Wrestlemania: Hits and Misses

TJ Matics

It was never the same.
I was watching the Wrestlemania 22 DVD yesterday,
Which was a pretty sweet WM BTW,

And you know how the wrap up the build for the matches in a nice little Video Package,
The best build ups for me was the:

McMahon vs HBK feud,
*The match, IMO, was good and met expectations
From Spirit Squad showing Up,
Shane joining the Kiss my Ass club,
Shane handcuffed, mocked, and beat w/ the stick,
Shawn off the tallest ladder I've ever seen,
To Mr. Mcmahon on a stretcher,
Middle figure raised high

& The MJvsTrish feud,
This match was OK,
didn't meet expectations IMO,
There were certainly better matches in the MJvsTrish feud,

Though I can't discount the torch being passed to Mickie for her first Womens Championship,
+ The Vagina grab

So all this got me wondering?

What was you favorite WM Buil-Up?

What match do feel had the best Build-Up and didn't meet the expectations?

What match do you feel had the best Build-Up and met, or passed there expectations?

We all know the HHHvsRKO was the best build up we've had in a while,
& We know the match was dissappointing at best,
So this is NOT an option
Perhaps the best match was WM 19: Rock v Austin. They were both LEGENDARY in their own right as opposed to WM 17 or 15 where Rock was green. Everyone knew this was thier final match, and this is one match where they had no character. Even if he was a heel people cheered and Stone Cold was well...Stone Cold. It was quite a match too, three rock bottoms and the ending was fantastic as well. Perhaps the best modern era match we've seen. Best trash talking by far.
Perhaps, my favorite would be Wrestlemania X-Seven. This Mania had the buildups, matches and everything a wrestling fan could ask for!! But however there were disappointments. The HHH-Undertaker match had an awesome buildup with an awesome match!! There were times where I though HHH was going to win but of course... Taker wins!! The Austin-Rock had a good buildup and the match wasn't as good as their other 3 WM matches but it certainly exceeded expectations!! How many of us expected Stone Cold to brutally batter The Rock with a chair and join forces with Vince McMahon and make the arguably the best heel turn in history?? Not me!! But however... The best buildup with the worst match would have to be Kane vs Big Show vs Raven for the Hardcore championship. Leading up to WM, we saw Kane standing by Taker's side the whole time!! Whether Kane was chasing after Stephanie due to Taker's restraining order or Kane hoisting Stephanie up over the rafters, threatening to drop her if Taker didn't get his match with HHH. I figured Kane would've gotten a better match but no, he was in a triple threat match with Big Show and Raven!! But I'm not gonna lie, that was a pretty entertaining match...
I think the biggest hyped wrestlemania match that delivered on the hype was the main event to wrestlemania 1. I know if you were to watch the match today everyone would disagree with me but you have to realize this was the first really big match that was hyped like crazy. The entire entertainment world was talking about wrestlmania. When Roddy Piper kicked Cyndi Lauper, the entire country wanted to see him get killed by Hulk Hogan. In 1985 this match was HUGE and I think just about everybody in 1985 would tell you they loved the match. There have been several big time hyped matches since then but I don't think anything can match the excitement of the first one.

There should be little debate about what was the biggest miss in mania history. That honor goes to Goldberg and Brock Lesnar. What made me want to see this match was the fact that I didn't have an idea going in who was going to win. Too often anymore you can go down the card and predict the winners with pretty good accuracy, but this match was different. And then they put on the worst match in mania history in my opinion. Truly awful.
I loved the build up for both HBK/Undertaker WM matches...and those matches really lived up to the hype. Amazing matches. But I think the best buildup was for the WM 12 HBK/Bret Hart Ironman match. There was alot of emotion involved in the build up for this match since being the champ was HBK's "boyhood dream" and all. Plus both of them were faces and beloved by the fans which was really cool. Plus this match is a classic and one of my personal all time favorites!
One big miss for me was Austin vs. Rock for the first time at WM15. I thought this was a terrible match. Let me summarize every main event from 1999 for you; especially if Rock was involved. The match starts with a lot of punching and brawling. It goes to the outside where the guard rail, stairs, and ring post are used. They end up in the crowd for a little while for some more punching. Eventually they brawl up the aisle and fight by the entrance for way too long. Ocassionally the set design provides extra things to get thrown into. They come back toward the ring for a quick table spot before finally get back in after about 15 minutes and go for the finish. That was WM15 and pretty much every main event in 1999. I hate that style and the poor main event is one reason WM15 is probably the worst of all time.
One big miss for me was Austin vs. Rock for the first time at WM15. I thought this was a terrible match. Let me summarize every main event from 1999 for you; especially if Rock was involved. The match starts with a lot of punching and brawling. It goes to the outside where the guard rail, stairs, and ring post are used. They end up in the crowd for a little while for some more punching. Eventually they brawl up the aisle and fight by the entrance for way too long. Ocassionally the set design provides extra things to get thrown into. They come back toward the ring for a quick table spot before finally get back in after about 15 minutes and go for the finish. That was WM15 and pretty much every main event in 1999. I hate that style and the poor main event is one reason WM15 is probably the worst of all time.

Very 1999 style of main event, and yes Rock/Austin I sucked, I always thought their IYH DX December 1997 PPV was better then Wrestlemania 15, I think most of the Wrestlemania's fail to live up to the hype, some are way over hyped and fall short some have very few matches and fail in that sense, the way I see look at it is don't get hyped for the show just enjoy it like you would ANY OTHER show and you'll enjoy it more then having you expectations fall.
The biggest build up by far was the WM X7 HHH vs Taker. They had it all. The match was a close 5 star. The worst I would have to say was at WM XIX with Big Show and A-Train s Taker. It was god awful. I couldn't even watch the match without getting bored.

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