Wrestlezone Wrestling Alliance...of Sorts

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Kissin Babies and Huggin Fat Girlz
Well I've been in talks with several people, and we are in the process of forming a Book This Alliance of Sorts.

The plan right now. We are looking for at least 6 very knowledgeable wrestling fans, but also good Book This Writers. The plan is to have a massive draft, possibly off site to not spam the message board.

We would have 6 independent wrestling companies, running entirely separately of one another. These owners can do whatever they like, and take their companies any direction they wish to go. The main kicker would be, at least twice a year, all of the companies would come together for a pay per view event, featuring several matches of their own on the supercard.

Ultimately, the idea is to have each of the owners, and several other non owners, to form a sort of N.W.A. like board to determine who the World Champion will be, and a plan would be formed on how the World Champion could bounce from one fed to the other, defending the World Title.

The idea of having at least 6 owners would be to spread the talent pool out more, creating very odd and unique matchups. The draft field would include any wrestler in their prime, which would make for more interesting matchups. The idea would be to encourage one another to stay on top of their Book This Fed. Having someone else to push you along so to speak. Once a field is drafted, trades can be worked out between two owners without the approval of the board. The main rule would be, similar to an E-Fed, you can not use other contracted wrestlers in your book this, or it will result in automatic forfeiture of that Book This league.

If an owner violates the rules, the Board will Either select a new owner to take over that fed, or disban that brand altogether. The Draft would take place each year, with each owner able to Franchise and undetermined amount of wrestlers on their Roster.

So what we are looking for now is at least 6 owners, if not 8 that are going to be serious and stick with this. Also, they have to be very knowledgeable with their wrestlers. People shouldn't draft people they are not familiar with, simply because they are a big name. If you aren't sure how to use a Hulk Hogan, but are more familiar with an AJ Styles, then you should draft an AJ Styles.

As for additional Board Members, you will be responsible for determining a world champion eventually, and also quality and content control. If you feel an owner is not living up to their end of the bargain, you can vote to remove that owner.

I believe I already have two people on board, but I will not speak for them. If you're interested, hit this thread up.
You know I'm game...Can't wait to get this thing started....How are we gonna set up the brands though? Do we just think of different Fed names or do we make it more territory based?
I'll sign up, but I don't know if my Fed will be of any use to you guys, unless you need female wrestlers or want to run an inter gender special, i'm your guy
Well Joet, Wotdoiput was our fourth, and he still might be. He's going to have his hands full with writing for WZCW. We were talking and after the draft on Monday Night we were thinking, we get to draft twenty of our own wrestlers, then have twenty randomly chosen for us. So we would have a roster of 40 people, 20 of our own picks, and 20 for us. You can drop it down to 35, or go up to 45 via free agency and trades.

Another thing I was thinking, and this is where I would love to have a board of non writers come along. Say someone gets stuck with the Warrior, and they don't use him, or don't use him right. This is where a board member can take over as the Warrior, and interject themselves into your show. If you have a disgruntled employee, the board member will take control of that character, and cause all sorts of shit on your show until they are given a push.

Again, this is in the baby phase. If wotdoiput is out, which I wouldn't blame him if he was, then we can talk about just using current day if we only have three brands.

More to come.

*Edit: Actually Ech, I was thinking of asking you if you wanted your womens division to be an official part of the Alliance. It would mean that the other brands wouldn't have any divas that were wrestlers. I feel that you easily are the one that gets women's wrestling the most on here, and would like to have you aboard. That means on our super shows, you would get, depending on the number of brands, 2 or 3 matches to showcase the women's wrestling side of things.
I'd join. I only got to do about one show on my old Book This! But I'd like to join this if it goes.
So we got 4 definites and 2 maybes?

1. Shockmaster
2. JoeT1102
3. Thraxiusrex
4. Jonny B (possibly?)
5. Big Ace
6. Wutdoiput (possibly?)

I still think we should only go with present day guys. We have all the guys contracted by WWE and TNA. Then we also got all the indy guys. Thats more than enough to fill up 6 feds of 20-30 superstars. We'd get 10 or 15 picks on our own then the next 10 would be completly random. You clearly don't need a roster of more than 20. So hopefully we can get this thing started.

PS: I'm just suggesting the above, however no matter what I'm game for this thing.
Hey guys, I like the concept and would really love to be involved. However Im not sure I would be ablle to give the fed my whole attention with WZCW, work and study.

I might be taking the place of someone who can do a really good job, plus I have my own book this already that I can continue if need be.

So while Id love to join, I hate to say that I wont.. but best of luck with it guys.
^Well Wot, I'm going to try to ask Jonny if he'll let me back on WZCW as strictly a writer. I know I ****ed up, but some of you all don't the know the full story. If you guys need any help writing the show, I'm willing to help so you can lend some of your time here Wot.
Again with this crap Ace... you always have to put everything out there on the board when it doesn't need to be put out there... this is NOT the Thread for it you want to ask me PM me, the whole world doesn't need to know about it.
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