WrestleZone Debaters League

Alright, as soon as IC posts his, it will be all over, and in the hands of the jury to see who wins the $1,000,000.00 in rep. Which is equivalent to a much smaller sum.
IrishCanadian25 3 (Clarity 0.5, Punctuality 0.5, Informative 1, Persuasion 1), The D-Man 2 (Clarity 0.5, Punctuality 0.5, Emotionality 1). There's my score; if you want comments, I'll post them.

By a final score of 15-10, The D-Man has become the champion of the WrestleZone Debater League after beating IC 25 by a final score of 15-10!
Wow, some great stuff here.

First, thank you to the judges for their work all year long. After a few people dropped out, it was great to see a bunch of people pick up the slack and jump in.

Second, thanks to TM for putting this together, coming up with a format that works, organizing topics, and executing the entire thing. Third time's a charm, eh?

And last, thanks to D-Man for a spirited and respectful final. I hope you feel I kept my promise to you - you got what I felt was my best, and you stepped up huge and took it home. When you look at the names in the debator league, and then stop to realize that you stand above them all, it's a hell of an accomplishment.

I do hope we do this again in the future, only this time, I'll throw my name in to be a judge.
Holy good God... I actually won?!?

I can't thank everyone enough. This League has allowed me to completely mature as a poster and has DRASTICALLY increased my wrestling knowledge. As far as I'm concerned, those are the best things I could've gotten out of this. We all put a lot of time and effort into this league, and I think it was the best thing to happen to me since I signed on in January of 2009. This has been a really great rookie year for me on Wrestlezone and the Debator's League was the icing on the cake.

A HUGE thanks goes out to TM, TDigs, CH David, Blade, and Becker for the time and effort they put into judging these long-winded, time consuming debates each week. I know it was rough for you guys, but you all handled everything respectfully and fair. I appreciate all of your support.

And thanks to IC25 for being a difficult opponent. No offense to any other participants, but from the beginning, I knew that battling you was the holy grail in the Debator's League. As I've stated before, my goal was to battle you and let nature take its course, never thinking I could actually win. I'm glad that you gave your best because if you didn't, I wouldn't feel that this was well-deserved. I'm very proud of this and I'm glad I got the opportunity to shine.

Thanks a lot everyone!

PS - I think I'd like to be a judge at some capacity next time around. You guys let me know.

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