Five Star Expectations That Didn't Live Up

I think the nWo arrival in the WWE in 2002 had the potential to be something special. Fans were obviously going crazy for the fact that Hulk Hogan, Kevin Nash and Scott Hall were returning to the company after so many years away, and that Vince was actually bringing in the most dominant faction in WWE history- the "poison" of the nWo in order to destroy his own company.

It was obvious that the guys would get cheered at first as the fans were so happy to hear them, as Hogan was vs The Rock at WM, but Vince obviously got cold feet and felt the need to turn Hogan face immediately after, therefore taking the biggest name out of the nWo. Nash could have led the faction by himself but injuries to him and Scott Hall just being his usual drunken self completely killed the momentum of the faction.

Adding X-Pac and maybe even Big Show made sense, but bringing Shawn Michaels and Booker T in just didnt work and the nWo ended up just being a worthless group of WWE wrestlers, rather than the WCW invaders it was meant to be.

It haad the potential to be a huge storyline. I would have given the nWo the World Title (they put the belt on Hogan as a face quickly, so a heel Hogan with the title would have worked), made Nash and Hall the tag team champions and let the nWo take over either Raw or Smackdown, making it nWo Smackdown for a while and going even further than WCW did with the faction. It would have been great TV to see Vince realising that he had made a mistake in bringing in the nWo and that they had got out of control, so he ends up turning face and trying to stop them.

But, sadly this never happened and the nWo just died quietly which was a pathetic end to what could have been a great storyline. We didnt even get to have a DX vs nWo feud, or all the Kliq members in the ring together. It was pointless
The Kennel from Hell match between Al Snow and Big Bossman. I think on paper this looked like a really good match. The brutality of the Hell in a Cell combined with a cage match. Then surround the part between the cages with attack dogs. I don't think it had 5 star potential but it could have been good atleast. I remember when they announced this match and wanted to see it. I'm glad I couldn't order the PPV because I would have seen this match and realized it was utter shit. I don't think they really even talked about it the next night on RAW because it was just that bad. They said who won and that was it. No highlights or anything. I remember reading somewhere that JR kindof said the same thing I said. It looked good on paper but the problem is that the "attack dogs" can't actually attack anyone. Plus all the did was piss, shit and hump. I'm not sure if anybody agrees with me or if everybody else saw this match for the shit match ahead of time that it was going to be. Not sure if they would have put anybody else in the match if it would have been any better. I know they tried to recreate this match in a similar fashion with the Punjabi Prison Match and that's another one that looked good on paper but both matches are really nothing spectacular. Well that's my two sense. Take it for what it's worth.

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