George Steele's Barber
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I watched WM because I needed an excuse to get out of the fucking house. 
Here is a rundown of what drew in the fans:
It's a WWE PPV: 15%
It's Wrestlemania stupid: 39%
Rock-Cena: 29%
HHH-UT: 10%
Jericho-Punk: 3% (thank you Canadians, Indie marks and Canadian Indie marks)
People who were afraid of losing their streams: 2%
People who just wanted an excuse to get out of their fucking house: 1%
Other: 2%
Otunga & MGK: -1%
(margin of error: ±100%)
I don't know if 1.9m is right. Gus Ramsey seems like a nice enough guy, loves the Broncos and is known as the semi-retired king of Madden. In this day and age numbers can fly pretty fast but at the same time it usually takes longer for numbers to come out. Wrestling TV numbers have been fading but that could be due to young people using DVRs. The numbers certainly had not popped the way one might expect for the road to WM but that isn't necessarily an indication of the WM buyrate. An approximately 85% increase in buys is unheard of but Rock-Cena as a main event is 20 times as interesting as Miz-Cena.
In summary, as explained by Dragon Saga, The Rock is huge in Uganda. Uganda is full of Jabkonies and I don't know what the hell to believe. Go ask your mother and leave me alone. I need to find another excuse to get out of the fucking house.

Here is a rundown of what drew in the fans:
It's a WWE PPV: 15%
It's Wrestlemania stupid: 39%
Rock-Cena: 29%
HHH-UT: 10%
Jericho-Punk: 3% (thank you Canadians, Indie marks and Canadian Indie marks)
People who were afraid of losing their streams: 2%
People who just wanted an excuse to get out of their fucking house: 1%
Other: 2%
Otunga & MGK: -1%
(margin of error: ±100%)
I don't know if 1.9m is right. Gus Ramsey seems like a nice enough guy, loves the Broncos and is known as the semi-retired king of Madden. In this day and age numbers can fly pretty fast but at the same time it usually takes longer for numbers to come out. Wrestling TV numbers have been fading but that could be due to young people using DVRs. The numbers certainly had not popped the way one might expect for the road to WM but that isn't necessarily an indication of the WM buyrate. An approximately 85% increase in buys is unheard of but Rock-Cena as a main event is 20 times as interesting as Miz-Cena.
In summary, as explained by Dragon Saga, The Rock is huge in Uganda. Uganda is full of Jabkonies and I don't know what the hell to believe. Go ask your mother and leave me alone. I need to find another excuse to get out of the fucking house.