Wrestlezone Court!

I love this idea so much that I'll take any position. Hell, I'll even be the douchbag that opens and closes the door when people walk into the court.

Although I'd rather be a judge or an attorney...
im down for being on the jury if kb is taking names. this is much better than real court, far less boring.

when do we get to order chinese? lol
I've never had a problem with jenks. Good luck man

Thanks man. You've got a kick ass name, whenever I see it I think of the Metallica song.

It's good to see D-man's name in there (or is it? He'd be frightening as the judge or prosecutor.) But he's also one of my top picks as a lawyer.

I'm interested to see how things work out, do the prisoners get to choose their defense attorneys? do they get to pick their prosecutor:p? Doubtful, I know. Will there be a jury?

I'm figuring someone like Safari will go first since he's been in here the longest. I don't mind waiting since I feel I still have a lot to prove or at least pay dues in a way, but I really don't wanna end up dying inside KB's ass.
Ah, The Great Deku Lee is another good option for someone to have your back! He's like the guy who escaped Alcatraz, rescued and married the Princess, then came back too Alcatraz and they made him Warden.

Not only does he have a great story, but he's also got a powerful sounding name.
Hmmmm.....I think this will basically be

KB: This random prison bitch is up for WZ Court
D-Man: He's a bitch. I hate him.
Defense: Hey, objec--
KB: Guilty. He stays in prison for another Court cycle.
So who are our current inmates? From what I can recall, there's:

Bill Lesnar
Jackiz Kirey
Safari Man

Is there anyone else, and are all of them making an appearance in Wrestlezone Court?

There are only two of them that should get out at this time in my opinion. Let's see what our totally objective justice system decides.
To make it interesting, let's make the limbo bar pole one of those giant rotating saws that cuts lumber.
KB- have the guys stand in front of the bench. grab a handfull of pennies & tell the prisoners for every one they catch mid-air they get a week taken off their sentence. then throw them out the window.

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