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Getting Noticed By Management
Most of us remember 2001 as the year the WWE botched the much anticipated war between WCW and WWF. If the feud, could, and would, have been done correctly, then it should have concluded at Wrestlemania X8 in 2002. The final battleground in the monday night wars.


The Rock vs Hulk Hogan
This is the one match from Wrestlemania X8, that they got right. BUT I would have tweaked it a bit. Seeing as how this was only a few months after the 9/11 attacks, I would have had Hogan enter the ring after Rock so that he could come out in his classic red and yellow colors, waving old glory to the "real american" theme. Hogan could have been in his nWo colors leading up to the ppv, but at Wrestlemania I would have pulled a swerve and had Hogan come out in his classic Wrestlemania red and yellow attire. Everything else about that match was picture perfect. No need to change anything else. Not even the finish. The old blood should always put the new blood over. But even though Rock wins, Hogan still gets the final photo op as he poses for the crowd.

Stone Cold vs Goldberg
Why wait to sign Goldberg until 2003 when you could have brought him in a year earlier and had the match everyone always wanted to see. In fact, I would even go so far as to have Goldberg defeat Austin. He's younger, he's faster, he's stronger. Logically he should win. Besides, Austin's career was coming to a close and he ended up walking out on WWE in the spring of 2002 anyhow, so if he's leaving he might as well pass the torch to Goldberg and put him over. Besides, you can't have it be a clean sweep for WWF over the WCW stars. At least one WCW guy has to get a win.

The Undertaker vs Sting
People talked about this match possibly happening at this past years Mania. I'm glad it didnt. Niether man is in his prime at this stage in their careers. The time to have this match was Wrestlemania X8. I understand Sting didn't trust how he'd be used, so this match probably isnt' possible. But that's why we have fan fiction.

DX: HBK & HHH vs nWo: Hall & Nash
The two greatest factions in wrestling history never ended up meeting in the ring even though they obviously could have in 2002. Micheals, Hall, and Nash all returned to WWF in the year 2002, so this match very easily could have happened. Micheals should have returned at Wrestlemania X8 in 2002 rather than later that year at Summerslam. Shawn returs for Mania as HHH's partner in a DX reunion against the nWo to close out the war between wwf and wcw. I also would have thrown X-Pac in as a guest referee. The storyline would be, will X-Pac show preference to one group over the other seeing as how he was a member of both. In the end, all 5 men embrace as DX and the Wolfpac embrace as one and we get a classic Kliq reunion at Wrestlemania.

SUBMISSION MATCH: Kurt Angle vs Ric Flair
The ankle lock vs the figure four. The two best technical wrestlers of there companies. Flair, the man who held the big gold belt more times in history than any other man vs the only olympic gold medalist in wrestling history. Again, much like Hogan putting Rock over, here we would have another legend of the past putting over the younger star.

STREET FIGHT: Vince McMahon vs Eric Bischoff
Eric made the challenge on Nitro many years back, but it never came to fruition. But it could have. Bischoff ended up signing with the WWE in 2002 anyhow, so why he wasnt used in the WCW vs WWF feud is beyond me. Seeing as how in real life it was Vince's company that came out victorious, it only makes sense that Mr.McMahon gets the last laugh here as well and beats Bischoff in a bloodbath.

So, any other suggestions for a WCW vs WWF WRESTLEMANIA X8 Rewrite?
Sorry but that is not a rewrite, that is a dream.

WWE tried to get a hold of Sting to fight Kurt Angle but he declined for the 100th time.

Goldberg was sitting on a huge WCW contract with NOTHING to do. Why would he be on the road for less money?

Pretty sure Triple H had just won the Roya Rumble to earn a Title shot, again why is he in a tag team match?

And no Chris Jericho on your card? He was the undisputed champ!!!

Your card just makes no sense whatsoever.

If I could of changed a few matches leading up to it:

Kurt Angle vs Mr Perfect
Kane vs Kevin Nash
Sorry but that is not a rewrite, that is a dream.

WWE tried to get a hold of Sting to fight Kurt Angle but he declined for the 100th time.

Goldberg was sitting on a huge WCW contract with NOTHING to do. Why would he be on the road for less money?

Pretty sure Triple H had just won the Roya Rumble to earn a Title shot, again why is he in a tag team match?

And no Chris Jericho on your card? He was the undisputed champ!!!

Your card just makes no sense whatsoever.

If I could of changed a few matches leading up to it:

Kurt Angle vs Mr Perfect
Kane vs Kevin Nash

Quite sure the OP mentioned that this is total fan fiction. As far as I'm concerned, the sky's the limit in fan fiction - as long as the wrestler was alive, he could be part of a proposed card.

As far as Triple H goes, obviously he wouldn't have won the Royal Rumble if this was the way they were going to go with Wrestlemania. This isn't just something where the build starts on a Monday and Wrestlemania is 6 days later...it's a little more drawn out than that.

I like the card, but Jericho not being on it seems silly. But again, had they had no need for him to be in a feud with Triple H, he might not have even held the title. That said, I have no strong opinion on who else should have, or who would have been a credible WCW name to challenge Jericho. It's hard to pick, simply because nobody was going to just come in from the enemy company and main-event a WWF staple such as Wrestlemania. So, in that case, Jericho would probably have had to represent WCW and we could have seen him face off with someone on the WWF roster - although, the above card makes a lot of big names unable to be chosen and I don't want to alter it in any way because it's all perfectly sensible.
I like it, yep it's a dream or whatever but that would have been the Wrestelamania of all wrestlemanias! The OP has only 6 matches on there he could even add (since ECW was part of the "Invasion") Jericho vs. Rob Van Dam or a Lance Storm vs. Edge, or DDP vs Kane etc. to really round out the card.
If I could of changed a few matches leading up to it:

Kurt Angle vs Mr Perfect
Kane vs Kevin Nash

My thoughts exactly. The card for WM 18 was not bad at all, I enjoyed this ppv very much. Perfect/Angle would have stolen the show without a doubt. And Nash should have been in a match. I agree with Kane being the opponent. Wouldn't change a thing except what was mentioned.
I’m loving this card, but the Undisputed WWF / WCW Champion of Champions, Y2J Chris Jericho needs to be on the card. Since the Main Eventers of that particular time are placed in cards, I suggest making it an 8 man Tournament where the winner faces Jericho at the end of the night.

Round 1

The Rock vs. Hulk Hogan

Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. Goldberg

Undertaker vs. Sting

Kurt Angle vs. Ric Flair

I don’t care who wins what match and who faces who in the 2nd and 3rd round.
I agree with everything that has been said. But what about Booker T? If we are going with the whole Invasion thing, then the last WCW Champion should be on the card somewhere.
I like the idea of having the invasion angle end at Wrestlemania X8 and having some of the biggest names involved would of been epic so if were doing the whole invasion angle heres how my card would of been......

Winner Takes All match no elimation no DQ
Steve Austin, Kurt Angle, Triple H, Kane, Shawn Michaels
Goldberg, Scott Steiner, Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, RVD

if your having the invasion angle end at WM you need to have the winner takes all match the headline the PPV

Icon vs Icon
The Rock vs Hulk Hogan

enough said!!

WWF title & WCW title
Chris Jericho vs Booker T

Chris Jericho could of had his moment as the first ever Undisputed champion at Wrestlemania which would of been a great moment for everyone.

Undertaker vs Ric Flair

i enjoyed this match so would of kept it the same

IC Title
Edge vs Rey Mysterio

Rey came to the WWE in mid 2002 have him debut before WM and go after the IC title which I would of made Edge because these 2 work really well together.

Tag Titles T.L.C
Dudley Boyz vs DDP & Kanyon vs Hardy Boyz

a WWE vs ECW vs WCW this could of been a good match.
I really like a lot of the matches on your card. I wish that was the event I got to see.

I was at WMX8 and it was something I will never forget (surprising considering how stoned I was). I was also at WM6 Hogan vs Warrior another event I will never forget, I was 7 so I was only hoped up on coke (a-cola)
Both cards however really only produced 2 memorable, historic matches. Ironically both involved Hogan jobbing much to my dismay both times.

Wrestle Mania X8 gave us Rock vs Hogan which was worth the price of admission but after Hogan lost the crowd was dead for the WWF championship match. Watching the HHH vs Jericho match again recently, it was a great match but the problem at the time was everyone knew HHH was going to pedigree Stephanie and win the belts. This sapped all the energy out of the 68,000 mother canukers in the dome. i just wanted to see HHH win so I could go outside and smoke a joint in the parking lot under the CN Tower.

Here's how I would have tweaked it.

Rock vs Hogan. It was perfect. (but bringing Red and Yellow face Hogan out to "real american" in CANADA would have been dumb and probably changed the reaction slightly. WE LOVE HEELS. nWo Hollywood was perfect.

The WWF Championship should have been either of the following 2 matches:

Stone Cold (champ) vs HHH
-this would have been way hotter as nobody would have known who was going to win. Both could have come in as faces. I love Jericho but him coming in as champ just didn't give that match that "big fight" atmosphere. Austin could have put over HHH either clean or nWo could have helped and HHH could have joined. I was praying for that to happen but it didn't. This got me thinking that Jericho is the only guy that put HHH over on the grandest stage when he needed it. Beating Austin would have meant so much more. I guess Steph marrying him is a bigger rub than any of the boys could give him though eh?


Austin-champ vs Goldberg
-This would have been huge. Goldberg could have won the Rumble setting up this dream match. Goldberg over Austin, start the new streak.

Austin/Hall was a real waste of Austin on that card. The match was decent but nothing special. Either of these 2 matches would have been a way better choice for Stone Cold.

Austin/HHH was more realistic at the time and the match that should have happened. But Austin/Goldberg would have been bigger so going with that next I go with the idea of: (I had never thought of this but it's great)

DX (HHH/HBK) vs The Outsiders
-Could have built it around Hall and Nash trying to get HHH to join. He refuses and they fuck him up. Maybe cost him the WWF championship in a match. This makes him bring back the old DX HBK (not the bible thumper) for a tag team Street Fight. These guys would have put on a hell of a show together I'm sure. DX wins.

As for the undercard I wish they had of gone with these matches:

RVD vs Edge -IC match. No brainer and I never could believe they didn't do it. Guess they didn't want face vs face. Edge in his hometown against RVD who was white hot at the time. It was his first WM too. Both were way over in T.O.

Kurt Angle vs Ric Flair. Another great idea.

Undertaker vs Jericho
-Although Taker vs Sting would have been cool Taker was the heel biker at the time and that would have been dumb. Plus with the other 3 blockbuster matches on the card this would have got buried. "The Streak" wasn't a big deal back then either so it wouldn't have meant as much. WM27 would have been perfect for that match!
If i had my way, in 2001, it wouldnt of been WWF vs The Alliance. There would be no Alliance. I'd of kept it far more real. Heyman hated WCW, joining with them really sucked the life out of ECW in the angle to most people in the know about Heymans feelings. Id of had it as WWF (mainly as faces) vs WCW (mainly heels) vs ECW (total inbetweeners) but i know due to the fact WWF only accquired about 10 of the WCW contracts, WWF couldnt do it like it could of been done. Maybe if it was left and just teased for a few years, it could of been different

also, Vince quite obviously wanted WWF to come out looking like the good guys, but it could of been so much better if he didnt use his ego in booking the angle.

Id of made it a 5 hour card, with 14 matches. A lot i know, but im using a total dream scenario here.
WWF Championship
Stone Cold Steve Austin (wwf) vs Goldberg (wcw)

WCW World Championship
The Rock (wwf) vs "Hollywood" Hulk Hogan (wcw)

Shawn Michaels (wwf) vs Bret Hart (wcw)

Yes Bret was retired by now, and HBK wasnt back to in ring competition yet but this would of truely been a dream rematch

Degeneration X (wwf) vs The NWO (wcw)
HHH, X Pac, Road Dogg, Billy Gunn and Chyna (vs Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, Scott Steiner, Jeff Jarrett and The Giant(AKA The Big Show)

Show would of turned on the WWF and joined WCW during the invasion in 2001

The Undertaker and Kane (wwf) vs Sting and Lex Luger (wcw)

WCW United States Championship
Kurt Angle (wwf) vs "Mr Perfect" Curt Hennig (wcw)

Ric Flair (wcw) vs Shane Douglas (ecw)
Grudge match stemming from Shane Douglas' hate for the old NWA and Ric Flair in general

WWF/WCW/ECW Tag Titles
The Hardy Boyz (wwf) vs Edge and Christian (wwf) vs Dudley Boyz (ecw) vs Lance Storm and Mike Awesome (wcw)

WWF Intercontinental Title
Chris Jericho (wwf) vs RVD (ecw) vs William Regal (wcw)

Wouldnt of made Jericho the world champ just yet, but would of gone on to win the title after almost straight after this match

Chris Benoit, Eddie Guerrero and Dean Malenko (wwf) vs Randy Savage, DDP and Roddy Piper (wcw)
Fued about the old geezers from WCW not giving up their stop to the younger blood, stemming from the reason the Radicalz left WCW. Couldnt fit Saturn in here sadly as i couldnt think of another WCW wrestler who was considered "past it" in the late 90's early 00's

Hardcore Match
Mick Foley (wwf) vs Terry Funk (ecw) with Al Snow as the Ref

Chucked in Al Snow because i would of sold it as he has mixed alligences between ecw and wwf, and awas a friend of both

Trish Stratus and Lita (wwf) vs Molly Holly and Jacquline (wcw) vs Jazz and Francine/Dawn Marie (ecw)

WCW Cruiserweight Title
Rey Mysterio (wcw) vs Billy Kidman (wcw) vs Psicosis (wcw) vs Chavo Guerrero (wcw) vs Juventude Guerrera (ecw) vs Tajiri (ecw) vs Jerry Lynn (ecw) vs Super Crazy (ecw)

Final Match would be a winner takes all match, 6 vs 6, WWF vs WCW, but at the last moment, Paul Heyman would come out and moan about his ECW not being part, so places them in the match aswell making it 6 v 6 v 6, 1 man from each promotion in the ring at a time in a gauntlet style match

Team WWF: Stone Cold, The Rock, The Undertaker, HHH, Chris Jerichi and Kurt Angle
Team WCW: Hogan, Goldberg, Nash, Hall, The Giant and Sting
Team ECW: Tazz, Tommy Dreamer, Raven, Rhyno, The Sandman and Sabu

Id also chuck in some matches for heat aswell for others that wernt on the card
APA vs Kronik
Kaientai vs Jung Dragons
Hurricane Healms vs Test
Rikishi vs Bam Bam Bigelow

Just thought id mention, i couldnt find a place for Booket T on the card which to which i was confused about. So if anyone has any ideas on where he could of fit in, please mention.
TLC: Jung Dragons vs 3 Count vs Hardyz vs Dudleyz: all of these teams were crazy good and over in their companies. Anyone who watched WCW at the end knows 3 Count is more than a terrible gimmick, and Jung Dragons?! Underrated x9000

Angle vs Flair: Im sorry that would be a horrible match and Kurt would have to carry it himself. Flair is not a good wrestler, instead:
Angle vs Lance Storm: something tells me they would have great chemistry in the ring, and with WM being in Toronto. Kurt would of played the typical American heel and Lance come out to a huge Canadian pop!

Undertaker vs Vampiro: one of the gimmick matches: Casket or Inferno
set it up like this: Vampiro debuts sometime in 2001 and takes out the ABA Taker. At that time, he has a good run and wins the US title. Then, at the Rumble he goes on a tear. UNTIL: he's waiting in the ring for an elimination then GONG....GONG... lights out.... lights out and he's laid out making easy prey for the next one who is: Kane, the "brother" of the Deadman. Series of viginettes, Wrestlemania challenge blah blah. head games between them both. Since both of their gimmicks were/and are dark, scary and mysterious. Would be epic

WWE Title vs WCW title: Austin vs BookerT
Lets take Jericho winning out of history and imagine Stone Cold still as champ. Keep building the feud that ended up in a church and a grocery store and build it up even more. Maybe even an injury angle and have Austin sidelined for a bit. Set it up and unify the titles. Austin would of been better used at wmx8 and likely wouldnt of quit.

US vs IC title: Edge vs Kanyon. two people who once used the reverse STO as finishers. Plus Edge could win a title in his hometown.

TV and Euroean title: okay, the undercard title should get one: Christian vs Jim Duggan

Hardcore title unification: Crash Holly vs Norman Smiley: even though both of these guys were a joke, they made some entertaining hardcore title moments.

other matches

DX: HHH, HBK, X-Pac, Billy Gunn vs Hogan, Hall, Nash and (turning heel and from WWE) Big Show

Challenge match: Kronik vs LOD (hey they had one match on raw in 2003)

Pre-Wrestlemania battle royal with all WCW and WWE undercard wrestlers
Sorry but that is not a rewrite, that is a dream.

WWE tried to get a hold of Sting to fight Kurt Angle but he declined for the 100th time.

Goldberg was sitting on a huge WCW contract with NOTHING to do. Why would he be on the road for less money?

Pretty sure Triple H had just won the Roya Rumble to earn a Title shot, again why is he in a tag team match?

And no Chris Jericho on your card? He was the undisputed champ!!!

Your card just makes no sense whatsoever.

Of course Jericho would be on the card. I didn't say my 6 wcw vs wwf themed dream matches were the ENTIRE card. At the bottom it cleary says for others to add suggestions to fill out the rest of the card. Duh.

As for HHH winning the Rumble, this is a REWRITE pal. In a rewrite HHH doesn't win the Royal Rumble. Someone else does and then goes on to face Jericho. My choice.....EDGE!!!

Edge vs Jericho in Toronto at the Skydome. Have Edge come full circle and win his first World title in his hometown at the very stadium where he watched Wrestlemania 6 as a young fan. Edge had won the KOTR in 2001 which was usually a stepping stone towards winning the title. Bret, Austin, Lesnar, and many others all went on to win the title very shortly after winning the KOTR. I think Edge would have been a better choice than Triple H. Especially if it meant getting the DX vs NWO dream match we've all longed for.
WrestleMania, and NO championship matches? heres the matches I would have added, as I would have made this the Ultimate Culmination of the Invasion, and unified some titles:

WWF/WCW Championship Unification Match:
Chris Jericho (WWF Champion) v Booker T (WCW Champion) v Chris Beniot (Royal Rumble Winner)
Beniot had great matches with both Jericho and Booker, so i think that this match could have been great if Booked right. Benoit won the Rumble and the Championship two years latter, just bump it up a little and have Beniot walk out the Undisputed Champion (and yes, I know how hard it would be for WWE to erase their first Undisputed Champion if this had happened)

WWF Intercontinental/WCW United States Championship Unification Ladder Match:
Edge (IC) v Ray Mysterio (US)
a ladder match between these two would have stole the show. I think Edge (who I would have kept as a heel going into WrestleMania) would win in a hard fought match gaining a standing ovation for both men

WWF/WCW Tag Team Championship Unification Match:
Edge and Christian (WWF) v "Sugar" Shane Helms and Shannon Moore (WCW)
id have Helms and Moore go over due to Edge still being pretty banged up from the Ladder Match earlier in the show, leading to Christian turning on Edge to set up a feud between those two for the Intercontinental Championship leading into SummerSlam

Also, I would have had Brock Lesnar debut at Mania taking out The Rock after his match with Hogan (who was leaving for a few months to film a movie) which would have built perfectly to their SummerSlam match that year
i say they shouldve had bischoff bring in the nWo with nash hall hogan stiener hennig and big show sayin something along the lines of " we are here to finish the job the alliance couldnt" id have the rock be the first undisputed champ and wrestlemania x8 go something like this:


hogan vs rock- rock wins

DX vs nWo

hbk hhh vs hall nash- nWo wins

stone cold vs big poppa pump- stone cold wins

big show vs undertaker- undertaker wins

hennig vs kurt angle- hennig wins

mcmahon vs bischoff street fight- mcmahon wins
If I am actually going to be realistic about it then it would go;

RVD vs Kurt Angle IC Title: RVD was over as anything at the time, there was no need to waste him in the opening match with William Regal. Likewise with sticking Angle with Kane. Give these two 15-20 minutes and a proper story and no doubt you would get a great match.

DDP vs Christian can stay the same, it was a decent little match and just a way to get both guys on the card.

Taker Flair stays the same, good match no need to change it.

Instead of the mess of a 4 Way tag we got I would change it to any incarnation of NWO vs Hardys vs Dudleyz.

Edge vs Booker stays but it would get another 5 minutes.

Hogan vs Stone Cold: No explanation needed, the two biggest stars of all time one on one at Mania. Sure Hogan vs Rock was good but no doubt this would be better. This goes on last too by the way.

Jericho vs Rock, these two generally had good chemistry, much better than Jericho and Hunter so this seems like a more logical combination.

That just leaves me struggling with what to do with Hunter, perhaps a match with HBK? I know he had still not returned yet but he was only months away and their Summerslam match was a classic so maybe push HBK's return date slightly forward and let them have a classic at Mania instead.
I definitely agree with you that 2002 was a year of total misses but you can't blame em for Austin vs. Hogan which is the ultimate hit. I think Vince wanted them to face off at Mania X8 but they had problems with who would go over, so they went with Rock instead.

Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. "Hollywood" Hogan
The dream match everybody had been talking about for ages. I know these two had problems with facing each other but this is a dream card thread, so this is how I would've booked it. I'd have Austin going over and there would be no stupid handshake between the two after the match, I still would've kept the nWo alive after Mania X8.

DX (HHH & HBK) vs. nWo (Nash & Hall)
If they could bring HBK back at Summerslam 02, why not bring him back early for this one? The battle to see who the greatest Kliq team is and well personally I would've had Nash & Hall go over as I like the nWo better than DX but I know Vince would make DX go over since that was his creation not DX and it was Shawn's return, so I'm sure Nash, Hall, HHH & Vince would want Shawn to have a good comeback.

Rock vs. Jericho - Undisputed Championship
Since all the other main eventers were put in dream matches, The Rock is the only main eventer left to face Jericho. Plus they had a feud previously, so it would come to ahead here and both were great on the mic, so you'd get top notch promos for the build up and they did have some decent chemistry together. This is the one WM where the World Championship didn't actually matter as it was all about the dream matches, so it wouldn't have mattered if it was the same old matchup for the title.

Kurt Angle vs. Mr. Perfect
This would've been the perfect technical match at Mania X8, pun totally intended. This is what would've stole the show.

Kane vs. Big Show
Filler match really. Didn't put much thought into this and needed an opponent for Kane since I put Kurt against Perfect. This feud could've started over Kane bodyslamming Show out of the Royal Rumble match.

Christian vs. William Regal - European Championship
This would be over a title that Christian currently holds and Regal is well known for. I'd turn one of em face for this match, probably Regal.

DDP vs. Booker T
This would be a classic WCW match in the memory of WCW and this feud would be about DDP changing his gimmick to the stupid yoga gimmick and Booker T telling him that he turned his back on WCW because of the gimmick change and for this one match, DDP would go back to being the old DDP to win the match. They never really had a match together except for that one on Smackdown but I believe there was no winner in that one.

RVD vs. Edge - IC Championship
I totally agree with the poster that came up with this match. This would've be an excellent opening match, the electricity for this from the crowd would be off the charts.

Everything else that happened on the card I would keep the same.
Wrestlemania X-8 was one of those just kinda there Wrestlemanias. On paper it's a pretty solid card, but something about that Mania just lacked. Whether it was the questionable booking of Jericho and Triple H to go on last, or simply just a good Mania slammed in between two amazing Manias (17/19), something was lacking.

On Paper, you have the WCW vs. WWF card that most fans would have killed for to watch.

Rock vs. Hogan
Austin vs. Hall
Undertaker vs. Flair
Triple H vs. Jericho
Edge vs. Booker T
Christian vs. DDP

That's all fine and dandy, but I've always questioned the match making of this card. There just seems to be better matchups that could have been made out of it. You also throw into play the rumors of Sting signing a contract at that time, and Goldberg and Scott Steiner joining less then a year after this pay per view, Wrestlemania 18 could have been one of the best ever on pay per view.

The original rumored big match of this Mania was The Undertaker, Steve Austin, and the Rock vs. the NWO. That would have been one helluva match, but the big problem was the recent heel turn of the Undertaker. The WWE wasn't willing to give up on that turn, so three new matches came out of this.

The biggest mistake was booking the Rock vs. Hulk Hogan. The Rock is a damn big name, but Austin vs. Hogan is the money match, and a huge missed opportunity. It's a damn shame that Austin's politics and paranoia cost the fans this matchup. Now we get Austin vs. Hall (even though the Rock vs. Hall would have been a better matchup), and Rock vs. Hogan.

If it were me, I would have held off on the Undisputed Championship concept until Wrestlemania. Slap the WWF Championship on the Rock, slap the WCW championship on Hulk Hogan. Have this huge match to close the show, Unify the world titles, end WCW with a proper send off, and there ya go.

As far as the rest of the card, fuck it, lets go nuts.

Triple H vs. Ric Flair
The Undertaker vs. Sting
Steve Austin vs. Goldberg
Edge vs. Scott Hall
Kurt Angle vs. Curt Hennig
Kane vs. Kevin Nash

I mean, there's literally dozens of matchups that could have happened if the WWE were willing to back the Brink's truck up to some of the WCW holdouts (again, by this point the only two major hold outs were Goldberg and Sting, with Goldberg eventually signing).

The Problem with this potential super stacked Wrestlemania is how do you break a pay per view up like that? The crowd would have needed breaks between matches to re-energize. Wrestlemania 19 suffered from being too stacked of a card, and by the end of the night, the crowd was burned out. Toronto crowds are damn hot, but they might not have been able to keep up with that type of mega card.

And for the record, if I was booking Mania 18, it would have been Austin as the WWF Champion vs. Hogan as the WCW champion, with the Rock taking on Goldberg. All in this hypothetical situation of course.
This is my take on a Wrestlemania X8 rewrite

1. Edge vs. Christian -- TLC match for both the european title and the intercontinental championships
- since they unified the titles later that year, why not do it at wrestlemania? edge and christian can have a huge opener at mania, and since E+C were the champions of tlc at the time, why not debut the first 1 on 1 tlc?

2. Kurt Angle Vs. Ric flair
- angle has been tearing it up with his wrestling ability, and flair can still go. you play off the "to be the man, you gotta beat the man" stuff and u got the makings of a good feud and a great match

3. Trish vs. Jazz vs. Lita -- women's championship
- i think this is the best thing they could have done with the title at the time, and would keep this match the same

4. Booker Dust vs. billy and chuck -- tag team championship
- booker dust became one of the hottest things in '02, and remains one of my favorite tag teams of all team. this angle would lead to booker t's face turn, as well as create a new team to defeat the unstoppable billy and chuck, who have pretty much beaten the entire tag division at this point.

5. undertaker vs. rvd - hardcore championship
- this feud would be great because of their gimmicks. undertaker was looking for respect, and rvd was a young up and comer to the wwe. it would be an excellent hardcore match and keep rvd relevant, who was very hot at this time. taker goes over obviously

6. rock and sock connection vs. the outsiders
- my main event is obvious, so here is a huge tag team feud featuring some big draws. mankind comes back for this match and reforms a team that defines the wwe, against nwo, who have come to destroy it.

7. HHH vs. Jericho -- undisputed championship
- jericho deserved his heel run wih the belt, and the returning HHH was a perfect mania opponent for the belt. I'll keep this match on the card

8. austin vs. hogan -- dream match
- no brainer right here, biggest match in wrestling history, main eventing the biggest show of the year.

well thats my card, tell me what you think
Edge (c) vs RVD Intercontinental Championship

Kurt Angle vs Booker T #1 contender

WWF Tag Team Championship same match but the The Hardy Boyz wins

Vince McMahon vs Ric Flair Street fight match

DX vs NWO vs BOD BOD wins

Trish Stratus (c) vs Lita WWF Women's Championship Trish wins

The Rock vs Hollywood Hulk Hogan The Rock wins

Steve Austin (c) vs Chris Jericho RRwinner WWF Undisputed Championship Jericho wins

after the match Jericho takes the microphone claims that he is the best ever and he just defeated the best wrestler of the 90s and he want to beat the best of the 80s so call out Hogan
Hogan show up with the red and yellow have a quick match with Jericho lay the immortal leg drop on him for the pin
Hogan is the new Undisputed Champion

why i had a feeling that it did happen before:lmao:
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