WrestleZone Debaters League

All right, let me get this straight...each judge has five points to split between the two debaters, right? Or, can each debater be awarded a maximum of five points (meaning judges in theory could give out ten points)?
So what do ya think is the ETA on when all the debates outcomes will be decided?
hopefully soon. I am trying to get them done at work myself, but sometimes they make me do work. If not, ill do them on the wife's computer when I get home.
That's pretty scary reading that. Thi iss making my original thoughts of TM being FAR from the truth.
Two ways to go with this.

Wife=job, and I am married to my job, meaning I am using my work computer.

or the truth. Unfortunately, YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH!
The next set of topics are already lined up, and I must say

A former admin will be pleased
Well I have judged 7 of the debates, holding back on two delayed, and hope to have the last one done tonight that isnt delayed.
So is it only one judge assigned to each debate? Did I win my debate because of TDigs score, or are there other judges who have to judge my debate?
5 judges for each debate. Luther will probably be on tomorrow, as its quite late there for him. Marquis has some personal stuff, once he is done, hell hit you up, and Ech is reading them all now. and yours and thrillers is the last one I need to do.
...Do the Judges not have some sort of deadline? Round 2 starts tomorrow, or Monday, (Don't remember which day it actually started) and 4 of the judges haven't even judged.
I'll have all of my scores up by noon tomorrow. Worst case scenario is that I just give quick scores and fill in reasons later on in the day. My scores will be up before the next round of debates starts tomorrow.

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