Wrestlemania Milestones


Okay so after watching The Royal Rumble and the last two Monday Night Raw's I've had a good think about Wrestlemania XXX in New Orleans. With Elimination Chamber still to come it will all become clearer but I got thinking about the last 3 decades in WWE and how they welcomed in New Generations,

Wrestlemania 1-The Birth of Hulkamania
Hulk Hogan teamed with Mr.T to take on Roddy Piper and Paul Orndorff in the main event of Wrestlemania 1. This was $$$. WWE Chose Hulk Hogan to be their Companies face and he did just that for 9 years to follow. Hogan took on everybody, he main event basically all the Events for the coming years and he was the Champion throughout the late 80's/early 90's. Hulk Hogan was the man.

Wrestlemania 10-The Sharpeshooter
Hulk Hogan left the company after Wrestlemania 9 and this left the top spot empty. WWE Superstars clawed their way but only one made it, Bret 'Hitman' Hart was next. At Wrestlemania 10, 10 years after Mania 1, Bret Hart defeated Yokozuna in the main event at Madison Square Garden. The Hitman stayed at the top for the next 3 years taking on guys like, Diesel, The Undertaker and Shawn Micahels until his sudden departure in 1997.

Wrestlemania 20-Lie, Cheat & Steal
Alot changed in the WWE leading up to Wrestlemania 20. Over the years new Superstars emerged like The Rock, Stone Cold, Triple H, John Cena and Batista but two of the most unlikely underdogs closed Wrestlemania 20 once again in Madison Square Garden, Chris Benoit and Eddie guerrero. Those Two Superstars travelled everywhere together many years before. They fought each other in arenas all over the World putting on Fantastic matches. WWE Seen the potential after so many years and had Wrestlemania 20 close with both Eddie as WWE Champion and Benoit as the World Champion. It was another chapter over in WWE and a new one Beginning.

Wrestlemania 30-?????
There is a pattern from Wrestlemania 1 up to 20 and that is a new Face of the company. Hulk Hogan, Bret Hart, Eddie and Benoit. Of Course through the years many Wrestlers have secured there spot as the greats even surpassing the likes of Hogan of Hart, guys like Shawn Michaels, John Cena, Edge and Batista. Wrestlemania is the WWE's grand show and the biggest event in there History and I'm not saying this because its all over the internet and heard around the world but I do believe that Wrestlemania 30 should end with an unlikely Superstar holding up the Championship. I'm not saying it has to be Daniel Bryan but he would sure fit the mould of past Champions. As much as I like Batista, he cannot close Wrestlemania as the Champion. Its another decade over, Batista's decade is over. Its time for a new Spotlight.
I would include a few more in there for good measure.

WrestleMania V – This was basically the first return of Hulk Hogan to the top of the World Wrestling Federation. He sort of passed the torch at WrestleMania IV to the Macho Man Randy Savage, but this time, he was taking it back.

WrestleMania XV – If WrestleMania XX is included for Eddie Guerrero and Chris Benoit, the WrestleMania XV should be included for the first WrestleMania Main Event featuring Stone Cold Steve Austin and The Rock. Yes, these are 2 of my favorites of all time, but you still have to give credit where credit is due. It’s also the first and only WrestleMania in Philadelphia. Go Eagles!! Go Sixers!! Go Phillies!! Go Flyers!!

WrestleMania XXV – The WrestleMania Streak vs. Mr. WrestleMania…nuff said.

As far as WrestleMania XXX goes, I hope Batista walks out as the New Undisputed Unified Ulitmate World Wrestling Entertainment World Heavyweight Champion…Triple U-Double W-E-World Heavyweight Champion!!

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