I've been seeing a lot of animosity towards wrestling fans lately here on the site. This started around the Rumble when Reigns got booed out of the ring. Back then it was mostly DB fans who got the brunt of the blame, but now it seems that all fans are being tarred with the same brush.
The WWE is a highly interactive sport. Fans pay their money, show up with their signs and their voices. They cheer who they like, and boo who they don't. Since when has this been a bad thing? It's been happening for years, but only since Reigns has received backlash it seems to be not the thing to do. If you boo or cheer certain wrestlers you're accusing of hijacking the show. Or worse yet telling the WWE who you want to see pushed and who you don't. Well as a fans of this sport isn't that the way we tell them?
Wrestlers themselves encourage fans to cheer or boo. Look at Hogan he goes from side to side, putting his hand up to his ear to hear the cheers. Miz raises his arms get's booed, and then Mizdow does the same thing to get the cheers, it's part of the act. But some don't want fans to say anything at all. They want fans to sit quietly and be respectable and not ruin the show for everyone else, even though those same people are most likely not sitting there quietly themselves.
Can you picture a RAW where no one said anything. Wrestlers who normally get cheered, would instead get a polite round of applause, and those who get booed would be greeted with silence? Part of the show is the audience whether some like it or not. A vocal crowd comes across on TV and gets us watching at home thinking that sometimes the show is better than it actually is. A dead crowd can ruin the best matches and they come across horribly on TV.
Fans going to these shows should use their discretion and not chant "CM PUNK" the guy hasn't been there for over a year, but if they want to cheer for one wrestler they like, and boo another, then who is anyone to say they can't?
The WWE is a highly interactive sport. Fans pay their money, show up with their signs and their voices. They cheer who they like, and boo who they don't. Since when has this been a bad thing? It's been happening for years, but only since Reigns has received backlash it seems to be not the thing to do. If you boo or cheer certain wrestlers you're accusing of hijacking the show. Or worse yet telling the WWE who you want to see pushed and who you don't. Well as a fans of this sport isn't that the way we tell them?
Wrestlers themselves encourage fans to cheer or boo. Look at Hogan he goes from side to side, putting his hand up to his ear to hear the cheers. Miz raises his arms get's booed, and then Mizdow does the same thing to get the cheers, it's part of the act. But some don't want fans to say anything at all. They want fans to sit quietly and be respectable and not ruin the show for everyone else, even though those same people are most likely not sitting there quietly themselves.
Can you picture a RAW where no one said anything. Wrestlers who normally get cheered, would instead get a polite round of applause, and those who get booed would be greeted with silence? Part of the show is the audience whether some like it or not. A vocal crowd comes across on TV and gets us watching at home thinking that sometimes the show is better than it actually is. A dead crowd can ruin the best matches and they come across horribly on TV.
Fans going to these shows should use their discretion and not chant "CM PUNK" the guy hasn't been there for over a year, but if they want to cheer for one wrestler they like, and boo another, then who is anyone to say they can't?