Wrestlemania Rematches Set for Raw Next Week


RIP Sgt. Michael Paranzino / RIP CM
» Reported by Adam Martin of WrestleView.com
» On Tuesday, March 9, 2010 at 11:50 AM EST

Next week's WWE Monday Night Raw featuring Hall of Famer "Stone Cold" Steve Austin as special guest host will feature the following WrestleMania rematches.

- Shawn Michaels vs. Chris Jericho (WrestleMania 19 rematch)

- Triple H vs. Randy Orton (WrestleMania 25 rematch)

- John Cena vs. Big Show (WrestleMania 20 rematch)

Looks like WWE is going to be pulling out their big guns next week. I thought they were really rather casual and low key last night, like they didn't even care they were facing Impact. With Austin as guest host as well, I'd be scared about next week if I was TNA.

I'll still be watching Impact though. Raw sounds awesome if they just let HBK and Jericho put on one last classic together before/if/when HBK retires at Wrestlemania, but I'd just feel better giving Impact my ratings instead, I desperately want them to succeed.
Looks like WWE is going to be pulling out their big guns next week. I thought they were really rather casual and low key last night, like they didn't even care they were facing Impact. With Austin as guest host as well, I'd be scared about next week if I was TNA.

I'll still be watching Impact though. Raw sounds awesome if they just let HBK and Jericho put on one last classic together before/if/when HBK retires at Wrestlemania, but I'd just feel better giving Impact my ratings instead, I desperately want them to succeed.

I agree that the WWE looked pretty casual last night, but that appears to be their entire response to the current "threat" being presented by TNA, at least on the surface. I truly don't believe they feel remotely threatened by TNA at this point. Maybe they should and maybe they shouldn't, I guess only time will tell. I think they recognize the fact that TNA won't, unfortunately, be able to sustain their momentum from last night once the smoke and mirrors clear. The WWE will continue on, as they always have, oblivious to what's happening on Spike.

Doesn't the WWE do some form of "Wrestlemania re-match" thing every year on the road to Wrestlemania, just like they will do some form of Wrestlemania rewind shortly after? I'm not sure that constitutes "pulling out there big guns." And we've all know that SCSA would be guest hosting at some point, as will the Rock. No surprises there.

I don't expect the WWE to deviate from their current course whatsoever in response to TNA. They are expertly setting up what should be the best Wrestlemania in years. They know TNA likely blew their load last night and will stumble now for a while, just like after the Jan 4 show. There's only so many rabbits you can pull out of hats. And ultimately, shocks and swerves will never replace consistent organized programming.
I don't expect the WWE to deviate from their current course whatsoever in response to TNA. They are expertly setting up what should be the best Wrestlemania in years. They know TNA likely blew their load last night and will stumble now for a while, just like after the Jan 4 show. There's only so many rabbits you can pull out of hats. And ultimately, shocks and swerves will never replace consistent organized programming.
Cause we all know that WWE is always consistent organized programming. I like WWe as much as the next guy but it's been on cruise control for years. Notice the rating hardly ever go up and down. Ever.

Next week will be okay but I don't think it will be the big show everyone expects it to be. Sure Austin will be cool and the HBK/Y2J match will be good but Show vs Cena we have seen plenty of times and it's always a bore. Randy & Hunter is the same thing. I'd rather watch the Mania matches themselves to be honest.
Well they actually did something like this a while back on raw when they had wrestlemania rematches. But as for impact they won't be getting my viewership unless the divas are wrestling. But they give impact again on thursday so I could watch it then.
WWE doesn't have anything to worry about. Keeping up with WWE in the long term isn't something that TNA is that great at, then again they've never really tried. Nonetheless, there's only so many things TNA can do to keep in contention with WWE.

I'll be giving my time to watch Impact on Mondays, though, since I've been enjoying the product in-between 1/4 and 3/8. I can watch RAW on Youtube anytime.
I'm only more interested in seeing HBK/Jericho but I think that its a pretty impressive match card, yeah we've seen them before but it has been a while since we have. Little confused over HHH/Orton since HHH is face and I think Orton is? Stone Cold's guest hosting as well which should go down as a killer episode as well, he wont be getting less than 5 minutes a segment every now and then like Criss Angel did last night (But must say I did enjoy the segments he did) Plus there's the Hart/McMahon contract signing, wonder if they'll add some form of stip at this point considering how Hart cant wrestle an epic bout like he used to.
Can't wait for this, man! Jericho and HBK are gonna tear down the house just like they always do! Finally, A match happens on Raw this year i legitimately look forward to! They havent fought each other since the Last Man Standing Match in the O2 in 2008 i believe.
Eager to see Orton-HHH as well because of the Face! VS Face? factor, even though it'll probably end with Legacy interfering.
They'll probably throw out some more matches, but they probly wont all be WM rematches cuz Maria-Melina wasnt a WM Rematch and it still happened at 2008s WrestleMania Rewind. It'll be a fun night, though, thats for sure. Funyun Time!
Well, as I come from Britain, the Monday night war isn't that big of a deal in terms of do I watch RAW or do I watch impact? This is because impact doesn't air live here and it if did, it would start at 2am, just like RAW. I just record RAW and hardly ever watch impact.

Anyway, I'm really looking forward to RAW next week and I expect Michaels vs Jericho to be great as usual. I imagine that the chances of a clean finish are extremely slim as Edge or Undertaker are bound to get involved somehow. Nevertheless, it should be good.

I'm also kind of looking forward to Orton vs Triple H. Not so much in terms of the match itself but more to do with where does Legacy come into this and what kind of reaction will Orton get compared to Triple H? I'll honestly just probably fast forward through Cena vs Big Show unless McMahon or Batista are involved.

With Stone Cold as guest host and the contract signing between Hart and McMahon taking place as well, I agree with Mr Eko when he says that TNA should be a little scared about the ratings war next week.
I'm personally excited to see the Big Show- Cena rematch. The match at Wrestlemania 20 was the match that launched Cena into super-stardom when Cena picked up Show for the FU. But this time, I'd like to see Cena get his faced punched in. I want Show to nail that big right hand into Cena's face. If you haven't figured it out yet, I don't like Cena and this PG shit. The WWE needs to revert to fake blood, tables, ladders and chairs and women trying to undress each other until they're in their bras and panties. That was fucking entertainment and that's how the WWE will beat TNA and finally put Hogan and Bischoff out of fucking business.

This won't be a fair match because of the fallout of Raw last week. This match will probably be the headlining match with Batista somehow interfering and giving the match to Show. I'm still pretty pissed about what happened last night on Raw. Cena kicked out of Kozlov's, McIntyre's, Swagger's and Henry's finishers. I know Cena has this whole superman gimmick but come one! What the fuck?! Kicking out of 4 finishers?!?! That's even impossible in the video game!!! I know the product is being produced for children now but that's just ridiculous. Thank God for Batista and steroids. And that's the end of my rant. Thank you for listening. Now i have to get back to my 15 page thesis paper which is probably why i'm so angry. Here's something to remind everyone of how great the WWE used to be
they v'e done the wrestelmania remathches before. but i dont know if its the fact i got front row tickets too see raw or the super card not only 3 main event matches stone cold hosting/enforcing for the contract signing with vkm vs hitman the wwe doesnt have to compete with tna, im not knocking tna i like what there doin but there just not in the same leauge. for example vince if he wanted too could make a card like this everyweek (except scsa) but tna isnt relevent yet so why bother vince will fight tna when the time is right.
I completely agree with you there X, we probably should watch TNA, because they are trying their best to deliver a solid alternative to the WWE, and to be honest, a little competition would only do the Vince and Creative a world of good as they'd be more inclined to step it up a notch.

At the same time, i'm prefering the way the WWE is going, yes monday's RAW wasn't anything awe inspiring, but they did develop their biggest and most likely main event feud, added a match that should bring some interest in HHH vs Sheamus, and all but wrapped up MITB.

While TNA was more excitement, it seemed a bit flash in the pan at times, the shocking turn of Sting, the shocking arrival of RVD, Hogan and Flair strutting their stuff, the shock return of Jeff Hardy. I was intriguing and catches one's attention but at the same time, it just seemed like they added all these shocks so those who were viewing or those who would be potentially viewing, would be drawn into all these amazing surprises and debuts and think that TNA is always this exciting, while not really having a solid base and build up like RAW did.

This shows me two things, first that while TNA is trying their damndest to beat and keep up with RAW, they seem to be losing focus on the long term. I'm not saying they should have done it differently or how they did do it was wrong, but maybe one or two of those shocks would have had more effect at the PPV, maybe Stings heel turn could have waited that long, or RVDs return to possibly have a greater match with Sting could have been a better long term option.

The other thing that it shows to me is that the WWE is slowly starting to get back to what we the fans want and desire, long term booking, and development of characters and feuds, and although it is the road to wrestlemania, the go home PPV of the year, we can hope that this trend continues and that it seeps down from the main eventers to the midcard.

So in summary watch Impact next monday, but DVR Raw.
WWE is going to smoke TNA next week, of that I am certain.

The fact that Stone Cold is hosting does TNA no favours and I have said before that TNA picked the wrong time to go head to head with WWE. The person that I thought would know that best would be Eric Bischoff and thought that they might have held on a little longer on Thursdays until sometime after Wrestlemania but here we are. TNA have nothing that can even compare to the impact that Stone Cold will have next week (pardon the pun) and I fear for them, in a big way. Then you take the matches into account and you really have something big. Chris Jericho and Shawn Michaels promises to be a classic fi they are just allowed to go at it and put on a show for everyone. Triple H and Randy Orton are perfectly capable of making a good match and if I wasn't so sure that Legacy were going to be involved, I would be more excited about it. Cena and Big Show might be a bit overdone though but I still think it has the potential to be very decent indeed.

All in all, I would think that TNA is going to have a major dip in ratings next week.
I can't wait to see Orton/HHH. These guys get HAMMERED in this forum for having a "bad match" at Mania 25. That match was great, IMO. The only problem it faced was going on not too long after Taker/Michaels. I also love the fact that this kind of match bugs the holy living S**T out of all of you spot-junkies.

Jericho/HBK is always good, can't wait for that. Cena/Big Show should be terrible. Cena can't wrestle and Big Show is fat, slow, and has a lot of miles on him.

And of course ol' Stone Cold is back. Some of you will complain that it is more of the same for him. He comes back, talks, drinks beer, stuns Vince, drinks more beer. I would rather watch him do that for two straight hours as opposed to watching Cena cry, Sheamus bumble his way through another terrible promo, or Undertaker/HBK carry on this totally unemotional build up they have going. Thank God we are getting a night of Steve Austin. Overdue, IMO.
Monday's Raw will be great. I don't pay attention to TNA. Tried it, didn't like it, no need to again. But I'm not here for all that. This upcoming Raw should be a good boost heading into a well built up WM. Austin I believe will be the best guest host we've had so far and the matchs will be great, especially Jericho/HBK. They had a classic fued and seeing another match from them will be great.
TNA has their work cut out for them next week. I'm sure Raw will trounce TNA in the ratings, I just hope TNA can maintain their 1.0 each week. Raw has the potential to be an awesome show if they let these huge WrestleMania matches last more than 3 minutes. Somehow I doubt it though. I'm curious to see Austin in this new environment, it's just too bad he isn't the last guest host like he was planned to be. Maybe we will get an actual new announcement for the HOF this week.

All I know is that TNA's main event next week is suppose to be big. I don't think many people will watch it since they don't know about it, but it sounds huge. I'm not really interested in seeing Cena vs. Show again or Triple H vs. Orton part 12 but it could be decent. I'm sure the ratings will be huge. I hope HBK and Jericho get the main event of the night that last more then 5 minutes so they can put on a great match.
Well Chris Jericho v Shawn Michaels is the only match of the three that really interests me...

John Cena and Big Show have gone at it in a pretty recent feud, it was months ago, but still, and their matches weren't great at all. Big Show just can't sell or anything. And Orton and HHH has been done to death already, so why the hell would I want to see it agian?

Sure, it's an above average looking Raw, but HBK v Y2J is the only one i'm looking forward to. Also, i'm calling it right now, Taker will interfere and ruin it...
The performances will be good, or better yet, great, but there is no pay-off for the viewer. They are televised glorified house show matches. The person they are feuding with in some way may or may not interfere, but what will be accomplished in the end for the viewer? Just announcing matches isn’t enough for me anymore, unless the matches have some sort of pay off or storyline associated with them.

The matches are not for any titles or title shots, there are no stipulations to the matches, and the characters involved aren’t involved in a storyline with each other. A win or a loss does nothing for the characters or the kayfabe “momentum” that they talk about when going into a PPV.

While I appreciate the big names that they are putting on the card, I still need my desire for pro wrestling drama to be satisfied on Monday, and while the matches may be entertaining in themselves, they won’t accomplish much for me once the bell rings and the participants leave the ring. I’ll watch TNA on Monday for the same reasons Eko mentioned in his OP. I’ll catch Stone Cold on DVR.
WWE is going all out on Monday Night, in week 2 against TNA and I absolutely love it. They are going to obliterate TNA this week, but anyway onto the matches.

1. Shawn Michaels vs Chris Jericho - this should be plain awesome if given the certain amount of time to have a good match. I'm sure Undertaker will make an appearance in some way but if the match can go 10 minutes it won't matter who interferes, as we will all be given a treat.

2. John Cena vs Big Show - This match is the least exciting of the three, but thats because we know Cena will win, and Big Show is not that exciting to me anymore and I like him better in the tag division. Hopefully they don't bury Show, and make him look credible, whether he loses in a good match or gets disqualified and just beats the crap out of Cena.

3. Triple H vs Orton - Now this match to me is a wildcard. At Wrestlemania, they stunk up the joint and performed one crappy main event, and now here is the chance for them to get redemption. This needs to be a good match, and I feel if they give this match time both men will be on their game, and it should be another good match to watch.

All three matches should be good to watch, especially with their opponent for Wrestlemania all playing a wildcard as whether they will interfere or not, and Stone Cold Steve Austin can do anything at anytime.
This sounds good. It's a nice thing that they can do where we're able to get three big matches that could main event any show or even most PPVs. it fits the Mania buildup theme and fills in a week of programming. TNA aside this is smart booking. It's a stacked card that doesn't really give away much as these aren't active feuds at the moment. I really like this as it's a nice looking show that should be wrestling focused.
I enjoy when WWE put on Mania rematchs, they really are exciting!

But, not this time!

Cena vs Show;
What can I say, on Raw Cena was knocked out.So as we always see he will win.Cause Cena dosen't lose 2 in 2 weeks.So I would put my money on Cena winning and Batista running in and Cena hitting the F-U(thats right FU)

Orton vs Hunter;
It was the worst Main Event in the last 5 years.Hunter stuffed up and Orton stuffed up.So if they don't put on a hell of a good match then it's a waste of air time.The match had Hunter using a sledgehammer a heel move,kicking Orton in the head(a heel move).And Sheamus will come in so that stuffs it!

HBK vs Y2J
This is the match of the night, this will steal the show.Whenever both of these guys get in the ring they really have a good match.Both guys work hard and they put in 100%.The only thing that could wreck this match is if Taker shows up or Edge spears Jericho again.Lets hope that these guys are giving the right to put on the best match they can!

So to finish up I love Mania rematchs it lets us see great memories that have pasted!
I always like these matches. It's just a cool homage to the matches that people have had, and it's a nice blast from the past, especially when they pull out something like HHH vs Kane. But there's just one problem. Generally, these matches every year are boring as hell. Like, they'd always pull out a Cena vs JBL rematch or something. It's usually stuff that had happened throughout the year anyways, so what was the point in watching it. But 2 out of 3 of these matches should be interesting and might entice me to watch. Big Show vs Cena has been seen before about 100 times since they originally locked up for the US title, so I won't be excited for that besides some Batista beatdown.

What I am looking forward to would be the the reliably good Jericho vs HBK, probably with some Edge/Taker interference, and the Orton/HHH match. That should be bedlam. How are they going to live down last years let down. Of course, we're seeing Sheamus or Leagacy getting involved, but I'm actually looking forward to how this goes down, especially with the pops Randy has been getting. yeah I know we've seen it 600 times, but one more can't hurt.

What would be ace though would be Hart vs Austin in a Wrestlemania 13 rematch. Shit, I'd settle for a Wrestlemania 12 rematch. Come on Savio Vega, I know you still got it in ya.
Next weeks Raw is looking really good and hopefully all three of the rematches will get some decent t.v time. I'll no doubt be watching Raw and not Impact as TNA will NEVER be good or decent in back to back weeks. Michaels vs Jericho could really tear the house down as could Triple H vs Orton, and Cena vs Big Show, well I'd prefer that to be the middle match of the three at best. Should be some nice build up to everyone's respective programs.
If only the Donald was around this year instead of last, the only way this Raw could've been better is if it was commercial-free or ran 3 hours. HBK/Jericho is an epic match, HHH/Orton is what we saw last year for several PPVs with some Cena sprinkled in, but they'll put on a great match. Cena/Big Show will be what it always is, power struggle, Cena getting squeezed by Show, only to battle back and give him the Attitude Adjustment. The other matches will be good as well, but I've been looking forward to this night for a long time. Always great to see Stone Cold on WWE TV, and when he's been slated to appear, he usually pulls a strong number. Did you ever think you would see Vince, Bret and Austin standing in the same ring? I'll be crossing my fingers Austin will reprise his almost annual WM Guest Ref appearance for their 'Mania match.
Strangest thing happened when they aired the graphics for this match on Monday. When they said that HBK and Jericho would be having a rematch from a past Wrestlemania, my first thought was "What Wrestlemania did they fight at?!" My gosh, the change in Jericho's look over time is just striking. I miss the heel beard.

Anyhow, could be a good wrestling focused show or it could be shit. You never really know. Even with Jericho and Michaels. Remember their last man standing match from Raw in late 2008? No? Consider yourself lucky. Just awful stuff.

Show and Cena should be swell. They had an overlooked MOTYC last year on SmackDown, IMHO. However, we've just seen this way too many times. Additionally, when Show misses that splash or takes a DDT, I'm going to be too distracted by my thoughts that Show is killing his health with bumps like that for no good reason and I'll stop caring about that match.

And of course we have Triple H and Randy Orton. We never got that Hell in a Cell match between the two last year. Maybe it's time to restart the feud and get these two in the demonic structure.

Anyhow, I can't imagine why I'd want to talk about TNA. This is the WWE forum, for heaven's sake. Ciao.
I'm also looking forward to the HBK/Jericho match, although it scares me just a little because I do not want HBK to retire at all, and the office booking that match scares me into believing that he will. Certainly, if HBK were to retire, and he'd want to have just a couple last matches before he retires, you'd think Jericho would be on the short list. It adds uncertainity to the outcome of the HBK/Taker match, and on that alone, a job well done by the office.

HBK/Jericho at Wrestlemania 19 was one of my favorite matches between two of my favorite wrestlers. A classic.

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