Wrestlers on the talkoff.


Is a thin rope
One thing that has divided NXT fans was last night's overlong forst segment. Some thought it was great, others that it was stupid, badly scripted and buried the rookies. However, because I'm incredably sad, I noticed that there has been reaction from people involved on screen on NXT which has been supportive of it.
Twitter.com/IAmJericho said:
To truly make it in the WWE, you have to be able to adapt to any situation and be ready for anything everytime u step into the ring. Sometimes you have to add five mins onto a match with no notice. Sometimes injuries occur and you have to change things on the fly. And Sometimes you have to cut a 30 second promo about toothpaste. The best can go with the flow and succeed in all situations and that's why The NXT rookies had the talk off this week and that's why it was a very important and relevant segment.

Daniel Bryan's WWE blog said:
My interview this week on NXT sucked. I know it did. It didn’t help that Matt Stryker interrupted me, but its not like I was going to light the world on fire anyways. When he said “passion,” the idea that ran through my head was this: Explain the Daniel Bryan Manliness Meter. Describe one thing I’ve done that was really manly (in 2007 I detached my retina in a match and then continued fight for another ten minutes). Say that not only was that manly but it shows the passion I have. My closing line was going to be “Passion is what got me here, and passion will take me home.” It’s a line I’ve heard somewhere else, but I can’t remember where. Alas, I never got there and I didn’t feel like I had enough time after the interruption, so I just went for a cheap crowd reaction. And I DO love England! As a side note, I saw Vickie Guerrero later in the evening and she said “You sucked tonight.” Nothing to boost the old confidence like constructive criticism.

Another side note, Wade Barrett did fantastic, and “winds of change” was great lateral thinking.

Yet another side note: perhaps I am too nice and laid back. When Matt Stryker interrupted me, my first reaction was “Gee, thanks ya jerk!”… real light hearted like. But if you don’t ensure that there’s consequences when people walk all over you, they will continue to do so. That’s just something I’m going to keep in mind as this competition continues.

I thought both of these were interesting. Both because they highlighted that the opening segment was one bitch to do (Jericho implied it was improved, Bryan outright states it), and that it was an important and relavent segment.

Personally, I think it was a great idea for a segment. Making the rookies cut an improved promo on an unknown topic is a great way to test their ability to cope under pressure, their mic skills live, and of course how well they cope with unexpected hurdles. Some passed with flying colours (Barrett), some didn't (Gabriel), and some improvised while improvising (Bryan). Those that didn't need to improve on the tested aspects to succeed. Bryan, while not great on the mic is one who passed this test. He changed his word plan mid promo (and making stuff up under pressure is a mother fucker to do. Believe me). Great idea, and in light of this it was a fucking great segment.

As a side note, D-Man's theory (which I've subscribed to since day one) on unscripted promos has just been confirmed.
I'm kinda thankful it was unscripted, cause then the chances of them delivering a scripted promo and doing it well would be a nice thing, as opposed to listening to another round of "uhm" from guys like Gabriel etc.

I do completely agree with Jericho, and actually reading what he said, makes it kinda easier to live with the segment, because you know that as opposed to burying talent (which I considered it at first) it prepares the guys for cutting a promo at any moment, and taking control in a match, building future ring generals so to say.
Since it was improved, the segment makes alot more sense now, however, something more wrestling-related than cereal and rainbows would've made it more watch-able. Since most viewers, including myself, automatically assume it's scripted like most (if not in today's WWE all) promos, without looking into it like the OP did wouldn't have even thought of it being improve and been dissappointed. Great idea, but topics such as dedication, competition, challenges, intensity, etc. would've made alot more sense and not have been so stupid (except to the like 5 people who found the random topics funny).

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