Introducing The League Of Nations

While the faction may not currently be "We Hate America", history has shown us that McMahon loves himself some America-haters.

Point well taken. While the LON could eventually turn anti-American, I feel they could function well without having to resort to it. Instead of putting down the US, they could instead trumpet a pro-Europe theme.

After all, these four fellas are essentially singles wrestlers; it would be okay for them to unite often to wipe out everything in front of them without having to resort to a 'hate' message. The thing is, their singles careers must continue.....for two reasons:

First, the practical one: there aren't enough superstars on the damn roster to build a group of four that does nothing else but work with the team. Second, the League of Nations could be constructed as a modified Shield unit, in which the individuals members go solo but have their mates at their backs.

Lastly, this arrangement might just be salvation for poor Wade Barrett, who looks great, wrestles great......and can't seem to get anywhere as a singles performer.

I like the whole idea.

Of course, I wish the group had one more European member........from Scotland. :icon_sad:
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I like the concept of this group for several reasons, one for the historical significance of the actual League Of Nations formed after World War I (precursor to the United Nations), two as it follows the pattern of a faction protecting the World Champ (much like Evolution protecting Hunter Hearst Helmsley, the Four Horsemen protecting Ric Flair, etc.), and three it creates a clear force on the bad guy side of the locker room where there was a slight vacuum before.

For now the group gets along, functions as a unit well, and helps each other out. If the managers like Zeb Colter or Lana gets involved with them the group could be even more interesting and almost Heenan family like if Zeb unites them. We all know Barrett has lead factions before, but now he is just a number. Sheamus has never been in a group before that I can recall. But sooner or later, I can see their egos exploding and them having tensions with one another.
Like many I think it's a great idea, but they need to stick with it, I also see there is no reason for the to go the anti-america route to an extent too, this will guarantee heat. Would be awesome if we saw a type of hart foundation reaction from back in the day, where everywhere in Europe cheers them and the states boo them. Make it a proper faction though, where they all back each other up and interfere in each other's matches.

Like many though, I worry.

A great opportunity these days mainly equals terrible booking that follows with the inevitable swerve over a couple of weeks where they effectively act like it never happened because they messed it up so bad.

Big opportunity for something big here. Love the idea too of some of the women and nxt guys joining, a Balor heel turn would be great, Lynch, Itami...a returning Sami Zayn...that would be cool
Jesus fuck it takes 7 men to hold down Ambrose and Reigns in the end. Why would I think the League is credible?

Lets hope for some suspension some time soon. Lets see.

Keep in mind, the entire NWO would run for cover whenever Ric Flaire's flabby ass would come hobbling after them.
Finally, a... fresher idea. I would venture to say most people on this forum wanted some type of stable comprised out of people like sheamus, barret. While I'm heavily disinterested in a Sheamus title run at this point ( and I actually like Sheamus ) due to him being in the company for quite some time and being irrelevant for so long, this new dynamic added to his reign makes it more interesting and I'm really curious what they will do with it.

I'm already barely watching Raw, so I'm hoping this makes me want to watch it. But something tells me, nothing big will come out of this for anyone from the League of Nations. It's up to WWE to prove people wrong at this point cause it's so easy to look at the stable and realize no major star will be created there.
I see this being a good thing for Barrett and Rusev. Rusev is now aligned with the world champion which should hopefully get him out of programs with no marks like Ziggler. I'm hoping WWE try to make him the monster he was before Cena crushed him.

Barrett has personality and the Bad News gimmick will work well as part of a stable. He's going to shine alongside bores like Sheamus and Del Rio.

I suppose it'll also work for Sheamus in some capacity. I mean he has fall guys now so he'll do fewer jobs.
I'm willing to give it a chance. At least they're doing something with these guys other than wasting our time with ridiculous love triangles (Rusev) and obscurity (Barrett). The only question I have is, How far is creative going to take this? Will this be something the writers forget about in two weeks?
With this happening does Lesnar win the rumble and get his match at Fastlane with Sheamus? He did comment on that match recently too. Maybe the Wyatt family costing him the match than that pushes a Wyatt/League of Nations feud.

Only leaving Lesnar to defend the title at a Sold out arena at WM32 against... Batista!

I could see Brock winning the Rumble but I think Reigns faces Sheamus at Fast Lane and gets screwed by HHH, leading to their match at WM.

I could see Sheamus vs. Brock at WM but I think they're going to continue with the Bryan angle and have Reigns vs. HHH be if Reigns wins he gets a spot in the Sheamus/Brock match.

I can't see a Wyatt Family vs. LON feud. I think Wyatt Family will continue their feud with the BOD.
Hopefully they haven't dropped the MexAmerica thing. I noticed Zeb and Del Rio never mentioned it and they didn't come out with the flag. I thought that MexAmerica could fit in nicely with the League of Nations thing.
Hey, huge fan of Rusev, big fan of Del Rio & Barrett. Sheamus is winning me round with his cocky prick gimmick. As long as they stay hot after Bryan beats Sheamus for the title at 'Mania, then ladies and germs, we have a faction for The Shield to return against at SummerSlam
I'd like to disagree with your opinion, though I respect it.

We as humans, as wrestling fans will never find perfection in anything. If you were to find faults with this group, you'll find many. Heck, I just watched the first segment from Raw and man is Sheamus terribly awfully dreadful to listen to!

Nonetheless, I feel that the faction feels organic, except that it's not PERFECTLY organic because as you pointed out, Alberto Del Rio with his recent MexAmerican crap storyline, or even otherwise, feels like an odd man out. Sheamus and Wade Barret(which I thought in 2014 itself) are a perfect harmonious match. Rusev is their muscleman. Basically, the purpose of this faction may or may not be simply to "protect Roman", but perhaps to get ratings, give us something fresh and interesting to watch while most of the stars are away(Lesnar, Cena, Bryan, Rollins). I do believe it's working too. Quite a few people in the comments section have said that this storyline/development finally feels like something fresh and new. But I do have my concerns- the biggest being Sheamus' exceedingly boring and repetitive microphone work.
Well for one before this group was formed why was Wade Barrett Sheamus's whipping boy? Sheamus is from the northern part of Ireland which is a wannabe England. Wade Barrett won King of the Ring this year but he acts like Virgil. Not that I like Wade but that doesn't make sense. ADR just mocked England so why would he associate with Wade or Sheamus since it is not part of Mexico or America. Organic was Seth Rollins with New day check out the youtube videos they are funny. I didn't like Zeb paired with Del Rio nor do I like this sappy stuff of Land with Rusev. Rusev seems like he is in the dog house and when it comes to someone taking the fall in this group he seems like the guy followed by Wade. I guess people think this is new but the only way that happens is if this group takes out Reigns. If it doesn't I don't see the point of this kiddie like group to begin with. Sheamus seems confused as he was wearing a suit like he is apart of the Authority but then follows it up with this Hurricane type gimmick.
I will say they are trying something new but when the roster is depleted as it is you don't need to form a faction to expose the lack of talent like they did on Monday night.
This felt very...random to me. I understand why King Barrett was there, but are Rusev and del Rio necessary? Doesn't make sense to me, BUT I will concede that I prefer this stable surrounding Sheamus over the Authority. At least Sheamus forming his own group differentiates Sheamus from Rollins. I can't stress that enough. Sheamus needs to be a totally different character from Rollins, if they want to salvage this title reign.
Well for one before this group was formed why was Wade Barrett Sheamus's whipping boy? Sheamus is from the northern part of Ireland which is a wannabe England. Wade Barrett won King of the Ring this year but he acts like Virgil. Not that I like Wade but that doesn't make sense. ADR just mocked England so why would he associate with Wade or Sheamus since it is not part of Mexico or America. Organic was Seth Rollins with New day check out the youtube videos they are funny. I didn't like Zeb paired with Del Rio nor do I like this sappy stuff of Land with Rusev. Rusev seems like he is in the dog house and when it comes to someone taking the fall in this group he seems like the guy followed by Wade. I guess people think this is new but the only way that happens is if this group takes out Reigns. If it doesn't I don't see the point of this kiddie like group to begin with. Sheamus seems confused as he was wearing a suit like he is apart of the Authority but then follows it up with this Hurricane type gimmick.
I will say they are trying something new but when the roster is depleted as it is you don't need to form a faction to expose the lack of talent like they did on Monday night.

Alright man. I'm going to have to agree with you. It's quite a bit of a mishmash, which might only lead to nothing, like Nexus and pretty much most things WWE does today.

By the way, I hated the very sight of Alberto Del Rio and Zeb Colter and the latter's dreadful promos about being one people(America/Mexico), as well. MexAmerica? Holy fucking Hell. Talk about inconsistency and incoherence.

Seth Rollins and New Day, I've missed that but will surely youtube it.

What did you think of the New Day/Sheamus segment?
I for one am willing to give it a watch before saying anything negative towards it. I mean hell they just debuted it before the end of the show, and they should be given a chance to see what happens.

Like others said though, I wouldn't be adding a ton of members. These four are enough. If one leaves due to dispute then add another. I wouldn't even include the Diva's they have their own issues to deal with.

This group would do well up against the Wyatt's and that's a match I would love to see. But keeping in mind that all of them are singles wrestlers, and don't let that impact already existing storylines.

Hopefully with the LON, we'll see much less of the Authority, and more wrestling, which believe it or not is the reason I watch RAW to begin with.

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