WrestleZone Forum Files #7: For the First Time Ever (Get on the Main Page!)


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Today’s Topic: What First Do You Want To See In 2018?

It’s a new year and that means it’s time for some first. We already have the first Women’s Royal Rumble set for the end of January, but what else might happen for the first time in the new year? Maybe a first time title win for someone? Or a big match that hasn’t happened yet? Perhaps a bigger change than something like that?

A new year is often a time to try something new and that’s the case in wrestling as well. Let us know what you think will happen and see if it’s a New Year’s resolution that might make it past the first week of the year.
As with the topic of getting a single wish for Christmas, it can be hard to narrow down a single, definitive thing you'd like to see happen above everything else.

One thing that does come to mind, however, is that I'd like to see the championships treated with more respect as a whole. Take the Intercontinental Championship with Roman Reigns as champion, when's the last time WWE made such a fuss about someone as IC champ? I've always thought that a championship and champion should be sort of mutually beneficial to each other, that one doesn't necessarily have to make the other. Keeping with the IC title and using an old school favorite, Macho Man Randy Savage was a talented guy when he won the title and being the champion only enhanced him because of how he was booked and used as champion. You had a situation where you were like "hey, this guy's a really good champion and that makes me wanna see him do his thing even more than before" and that's not something we see a whole helluva lot of anymore. Aside from Roman Reigns, probably the only guy I can think of that fits into that mold has been the Miz in a very long time, at least among the mid-card titles. When it comes to the mid-card titles especially, for the most part, they're often given the impression, at least to me, being something someone carries around with them for a little while before it becomes someone else's turn to carry it for a while.

Shane McMahon said that "perception is reality" and if Vince wants the fans to perceive the wrestlers who carry the championships as top stars, then they should be treated as though they matter. Hype the importance of the titles, show video packages/presentations of the champions, be more selective about who does or doesn't become champion.
Cesaro needs to be a bigger focal point in WWE in 2018 going forward.

Cesaro has all the tools necessary to be a top contender in WWE. He's as polished as they come in the ring. Cesaro has proved time and time again he can capture the crowd with his ability to deliver with anyone in the squared circle. His matches with John Cena, Seth Rollins, Dean Ambrose, Sheamus, Roman Reigns and various other differently styled opponents shows how well he works with others. Cesaro has been more consistant than anyone not named Aj Styles with his matches. He's got a character. He's got the look. He's got the strength. He's got the Cesaro section. He's got it all.

Through all that, what really sold me on Cesaro as a performer is the beach ball incident of Summerslam 2017. He saw an opportunity to get himself more over by simply popping a beach ball and it worked. That shows me Cesaro can take anything you throw at him and use it to his advantage which is what a Champion should be able to do. It's obvious Cesaro isn't going to deliver a ten minute promo on why he's great. He isn't the most accomplished superstar on the microphone. Cover up the his shortcomings by showing how great he is as a performer. Keep his promos short (like Braun) and he'll do fine.

If the Summer of Jinder has taught us anything, its that anyone can have a moderately successful championship reign with decent booking. Imagine Cesaro in position to challenge Aj for the WWE title. Or be a definitive challenger to Brock's Universal Championship. WWE is missing a great opportunity to deliver some stellar moments. WWE insists Roman Reigns is great. WWE insist that Jinder Mahal is great. WWE tries way too hard to tell tell someone is great when Cesaro is actually showing you how great he is. It's his time.
My wish is simple. Coherence.

Why did AJ Styles go from losing clean to US Champion Baron Corbin to WWE title #1 Contender and then win said title? Why did Natalya cut a promo about turning her back on everyone and then her next appearance she's leading the locker room against the Riott Squad? Why does Dolph Ziggler constantly lose, then gets unreasonably placed in a US title match, wins the title and then vanishes?

For my 2018, I just want a product that bothers to think just a bit further than 24 hours. That shows a little bit of hindsight and rewards wrestling fans a bit more often for paying attention. Like the Sami Zayn heel turn or Samoa Joe being glad Dean can spend Christmas with family right in front of Renee Young. WWE forgets so often their audience are actual people and not goldfish. Growing up in a world where even kids shows need to have steady, rewarding plotlines or they just go nowhere.
Much like my wish, I would like to see Strowman win the Universal title and then defend it in a series of hoss fights with Joe, Reigns and even Lesnar. He could even retire Show and Kane to add to his mystique.

As for something a bit more out there, the first main roster War Games match would be interesting. The situation on Smackdown between Shane, Bryan and SamiKO could play into such a match. If not that then a team Elimination Chamber would be nearly as interesting - Shane, Orton and Nakamura vs Bryan, Sami and KO.
Two words; more managers.

I'm an old soul, and I think that pro-wrestling was better and more distinctive when it had a wealth of managers that added to the drama. You had Jimmy Hart spazzing out with his megaphone, you had Bobby Heenan visibly flustered at his client getting beaten up, you had Miss Elizabeth being the moral center for a madman, you had Sherri Martel proving that you're foolish if you take her lightly, and you had Paul Bearer using superstition to psych out The Undertaker's opponents. Hell, I loved Shelton Benjamin's kayfabe Mom when she would scream so loud that you could hear her over the crowd noise.

Prowrestling used to set itself apart in a good way from all other aspects of sport by having colorful managers, there'll never be another Don King. Obviously it would be tough to recapture some of that magic, but I feel that as serious as the WWE is in regard to training new prospects at their performance center, they need to invest as much of a serious attitude toward training young prospects to be the next larger than life manager.
My very, very, very biggest wish is for the rennovation of NXT's women's division. It's still yet to fully recover from the pillaging it got from the brand split; every time it's looked close to recovery, it's been pillaged again. Ruby Riot(t), Liv Morgan, and Sonya Deville are the latest to be brought up before their time. The rest of NXT looks on the cusp of a new golden age, the Mae Young Classic proved the breadth and depth of female talent worldwide - now bring me Toni Storm!

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