Wrestling Pictionary

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peopleschamp said:
OK, to keep the game going

I was a lineman for the Green Bay Packers prior to becoming a wrestler
I was the World's Most Dangerous Wrestler
I was a former AWA World champion
I died of a heart attack while working out in 1991

Who am I?
William Afflis

I started out wrestling in my fathers territory in Alabama
I am a 1 time WCW tag Champ
I was managed by Col. Rob Parker
I was involved in a certain type of match with Dustin Runnels that included my first name

Who am I?
Jimmy Golden a.k.a. Bunkhouse Buck

I was one third of the Gold-Dust Trio
I helped created the concept of "undercards" in pro wrestling
I was a mentor to Lou Thesz
I was credited with the creation of the sleeper hold

Who am I?
peopleschamp said:
Jimmy Golden a.k.a. Bunkhouse Buck

I was one third of the Gold-Dust Trio
I helped created the concept of "undercards" in pro wrestling
I was a mentor to Lou Thesz
I was credited with the creation of the sleeper hold

Who am I?

Ed 'Strangler' Lewis?
From the great state of Tennessee.
We are former Nwa World tag champs several times over.
We fueded with the likes of an Express, a Wrecking Crew, some Russians, a Bull and a Ravisher and some Horsemen.
We put people away with our double dropkick.

Who are we?
Rock 'N' Roll Express

I went to the same high school as Gino Hernandez
I was once a tag team partner of Mick Foley's
I wrestled under the mask as Super Zodiac
I now work as a manager for Chili's

Who am I?
peopleschamp said:
Rock 'N' Roll Express

I went to the same high school as Gino Hernandez
I was once a tag team partner of Mick Foley's
I wrestled under the mask as Super Zodiac
I now work as a manager for Chili's

Who am I?
Gary Young

"I am the greatest Intercontinental Champion of all time"
I once Tagged with Greg "The Hammer" Valentine and we made music
I made a surprise return in the 2001 Royal Rumble

Who am I? and what was my tag team w/ Valentine called?
The Honky Tonk Man / Rhythm ‘N’ Blues

I was known as “The Man from Stone Mountain”
And sometimes known as “Crusher”
I was a one-time former AWA World Tag Team champion
I was a member of Sheik Adnan Al-Kaissey’s Army

Who am I?
peopleschamp said:
The Honky Tonk Man / Rhythm ‘N’ Blues

I was known as “The Man from Stone Mountain”
And sometimes known as “Crusher”
I was a one-time former AWA World Tag Team champion
I was a member of Sheik Adnan Al-Kaissey’s Army

Who am I?

Jerry Blackwell

I was Blackwell's partner as AWA tag champions.
At one point in my career I held the WWF IC and NWA Missouri titles at the same time.
I would later win the AWA tag titles again with a fellow 'Olympion'.
I helped cut Andre's hair.
A prison term put a dent in my career.

Who am I?
I'm a WWE superstar from North Carolina.
I was 'sweet' back in WCW.
A fictional lantern shed light on my career for a few years.
My finisher was banned.

Who am I?
"Sugar" Shane Helms

I am a former WCW Tag Champ
I am a former WWF tag champ
I'm from Allentown, PA
I dont have all my teeth

Who am I?
Looking for the tag team name.

Sean Royal and Chris Champion.
Came from the future to the NWA to destroy the Rock n Roll Xpress.
Biggest match they had was a draw vs The Armstrongs in the US tag title tourny.
Ended up turning face and had a brief fued with another Xpress, this time the Midnights.

Who were they?
The New Breed

Looking for a team name

We're a masked team known individually as Uno and Dos
We're the last team eliminated at Survivor Series '88
Our gimmick were reprised by a couple of Canadians in 2002

Who are we?
Los Conquistadores, but E&C played us in 2000.

I'm "the biggest icon in wrestling"
I "ran" for president in 2000
I know best

Who am I?
hothead25 said:
Los Conquistadores, but E&C played us in 2000.

I'm "the biggest icon in wrestling"
I "ran" for president in 2000
I know best

Who am I?
Hulk Hogan

I was a former WWF Tag Team champion
And a 2-time AWA World champion
I retired Sammartino and Bockwinkel

Who am I?
Larry Zybzsko

We were jobbers thrown together who ended up being a pretty good team.
We had upset wins over Ortan & Muraco, Kamala & Sika and The Hart Foundation.
Actually got a tag title shot vs The Hart Foundation on a SNME.
Were one of the surviving teams at the first Survivor Series.

Who were we( Team name )?
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