Wrestlezone Debator Championships


Going on 10 years with WrestleZone
Clearly, D-Man became the World Champion of the debate league today. Since he and I met in the finals, and are a team, that makes us the tag team champions.

Sign up here if you're interested in forming a tag team to participate in challenge debates. Please only post full teams. This isn't the thread to find your date to the big dance, kiddies.

IC25 and D-Man
Phoenix and Dave​
Lariat just asked me to be his partner via PM. I'm guessing he therefore won't mind me signing us up:

The Lariat and Uncle Sam
I've decided that I'm going to take Savagetaker along with me. I feel bad with Doc, because he's admittedly my better e-friend. Nothing personal meant there ST, I just love me some Doc. However, I have a feeling we'll charter some old school territory more, and ST already has some experience under his belt for being in the WZ Debator's League.

Sorry, Doc, but I'll tae on ST. Again, this isn't a statement on who I feel is better as a poster. I think you two are equal. But give me the team of ST: SavageTenta.
I'm officially naming Uncle Sam and Lariat's team, 'The Uncle Lariat Express'. Unless Sam comes up with a better name. In that case, we'll use his choice.
I'm officially naming Uncle Sam and Lariat's team, 'The Uncle Lariat Express'. Unless Sam comes up with a better name. In that case, we'll use his choice.

That's the best you've got? The one I put in the PM was better. We're not going to work at all as a team if this is an indication of things to come, Lar-Lar.
Bullshit that the team I put down is ignored for teams who said yes AFTER mine.
Like seriously, cos Tenta rocks up we HAVE to put him in.

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