Wrestlezone Main Site Feedback

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SmackDown! is MY Show
This is a message from the main site. So any questions or comments regarding the main site please email the main site by emailing them at admin@wrestlezone.com or webmaster@wrestlezone.com

Hey guys,

This is Chris Cash with WrestleZone.com and I will make this quick. This is a questionnaire and all I ask is everyone please fill this out and send it back to me. Also, please be detailed with your answers and comments as well.

Copy and paste the following and then email it to

WrestleZone.com Survey:

1. Please list all complaints with the website here. Be honest with your submission.

2. Please list all features that you like on the site.

3. Do you read the editorials written by the exclusive wrestling personalities (Konnan, Gilbertti, etc.)? If you do not, please list why. If so, which ones do you listen to?

4. Are you an active member of the WZ Forums? Why or why not?

5. Do you listen to Wrestle Zone Radio? Why or why not?

6. Would you check out the image gallery if it was updated more often?

7. Would you check out free video content if it was offered to you?

8. What type of video content would you like to see added to the site?

9. Would you follow news about Independent Wrestling promotions if it was offered to you?

10. Would you subscribe to a mobile news alerts service where we'd send you daily wrestling news to your cell phone?

11. Please list any other features you would like to see added to the site.

12. Please submit ideas for what you would like to see included on the main page of a new design for WrestleZone.com.

Thank you very much for your participation in helping us make the site better.

Chris Cash

Finally, we just want to clairfy for all users that we have nothing to do with what content that is put on www.wrestlezone.com. We're separate from the main website you visit. The same company owns this forum and the website, but we have no way of changing anything like you're suggesting, so you need to e-mail there and they'll possibly fix their errors.

webmaster@wrestlezone.com or admin@wrestlezone.com

Asking any questions in regards to the main site in a new thread or in any post you will be given an infraction as we have already given you multiple options to contact the main board.
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