Wrestlemania main event

Which match will headline WM for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship?

  • Cm Punk vs Daniel Bryan

  • John Cena vs Cm Punk

  • Batista vs Brock Lesnar

  • Randy Orton vs Cm Punk

  • other {write in the comments}

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Getting Noticed By Management
So.In the last few weeks there are a lot of discussions about the main event of this years Wrestle mania. I've heard a lot of ideas.Some of these ideas are great and others are not - but the fact of the matter is this - what will happen.There are little options to who will be in the title match and those men are:Cena & Punk & Bryan & Orton & Lesnar & Batista {at least I think that these are the guys}.So here in my idea the 4 ideal main event for this year's mania for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship {I know one/two of them are ones that no one have offered}:

1.Daniel Bryan vs Cm Punk..

The match itself:
We have seen this match before and we all know that these two guys can put on a match for the ages.There is only one problem in this match:Is Daniel Bryan ready to be on the main event of Wrestlemania? And this will be a WM that no one will forget it's the 30 anniversary show.Like no one will forget the Triple Threat match at WM 20 or the Stone Cold vs The Rock match at WM 15 - No one will forget this years show.
So do you think he is ready?
I don't know but now when he is in the Wyatt Family there is a chance of him shining in this years mania.

The Buildup:
Daniel Bryan is with the Wyatt Family Until the Royal Rumble.Punk is still in his feud with The Shield - making them brake out of each other.At the Royal Rumble Bryan & Wyatt & Harper are the last three.Wyatt tells them to jump over the top rope.Harper is going over.Then Bryan puts one leg over the ropes and then when Bray looks at the crowd and tells them to shut up {the crowd chants No!No!No!} Bryan returns to the ring and when bray is turning around he hits him with the Running Knee and eliminates him to win the Rumble.In the Elimination Chamber PPV - Bryan puts his WM chance against Wyatt and winning and by that ending his feud with the Wyatt Family.In the EC - Randy Orton {who will retain against Cena at the RR} defends the title against Punk & Lesnar {who as of this last raw is in the hunt for the title} & Batista & Roman Reigns {the shield break continue as Reigns earned a title shot} & another man {not important for the story - it could be a breakout star like Sandow & Ziggler & Barret or a veteran like Jericho & RVD & Sheamus}.
Lesnar is eliminated first after Batista pins him.Then he returns to the ring to attack Batista.Then Reigns pins Batista and eliminates him.Next we have seen the sixth guy eliminated by Reigns who immediately afterwards attacked by the rest of the Shield and then pinned by Orton.Then we left with Punk and Orton and punk winning with the GTS.The next night on Raw Punk retains against Orton in a rematch - to confirm the main event as Punk vs Bryan.

You can use this feud to build a lot of main event caliber feuds with it - Batista vs Lesnar {one of my main event options - but not for the title} , the break of the shield {leading to a triple threat at mania - with/without the US title on the line} & even a randy orton match {you can change the order of elimination a little bit and you can get yourself a Orton/Sheamus match at mania - or even if the build is correct a HHH/Orton match at Mania - which will have a HHH interference in orton's rematch}.

In my opinion it will have 2 problems.The first is that this feud {and it's results} may leave Bray Wyatt without a nice program at mania {Cena will face taker} - but this is a minor problem {you can easily put Wyatt against someone}.The second one is like i've said at the start I don't know if Bryan is ready for this kind of match at Mania - because he was at the mid card at mania all the years.

2.John Cena vs Cm Punk

The match itself:
One of my favorites of all time.Like Bryan/Punk we have seen this one in the past - and we know this is for sure a 5 star match.This two are the 2 biggest guys in the company now {not Bryan} and this is a great main event for WM.

The buildup:
This is a really easy build to do.First you can use their 2011 feud as a basis on this.You can say that Cena wants to defeat Punk once or something like that.
But if I'm looking on it as a new feud this is how I will book it.At the RR - Cena defeats Orton - after a controversy which ends with HHH distracting Orton and let Cena win the title.Of course Punk wins the RR match which will end with him and one member of the shield {I prefer the final four will be Reigns & Punk & Bryan & Wyatt}.The night after on Raw HHH says Cena is indeed the face of the WWE but Cena sayd he won't be with the authority because they won't play with him.This is to get Cena out of the authority side and let him stay a face {I hate him - but he sells merchandise for them so he will not turn heel}.At the EC Punk will have a minor feud with someone - maybe Del Rio or even Sandow - just to go over them to build momentum.In the EC title match the partcipants will be Wyatt & Bryan & Orton & Cena & Reigns & Batista.This one will first start with The Wyatt's attacking batista before the match who starts the match with Bray and gets eliminated quickly - then he gets carried by Harper and Rowan out.As Bray looks at them - Bryan hits the running knee to pin Wyatt.Quickly afterwards Reigns enters and eliminates both Bryan & Orton {after a HHH distraction}.Then Cena and Reigns left and like in the Punk/Bryan idea - Rollins and Ambrose will attack him but this time Cena will hit the FU on Rollins while Reigns spears Ambrose.Then out of no where Cena hits Reigns with the FU to win and retain and to ensure Punk vs Cena at WM.

Punk vs Cena is a sure product.The WWE know's that this 2 will put a great rivalry on.This will help to break the shield,it will build an Orton vs HHH match at Mania and can build a Wyatt Family vs Batista/Bryan/??? at WM.Also it will allow WWE to put on a good rivalry between Taker and Lesnar without no dilemmas {as Batista is feuding with the Wyatt's and Cena with Punk}.

Of course we will lose the Cena vs Taker match but it will worth it.
A big problem will be Batista will return into a mid card match at Mania and I don't think this is what he wants.Of course you can swap him with anyone else out of the Wyatt's program but then I don't know what he will do at Mania.

3.Batista vs Brock Lesnar

The match itself:
This will be a 1st time this 2 will wrestle on PPV.This is just a dream match.Both of them are great - and finally we will know who is the real beast!
Also with Paul Heyman in this program it will be great.

The Build:
Out of the 4 that I'm going to have here this is the hardest to build because Batista is returning only on Jan the 20th.So until then you can have Lesnar attacking pepole to have momentum back.At the RR {if he can with his contract} I will have him face Big E for the IC title - losing by a DQ {I'm sorry for Big E's momentum}.At the RR match you will have someone else winning the rumble,and by someone else I mean to a guy like Roman Reigns or Bray Wyatt.Orton will defeat Cena to retain the title.Then you can have Lesnar attack whomever won the rumble - and demand a match with him at EC for the title chance {he didn't get a place at the title match}.At EC he defeats whom ever it is in a No DQ match after an interference {if it's Reigns from the shield & if it's Wyatt it could be from Punk/Bryan - dependent on who will feud with him at Mania}.In my mind it should be Reigns.Then in the EC title match it will be Orton defending against Batista & Punk & Bryan & Wyatt & Cena & Jericho.First Punk eliminates Wyatt.Then the Wyatt's are getting into the ring attacking Punk which allows Bryan to eliminate him.Then Orton eliminates Jericho with 2 RKO's.Bryan is then eliminated by Orton after a distraction from HHH.Orton then eliminates Cena after some sort of a message from the Undertaker {in the weeks before Cena challenged taker to a match at Mania and taker haven't answered} on the titantron.In the message he says that he will face him at WM.The lights got turned off during the message and when the lights turn on Orton roll ups Cena and eliminates him only to be speared by Batista who wins the title.Then the next night on Raw Orton faces Batista in a rematch which ended with Batista loses via a DQ after Jericho attacks Orton.Then there is a contract signing to make the Lesnar/Batista official with some sort of a No Holds Barred/Street FIght stipulation.

This match will be even in it's prime to about 3/4 matches at mania:HHH vs Bryan & Cena vs The Undertaker & Punk vs Wyatt & a possible Orton vs Jericho match.This could lead to a great WM with a lot to expect.

This will get less focus on 3 main things in this years mania - The young guys {this could be changed if Jericho will be replaced with Ziggler or someone like him} & The break of the shield will take a back seat to those matches & there will be less focus on the WWE World Heavyweight Championship match.

4.Randy Orton vs Cm Punk\

The match itself:
This is another great match {like all of these main events} - but this is the only out of the 4 that actually was on WM {at WM 27 - in my opinion it was the best match on the show - after HHH vs Taker}.So this match proved itself as a mid card match - but could 3 years later it will be a main event?

The Buildup:
Thie is a really easy one.You have Orton retaining at the RR against Cena after losing via a DQ after the Wyatt Family {without Bryan} attacks Cena.Punk wins the rumble - last eliminating Bryan.Then you can have Punk facing Reigns at the EC PPV - and winning after both of them clean house on Ambrose and Rollins who tried to attack them.Then what I will have is Orton defending the title against Ambrose & Cena & Lesnar & Bryan & Wyatt.First you will have Bryan gets eliminated by Wyatt after a distraction from HHH.Then you will have Cena gets eliminated by Wyatt and then returning to the ring attacking Wyatt allowing Lesnar to pin him.After that Lesnar will be eliminated by Orton after a message from the Undertaker {Taker challenges him to a match at mania - but he declines each and every time - like HHH at WM 28}.So the last 2 will be Ambrose and Orton.Then you will have Ambrose gets eliminated by Orton after an attack from Roman Reigns from behind allowing Orton to retain and to make sure the WM main event will be Orton vs Punk.

This will have a lot of feuds build up:The break of the shield & Wyatt vs Cena & Taker vs Lesnar & HHH vs Bryan {also it will build how Bryan will leave the Wyatt's without winning the rumble}.It will get a ton of matches to mania and will make it a good show.

This will leave some big part timers and major full timers without a main feud at mania:Batista & Sheamus & RVD & Jericho {it he returns} and much more are out.But I'm sure they can find something for Batista and then the other 3 will not be on the main event so I hope it won't matter.

So what do you think about it {I know it's a really long post - but I really cut it as I could because those are my main four - but there are much more main events that could be in the show}.Also I didn't took some factors as:Big E's Push & goldberg/Hogan possible returns & Rhodes vs Goldust/Sin Cara vs Mysterio rumored matches & a lot of mid carders whom were left out of the equation.

So vote in the pole & comment because I want to here your opinions!
If I had to guess based simply on the lay of the land right now and what it's expected to look like by the end of this month, I'd say that the WWE World Heavyweight Championship match at WrestleMania XXX will be Randy Orton defending the title against Batista. I'd say that WWE is paying Batista a pretty good chunk of change, so it's natural they'd wanna get the most for their money. However, the far stronger reason I believe it'll be Orton vs. Batista is the timing of Batista's return.

Batista will be back in a WWE ring for the first time in roughly 3.5 years on January 20. His very first match back will be less than a week later as a participant in the Royal Rumble. I simply don't see WWE hyping the crap out of Batista's return, having his first bout be as a Rumble participant and have him lose that match. While it's possible that Orton might drop the title to someone else beforehand, I doubt he will. I'm very solid in my belief, however, that Batista will be in the WWE WHC match at WrestleMania XXX.

As much as many would like to see some variation of an IWC dream match, I don't think it's gonna go down. Batista left because, allegedly, he didn't like the direction the company was going in. Reading between the lines, that always seemed to translate, in my eyes at least, that WWE was interested in pushing younger guys and Batista didn't like the notion of losing his spot. Personally, I don't buy into his explanation of not being crazy about the PG rating as he only started complaining about it when he wasn't being booked as the top dog as much as he once was by late 2009 to early 2010. He seemed to have no problems with WWE being PG so long as he was headlining ppvs wrestling for World Championships. Based on some of the stuff Batista said in interviews that I remember reading, he's someone that believes it's all about the looks rather than the ability as he's put down guys like AJ Styles and CM Punk in the past because of their lack of a Herculean physique. So the notion of someone without a big, muscular build or someone that's generally just a big guy was something he didn't agree with. While he never actually said this, I'd imagine the fact that guys like Punk, Bryan, Jericho, Ziggler, etc. are all FAR better in the ring had something to do with his stance.

Point is, I doubt Batista would agree to return to WWE for what's being reported as a last run that MIGHT last as long as 2 years unless he felt assured that he was very much going to be a top dog. That is, unless his attitude and mindset have changed over the past 3.5 years, which is always possible I suppose.
3 of your 4 matches had cm punk in it? Really? And the only match that didn't have punk was between 2 part timers? Really??

First, the match at Wrestlemania for the WWE Heavyweight title should have Daniel Bryan in it, no matter what.

So, there are a couple of matches I'd see / would like to see happening:

1-Bryan vs Punk vs Cena vs Orton for the title

2-Bryan vs Orton for the title in some stipulation (Bryan finally gets his win)

3-Bryan vs Orton vs Cena for the title

4-Bryan vs Orton vs Batista for the title (Bryan wins rumble, Batista wins elimination chamber number one contender)

5-Bryan vs Lesnar (if Lesnar will have a match before mania, let him win the title and Bryan win the rumble. This really could be a 5 star match, an epic match at wrestlemania)
3 of your 4 matches had cm punk in it? Really? And the only match that didn't have punk was between 2 part timers? Really??

First, the match at Wrestlemania for the WWE Heavyweight title should have Daniel Bryan in it, no matter what.

So, there are a couple of matches I'd see / would like to see happening:

1-Bryan vs Punk vs Cena vs Orton for the title

2-Bryan vs Orton for the title in some stipulation (Bryan finally gets his win)

3-Bryan vs Orton vs Cena for the title

4-Bryan vs Orton vs Batista for the title (Bryan wins rumble, Batista wins elimination chamber number one contender)

5-Bryan vs Lesnar (if Lesnar will have a match before mania, let him win the title and Bryan win the rumble. This really could be a 5 star match, an epic match at wrestlemania)

I understood that when I first publish the post.
I do believe that 3 of the strongest main event options can be the fatal 4 way & the 2 triple threat matches that you offered {at least I wanna see them & the Lesnar/Batista match}.Even though I am realistic here:Bryan vs Orton was seen too much this past year and either batista and of course Cena who faced both Bryan and Orton this year cannot make it more interesting.
About the fatal 4 way - I thought about it but I was still thinking about a way to establish this match {the build} because you have only 3 options to get the ticket to the main event:Champion & RR Winner & EC Winner.
But now when I am looking on it I've found an easy way to establish this and I will add it as a fifth option
I'd like to see something worthy of WM30. Maybe a 5 or 6 way for the title. hey, it's different, it can combine a lot of people, provide an interesting match and have lesser sellers in a title match, and not have to sit through Cena vs Orton, or Cena vs xyz... I wouldn't want to see Bryan or Punk in the main event, especially during a big anniversary year.
I kind of have the feeling Orton will still drop the title to Cena at The Rumble. Orton vs. Batista had never been great matches but good enough to be at WM. I think we will see Cena defend the title at WM against either Bryan or some variation.
It is still very difficult to predict at this stage which is great. Last year it was obvious but I'm glad there are plenty of options. Orton, Cena, Lesnar, Batista, Bryan, Punk, Sheamus are the likely candidates. Even someone like Bray Wyatt, Sandow or Ziggler could possibly feature although unlikely.

Right now I think Orton/Batista is the most likely. With Orton the champ and the return of Batista then I reckon it is an option the WWE will be keen to pair the two. I'm not overly keen on seeing Orton vs Batista. There are so many better options and I don't think Batista warrants a title shot. My first choice would be Taker/Cena and then Orton vs Punk for the belt.

I would also love any combination of Cena/Punk/Lesnar (even a triple threat). Cena beats Orton; Punk wins the RR and Lesnar has already defeated Punk and has proclaimed himself number one contender. A triple threat would be pretty awesome.

I do think Orton vs Batista is going to happen. I really think Orton should be in the match and, if Cena isn't facing Taker, there are few options besides the belt. It means there many options for WM and I'm extremely excited.
2 more options:

5.Cm Punk vs John Cena vs Daniel Bryan vs Randy Orton - Fatal 4 way Elimination match with HHH as the special

The match itself:
I added this because of "TheOneAndOnlyGOAT" and when I looked on his comment I understood that this can be the greatest out of all the options if it is handled correctly.We all know all of these 4 competitors are great in the ring and most of them also on the mic {Orton & Cena & Punk are great Bryan needs a little more time}.So here is my build:

The Buildup:
At the Royal Rumble we will see Randy Orton emerge victorious retaining the title in some sort of a DQ or a Count out lose.At the RR match we see Bryan break from the Wyatt Family in the same sort of way I wrote in the 1st post.So then we have Bryan winning the rumble last eliminating Bray Wyatt.In the EC PPV.We have Bryan facing Wyatt to end their feud and of course defeating him.Note:this match can easily be transformed into a six man tag team match {Maybe inside the chamber} when you can do The Rhodes Brothers and Bryan vs The Wyatts - this way Goldust and Cody can break easily {if they didn't break until EC}.Any way - then we have a rematch between Cena and Orton which we see Cena emerge victorious in a No Holds Barred/No Disqualifcation/Street Fight kind of match.And in the main event of the EC PPV we have an EC match to determinate the No.1 Con. at WM between Punk & Reigns & Ambrose/Rollins & Lesnar & Batista & RyBack.In the match you have first Reigns eliminating Rollins/Ambrose {personally I would like to see Rollins in this match}.Then Batista eliminated RyBack only to get attacked by him and get eliminated by Lesnar.Then Reigns is attacked by Rollins and Ambrose whom return to the chamber and get eliminated by Punk.Then we left with Punk and Lesnar.Lesnar is distracted by a titantron message from the Undertaker which allows Punk to hit him with the GTS and the win.At the Raw after EC both Punk and Bryan say they deserve a match at Mania so they will face Cena in a Triple Threat match.Then Orton came out and said that he deserves a rematch too.HHH came out and said that if he will defeat a rival of his choice tonight he will be at mania.You can have him face a mid carder like Henry/Cesaro and defeat them via a DQ after being attacked by Punk/Bryan.And then finally at the end of the night a contract signing between all 4 as the match is announced to be an elimination match.Then after the contracts have been signed HHH says that there is only one man that can referee the match fairly and that him naming himself as the guest referee.

This is really the match that should be the main event of mania.Those are the 4 biggest Full Timers in this industry now and they should face each other in this milestone event.Also their feud build 2-3 feuds:The Break of the Shield & Taker vs Lesnar & Batista vs RyBack.

The match itself doesn't have any problems.The only problem for me that RyBack will need to face Batista so the last can have a big feud at Mania.If there will be an indifferent good rival for Batista this can be easily a great build up.

6.Randy Orton vs Batista

The match itself:
Another that the earlier post make me wonder about.This can be great - they can use all the evolution stuff they had & the 2008-2009 feuds - and this is indeed 10 years in the making.

The Build:
The build itself is simple Orton holds the title until WM.The RR winner will face Orton at EC losing clean {important} and then you can have Batista winning a No.1 Contenders Elimination Chamber match later on to face Orton.They can have whom ever wins the rumble facing Batista in a match on Raw for his title shot and losing via a Count Out after the man that they will really face at WM will distract them.Later on you can have a contract signing when you can have HHH or even Ric Flair as special referee {continuing to build with the Evolution story}.

By the way the cast that I will choose for this feud will be Punk as a rumble winner and Bryan as his rival {Punk eliminates Bryan to win the rumble}.By that you can have 2 great Main Events at WM.For those you can add Undertaker vs Lesnar and Cena vs Wyatt and you can have a good WM.

Orton didn't main event a WM 5 years since the last big anniversary of Mania - when he lost to HHH.The question is if he still got what it takes because if he is this can main event Mania.
Cena is not winning at the rumble. Orton is going to have the belt until Mania. Cena cannot keep winning the title every pay per view
I clicked Batista vs Brock, personally I most likely wont bother with Mania if that is the World title match unless Cena vs Taker is booked as that will then become the real main event.

I've got nothing against Batista, I thought his last heel run was a lot of fun, but he's 45, was never all that good and was not some mega draw, him waltzing back in to main event possibly the biggest Mania ever is not something I want to see, but if WWE go this route I think it has to be against Lesnar as I don't think Orton vs Batista is big enough, in fact I don't think Orton vs anyone in a singles match is big enough for the main event. If he still has the title come Mania and Brock vs Batista is just going to replace Brock vs Rock as the big secondary main event, then the World title match has to be a multi-man.
The only Main Event that needs to happen is Punk Vs. Bryan.
Ironman match for the WWE title.
These two are just pure wrestling and this match can restore faith in the product; the fans as well.
Many people don't realize just exactly what this match means for the company. These two are the future and WWE needs to treat them as that.
We had a sneak peek of it but we need the real deal. Punk finally gets to main event and Bryan finally gets what he deserves.
Cena and Orton can do something else.
Does anyone here care about the fact that Orton and Batista have faced eachother several times? Like wtf? Let's take two guys who have faced eachother plenty, both of which are not exactly the most exciting on the mic to make the build up to a significant Mania very entertaining. I won't buy Wrestlemania if this happens.

It'd be better to make a list of matches that should NOT happen...

Orton vs Batista (done plenty of times)
Cena vs Batista (been done at Mania)
Cena vs Orton (obviously)
Cena vs Brock (been done before)
Cena vs Bryan (done at SS)
Cena vs Punk (beaten to death)
Orton vs Bryan (beaten to death)
Orton vs Punk (happened at Mania before)
Punk vs Brock (done already)

so to not have repeats like we did last year the only options that make sense would be...

Batista vs Brock (Batista wins rumble, Brock beats Cena/Orton for title...both MMA guys too)

Orton vs Brock (would be tough since Brock will wrestle him or Cena before Mania anyway)

Punk vs Bryan (this is my 2nd choice if Punk vs HBK/ Bryan vs HHH doesn't happen)

Bryan vs Brock (David vs Goliath, what's the difference after all the adversity Bryan has faced ... Basically taken on HHH, HBK, Orton, Shield, and the Wyatt's alone already)

Punk vs Batista (unlikely given that Batista will probably be a face)

Bryan vs Batista (same as above unless Batista comes in as a heel)

These of course are the only title matches possible that make sense and haven't been done before (even though I believe Punk vs Bryan happened on a Raw a while back)
Instead of the Single 'One on One' bout that usually are the match types at WM, I wouldn't mind a Fatal Four Way between Orton (c), Cena, Bryan & Punk with just a pure and simple build up of 'being the man' as WWEWHC Champion. When the dust settles, Bryan wins and has a lengthy reign. #YES!

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