Wrestlers You Hate(d) But Everyone Else Loves/Loved


The Cerebral Assasin
Which wrestlers you hated but everyone else seem to like for some reason. Also give the reason why you never liked "that" certain wrestler or wrestlers. Can be from any era The Golden Era,The Attitude Era,WCW,ECW,Ruthless Agression Era,Today's WWE or TNA.

I’ll let a few others post before I share my opinion.
The Rock

why? Because he repeats the same catchphrases over and over again. Although he is adding a new one to his collection, he still repeats the old ones and presenting it all over again and again and again. And that people's elbow sucks.

This is a hate thread anyway.
Trish Stratus - Overrated as overrated can be. Hate is obviously a very strong word. It's not that I hate her, it's more of she's no better than any other attractive, yet moderately athletic diva that comes through the WWE. Trish Stratus was passable as a diva but when she's labeled as the best diva in WWE's history, it drives me insane. Lita was often overshaddowed by Trish but Lita was overall that much better than Trish.

Chris Benoit - Again, hate is a very strong word. Benoit is a hell of a wrestler and could put on the best matches. However, he's overrated as fuck. Benoit had some nasty agression in the ring but I'd take charisma over agression anyday. I don't care how hard you hit another wrestler. That's what I don't understand about Benoit fans; there were plenty of others who had more to offer than Benoit.
Shawn Michaels - I didn't like Shawn Michaels until his return to the ring back in 2002. Before that I felt he was overrated. This is of course back when I was younger fan of wrestling and supported Bret Hart and Razor Ramon so a lot of heat was due to him being a heel and an enemy of my favorites. When he came back to the WWE in 2002 I had a change of heart as I matured I began to realize his skill and value.

Triple H. - What I said about HBK previously goes double for H. As I've gotten older and more mature I've begun to realize the value of H & HBK as wrestlers and why everyone liked them so much, but as a kid I just couldn't get past what they did to my faves.

Jeff Hardy - I was never a fan of Hardy as a solo act even though he seemed like the bigger risk taker when compared to Matt. I always felt that even though Matt lacked Jeff's charisma and risk taking behavior that he was the better wrestler and I am saddened by his recent downfall. Jeff has always been portrayed as the better of the two and that has never sat well with me.

Ultimate Warrior - In my opinion the biggest offender of the "Wrestlers I didn't like and everyone else did" topic. Totally overrated, no real professional wrestling skill, can't cut a decent promo and he just looked stupid as a character. The only credit I can give this guy is that he oozed charisma. I never understood why so many people liked this jackass to begin with and I understand even less today. Biggest waste of a WWF Championship / Intercontinental Championship reign in the history of the WWE.

Oh and even though I liked Trish Stratus, I felt that she lacked the overall package that made Lita great, sure she was popular, attractive had some athleticism, but Lita had the everything and she was able to seemlessly play heel or face with the flip of a switch

As far as Benoit goes. Yeah he didn't have the charisma in the way most wrestlers do. On the mic, but he had it in the wring. The way he presented himself and promoted his "rabid wolverine" and "toothless aggression" personality he was able to get over with the fans. Also when he talked he sounded bad ass (IMO) and I always liked that about him.
Hulk Hogan. I grew to HATE him by the end of the 80's. His matches were all the same and he ALWAYS won - SSDD. My all-time favorite moment as a wrestling fan was the day he was revealed as the third Outsider - because he was finally getting the treatment he deserved (people throwing garbage at him)!
R-Truth - Hated him as a face when he came out with "WHATS UP!", to his little Jimmy heel turn. Not into him as a wrestler either
CM PUNK- I don't understand why he is loved so much while his skill is no where near worth the hype that he gets. Just because he said a few things off script and broke kayfabe, does that make him the best wrestler in the world? And who voted on him being the best in the world? Colt Cobana and friends? Everyone knocks cena for the 5 moves of death while Punk has the 6 moves of death. I don't get his eddie munster hairdo, his george michael's lip ring circa 1976, the stupid x's on his hands and his glow in the dark wrestling gear. People really need to get off of him, since he is nothing more than a guy who has managed to get people to buy into the bull shit he says rather than what he does. Now don't get me wrong, he is a good wrestler....but the level that others put him on? not in this world...

Jeff Hardy- Ah yes, the real glorified stunt man himself. He was ONLY liked because he jumps off of shit. He has no in ring skills and his mic skills make matt hardy look like chris jericho. He was and still is not worth the level of push that he seems to always recieve. You put the title on him, and always within a month or two, you have to drop the title from him because he will always get caught with substance abuse or will talk about leaving.

Stone Cold Steve Austin- Now I know that most people liked him who were in my age group (23) but hear me out. If you take away his mic skills, what do you have. You have a guy who had zero in ring skills, literally 4 moves ever (stunner,Stomp in the corner, lou thesz press, overhand rights) and that was all. Now I loved his promos and I would never question his ability to fight hurt, but come on now. He was able to take what brian pillman really was and turn it into a gimmick for himself.

Eddie Guerrero- I know I will get a lock of flack for this but eddie is really overrated. I know that his death has semingly elevated him to another level but lets not forget that eddie was an average at best performer until he won the title. He was funny, he was charasmatic and he was a solid performer...but hall of famer? He was horrible in wcw until it began to fold and now that he has passed, it is almost as if he gets all the credit since they can't give any credit to benoit because of the way that benoit died. Now I enjoyed the later years of eddie but lets not act as if eddie just popped up on the scene ala lesnar. He had done it for a while and was good but not great.

Sandman- I will make this one very short, very quick and straight to the point. IF STONE COLD STEVE AUSTIN WAS A ROLEX, THEN SANDMAN WAS THE ROMEX VERSION OF HIM. I believe I heard sandman one time on the microphone and he was the definition and mascot for all things that are shit at what they do. If sandman had a different theme song, I tend to think that people would not have liked him if close to the amount to which they do. Just simply God Awful....and Im not even counting when he was in the WWE....

These are the guys that I was not fans of but it seemed that everyone else loved...so yeah...here you go
While I wouldn't say I truly hate any wrestler, when it comes to popular guys I just didn't get, there are two guys who come to mind.

Goldberg - I remember how immensely popular he was when I started watching. WCW was my introduction to wrestling, and he was one of its biggest stars at the time. I remember how I pretty much just ignored him whenever he came on. It didn't work for me. Seeing his stuff now I know he was nothing special, but was simply booked very well.

Hulk Hogan - Alright, calm down guys. I do have a lot of respect for what Hogan has done for the business, being its biggest star ever and all, but I still don't see why he was popular. I'm sure part of it is my age and starting my wrestling viewing in the 90's, but even seeing him in WCW, his return to WWE, his run in TNA, and a lot of his older work, I can't say I've ever truly enjoyed anything I've seen him do. Maybe it's just me.
My pic is...

DX Version 2.0 ~ This is the version with HHH, Xpac, New Age Outlaws, and Chyna. Maybe its because I was a HUGE fan of the original DX, (HBK, HHH, Chyna, and Rick Rude), but I never understood why this version was so popular. Maybe if they were heels they would have been cool but the comedy relief thing was pretty lame,(applies to later versions of DX as well). Though in fairness I guess it did serve its purpose, setting up the feud between HHH and Rock but still hearing people refer to this version as the best DX makes me sick.
I don't hate any of these guys, but they bore me and I think they desperately need a character change or to just get off TV. These are the guys I like to fast foward through, especially when they talk.

The Miz- He just bores me. His character is ridiculous. It's absolutely ridiculous. He's either a moron or some stiff dude who says really a lot. I do not enjoy the Miz in anyway. He used to be entertaining back in the day, but he's not funny anymore. I understand his character isn't supposed to be funny, but it's just nothing special. Something about him just bothers me. And I don't think he's a very good wrestler. Pretty good, but I never remember anything about his matches.

Alberto Del Rio- Not sure if he's still liked or not liked, but I think he is the most boring thing on WWE TV right now. By far. In the ring and out. Awful all around, terrible character. It's not working, move on. Do something new. No one even cares if he comes out.

Kofi Kingston- Again, so boring. I never watch his matches. He had 2 or 3 good promos when he lost the accent, but ever since then he has been the same thing every single week. I've had no interest in him since his ECW debut. None at all.

The Rock- Man I can't stand him. Never really could as a kid either. Just everything about him is annoying. Plus he's back forever, gone the next week. Awesome, thanks, go away and stay away. Don't come in and bash the top star in the company and then peace out. It's like when Booker came to WWE and Rock looked at him in the ring and asked who the hell he was. He just puts people down and is super bland. Same few phrases, all he does is yell into the mic and that gets people excited.

Roddy Piper- Used to love him, but I'm so sick of him. Piper's Pit has been a disaster in my eyes for quite awhile now. When he makes his one time returns for it it's awful. He is so confusing and it just doesn't make sense. He needs to stay away now.
I was never a fan of the Rock. I understood his value and it must have been nice for the WWE having two guys of Rock and Austin's calibur, but he just didn't / doesn't do it for me. That of course doesn't mean I can't see and appreciate and even mark out for the iconic nature of Hogan vs Rock or Rock vs Cena situations. I just usually root for the other guy and hope for a good match.

ADR is the main guy now days that I just can't get into. I see no reason to have pushed him especially since nothing really became of his two title reigns. He doesn't seem any more important now than he did before. He just seems like a guy who's shipped has sailed after only one year in the company.
I love this Topic... Kudos to you OP! :thumbsup:

:guns:Randy Orton: How & why everyone likes this guy is beyond me. I cant stand the writhe around on the ground shtick he uses. I get it, your suppose to be a "snake". Neat. Also, i appreciate his selling of bumps, most guys short sell - he does not, yet sometimes the OVER selling he does grates the hell out of me.

:twak:Alberto Del Rio: Yay, a ethnic wrestler they plucked out of wherever to appeal to their Mexican-American fan base. woppity do. Seriously, what does this asshat do for people? His heel gimmick is stale. He moves around the ring with the deftness of a super tall day laborer you grab at any Home Depot. His matches that are "quality" are due mostly to the fact that the man he is wrestling against is carrying the match (see CM Punk).

:boobs:Divas: Okay I know a blanket statement is unfair and all around sh!tty BUT I guess my anger is directed more towards the head office then the woman in general. If your going to have a "woman's stable" make it legit. You need the Natalyas, Beth Phoneixs, Chynas, Awesome Kongs of the world to "fight". Not the useless eye candy like Kelly Kelly in a bikini rolling around. If you want t!ts and a$$ Vince, fine. But do it with a bit of decorum. Make them ring card girls...or hell bring back the WCW Nitro Girls idea. Give me GLOW (if you remember GLOW, you know what im talking about) or give me "dancers".
Stone Cold.

He's always been pretty 'meh'.. to me.
I was a fan of his in 1999, but his whole anti-authority figure bored me.

And i love how everyone calls Cena Superman when SCSA stunned 20 wrestlers at once and somehow that's suppose to be believable?

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