Wrestlemania XXXII - New Day VS League Of Nations

Y 2 Jake

Slightly Autistic
I'm not sure if it's been specified whether this is a handicap match or not. I assume so.

New Day have got the measure of the LON so far so you've got to imagine they drop the belts. It's about time and I like the idea of a four man group holding the belts so there's constant variations on who defends the belt. It's pretty much the only way to keep the LON interesting.
I'm not sure if it's been specified whether this is a handicap match or not. I assume so.

I can't help but think that this decision hasn't even been made, yet. The build has felt deliberately vague, giving WWE time to make the decision at the 11th hour.

New Day have got the measure of the LON so far so you've got to imagine they drop the belts. It's about time and I like the idea of a four man group holding the belts so there's constant variations on who defends the belt. It's pretty much the only way to keep the LON interesting.

Sounds like fun, but your scenario also suggests that they defend the titles often enough for that to matter. New Day had that privilege, but they are considered a hot act. I have my doubts on that for the League.
Apparently this isn't for the titles anymore. The WWE has decided that it will be a "Match for Supremacy" instead. Supremacy of what I have no idea, but the tag titles will not be defended at Mania this year.
Apparently this isn't for the titles anymore. The WWE has decided that it will be a "Match for Supremacy" instead. Supremacy of what I have no idea, but the tag titles will not be defended at Mania this year.

Hahahahahaha. I can't help but sit here and laugh. I should've guessed that the tag team match wasn't in bad enough condition as it was. Take the titles out of this makes me feel LON get the win here, which I think is stupid. Just have the titles on the line. Honestly WWE gives Usos vs Dudleys a normal match but screws the tag team titles and IC title, love the logic.
What nonsense is this? If this is true, their segments this week are going to be damn embarrassing. Expect New Day, LoN and Michael Cole to spout the words 'battle for supremacy' about four dozen times until us dumb ol' marks forget the tag titles are a thing. I am okay with feuds sans championship, but if one of the combatants has a title, there is NO good reason for the title to not be defended.

New Day squash the League, much like that 4 on 4 squash match at that one WrestleMania that involved the Corre.
I'm shocked they actually will have two tag team matches on the WM card. This should be an easy but entertaining win for New Day. It's ashame they got 2 former world champions in this joke of a match.
I can't believe the titles aren't even on the line anymore... As if WrestleMania could get any worse... how do you not have every title on the line?

What could possibly be the reason for this? If it's due to Del Rio's injury it makes no sense... it was never just a 2-on-2 tag team match anyways.

It can't be due to Barrett leaving the company soon, they knew that a while ago and there's other members of the League of Nations to wear the belts if they were to have them win.

I suppose the only logical explanation is that League of Nations (due to Barrett's departure and Del Rio leaving) are breaking up so they didn't want them holding tag team belts, but then just have them lose the match... is that so difficult?
I'm shocked they actually will have two tag team matches on the WM card. This should be an easy but entertaining win for New Day. It's ashame they got 2 former world champions in this joke of a match.

2 tag team matches, neither for the tag team championships....

Wrestlemania 32 is a disaster waiting to happen
I'm wondering what they are doing themselves over at creative. I can see Enzo and Big Cass showing up sooner rather than later, and thought for sure LON would get the titles at Mania, and then drop them on the next RAW. The whole thing is buggered up.
I'm wondering what they are doing themselves over at creative. I can see Enzo and Big Cass showing up sooner rather than later, and thought for sure LON would get the titles at Mania, and then drop them on the next RAW. The whole thing is buggered up.

A lot of people have a feeling this is the direction they are going in but I still can't understand why the title stipulation would be removed from the WrestleMania match. If the point is to protect LON at the expense of New Day, a hot ass act, it is just asinine. Anyway, I'm starting to lose complete interest in this match up. From the get go the idea of 4 on 3 seemed stupid to me.

In the case off Enzo and Cass I am looking forward to their Raw/SD! debut but I hope they aren't thrust into title picture from the get go. I'd like to see a feud with the Dudley Boyz to get them established with the entire audience.
A lot of people have a feeling this is the direction they are going in but I still can't understand why the title stipulation would be removed from the WrestleMania match. If the point is to protect LON at the expense of New Day, a hot ass act, it is just asinine. Anyway, I'm starting to lose complete interest in this match up. From the get go the idea of 4 on 3 seemed stupid to me.

In the case off Enzo and Cass I am looking forward to their Raw/SD! debut but I hope they aren't thrust into title picture from the get go. I'd like to see a feud with the Dudley Boyz to get them established with the entire audience.

I think it's pretty obvious that they are at the point now where they are flying by the seat of their pants. What with basically what amounts to a wrestler going out each week, Neville last week, and Harper this week, they must be praying to God no one else goes.

Mind you that doesn't account for the changing horses in the middle of the stream decisions that are being tossed around here. I somehow have a feeling that the card that we today isn't the card we'll see next weekend. Christ only knows what they'll come up with, and hopefully those that are still healthy stay that way.
I think it's pretty obvious that they are at the point now where they are flying by the seat of their pants. What with basically what amounts to a wrestler going out each week, Neville last week, and Harper this week, they must be praying to God no one else goes.

I actually wouldn't be shocked if we get zero or at least very limited matches this Monday. They are so close and need to be protecting talent like crazy. If they do scale it back the LD should be pretty interesting. Ha.
I actually wouldn't be shocked if we get zero or at least very limited matches this Monday. They are so close and need to be protecting talent like crazy. If they do scale it back the LD should be pretty interesting. Ha.

That's what I'm afraid of, and how can you hype Mania when it changes every day or so. I feel sorry for these guys this year, must be one hell of a ride for them.
This is not right, in my opinion. Every Championship Title should be defended on the Grandest Stage of Them All. There are only 5 Championships Titles in the WWE right now. I would have liked to have seen a Fatal Four Way Elimination match. New Day (Kofi Kingston and Big E) vs. League of Nations (Wade Barrett and Rusev) vs. League of Nations (Sheamus vs. Alberto Del Rio) vs. Golden Truth (Goldust and R-Truth). The final two teams would be New Day and Golden Truth, with R-Truth turning on Goldust, and reuniting the former TNA World Tag Team Champions, Truth and Consequences.
I would love it if The Balor Club were to debut here basically taking out both The New Day and The League of Nations all at once with Balor, Anderson and Gallows making an immediate impact right here but of course that won't happen...so predictable here that New Day will go over
2 tag team matches, neither for the tag team championships....

Wrestlemania 32 is a disaster waiting to happen

I wish they would have made it into one match like they usually do. I don't see the benefit for either team with a win in any of those matches.
I wish they would have made it into one match like they usually do. I don't see the benefit for either team with a win in any of those matches.

I 100% agree, why in the world is this not a 4-way tag team match for the titles?

League of Nations 2 members

New Day 2 members

USO's who are always somehow the No. 1 contenders

Dudley Boys who can't stop talking about adding to their already impressive legacy.

It's like their writers literally don't give a crap. I'd have far more interest in the above match than either of the 2 currently on the card...
I feel New Day will get a surprise 4th man on their team. Hoping its Kurt Angle for a one off, the American Hero taking out the Foreigners. Plus he can be a major dork so I can see him hamming it up with New Day afterwards
What the Hell is this match even? Honestly, what a waste of time and Championships. So the New Day don't even get the opportunity to defend the Championships on the biggest stage of them all? What a joke.

The truth of this match is that the WWE really, really like The New Day right now., They seem to like them so much that they don't want anyone to ever come close to knocking them off of their perch on top of the Tag Team Division. I just don't get why you would put this match together with no intentions of making it for the Championships. As was pointed out in the OP, it would have been great to have seen the League of Nations take turns each defending the Championships, the same way that The New Day have done so on occasion.

Right now, this is just filler. The New Day takes this all day long for utterly no reason.
This should have been surely for the tag titles considering that it is Wrestlemania.

It is a filler match accompanying other filler tag matches i.e Dudleyz-Usos and Divas tag match.

I feel that League of Nations wins this match considering that it is a non-title match. Therefore, they can get a title match in future.
^also New Day has been getting the better of the League of nation in most of the previous matches .. which plays into the swerve of having League of Nations win at Wrestlemania

**count me in to being bummed out about no titles on the line, especially with the 4 on 3 stipulation ... seeing a 7 person tag match with the titles on the line woulda been fun.
Holy hell what a shitshow. Unlike others around here, I'm not enamored with New Day to the point that their presence can get me excited. In fact, I think they're awful at building feuds and are really only good for 5-10 minutes of hit and miss comedy at this point but that's another rant altogether.

What's the point of this match if it's not for the belt? Seriously? I wouldn't care to sit through this match on Raw and it's on the main card of Mania? Ahhh man, it's like WWE decided to make this year as weak as possible just to see if 100,000 people were braindead enough to still buy tickets.

Weak HOF class.
Relatively weak card.
Very weak build.
And Raw has sucked the past 3 weeks. Why the heck should I watch Mania?
Really? This is NOT going to be for the tag team titles? Then why the hell should I watch this match? It's freaking Wrestlemania! What is going to make this match special, different from a Raw match?

This sucks, big time, without the stipulation I couldn't care less who is going to win... Why should we be invested in this match?
I have read a lot of negative reviews about this match but I am not one of the people who subscribes to that way of looking at it. People like The New Day, I get it. In fact, I like The New Day too. They have a lot of charisma and have made something out of nothing when you consider how that trio started out; it sends a shudder down my spine.

And people should really consider that when they whine about The New Day losing at WrestleMania this year. They are the Tag Team Champions but they are totally without any stiff competition in that division. The Usos and The Dudleys are not what they used to be and it seems as though The New Day are right on the verge of going full babyface. The WWE and The New Day required a stable that would be able to play them at their own game and have the legitimacy to really put their titles under threat. If you think for a second that this is the end of the line for these two teams, then you are sorely mistaken. AT the end of the day, The League of Nations needed this win more than The New Day and they go it.

Remember that the League of Nations is made up of actual somebodies. Sheamus and Del Rio are multi-time World Champions. Rusev was a great United States Champion that wrestled John Cena at last year's WrestleMania, and Barrett is one of the longest reigning Intercontinental Champions. The League of Nations are actually not a bad group and at least it keep Sheamus away from the Championship scene. I have absolutely no issues with The League going over and setting up the longer feud.

In terms of the match, I thought it was decent. The New Day got a taste of their own medicine and still got to keep a hold of their Tag Team Championships. It was a fine encounter and was given enough time that it actually entertained me.
I still don't understand why this match wasn't for the tag team title belts and because it wasn't, it was meaningless fluff.

There was nothing memorable about this match until the 3 legends came out afterward and even then they buried New Day instead of helping push them, which makes no sense at all.

Typical WWE preferring to make retired talent look great instead of using retired talent to help give new talent a boost.

The crowd reaction told you everything here, dull from the moment New Day got out of the giant cereal box until HBK's music hit.

What's worse is that League of Nation is totally irrelevant and you have 3 guys in that group with singles talent being completely wasted right now.

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