Wrestlemania XXXIII: WWE Championship - Bray Wyatt (c) VS Randy Orton


Well, it's official. As of a few minutes ago, Randy Orton defeated AJ Styles on SmackDown Live to secure his spot in facing Bray Wyatt at WrestleMania for the WWE Championship.

While I appreciate having Bryan & Shane out to explain why this match is coming about, due to their respective disagreements, I'd have still preferred Wyatt vs. Styles as I think it'd be a stronger match. Both Wyatt and Orton have slower, methodical styles and it could potentially make for a dull match. It might be a great match, I'm hoping it is at least, but we know that Wyatt vs. Styles would leave no doubt.

I'm not sure who comes out with the win, but I'm hoping it's Wyatt as I've no interest in yet another Randy Orton WWE Championship run. Like Cena, there's just not really anything remotely fresh about it because Orton is someone who no longer needs to be champion to be viewed a main event level talent.
It was always inevitable. This feud has been going on a while and should be peaking around now but it just feels dead. It's firmly the main event of a British level show after Orton and Wyatt have been booked poorly for so long.
Well, it's official. As of a few minutes ago, Randy Orton defeated AJ Styles on SmackDown Live to secure his spot in facing Bray Wyatt at WrestleMania for the WWE Championship.

While I appreciate having Bryan & Shane out to explain why this match is coming about, due to their respective disagreements, I'd have still preferred Wyatt vs. Styles as I think it'd be a stronger match. Both Wyatt and Orton have slower, methodical styles and it could potentially make for a dull match. It might be a great match, I'm hoping it is at least, but we know that Wyatt vs. Styles would leave no doubt.

I'm not sure who comes out with the win, but I'm hoping it's Wyatt as I've no interest in yet another Randy Orton WWE Championship run. Like Cena, there's just not really anything remotely fresh about it because Orton is someone who no longer needs to be champion to be viewed a main event level talent.

I see no reason for it to be A.J. Styles v Bray Wyatt. They haven't even feuded, and A.J. didn't win either the Royal Rumble or the WWE Title in the Chamber.

This feud has been booked poorly since EC. I don't like Bray turning face (especially last week, as he looked like a crybaby), and Orton acts like he is some genius. Why the hell would he say that he won't challenge Bray, allow a Battle Royal, and a possible third contender, and then decide to challenge after all? Orton had the match against Bray, and a GUARANTEED title shot. Yet he allowed a third person to enter the match, and decreased his odds of winning the belt. That was dumb.

The things that have sucked about this feud this year:-

-This match doesn't need the belt involved. Orton and Bray could fight without the belt.

-Teasing a third man to be in the match. Orton decreased his chances of winning by revoking his right to challenge, and then taking it back. Why revoke it if he was just going to turn on Bray anyway?

-A.J. Styles has had no association with either Bray or Orton. He has been in totally different programs, and haven't even crossed paths. Having Luke Harper win the Battle Royal, and then lose the match to Orton on SD would have made more sense, since Harper had issues with both Orton and Bray.

-Face Bray and Heel Orton. Bray's character works as a heel. I can't see it working as a face, but Orton works as either. I would have rather had Bray turn on Orton than the other way around. Bray looked like a wimp at the end of SD last week.

Look, by comparison at the simple booking of another friends-turned-enemies feud, Chris Jericho v Kevin Owens. Owens turns on Jericho, Jericho costs Owens, Jericho challenges Owens at WM33, and Owens wants a title shot. Match on. No nonsense, no confusion. This is how Orton-Bray should have been booked, instead of all the red herrings, just because they have four extra weeks of TV to fill (this is one of the reasons I hate the brand extension).
I am looking forward to this to be honest. It's had a massive build up, and their match at the end of last year was pretty good in my opinion. I really hope Wyatt retains. It would really damage the reputation of the WWE title if they have 3 changes in 3 months and have 4 champions in the same time frame. Wyatt is on a massive hot streak at the moment and I think that should continue. Plus I hate Orton.

I can see Harper potentially re-uniting with Wyatt, because WWE logic.
As I mentioned last night in the LD, they're making it an obvious point to refer to this match at any time they can as THE main event of WrestleMania. Maybe they've realized Goldberg/Lesnar closing the show won't be the most exciting thing, the only downside is this really won't be either... especially if Orton is to win, but at least it'll be an actual match and when looking at the projected card, only this and Goldberg/Brock are worthy of the main event.

I've really been loving this feud and I've praised it enough so I won't do it again.

As far as the winner goes, it's tough. I would like Wyatt, I think it should be Wyatt based on the turn the feud took last week when Orton burned down the compound. A logical conclusion would be that Bray gets his revenge for that at WrestleMania by beating Orton but then if that happens, was this whole storyline a waste? This has all been about Orton trying to completely destroy Wyatt and if it doesn't end with him taking his title, did he really fully accomplish what he set out to do? Not to mention the fact that if Orton loses, it would be the 4th year in a row where the Rumble winner didn't win at WrestleMania and that's not good.
Bray Wyatt should win this match and thus retain the title.

Also, WWE is mentioning a lot that it is the main event of Wrestlemania 33 so I hope that it really is instead of Goldberg Vs Brock Lesnar III.

You could give Bray Wyatt a clean win if you want to increase his credibility and further his quasi face turn. Was it a face turn or not? We'll see in the next three weeks.

I hope that it's his face turn soon. I have been waiting for it since long and when I almost got it, Bray Wyatt got injured last year. He was damn better as a face in those couple of weeks.

I'm most interested in this match/feud at Wrestlemania 33.
while i agree that wyatt should retain the belt at mania, sadly if you go only with logic, it makes no sense at all for wyatt to retain here. This whole feud was bases around Orton not being able to beat Wyatt because of all the mind games and interference from luke harper. So he have this whole master plan to have wyatt turn on harper and then lure him into giving him access to the wyatt compound so that he can burn it and in the end at mania, he just lose again. That makes this whole plan and randy orton look stupid in the end and makes this whole build up pointless in my opinion.

Sure i really would have love seeing Wyatt get a run with the title but the way they have build up this feud, i think that they have to make wyatt a transitional champion and have him drop the belt at mania.
They need to add a gimmick to this. With Orton burning down his sanctuary it can't just be a "wrestling match". It needs to be no holds barred or some other gimmick... It should be like the Orton/Foley backlash match in 04 or like Orton/Christian at Summerslam. It needs to be a very physical brawl style of match.
These two aren't the most interesting pair to watch in the ring together. The story has been good at least compared to any other Wyatt feud, but both of these guys wrestle such a slow methodical style it's hard to get into. Just seems like its going to be a snoozefest especially after what looks to be at least 5 hours of wrestling at WrestleMania.

Maybe im wrong and they will surprise me. It's happened before with matches I wasn't very excited about.
Bray Wyatt did tease something big for their Wrestlemania match and I hope that it's Sister Abigail.

Asuka is ready to be called up and she would suit as being Sister Abigail as much as I know. Either Asuka or even Ember Moon. I have waiting a lot for it since the mention of Sister Abigail came up.

One can always dream. :blush:
Sister Abigail should never be portrayed as a character IMO. For many reasons:

a) She's dead and it's not the 80s anymore. Her coming back as a dead person or saying that she never really died, won't do anything. These stories don't really work anymore.

b) She's better as an idea. Let's say Asuka becomes Abigail. Then what? She makes Bray stronger? She interferes in the matches? She wrestles? For what reason? What I'm trying to say is that her presence is not really needed. She will have the same role she already has, with the difference being that the audience will be able to see her.

Abigail works just fine the way she is right now. She is a chapter of Bray's past. I would accept Abigail appearing on TV in two ways only:

1) In a short film about Bray's past.

2) An angle where Abigail is supposedly ressurected, only for Bray to find out that she's a fake and the real Abigail is still dead. That would be a story to turn Bray face.

However, the real Abigail has no bussiness appearing on TV. It's the fact that she's dead that really keeps Bray going. (That could be used in the final stage of the "fake Abigail" angle)
This is how to end the Orton vs. Wyatt match.

Lots of near falls back and forth. And then Orton hits his 2nd RKO and the lights go out. Wyatt's music hits and walking out to the ring is The Wyatt Family (Rowan, Harper, B. Dallas - now Bo Wyatt) & Sister Abigail (Mika Rotunda) his actual sister very sinister looking clothing and makeup making her look very pale (almost corpse like). Orton is distracted and turns around into a Sister Abigail finisher. The Wyatt Family celebrates after the match and Bray announces to the crowd this will be the year of Wyatt!!! I had an earlier post thinking Ruby Riot from NXT would be a good choice but why not his actual sister???

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