Wrestlemania XXX: Andre The Giant Memorial 30 Man Battle Royal

WWE are wasting everybodies time if they have an established star win this thing. Sheamus, Big Show and others aleardy have superior achievements under their belts. Give it to somebody fresh.

I'd agree, although if WWE have every intention of this becoming an annual thing then there is value in giving it to an established name. It gives it an element of prestige if they can tell us next year, and the year after, and the year after that that the inaugrial winner was a Sheamus or a Big Show. Far more than if they gave it to Rusev and then he didn't get over.
If it goes to somebody established then I can't see WWE using it. If WWE tell me Big Show won a Battle Royal at WrestleMania, then I just shrug because I'm aware it pales in comparison to all his other achievements.

Give it to Rusez (or whoever) and he makes an impact on his proper debut and I'm immediately going to sit up and take notice. I'm going to immediatly think that WWE have plans for this guy and he's going to be given his shot, sink or swim.
As soon as it was announced, Big Show was the first name that popped into my head.

However, I think Big E will win it.
I'm gonna go with Big E. for the win. Losing clean to ADR, who by a few reports is on his way out, has to lead to something.
I'm thinking there'll be some surprise entrants in this match. Thus far, the participants in the battle royal are listed:

(1) Intercontinental Champion Big E
(2) Dolph Ziggler
(3) Fandango
(4) Alberto Del Rio
(5) Damien Sandow
(6) Christian
(7) Titus O'Neil
(8) Sheamus
(9) Big Show
(10) Mark Henry
(11) The Miz
(12) Goldust
(13) Cody Rhodes
(14) Kofi Kingston
(15) Heath Slater
(16) Jinder Mahal
(17) Drew McIntyre
(18) Brodus Clay
(19) Darren Young
(20) Justin Gabriel
(21) Rey Mysterio
(22) R-Truth
(23) Santino Marella
(24) The Great Khali
(25) Zack Ryder
(26) Sin Cara
(27) Brad Maddox
(28) ???
(29) ???
(30) ???

Ryback and Curtis Axel were originally listed, but they aren't now. I suppose they could pull double duty, though I'm doubting it'll happen. If they aren't in the match, that leaves 3 spots unaccounted for. I think RVD will be one of those surprise entrants, it's possible that Chris Jericho will pop up even though there's no real indication of it. Maybe one or even all three members of The Shield will pull double duty that results in animosity that rears its head in their six man tag match later on in the night. Since the tag title match is on the kickoff show, I'd say it'll either the battle royal or Bryan vs. Triple H will be the first match on the main card.

As to who wins, I honestly think its wide open at this point. Most of these guys are either low carders, mid-carders or outright comedy acts. Since Big Show is being portrayed as the overwhelming favorite, it's all but certain he won't win. I'd say the favorites in the match are, in no particular order, Big E, Sheamus, Dolph Ziggler and Alberto Del Rio. They're the only guys in the match that have any real degree of momentum at this point.
I think its a one-time-only thing, 25% to honour Andre The Giant, and 75% to make some money off his name. Instead of the random pre-show battle royale that no one gives a fuck about, putting it on the main card will make-up the free time you will have because your "creative" wasn't creative enough to come up with feuds for the United States and Intercontinental titles. But since people don't have any reason to care about it either, why not put Andre's name there and make a trophy of him to give to the winner? Because quite obviously, the winner will be someone random like Sheamus or Big Show, whom you cannot make #1 contenders for the World title while the part timers and current main-eventers are still around.
Why Andre The Giant memorial? Why not Mr. Perfect or Macho Man memorial? That's because the younger audience who even though never saw any match of his, they know this much that Andre was a gigantic guy who was near-unstoppable. Whereas in case of the other two guys or any other expired legendary wrestler, their knowledge is zero. So that will facilitate the money-making and interest-building even more.

Ah, this match. The match where you win a stupid trophy that no matter how much Hulk Hogan hypes it up, will end up meaning absolutely nothing when all is said and done. Anyone remember the Bragging Rights trophy? I foresee this trophy being as relevant as that. I think this will be the opening match. It would set the pace for the rest of the show nicely given the Battle Royal format. It could perhaps go on later on in the evening also in between the bigger matches. I'd put it first but if it doesn't go first then that either goes to the 6 man tag match or Daniel Bryan VS Trips. I just wish the prize was something more valuable. Maybe an Intercontinental Championship shot or something?

So now we get to who wins this thing. Part of me truly doesn't care, like at all. Primarily because the prize is a useless trophy. Anyone but The Miz. I have to pick SOMEBODY though, so let's go with Sheamus. It would be a cool Wrestlemania moment for him, not to mention the fact that most of the competitors in it really don't have that good of a chance of winning. It's mainly a bunch of midcarders who had nothing else to do but get thrown into this match. Christian, Alberto, and Big Show are really the only others who even have a chance. Big Show is too safe of a bet. Sheamus it is, then.

Sheamus wins the Andre The Giant Memorial Battle Royal.
The way they have hyped this match and given it a title suggests they won't just give the trophy away. Andre is being remembered so they will pick a worthy winner. I'd also say that it will be a face who can really emphasis the importance.

Rey, The Big Show, Big E would all be solid choices. The Miz likewise. Right now, I'd say either Ziggler or Sheamus will win. Two upper-mid card faces and this battle royal seems like it will be used as a method of a push. Ziggler has been on a winning streak and Sheamus really belongs his own match on this card.

Ziggler or Sheamus but if I were to pick one it would be Sheamus.
What are your thoughts on the Battle Royal?
I love the idea of the battle royal, great way to get the majority of the guys on the show. I would have preferred a 30 years of Mania battle royal featuring past legends from Mania's past.....but I can live with this also.

Who will win?
Well the obvious favourite is The Big Show, and considering his poor win-loss record at Mania, and putting over outsiders like Maywether and Akebono, I could see him winning this as a thankyou from the office, and having a guy who may be as tall as the actual trophy. But I really think Alexander Rusev will win the battle royal. Firstly, with the card shaping as a face heavy winning card, a heel winning would slowly even out the face/heel ration of victors. I also see Rusev being pushed hard from Raw the following night, what better way to get exposure than winning this battle royal. None of the established guys really need it, and any of the low to mid card wont be getting a push as a result of this match

Is this going to become a mania tradition or a one time occurrence?
One time I would think, they could have paid homage to Andre many times over the years, I think this is solely for the 30th Mania and with having Hogan back, it just feels right.
I believe this match will be a one time occurrence. IT's a good way of putting everyone else on the card though that I wouldn't mind if this was a new tradition but I'm not getting my hopes up.

It's hard to say who I think may win so I'll pick my definite final 4 for the night as the following have potential to come out victorious.

The Big Show I think has the best chance of them all. Often compares himself to to Andre The Giant and the biggest man in the Battle Royal

Sheamus Another big man who's a good friend of Triple H's.

The Miz I can't help to think if they're still going on with this supposed Mania Streak he has, or are they going to finally pull the trigger on ending it for good.

Dolph Ziggler He's super over with the fans, and most still see him as a future main eventer.
Not a big fan of this match, a filler one by the way, but some talents such as Sheamus's, Rhodes's etc deserves a spot on the Mania card.

It's probably going to be a mediocre match, as far who is going to win, there are a couple of possibilities: Cody Rhodes, Sheamus, Mark Henry, Big Show, Dolph Ziggler (well maybe the latter, not so much). But this is what makes interesting this match, there is no obvious winner, also its going to be interesting to see what does creative for the winner after Mania.
Gotta go with Sheamus on this one, fellas.

Being a babyface, it is unusual that he has not gotten the hey, you're back! Moment or push.

I think that changes tonight, Sheamus wins.
So, I guess I should give some predictions for this match. Battle Royals are my favorite match type so I am really looking forward to this.

Mystery Spots:

Ultimate Warrior: He buried that hatchet with the WWE and what better way to show friendship with the WWE than coming back to compete one more time on the Grandest Stage of Them All. It could also give Hogan and Warrior the burying the hatchet moment as Hulk hands Warrior the statute and the two shake hands.

Cesaro: He is very over, and winning the Battle Royal could help him out. He turns on Swagger, or Swagger turns on him during the preshow, make him the babyface out of it. Then he goes out solo and wins the Battle Royal to show that he is better without Swagger slowing him down.

Alexander Rusev: He is a big guy, WWE loves him and wants to push him. They could make him appear very strong in a big man Battle Royal.

Rob Van Dam: He is set to return soon, what better way than a mystery slot?


I gave up on El Torito winning for irony sake a long time ago. I think the winner will be one of the mystery guys as I can't see anyone who is announced winning. Sure, Big Show makes sense, but it is way to predictale.
As others have said, it seems an excuse to get as many wrestlers on the card as possible, but without the creativity of creating a number of feuds beforehand.

I'd love to see a Cesaro or Ziggler win. The only way though that I can really see this type of match becoming meaningful is a heel winning and then constantly bragging about it in the coming weeks (ala Owen Hart and his Slammy's or Booker T and winning King of the Ring).
Probably the match that most exceeded my expectations. The kofi spot was great. Semi botched but that's a crazy hard spot and him falling and keeping his feet on was even cooler. Cesaro winning and the way he did was great.
Cesaro's win here really caught me off guard. Good for him, I hope this means a push. Give him an Intercontinental or US Championship shot. I really really hope that dumb trophy ends up being used for SOMETHING. I'm legitimately surprised that Big Show did not win this. Biggest mark out moment from everyone at my PPV party tonight.... when Miz got eliminated in this. We all cheered at the top of our lungs. True story. Good match and it really exceeded my expectations. If they do more of these in the future it can be a great way to get the midcarders onto the show at Wrestlemania. The event definitely needs some type of multi man attraction match ever since Money In the Bank stopped being Wrestlemania exclusive. Cesaro got his Wrestlemania moment.
It was actually incredibly fun once all the guys who were just making up the numbers were eliminated. Cesaro was given his chance to shine and he did. I can see him being similar in Bryan. Somebody who WWE push steadily but then just have to go with it and push him to the moon.

It is annoying when people like Yoshi Tatsu (what can't get on Main Event or Superstars) gets on the show and Raw regulars like The Usos are on the pre-show. If Cesaro can pull double duty, then so can regular Raw talent holding titles.
Cesaro's win here really caught me off guard. Good for him, I hope this means a push. Give him an Intercontinental or US Championship shot. I really really hope that dumb trophy ends up being used for SOMETHING. I'm legitimately surprised that Big Show did not win this. Biggest mark out moment from everyone at my PPV party tonight.... when Miz got eliminated in this. We all cheered at the top of our lungs. True story. Good match and it really exceeded my expectations. If they do more of these in the future it can be a great way to get the midcarders onto the show at Wrestlemania. The event definitely needs some type of multi man attraction match ever since Money In the Bank stopped being Wrestlemania exclusive. Cesaro got his Wrestlemania moment.

These belts don't really do anything anymore. Cesaro had the US title. I think he was more popular without it than when he had it.

Him body slamming Show to win was great, but I would have loved to see him do the swing on him right before Show was eliminated. I was actually expecting it when those 2 were left.
Him body slamming Show to win was great, but I would have loved to see him do the swing on him right before Show was eliminated. I was actually expecting it when those 2 were left.

I watched the wrestlemania weekend interview with him and he said that big show along with mark henry were the 2 people he didn't think he would actually be able to swing. He said he would rather do moves with them he knows he could pull off rather then try something he doubted he could do and fail. Makes sense though those 2 have absurd centers of gravity.
My initial opinion was that this was just a way to get a bunch of mid-carders and former main eventers into WM. But I thought about this and so what if it is?? They managed the pace excellently, it went by fast and in no way reminded me of the Royal Rumble. And more than any belt this may have opened doors for Antonio Cesaro.

I would tweak the number of entrants but I would keep this for now in future WM's. Thoughts?
Not to disrespect Andre, but I think the stakes should be larger than a stupid trophy. I think it should be for an IC or US title shot or for a WWE title shot on RAW the next night or something. I thought it was enjoyable but a little meaningless.
I think 20 guys and the build up that at least 10 are a threat to win it would be great.... The way the build happened it looked like Big Show was the only one as a legit threat to win it and as soon as i saw Cesaro in there after the pre show you knew he was winning, it would have been better if Swagger was also in it and Cesaro crushed him during the match so we could skip the real americans blow off fued and get cesaro in something bigger asap
I agree with parts of both previous posts - I did enjoy it. There were some great spots. Kofi... i mean... what can you say, that was crazy! If the rules say two feet... they mean two feet. His inclusion and narrow escape in matches like this are becoming a tradition. I think they named it after Andre because it was planned for Cesaro to slam the Big Show like he did a la Hulk/Andre. Maybe each year they should name it after another former great superstar and have the ending of the match itself be a way to honor the star it is named after (which is what I believe this was), not just have the name and trophy be the way of honoring the person. Honestly, I have no idea what they could do in the future to make this happen, but I'm sure there are classic moments from the past that can be mimicked. The second post brings up the point that the winner should get an IC or US Title match (I believe the post says the next night on Raw)... not a bad idea, but why not on the main show of Wrestlemania? They could have had the Battle Royal first, then HHH/DB, then maybe Cena/Wyatt, then the IC match, to give the winner a break. Another thing I would say I agree with from above is the number needs to be cut, or possibly start with maybe half the guys, then the rest come out Royal Rumble-style so the guys have more room to work. One last thing, I would like to see more focus on one-on-one battles within the context of the Battle Royal, maybe have one partner turn on another partner, to set up feuds post-mania... would be cool to see some fighting outside the ring to further this. Just as an example, say, Titus O'Neil eliminates Darren Young - then have someone come up behind Titus and eliminate him and have those two fight at ringside for a bit or fight their way up the ramp. Again, that's just an example. Obviously those two have broken up already, but the Battle Royal could be a way to break up a team that hasn't broken up yet, too. I'd like to see at least three new, fresh feuds started from any further Battle Royals like this. Most of these guys were in this because WWE didn't know what to do with them... they should use it as an opportunity to start something for some of those guys!

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