WTF is up with Tiffany and Drew?

I give Drew credit, his music rox, his wifey is cute, but man needs to learn to speak. He needs to take lessons from Sean Connery on how to speak like an entertaining Scottsman. Him and Fat Bastard are the 2 most entertaining Scots I've seen on tv. LOL
Drew has all the tools - a unique look, a unique voice that make his mic skills seem better than they really are, a cool entrance, and an incredible heat magnet gimmick coupled with the push of a lifetime - but he's just shit at using the tools to get himself over. He can't connect and has no personality. AND he has a bitch attitude backstage.

This is the guy that always got pushed over Barrett in any company, during their tag team days. Now Drew is failing at life whereas Barrett is in the main event at Summerslam.

True talent will always shine through.
Come on you got to love the beginning when they show the entrance movie I just feel something is missing though when he goes to ring just too bland.
Drew has all the tools - a unique look, a unique voice that make his mic skills seem better than they really are, a cool entrance, and an incredible heat magnet gimmick coupled with the push of a lifetime - but he's just shit at using the tools to get himself over. He can't connect and has no personality. AND he has a bitch attitude backstage.

This is the guy that always got pushed over Barrett in any company, during their tag team days. Now Drew is failing at life whereas Barrett is in the main event at Summerslam.

True talent will always shine through.

I agree with everything you say but I feel if he improves on his attitude which this incident may help in doing and he works on his promo skills. I think you are truly looking at a multiple time world champion along with Barrett.
Drew has all the tools - a unique look, a unique voice that make his mic skills seem better than they really are, a cool entrance, and an incredible heat magnet gimmick coupled with the push of a lifetime - but he's just shit at using the tools to get himself over. He can't connect and has no personality. AND he has a bitch attitude backstage.

This is the guy that always got pushed over Barrett in any company, during their tag team days. Now Drew is failing at life whereas Barrett is in the main event at Summerslam.

True talent will always shine through.

Ya'know...I have nothing against the Euro guys. Hell, I'm even growing fond of McFireCrotch..I mean Sheamus. I even fancied myself a Wade Barrett-me-Sheamus sandwich the other night while watching Raw. Is that so bad? :icon_twisted:
Ya'know...I have nothing against the Euro guys. Hell, I'm even growing fond of McFireCrotch..I mean Sheamus. I even fancied myself a Wade Barrett-me-Sheamus sandwich the other night while watching Raw. Is that so bad? :icon_twisted:

Well considering how they're in the 6''6-6''11 range and I'm going to assume you are in the low 5'' then I would say yes that is very bad/
Well considering how they're in the 6''6-6''11 range and I'm going to assume you are in the low 5'' then I would say yes that is very bad/

I'm only 5'6", and rougly 140 lbs. So...I'm quite a bit less than those boys. But what a way to go...:worship: LOL Hey..its better than a double team from twin Khali's... :wtf:

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