Wrestlemania Rematches Set for Raw Next Week

Cause we all know that WWE is always consistent organized programming. I like WWe as much as the next guy but it's been on cruise control for years. Notice the rating hardly ever go up and down. Ever.

Next week will be okay but I don't think it will be the big show everyone expects it to be. Sure Austin will be cool and the HBK/Y2J match will be good but Show vs Cena we have seen plenty of times and it's always a bore. Randy & Hunter is the same thing. I'd rather watch the Mania matches themselves to be honest.

to be honest What TNA pulled out on monday was horrendous, you are one of the biggest hypocrits ive ever seen on this forum, you cheer TNA for making the same crappy mistakes you blame the WWE for making, they arent perfect but at least they put on a watchable product and not screw over the guys who made the company what it is, most of mondays show consisted of garbage and overhyping Hogan, the only thing that will get them out of that hole will be if Hogan stops thinking hes the biggest draw of the decade and allow the younger talent to work, oh yeah and fire that idiot Russo his booking skills and nack for killing wrestling shows needs to stop before he does some real damage.

As for Raw im gonna be watching this show and DVR TNA Impact because i want to see this, i want to see how HBK will stack up against Jericho and how Randy stacks up against hunterm its been a while and i want to see if these guys can still go, im stoked for wrestlemania and i know Raw leading up to it will be one hell of a show, they are doing well with booking manias plots and are making me want to watch the big even more and more, which is one of the reasons why i started watching raw again because the WWE are really making me want to care about the product again.
Big Deal how many times have we seen these matches already? To me that's nothing but a re-run even though it's a WM rematch theme. Why not have fresh match-ups? Granted I'll still watch and channel surf between Raw and Impact if anything the only thing that interests me is the contract signing of Bret Hart and Vince McMahon with Stone Cold Steve Austin being there. WWE needs not to worry about ratings because TNA is no threat. RAW could put on the crappiest show and unfortunately still win the ratings.
Il watch raw on monday just like I always do and while I expect it to be better this week because of stone cold and while Im excited about the matches they have scheduled I fully expect to be dissapointed and to get yet another 5min main event. All I can do is hope that since stone cold is hosting we get a better raw then what we've gotten the last 3wks.
They did a three hour special either last year or the year before with the same theme, but it wasn't that good. The matches, being of WrestleMania standard, will mostly end quite cheaply, except where the stars have moved in opposite trajectories, particularly Cena. However, with Hart on hold, seemingly huge matches at face value and Austin's first Raw appearance for a few years, this episode of Raw is looking decidedly stacked. I'm not sure if it is in response to TNA or just to hype WrestleMania, but either way and in spite of the matches that will probably disappoint, I'm expecting a show superior to last week's.
I'm rather excited for this. We have seen all of these matches before at previous Wrestlemanias, so we know that these are good pairings. Cena VS Show, yeah it was recently done to the point of boredom but it's been long enough now that it could be a good match. Trips VS Orton should be good, their matches together have been underrated and I'll be looking forward to this one. Michaels VS Jericho will be the best of the bunch. Their match at Wrestlemania 19 was good, and their whole feud in 2008 was incredible. I feel sorry for TNA on monday. I want them to do well, but with these Wrestlemania rematches, Stone Cold's appearance, and the fact that this Impact was taped ahead of time, things won't be looking so good for TNA this week. That aside, the rematches will be good because we already know what kinds of good matches these guys are capable of putting together.
I'm pretty pumped for this. I'm not too crazy about HHH VS Orton AGAIN, but I'm hoping it'll be a decent match. Big Show Vs Cena will be a fun match. These two have put on their share of good/decent matches over the years, and it's always cool to see Cena give the Big Show an attitude adjuster. Jericho Vs Michaels is the match I'm looking forward to the most. These two have put on some classics over the years, and I absolutely loved their feud in 2008.

These matches are worth looking forward to, and it's a great way to get everyone in the mood for Wrestlemania.

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