WrestleZone Debaters League

I might post the debates now.

Any objections?

And sorry for the judges slow speed. I hope they get them up tonight.
Wow, I freaking LOVE the topic 48.7 and I have gotten. In and in anticipation, I have already formulated almost infallable arguments for either side of the debate, though my opponent this week is DAMN tough...

I dare say my debate this week with 48.7 may be a 20-total posts affair...
Wish I'd gotten in on this, but I'd suck anyway. I'm not the world's most knowledgeable wrestling fan.

If you ever do one more geared toward say... philosophy or history or current events, I'd jump on that though. Maybe not the right thing for a wrestling forum though.
TM, great subject debates for this week. One thing I noticed. Where every debate has a different wrestler, Edge is listed twice. Is that meant to be right?
Wow, I freaking LOVE the topic 48.7 and I have gotten. In and in anticipation, I have already formulated almost infallable arguments for either side of the debate, though my opponent this week is DAMN tough...

I dare say my debate this week with 48.7 may be a 20-total posts affair...

Make Canada proud

didnt i sign up 4 this last week?

Yes, you have to wait for the next season.

Wish I'd gotten in on this, but I'd suck anyway. I'm not the world's most knowledgeable wrestling fan.

If you ever do one more geared toward say... philosophy or history or current events, I'd jump on that though. Maybe not the right thing for a wrestling forum though.

FTS might run one.

TM, great subject debates for this week. One thing I noticed. Where every debate has a different wrestler, Edge is listed twice. Is that meant to be right?

All the matchups were rounds of the tournament that were close. I think Bret might be there twice. Good eye though and good luck!
No problem. I'll prepare some arguments just now if you want and you can just give me a go if you want me to jump on in.
I think I should have some say in this whole replacement thing. Its assumed that Rob did no-show. So we are now allowing Dave to take his place, which is perfectly fine. I'll allow Dave to do whatever he wants in who goes first, but I get The Rock, or I don't debate. (Dave PMed me telling me hes taking the Rock) I believe this is completely fair for two reasons only, as I was the one scheduled for the debate, and I was the one that showed. On top of the fact that Dave did not debate last round. Why should he get advantages this round?
I think I should have some say in this whole replacement thing. Its assumed that Rob did no-show. So we are now allowing Dave to take his place, which is perfectly fine.

Thanks boss!

I'll allow Dave to do whatever he wants in who goes first, but I get The Rock, or I don't debate.

Bit petty really. I assume that you got to pick first in the last round because you were the home team? I think that you are only worried that you can't argue a good case for Bret and that is why you don't want me to pick first. Fair enough, I don't mind pulling for Bret. I don't know a lot of his history but if you want The Rock and that's held up, fair enough, the whole point is to do some research anyway.

(Dave PMed me telling me hes taking the Rock) I believe this is completely fair for two reasons only, as I was the one scheduled for the debate, and I was the one that showed. On top of the fact that Dave did not debate last round.

See, you're already warmed up, I come in from the cold. Anyway, if it means the whole debate is screwed because you wont pull for Bret, I have no qualms about debating for Bret. I am just trying to help out guys.
OK. I am cool with that. You can have The Rock and I will take Bret. You can start if you already have some arguments ready. I will have to create some from scratch. I look forward to debating with you.

Good luck man.

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