WrestleMania X-8: Rate It

What is your opinion on Wrestlemania X-*?

  • It was the best Wrestlemania ever!!!

  • It's one of the top 5 Mania's.

  • It was an average WrestleMania.

  • It sucked, one of the bottom 5 ever.

  • It was the worst Wrestlemania ever!

  • Haven't seen it.

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Shaman of Sexy
Now I have seen in the Wrestlemania X-7 thread that people have brought up WrestleMania X-8 as being both good and bad. I personally really enjoyed this show and was the first pay per view that my parents actually let me watch live, so maybe that adds to it, but anyways I'll run down the card and give my thoughts on some of the matches that I think made this show great.

IC Title Match: Rob Van Dam vs. William Regal: The crowning of RVD's first IC title reign, this was an awesome opening match, these two really got the crowd going and this match also includes a sick spot where Regal folds RVD in half with a full nelson suplex. This really is an underrated match IMO.

European Title Match: Christian vs. DDP: Kind of a dumb match, but these two were kind of feuding, a filler match, DDP won it and Christian threw a temper tantrum after (not his best days).

Hardcore Title Match: Maven vs. Goldust: I was always a fan of the 24/7 rule as it produced entertaining segments and the match did this, saw Spike, Hurricane, Molly, Christian and Maven win the belt through the night (good comedy segments between matches).

Kurt Angle vs. Kane: Another solid match on this crad that seems to be forgotten, Angle blames Kane for him not being in the main event, and wins via rollup w/ feet on ropes. Good match.

Ric Flair vs. Undertaker: No DQ: Everyone who says Flair hasn't had a good match since 92 look no further than right here, these two went almost 30 minutes, both shed some blood and Taker delievered a sick superplex, this match was one that really solidified this undercard, great build to the match with Taker beating up Arn and David Flair to get Flair's attention.

Edge vs. Booker T: A glorified comedy match that was actually pretty good, they threw this two into a Weakest Link/Shampoo commercial feud and they delivered with a solid Mania match.

Stone Cold vs. Scott Hall: The nWo came to get rid of Austin and here Austin fought off Hall and Nash on his way to victory in a pretty solid brawl.

Tag Team Elimination Match for Tag Titles: Billy and Chuck defeat Dudley Boyz, Hardy Boyz and APA: This may seem boring or uninteresting, but I really view this match as the last hurrah for the WWE tag team division, three of the four teams here were split later that month in the draft and Billy and Chuck were given the ball to run with as tag champs.

Icon vs. Icon: Rock vs. Hogan: The crowd was absolutely electric in this match (it probably should have been the main event) saw basically the last half of the match featuring only finishers, finisher reversals, finisher kickouts and stolen finishers. Great atmosphere, the wrestling isn't awesome, but these two delivered a dream match for many.

Women's Title Match: Lita vs. Trish vs. Jazz: A filler match to give the fans a break before the main event, and anyone who wasn't taking a bathroom break realized that this was probably one of the best WrestleMania women's matches ever.

Undisputed Title Match: Chris Jericho vs. Triple H: Oh the days when Chris Jericho was main eventing WrestleMania, this match was more about Trips vs Steph, who was in Jericho's corner. But this was a very well done match, lots of good false finishes, Trips finally gave Steph what she deserved (a Pedigree) and wins the Undisputed title.

This Mania is among my top 3, along with 10 and 22. I haven't seen every Mania, but I think is one that is sometimes forgotten by many. Check it out, if you've seen it, let's see what you think about this spectacular (IMO) WrestleMania.
Hmm, I think this is somewhere along the bottom of the middle of the pack in my book. I really left this Wrestlemania with, meh. Not terrible, but certainly capable of being much better.

I know it was Austin's doing, but how in the hell the Rock got Austin's spot in that match still baffles me to this day. Austin vs. Hogan in 2002 would have been insane, especially with the n.W.o. just coming back. Why the hell wasn't Nash on this card as well? I remember when this first went down and the rumored main event or big match was going to be Taker, Rock and Austin vs. the NWO. I'm glad that didn't happen, but none of the singles matches from it lived up to anything.

RVD vs. Regal was a prett solid opening round match up.

Cage vs. DDP, glad to see DDP get a match at Mania, but by this point the WWE had already wasted anything DDP had going for himself.

Maven vs. Goldust, you really couldn't have bothered to fit Mr. Perfect on this card anywhere could you WWE? Maven, freakign Maven on the biggest pay per view of the year, garbage booking at it's finest.

Kurt Angle vs. Kane: Again, you could have had Mr. Perfect vs. Kurt Angle on the card, and you went with Kane. Maybe Angles worst WM match, through no fault of his own.

Ric Flair vs. Undertaker: The Match was good, but because of the gimmick stipulation and nothing more. Hell the biggest pop of the match was when Arn Anderson ran down and nailed that kick ass spinebuster on the Deadman. That was a great moment, even better to see the Deadman destroy both the Horsemen.

Edge vs. Booker T: A bad match out of two good athletes. The hair contract was ridiculous. It wasn't a terrible outign, but seeing what these two can do, this wasn't great.

Steve Austin vs. Scott Hall: How many stunners did Scott Hall oversell in this match? This match was a train wreck from start to finish and was just terrible. How Austin was in a midcard match at Mania is beyond me. Oh Wait, Triple H was in the main event, I see so clearly now.

Tag Team Match: By this point the tag team titles were irrelevant and Billy and Chuck were horrible, along with the Hardy's. The APA were only good for their skits, nothing mroe, nothing less. A very blah match, considering the previous two years tag title matches, this was a let down.

Icon vs. Icon: I really don't see why people love this match. Outside of the crowd melting in the hands of Hogan and the crowd reaction, the match was incredibly ridiculous. It looked like a back yard wrestling matches with all of the finishing moves and no selling. Truly a joke of a match.

Women's championship match: I honestly didn't mind this match, pretty solid considering how green two of the contestants were at the time.

Triple H vs. Jericho: A huge let down. Let's not forget that wonderful entrance fucked up to hell and back by Drowning Pool. It was a lackluster climax to the return of Triple H and a sure sign that the WWE was beginning to fade. This match wasn't terrible, but there was something missing. There was no real sense of Jericho being able to win that match, which took away alot from the match I thought.

So a very average wrestlemania in my estimation.
I'm agreeing that it was average at best. This payper view was built on two, maybe even three matches and not a solid card. While the Rock-Hogan match is a spectacle as it was a dream match, Hall and Austin just didn't do it for me. Hall was always the least of the three original NWO, and having the biggest star in the company wrestling him on the midcard was just awkward. Hall never felt like a threat at all to Austin, and the match was just dull with nash doing nothing to help it. The main event was just....there. It was cool because the title changed hands and Steph got pedigreed, but it was so predictable it was sad. No one thought Jericho stood a prayer of retaining and he didn't. HHH was winning that match from the day he came back. The rest of the card is completely forgettable, with only Taker and Flair being worth much. The other matches were good but just nothing worth takling about 6 years later. Overall just average at best.
I liked Wrestlemania 18 alot actually and it had some Good Matches with alot of Entertainment over the Hardcore Title 24/7 Rule. Plus you can't beat 68,000 Fans packing an Arena like The Skydome so that to me made that Wrestlemania much more special. Y2J/HHH was a decent Main Event for the Undisputed Title with Stephanie getting a Pedigree. Rock & Hulk Hogan nuff said there stole the Show. Regal/RVD for the IC Title was a good opener and RVD won his 1st Major Title. Undertaker & Flair a classic brawl with Arn Anderson getting involved and the build to it was great. Austin & Hall wasn't bad and I laugh everytime I see Austin stun Hall when he jumps in the air. Tag Title 4 Way was pretty good with some good action from all the Teams involved though I thought the APA getting eliminated early was a bad move. DDP/Christian for the European Title was alright but how anyone can call it a filler is wrong because there was a backstory with DDP trying to help Christian break his losing streak before Christian turned on Page.
I was at this one so I may be a little biased. It was not a GREAT card but it was a good one. Anyone who says Rock/Hogan was trash doesn't have clue what they are talking about. It may not have been the best 'wrestling' match but nothing compares to the atmosphere at the Dome on that night for that match. Taker/Flair was awesome and the AA spinbuster was the icing on the cake of a classic brawl. HHH/Y2J was a let down as was Austin/Hall. The rest of the matches were decent but nothing spectacular. But for me, as someone who was there, the money I spent was worth it just for Rock/Hogan.
This show had a ton of solid in ring matches, but that's the problem, if you have 6 consecutive solid in ring matches, it seems like 100 minutes of solid wrestling, which gets pretty meh. You need stuff to break up the consistency, you need variety, which this WM didn't have.

Rock vs Hogan blew the fuckin' roof off, and HHH vs Jericho was a much better than average match, but most everything else was just a bunch of average, and while there wasn't really a single bad match, there wasn't a whole lot of great, that's why I think this WM is pretty mediocre.

I'd put WM3 (on Savage vs Steamboat alone), WM10, 12, 14, 17, 19, 21, and probably 20 as better, maybe even more. To me a WM should have an absolute complete mix of everything, at this wrestlemania there wasn't a true holy shit match, the hardcore match was built too much on the gimmick of the 24/7 rule, though fun, it wasn't a "hardcore" hardcore match, I don't remember a technical match that stands out like Benoit vs Angle and I don't remember a brawl significantly standing out either.

I have seen every single wrestlemania all the way through at least 3 times each because before WM I used to watch them in order, starting in about December, but in recent years, I just can't watch the shittacular WM4-7 anymore, they're all like 4 hours long and boring as hell.
To bash this Wrestlemania to me, you have to just plain out not respect or followed the glory days of the late 80's, and the n.W.o. in WCW, and the attitude era in the WWF in the late 90's.

Why do I say this?


Because this wrestlemania combined all of the above.


You had Hulk Hogan, The Rock, Stone Stone Cold Steve Austin, The Nature Boy Ric Flair, The Undertaker,Kurt Angle, Triple H, Kevin Nash, Kane, Diamond Dallas Page, Booker T, Edge, Scott Hall, Rob Van Dam, etc.

Can you honestly name me a PPV or an EVENT that FEATURED THAT MANY BIG NAME STARS EVER???

You have pretty much , the HIGHEST DRAWING wrestlers of all time on ONE CARD.

You had the old, mixed with the new, the n.W.o. mixed with Attitude, then mixed with a nostalgic 80's feel when the crowd erupted for Hulk Hogan, not Hollywood Hogan.

To me it was really the last time we got to see the the Attitude Era-The Rock, Austin, Triple H, Taker, Angle and the old good WCW(96-99) on one card with DDP, n.W.o., Booker T.

To me it was the last time, we would see the 2 of the greatest periods in wrestling colide together.
Poor in the sence that it's not really got any good quality matches. Hogan/Rock is a classic depending on who you talk to. But I thought it was pretty poor.

Other than that what really happened on the card? I pride myself on being able to remember pretty much the whole card when it comes to former WWE events. But with this one I really struggle. Overall 2002 was a really good year. Especially by totays standards. But I remeber B Shows and other events more than that years Mania. Most of the matches are fine, but to me it was just another show.

Be honest, do you really remember Hall/Austin?
Rock vs Hogan is a classic, if you don't think so, you don't understand pro wrestling and have totally succumbed to the internet 5 star bullshit.

Listen, the point, the one and only, sole-purpose of a wrestling match is to draw a reaction, in the WWF/E, a great reaction is a loud and long one, can anyone think of a match that had a louder/longer reaction than this one?

Also, just because it mixed the best of everything in the late 80's, nWo(NOT really, just in name) and Attitude era (again, just in name) doesn't mean shit, remember, this was 2002, not 1992, Wrestlemania shouldn't be a damn nostalgia show.

Also, late 80's WWF sucked cock, it was like Chris Masters vs Chris Masters constantly, they didn't have more charisma, that's a bullshit fabrication, they had more roids back then, that's it. Seriously, someone sit through wrestlemania 4, 5, 6, or 7 and tell me that the late 80's WWF was wrestling at its best.

You're right, WMX8 was a lot like late 80's WWF, a lot of generic wrestling in a row, more solid than late 80's, but generic none the less.
Rock vs Hogan is a classic, if you don't think so, you don't understand pro wrestling and have totally succumbed to the internet 5 star bullshit.

The match is average. Without the crowd and there reaction to it it's nothing. Big reactions make a match appear better than it is. Watch it with the sound off. I understand pro wrestling. I understand tha Hogan/Andre is the biggest most important match off all time. Doesn't stop me thinking it's a pile of shit though.

Listen, the point, the one and only, sole-purpose of a wrestling match is to draw a reaction, in the WWF/E, a great reaction is a loud and long one, can anyone think of a match that had a louder/longer reaction than this one?

The reaction is longer because three quarters of the match is made of posturing. Take away that and the reaction would have been shorter obviously.

Use the actual match as an example of the amount of heat and it was pretty much the same as any Hogan match.
I would say Wrestlemania X-8 is probably an average one, however, it does have one of the most memorable moments ever...When nWo Hollywood Hulk Hogan walked down the ramp to face the Rock, got in the ring, and him and Rock stood there for what seemed to be ten minutes of the fans cheering for Hogan, to me, that was one of the best moments ever. Here we had Hogan, who in WCW had zero problems being booed out of the building for the same character, and the Rock, who was supposed to be the single biggest face in the WWE going against each other, and for this match, their roles completely reversed. Hogan, in the WWE, at Wrestlemania, can NEVER be booed. It was total validation of his entire career in the WWE. Watching the expressions on both Hogan and Rock's face, as the crowd chanted is truly priceless, and kudos to the ref and to Rock for not hurrying to start the match, and letting Hogan have his moment. When I think of triumphant returns, nothing can match Hogan's return to Wrestlemania...
The match is average. Without the crowd and there reaction to it it's nothing. Big reactions make a match appear better than it is. Watch it with the sound off. I understand pro wrestling. I understand tha Hogan/Andre is the biggest most important match off all time. Doesn't stop me thinking it's a pile of shit though.

Too bad that's your opinion, and me saying that pro wrestling was made to entertain is a fact. Also, the way to tell if a match entertained people (did it's job, and thus was a good match) is to judge the reaction.

I don't give a fuck if two guys have a pose-down, strip naked, stick each other's fingers up their asses, then rub their asses on the mat like a dog, if the crowd reacts hotly, it's a good match.

Remember, wrestling at it's core is a circus side-show. I don't know where the fuck the idea of "pure" wrestling came from, but the only time that pure wrestling or high workrate comes into play is if it caters to the audience, such as in Japan or ROH various indies.

That's the thing about pro wrestling, the fans opinion only matters if it's the majority, if there are 100 people sitting on their hands, bored to death while 69,900 other people are yelling so loud they're losing their voice, the match is a success, regardless if the 100 people think it's the biggest piece of shit ever.

Do I prefer HHH vs Jericho over Hogan vs Rock (well, actually I don't, but let's say I do) it doesn't matter, because Hogan vs Rock got a better reaction.

Is Samoa Joe vs Kenta Kobashi a better match than Cena vs Khali, hell yes, because it catered to their fans better, if Cena vs Khali had a Rock vs Hogan type reaction, it'd be a better match, I don't like it, but I would be. Pro wrestling success isn't an opinionated thing, it's factual, you simply listen to the reaction.

Shelton Benjamin putting on matches that cater to a small percentage may be good to that small percentage, but it doesn't make him good if he doesn't get a reaction, you have to cater to your fans. That's why you can't say that any match would be good anywhere, at least not most matches.

KENTA vs Bryan Danielson got 5 stars from damn near everyone who's a fan. But that's just it, if you put the match in front of a WWE crowd, they'd hate it, it's a bad WWE match, but an amazing ROH match, just like Hogan vs Rock, it's an amazing WWE match, but would be a horrible ROH match.

The beauty of pro wrestling is that there are so many different styles that it can cater to anyone, I realize this, I'm not the biggest fan of Rock vs Hogan, but I realize that it was a great match because it did exactly what a pro wrestling match is supposed to do, whether it catered to me or not is irrelevant, it was a great match.
I just don't know about this one. I enjoyed this Wrestlemania purely based on star power. The nWo, Austin, The Rock, Flair, Taker are just a few of the many who made the card probably one of the strongest LOOKING cards in the history of Wrestlemania. As far as the quality, not great in my opinion.

My biggest issue was Steve Austin not being in the main event when he had systematically carried the company with the Rock for the previous 5 years. Not a knock on Scott Hall, but hell come on. The Rock gets Hogan, and Austin gets Hall. I think they should have had Scott Hall face Kane and had Austin take on Kurt Angle. That would have been a match worth watching at Wrestlemania in my opinion.
Too bad that's your opinion, and me saying that pro wrestling was made to entertain is a fact. Also, the way to tell if a match entertained people (did it's job, and thus was a good match) is to judge the reaction.

I don't give a fuck if two guys have a pose-down, strip naked, stick each other's fingers up their asses, then rub their asses on the mat like a dog, if the crowd reacts hotly, it's a good match.

Remember, wrestling at it's core is a circus side-show. I don't know where the fuck the idea of "pure" wrestling came from, but the only time that pure wrestling or high workrate comes into play is if it caters to the audience, such as in Japan or ROH various indies.

That's the thing about pro wrestling, the fans opinion only matters if it's the majority, if there are 100 people sitting on their hands, bored to death while 69,900 other people are yelling so loud they're losing their voice, the match is a success, regardless if the 100 people think it's the biggest piece of shit ever.

Do I prefer HHH vs Jericho over Hogan vs Rock (well, actually I don't, but let's say I do) it doesn't matter, because Hogan vs Rock got a better reaction.

Is Samoa Joe vs Kenta Kobashi a better match than Cena vs Khali, hell yes, because it catered to their fans better, if Cena vs Khali had a Rock vs Hogan type reaction, it'd be a better match, I don't like it, but I would be. Pro wrestling success isn't an opinionated thing, it's factual, you simply listen to the reaction.

Shelton Benjamin putting on matches that cater to a small percentage may be good to that small percentage, but it doesn't make him good if he doesn't get a reaction, you have to cater to your fans. That's why you can't say that any match would be good anywhere, at least not most matches.

KENTA vs Bryan Danielson got 5 stars from damn near everyone who's a fan. But that's just it, if you put the match in front of a WWE crowd, they'd hate it, it's a bad WWE match, but an amazing ROH match, just like Hogan vs Rock, it's an amazing WWE match, but would be a horrible ROH match.

The beauty of pro wrestling is that there are so many different styles that it can cater to anyone, I realize this, I'm not the biggest fan of Rock vs Hogan, but I realize that it was a great match because it did exactly what a pro wrestling match is supposed to do, whether it catered to me or not is irrelevant, it was a great match.

Fair enough. But surley a great match would come through on mute. What's considered one of the top WWE matches of all time? I'm not sure. Some people would go Hogan/Andre, some would say Benoit/Angle at Rumble 03. But one got a great reaction, the other was abgreat match. Watch Hogan/Rock with no sound and what have you got? Certainly not a great WWE match. Great heat, but nothing more. And great heat doesn't make a great match, it makes you think somethings great.

Anyway I did a thread on this so I'll try and find it for you, this is going off topic.
Yea but that makes absolutely no sense to watch it on mute, because the whole POINT of wrestling is to get a reaction, not to put on a match with high workrate, complex psychology, innovative spots, and stiffness.

A great match can have NONE of those things as long as it gets a great reaction.

Who do you think is a better WWE wrestler (Focus on the WWE part) Shelton Benjamin or John Cena?

The correct answre is John Cena, because he is more over, your opinion of who you like more doesn't matter, because judging a pro wrestler isn't connected to your opinion unless you have the same opinion of many others who the promotion caters to.

It's like this, my little brother likes Finding Nemo more than Silence of the Lambs, if Silence of the Lambs was marketed towards kids, it would have been a failure, and if Finding Nemo was marketed towards adults as a psychological thriller, it would have been a failure, same concept in that it's all about context.
Yea but that makes absolutely no sense to watch it on mute,

It does. Without listening to other peoples reactions you can form a better evaluation for yourself. Try it.

I bet when you're at home watching wrestling you aren't jumping in your seat and shouting at your TV like you would at a live event. Not all the time anyway. I bet the majority of your time you sit there and quietly observe.

A great match can have NONE of those things as long as it gets a great reaction.

Stiffness: See backyard wrestling. Stiff a lot of the time, because those people know no better. And shit.

High Workrate: You can have somebody doing everyting in their power to have a grest match, but sometimes it just doesn't work.

Complex Psychology:
Hogan matches don't really contain complex psychology. It's pretty much, make the comeback at the right time.

Innovative Spots:
See cruiserweights.

Who do you think is a better WWE wrestler (Focus on the WWE part) Shelton Benjamin or John Cena?

The correct answre is John Cena, because he is more over, your opinion of who you like more doesn't matter, because judging a pro wrestler isn't connected to your opinion unless you have the same opinion of many others who the promotion caters to.

I know this. Everybody does.

It's like this, my little brother likes Finding Nemo more than Silence of the Lambs, if Silence of the Lambs was marketed towards kids, it would have been a failure, and if Finding Nemo was marketed towards adults as a psychological thriller, it would have been a failure, same concept in that it's all about context.

Can you have Psychological fish thrillers? Like Jaws, but starring Richard Gere? Or a serial killer in a kids film?

They should make that shit. I'd watch it.

At the end of the day I see where you're coming from. But there is only one fan that matters, and that's me. You could present to me the greatest, stiffest, most technical bout ever. But it can go either way. One I'll agree and I'll think it's awesome, or I won't get it.
This one is my favorite wrestlemania of all time. The Hogan-Rock match is truly a wrestlemania classic, maybe only one step down of the andre-hogan match level as an iconic event. Some poster said that "without the crowd reaction it would have been a pretty meh match" well, the fact is that the crowd was there going NUTS, and that alone was enough to make it awesome. I really really enjoyed that match.
Wrestlemania X-8, going down in the Skydome, or what was once known as the Skydome, in Toronto, Canada. Yes, Toronto, Canada. Why? Don't know. But us Canadians were damn sure lucky.

Awesome storyline and feuds were built, the electric tension was running thick in the air. The matches weren't the top-notch best, but in compensation, top names and the uproarious fan reaction over-exaggerated the entire show, and made it that much better. But I agree with those in agreement that WrestleMania X-8 could have had a better outcome.

Ric Flair vs. Undertaker

These two had a great match out there and I'm not gonna further comment on it. It was a great match and if the PPV should instantly bring a match to mind, it's this one along with Rock and Hogan's, of course.

Stone Cold vs. Scott Hall

Why in the hell did they even sanction this match between Steve Austin and Scott Hall? I mean, I remember the weeks building up to the Mecca, that Hall was doing nothing but getting his ass broken down and stunnered, it was like he had lost his wrestling competence, but surely, he was absolutely no match, threat or competition for Austin, thus, wasting a precious memorable Austin WrestleMania Match. I won't discredit the awesome brawl however, but it's nothing to remember years from then. I say Austin should've joined Triple H and Chris Jericho in the Main Event, in my opinion.

The Rock vs. Hollywood Hogan

I will never hear again on a current WWE show, that decibel level that Toronto gave off for these two iconic figures in an epic kickoff. It was amazingly deafening, electrifying and tension-filled. The dream match that had been long fantasized, had finally come to a head. Not the best wrestling, but highly enthralling, constant switching momentums, and at the end, so emotional. The next night on RAW for the both of them, even more louder, for those who can remember. I will never forget this one.

Triple H vs . Chris Jericho w/Stephanie McMahon
WWF Championship

From the outset, I had a gut feeling this match was gonna come off like scum right off the bat, and I wasn't far right. The most slowest, most uninteresting match WrestleMania has ever hosted is this. With Triple H, I thought he'd find a way to make it decent at least, but no. Well maybe at the end when he pedigreed his pregnancy-faking, demonic, devious, wife and yay, wins the WWF Championship from a scornfully arrogant Jericho, who couldn't ever retain his Championship, agreeably, no offense Y2J, just fact. This one should be memorable because of the good storyline but boring match.

The rest of the card was only just decent. But this event will always be remembered for Rock/Hogan Pt. 1.
True that you form your own opinion, but your opinion doesn't matter, that's my point.

I realize that if there was no commentary, people wouldn't know who to boo or cheer half the time because I honestly believe that a lot of people listen to the commentators to know who's good and who's bad. I watch Lucha Libre which is all in spanish, it's hard as fuck to decide who's a good guy or bad guy at times.

My point was that pro wrestling is all about context, if you're not the targeted audience, and if you don't like it, it doesn't matter, because they don't care about your opinion, so your opinion doesn't matter.
WrestleMania X8 was the last WrestleMania when WWE was still WWF. But I loved The Undertaker vs. Ric Flair Match. And I also loved the The Rock vs. Hulk Hogan match, that to me was almost as good as a Austin vs. Rock match.

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