a match with Big Show at Judgement Day which Cena won.

2012 :

Big Show as a heel interferred in the Cena / John Laurinaitis mact at Over the Limit 2009.

John Cena vs Big Show at No Way Out 2012 ? Anybody interested in this match ?
2009 :

Big Show as a heel interfered in the John Cena / Edge Last Man Standing match at Backlash 2009.

Then Cena had a match with Big Show at Judgement Day which Cena won.

2012 :

Big Show as a heel interferred in the Cena / John Laurinaitis mact at Over the Limit 2009.

John Cena vs Big Show at No Way Out 2012 ? Anybody interested in this match ?

Hush now child.

We don't know if Show IS a heel yet. What? Just cause he interfered and cost Cena his match? Some people will do whatever it takes to get their job back.

Who's to say Show did to just get his job back. That he agreed to terms of the only way he could work for WWE is to be Laurinaitis's body guard and personal lacky?

I've said this MILLIONS of times on these boards...STOP JUMPING TO CONCLUSIONS!!! Just watch and see how this all plays out!
It would not be the first time they recycled a storyline. I remember their 2009 feud, it dragged on for what seemed like an eternity. I dislike it when some world title feuds go on for months, let alone a boring filler feud such as Cena and Big Show. As much as I like Cena, I was tired of those matches. Three years later, that feud would be somewhat refreshing and I would not mind seeing it again for that reason. However.... It better not drag on all summer like last time AND it better not main event the next PPV. No one should be a bigger deal than the world titles. Trips said so himself, "none of us are bigger than the WWE."

I have no idea where they are going with this. Probably the route of Show being Johnny's helper to get his job back only to end up turning back to being a full heel again. They did something like this with Show and Vickie a few years back and he turned heel to help her against top faces. I would not be surprised if that is what they end up doing. I'm fine with this storyline being done again as long as they keep it short and NOT a main event due to it being too boring to deserve lasting longer than one PPV, let alone closing a show.
Seriously? Its not a story-line repeat, dummy. Yes, it s the same 2 people and yes, Big Show interfered in the match. Last time, Big Show was a full on heel doing heel shit. This time, he's a face, reluctantly turning on his buddy in order to save his job.

I doubt Big Show is going to turn full on heel though, so this little feud is completely different.

And no, I have no interest in seeing these 2 go at it again.
Let's not forget Unforgiven 2008:

Big Show turns heels and joins Vickie after he attacks the Undertaker.

This brings up a thought: has the Big Show had the most heel turns in WWE history??
Big Show heel turns are a dime a dozen just like basically every wrestler in TNA (but Kurt Angle and Mr. Anderson turn the most).

Big Show should be a dominating force, but he's always just a big clown. Heel or face, he's never going to be the top guy ever again.
Isn't this the "logic" we are looking for in our storylines?

This is not just repetition or swerve, the fact that a precedent has been set makes the story somewhat sensible if not predictable. To me the better course would have been to never throw in the 'interfering wrestler gets fired' stipulation. Let Otunga and Eve interfere with no effect. Then have Tensai come in and start to get the better of Cena. Show can come then to make it look like he is going to save the day only to turn on Cena.

The other idea I had was for Big Show to come down looking like he was going to destroy Cena only to reveal that he was coming down to stop Lesnar from sneaking in (but they probably don't want to waste a Lesnar appearance). In the end though Lesnar gets the better of both men giving Lauranitis the victory and setting up a mini Show/Lesnar feud. But WWE already had everyone's money so they didn't need to do anything that exciting.

Screw it, there was no good way to book the end for anyone over the age of 12 and I didn't watch the PPV anyway.
They have to rehash stuff with Big Show because he becomes stale like 2 minutes after he turns face or heel. He's just not good at portraying a character. The most I've ever enjoyed Big Show was when he was getting fried by The Rock on the mic back in 2000 or so. At least then, he was a monster who's gimmick was "I'm bigger than you, therefore I dominate.". Since then it's been like he's only moderately interesting when he's interacting with someone who has a solid gimmick.

And I don't care what anyone says but I think the knockout punch thing is one of the dumbest finishers ever. Wrestlers trade punches all the time throughout a match and even before the Mayweather feud, he traded punches with people. But we're supposed to go "WOOOAAAAH!!!! a guy who got bested by someone a third of his size is now magically able to knock everyone out with his punch!!!" Just because the KO punch is "real" whereas all the other punches are fake. They've turned him into so much of a joke that last year I was relieved when they let him have a couple of power title matches with Mark Henry because it seemed like he was a step closer to returning to his roots.

But as for the storylines go, they have to keep having heel/face turns with the Big Show because nothing works for him in the long term. He can't constantly win clean because then it'll make us all question why he isn't usually in the main event (where they obviously don't like to keep him). And they can't have him cleanly lose to shrimps or be outsmarted by them every week because then it means nothing to beat him. Thus, the flip flopping continues...
2009 :

Big Show as a heel interfered in the John Cena / Edge Last Man Standing match at Backlash 2009.

Then Cena had a match with Big Show at Judgement Day which Cena won.

2012 :

Big Show as a heel interferred in the Cena / John Laurinaitis mact at Over the Limit 2009.

John Cena vs Big Show at No Way Out 2012 ? Anybody interested in this match ?

That is the best you got then you need to go back and watch some more wrestling, CM is without beer, Jericho dumping beer on Cm punk....Stone Cold did is to Angle..and everyone else. Alberto Del rio....Jbl....Khali..Giant Gonzales.
The list goes on and on. Big show could be re hashing the JBL/Shawn Micheals storyline. Or the Rock/SCSA when he saved vince...blah blah....Or...

And now this is the most important or...They are using the big man to be a big bad ass. Khali ( lame) Kane ( not Khali lame, but still lame) Big Show needs to be a big bad ass that would keep him on top. WWE is trying to get everyone to like Cena, Rock couldn't do it, Lesnar couldn't do it. WWE needs to build a true heel to get Cena liked by everyone ( if it is possible)
If anything this is the recycling of HBK/JBL not Cena/Show 2009.

Big Show will likely be a reluctant heel to keep his job. Eventually someone will relieve him of his obligation to Big Johnny and he can go back to being pure babyface.

This is a pretty interesting storyline, just because I could see Big Show doing alot of ridiculous things to keep his job until he eventually snaps. He will probably have a match with Cena and then Johnny will sick him on CM Punk to try and get the strap off of him
That is the best you got then you need to go back and watch some more wrestling, CM is without beer, Jericho dumping beer on Cm punk....Stone Cold did is to Angle..and everyone else. Alberto Del rio....Jbl....Khali..Giant Gonzales.
The list goes on and on. Big show could be re hashing the JBL/Shawn Micheals storyline. Or the Rock/SCSA when he saved vince...blah blah....Or...

And now this is the most important or...They are using the big man to be a big bad ass. Khali ( lame) Kane ( not Khali lame, but still lame) Big Show needs to be a big bad ass that would keep him on top. WWE is trying to get everyone to like Cena, Rock couldn't do it, Lesnar couldn't do it. WWE needs to build a true heel to get Cena liked by everyone ( if it is possible)

Millian Dollar Man came before JBL, Sandman was drinking bears in ECW way before Austin, Andre The Giant came before Giant Gonzales so you are the one who need to watch more wrestling.

It is the same old recycled storyline with same 2 people nothing more.

If anything this is the recycling of HBK/JBL not Cena/Show 2009.

Big Show will likely be a reluctant heel to keep his job. Eventually someone will relieve him of his obligation to Big Johnny and he can go back to being pure babyface.

This is a pretty interesting storyline, just because I could see Big Show doing alot of ridiculous things to keep his job until he eventually snaps. He will probably have a match with Cena and then Johnny will sick him on CM Punk to try and get the strap off of him

No its not. The JBL/ Shawn Michaels storyline was that Michaels had lost his personal savings due to the global recession, forcing him to accept JBL's offer of employment.. .. Big Show / John Laurinaitis is nothing like that. It can be compared more to the Vickie Guerrero / Undertaker/ Big Show storyline in 2008.
No its not. The JBL/ Shawn Michaels storyline was that Michaels had lost his personal savings due to the global recession, forcing him to accept JBL's offer of employment.. .. Big Show / John Laurinaitis is nothing like that. It can be compared more to the Vickie Guerrero / Undertaker/ Big Show storyline in 2008.

While the money aspect isn't there, it still the "Forcing you to do heel things" angle.

Though this one is pretty weak, because if Johnny Ace was fired, chances are the new GM would have rehired Show without any issues.
They've flip flopped show, because he's so good at playing the teddy bear face, but turning around and being a monster heel, so if you look at his heel/face dynamic, you'll see he's changed an average of once every 2 months in the WWE.

This storyline where Big Show turns to help an authority figure.... it's happened a dozen times, but it's been a dozen different stories with similarities.
Everyone is saying "wait to see what happens tonight, Show isn't necessarily a heel. He may not face Cena @ No Way Out." In reality, it may be true that Show was reluctant to cost Cena the match in order to save his job but what's done is done. He pulled the trigger, did the damage, and now he'll face the repercussions. Don't tell me Cena is just going to forgive Show and be totally understanding that Show didn't have a choice. It'll be Cena/Show.
Everyone is saying "wait to see what happens tonight, Show isn't necessarily a heel. He may not face Cena @ No Way Out." In reality, it may be true that Show was reluctant to cost Cena the match in order to save his job but what's done is done. He pulled the trigger, did the damage, and now he'll face the repercussions. Don't tell me Cena is just going to forgive Show and be totally understanding that Show didn't have a choice. It'll be Cena/Show.

I've always hated that mentality. "Okay Show, you did what you had to do to get your job back. I'm still going to kick your ass.." But then, it's Cena. His character is a huge double standard.
Yeah, I don't care for it much either. Then again, this entire storyline is incredibly ridiculous, anyway, so it's not all that surprising. I'm actually fine with Show being heel. I'm tired of seeing him act like a blubbering buffoon. I hope he reverts back to the Taker/Show-feud level of awesomeness from a few years ago.
IMO is Big Show isn't going to be a "heel"... he is going to be ordered around by JL.. kind of like Shawn and JBL... Ofcourse he will have to do heelish things, but he won't be like... a heel should be. Know what I mean?
Again lots of could be's:

- Could be HBK/JBL - Face doing Reluctant heel work
- Could be Show/Mcmahon - Monster heel
- Could be like Cena/Nexus
- Could be JL is Big Shows father and together they can rule the galaxy as father and son.

At the end of the day its a soap opera and storylines get recycled. More frequently than usual lately though i must admit.
Discuss this after Raw tonight. It's hard to tell. There weren't a lot of PPV buys, and most of the people could still be up in the air about this.
If anything, Show will be a body guard for JL, and they'll "recycle" the HBK/JBL storyline.
My god, I can't believe Cena Vs Big show, is going to main event the next ppv, there shoving Cena down our throat more then ever, now. Its even worst now, that, he doesn't have the championship. While Daniel bryan and others are being over shadow, hell, its not even about t-shirt sales now, cause other people have out sold Cena, and it didn't matter.

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